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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 11: A Day At The Fair (The Fraternal Order Of The Raven to Gondola Station)

Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 11 – A Day At The Fair (The Fraternal Order Of The Raven to Gondola Station)

Head on up the stairs from the room with the projection. You will come across a man being tortured. Booker will break through the door just after the man is killed and see the Zealot of the Lady vanish. Just head on forward, grabbing the Salts Phial if needed and enter their Aviary. All things considered that was a bad choice.

Zealot Of The Lady
Health: 2356, Ranged Damage: N/A, Melee Damage: 532, Special Damage: N/A, Special Attack: N/A

The Zealots are a different bunch from the rest you will be encountering. Reload your weapons and get ready for something of a pitched battle. Honestly, if done right it is pretty simple. First, arm yourself with Devil's Kiss. Get it charged so it becomes a trap. Plant it on the ground and then create a second trap, just be to sure. Head back to the first move and move carefully around it. This should lure the Zealot Of The Lady over into it, igniting him. While he burns, pulls out your machine gun and unload on him. With some luck you will take him down before he recovers. If not then head for the second trap and repeat. Usually 2 will do the trick without much difficulty at all.

If you are out of Salts when fighting this fellow them it is much more like the first impression. Take cover and move carefully when you hear the murder of crows coming for you. The Zealot cannot materialize on you but he can do some nasty damage if he gets close enough. Just move to have him from nearby you and unload on him with the machine gun. Just keep it up as you gun down his aides.

When the Zealot Of The Lady goes down you will be confronted with another problem: his minions. These Founders will rush you and shoot at you. Just find cover and take them down. There are a few Salt Phials scattered throughout the area as well. Keep that in mind as you move around. It makes maintaining your Vigors that much easier.

With the fight over and the stragglers dealt with head on up the stairs. Make the first first turn you can to come across a broken vending machine. To the left of it you will find another Gear Box. Grab its contents, a Burning Halo Hat, then head forward through the door ahead.

You are back outside. Head over to the left to find some money and a Health kit, if needed. You can also jump over to the nearby barge and go to its bow to find a Telescope. It lets you get a nice view of the entrance to the Gondola Station.. Once you have those things in hand go over to the right and head for the nearby freight hook. Use the Sky-Hook to quickly get out to it. Cross 2 hooks and pause at the house you arrive at. Take some time to search the balcony for the basket and other goodies found there. Next go into the house itself. Loot the kitchen's trashcans for goods then go down the stairs. At the base of the stairs go over to the left to find a desk where you can get a number more Silver Eagles. You will hear a woman talking with a Policeman who is describing someone. You can kill the Policeman but be careful not to get any of the innocents in this area. There are 2 more Policemen in this house. Kill them, loot the bodies then head back up the stairs to the balcony you initially landed on. Go over to the right and use the Sky-Hook to grab onto the freight hook. Cross over to the entrance of the Gondola Station from there. As you land be sure to take out the Founder there. Just after that you have another Founder or two to deal with. Kill them and make your way up the stairs and into the station.