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Will Buccaneers & Lobsters Become A Stable In The Classroom As Well As The Gaming World?

I think everyone was surprised how well the game took off and there where many who doubted that it would ever happen.
A game targeting 7-11 year old boys and girls who aren’t 3D gamers the game includes many fun sounding missions such as “Who wants to be a Buccaneer?” a game where you can win 1,000,000 gold pieces for doing well in the game, and games within the sub context such as “the Generation Game,” it must be popular and fun given 25,000 people a day are visiting the site and this is growing every day.

It was announced in December of last year that the game will be developing into an education vessel for key Stage Two, including homework and testing facilities while expanding into a full Virtual Learning Environment.
The question is not now if the game will be a success but if the new focus purely on 7-11 year olds will work. As any web master will know it is very difficult to get the age demographic of a site down to a tea and what if Buccaneers & Lobsters doesn’t indeed exclusively appeal to children.

It’s said those who sign up to the game before February 14th 2011 will get automatic free access to the new features for the first 3 months after which the trial will end and mainly schools will be asked to pay for the product.
Often transferring to the next academic college after primary school in the UK, or kinder garden in the USA is a critical time for the child and there is some evidence in the initial test sample of schools that grades are improved and that traditionally hard to reach users are now more engaged.

The Next question is just how many people actually play Buccaneers & Lobsters as a game. It is in the top 100,000 sites in the world top 17,000 in the US and top 36,000 in the UK and yet the figures would suggest that players spend a total of four minutes on the site.

The addition of other revenue models such as advertising would lend us to believe that Buccaneers & Lobsters has significant traffic indeed given the numbers needed to generate any revenue in this manner.
It has been suggested by Buccaneers & Lobsters that other revenue models will evolve into the future and you have to feel a sense that it could be a completely new concept that comes in to fill that space.

The multiplayer aspect of the game has been refined with school children within a given class being the only ones who can converse to other children, while other players can talk to anyone.

Overall there will be many who are jealous of an 11 year old boy who can have his own computer game, but this said no one can deny his effort or tenacity at 11, to keep this focus on this effort and continue its expansion.
Keep watching this space!