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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 10: A Day At The Fair (The Fraternal Order Of The Raven)

Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 10: A Day At The Fair (The Fraternal Order Of The Raven)

Head inside and through to the first room that is not poorly lit. You will see a statue to John Wilkes Booth. Head over to the left of that and into the room there. There are a number of men in here who will rise and attack Booker after he comes into the room. Take them down then head for the bar. Look behind the bar counter and you will find a Voxophone from Zachary Comstock, “The Gift Of Emancipation”. Head back through the doorway and go across to the other room. Explore it for the Silver Eagles then once again return to the statue of Booth. Head on up the stairs behind him. This will give you a great view of the congregation below as they listen to the man who has Ravens swirling around him.

Booker can listen in if he cares to. Still, you eventually want to lob some fire balls down into the group below then turn and face the stairs. You need to fight through all the Zealots that will be charging you. They will just keep coming until they are all dead. Careful use of Possession and Devil's Kiss works wonders here. Keep to the upper floor as it offers better cover than anything below.

When the final attacker has fallen start looting. Begin with the bodies upstairs then work your way down to the level below. Where the congregation was look among the seats to find another Voxophone from Zachery Comstock, “The Lie of The Emancipator”. Grab it then turn to the stage. On the stage you will find your first infusion. Just look on the podium to find not only the Infusion but a Key. This key will open the locked chest you found in the Lansdowne Residence a short ways back. When you grab the Infusion you can increase your Health, Shield Capacity or your Salts Capacity. Choose whichever you have been having the most trouble with (health is recommended for the first bit).

With the key in hand it is time to go open up that chest inside the Lansdowne Residence. Head back outside from this room. Once there head back into the Montgomery Residence that you passed through. Getting back there is simple. Head back across the plaza favoring the right-hand side. You will likely have to fight through the Founders again but at least you do not have to destroy the Gun Automaton a second time. Once inside the Montgomery Residence head over to the right then turn to the left when you get to the Printing Presses. From there you should have little trouble getting to the patio in the back of the house.

When on the patio turn to the left and go for the freight hook you can see suspended over to the left. Grab onto it and head to the rooftop just beyond it. Walk through the skylight and you will drop into the Lansdowne Residence once again. Head on down the stairs to the bedroom below and open the chest. You will find a second infusion that you can drink along with some restoratives.

Head back to the Fraternal Order Of The Raven after and return to where you fought all those men. Head down to the lower level and go over to the right then head over to the left and go into the elevator. Head around the divide, stopping at the Dollar Bill Machine if you need Health/Salts/Ammo then go through the double doors. You will find a projector playing a movie on a large round table. Look around this room to find the bookcase against the wall. It is on the far side of the room. Push it aside to find a hidden room. Search the cell to the left for the tool box then open up the gear box that is straight across from the door. What it contains is a mystery until you do as it is randomized in each playthrough. Equip the gear if you like what it does and go on from there.

Head over to the small room to the left where you will find a pair of desk. Check the far back one for the Voxophone from the First Zealot, “Symbols Of Our Lady”. After that press on deeper into the building by heading up the stairs to the right of the projection.