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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 49: Family Reunion (Harmony Lane to Memorial Gardens)

Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 49: Family Reunion (Harmony Lane to Memorial Gardens)

Head over to the right from the bridge and into the first building on the right. There is nothing much of interest on the first floor. Go to the right and take the stairs down to the cellar. Here you will find 2 Vox drinking. Take them out quickly. After that head forward from the stairs and look carefully around the right-hand side of the alcove. You will find a Voxophone: Lady Comstock “Beyond Redemption”. Just look around the table on the right if you have a lot of trouble finding. Head on up and out of this little bar after that.

Now head across the way and over to the second door on the left. You will find it is locked (3 picks). Have Elizabeth open it. A civilian will attack you shortly after the door opens. Take care of him and search the lower area for loot. After that go on up the stairs and over to the left to find a Gear Box. After that just leave the house and head down the path. Look for the stairs going up the right. Take them up to reach Downtown Emporia.

As you enter this area it should be very clear that the Founders and Vox are in a pitched battle. Start by opening up the tear that yields the Gun Automaton then move forward. There are plenty of Vox and Founders to deal with so do not worry about that Automaton too much. Instead go forward and find the Fireman and the Motorized Patriot fighting it out. Pick them off with your rifle and then turn your attention to the rest of them. If you are taking a lot of damage remember to use Return to Sender to block the incoming attacks or to collect the bullets and then hurl a lump of damage at something.

If you are having a lot of trouble with the Vox and Founders here then look above for the balconies. From here you will have little trouble with cover and getting a good angle with a Sniper Rifle if that is your style. Once the area is clear you can search it for the loot but be sure to explore the side opposite the “Duke And Dim-Wit Revue” to find a locked up shop (3 picks). Go inside the shop to find a Gear Box. To the right, on the counter, you will find a Voxophone: Zacheray Comstock “The True Color Of My Skin”.

With those 2 items collect head forward and over to the left toward the Memorial Gardens. Search the bodies as the area is nice and calm. Be sure to find the Voxophone on the right-hand side of the statue of the kneeling Lady Comstock: Constance Field “Pen Pal”.. After all of that head over to the gate and interact with it. Elizabeth will try to get in but the gate will not open to her even though it seems to think it she is her mother. Elizabeth gets the idea to go pay her respects to her mother. Head on over to the right and on out of the Memorial Gardens.

Head on through the archway and look along the left-hand railing to find a Telescope. Now press forward and go into the first shop you can on the left. Look behind the cash register counter to find a Silver Eagle Bag and a Lockpick. From there just head on forward to the right into the graveyard: Memorial Gardens.

Before you make for Lady Comstock's tomb head over to the right of it. Look for the one open air crypt that has a gate. The gate will not yield until you light the 2 torches on its sides with Devil's Kiss. After that go over to the right and grab the gear. After that it is time to deal with Lady Comstock's tomb.