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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 48: Family Reunion (Emporia Thoroughfare to Harmony Lane)

Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 48: Family Reunion (Emporia Thoroughfare to Harmony Lane)

As you travel up the elevator you will see the Vox descending on Columbia causing all kinds of havoc. A missile will impact on the elevator and break it. Look out the window and below to find a Sky-Line. Hop onto it immediately and then ride it over to solid ground. It is time after that to deal with all the Vox that are in the area.

Start by using the Sky-Lines to get up onto the barges or get a better shot at them from the rooftops. Move around and use Undertow to quickly clear them with only a burst or two. Follow that up with return fire to finish off anything you missed. Now look around and find the tear that brings in the Mosquito. Use it to get some aid in this somewhat difficult fight.

You know you are doing well when Elizabeth starts to call out Flak Cannons and the One Handyman who comes in. This one, strangely, does not drop a Gear Box unlike the others. After that just rest on the roof and wait for the next set of Vox to come after you. There are quite a few to deal with. Once you have the roof clear there are only a few stragglers that can easily be dealt with.

When the Vox have been cleared out look around, from the roof, to find the Vending Machines. Do not head for them. Instead hop onto the Sky-Line that will lead to the balcony above them. Ride it over to that balcony and jump onto it. Search the area and you will find a locked door (3 picks). Have Elizabeth open the door an head on through. Just in front of you, between the crates, is a Voxophone: Rosalind Lutece “A City, Suspended”. Take some time to search the rest of this area to find a Handcannon, Heater and ammo for both. After that then you want to drop down to the level below and investigate the new stock available in the vending machines. After all that head over to the left of the vending machines and look for the gate. Ask Elizabeth to pick the lock to get on through to the main part of Downtown Emporia.

Once through the gate head on over to the right. Go over to the far boxes at the end of the hall. Look at the boxes on the right-hand side of the hall. Look for the RPG Ammo and look behind it to find a Lockpick. If you missed the hidden room in the Salty Oyster look in the crates to find another bottle of Return to Sender. Continue on over to the left after you have grabbed the Lockpick (and Return to Sender if you missed it earlier). Now head over to the Vending Machines in case you did not hit the ones out in the thoroughfare. Head on up the stairs from the vending machines to get back into combat.

Immediately look to the right and find the tear with the Sniper Rifles. Dash over to the planter and switch out one of your weapons for a Sniper Rifle. There are 4 Vox Snipers you need to deal with in this area if you want o move through it safely. The first one is just ahead to the left of the sign up on the roof's ledge. The next 2 are not too hard to find. The second one is just to the right of the first one, hanging around where the Cover Tear is. The Third one is on the building ahead just to the left of your planter. The final Sniper is on the building in front of you on the very top of the roof. Take cover after taking out the second 2 so he cannot get a free shot in on you.

After the Sniping, hold onto the rifle for a little, there will another occasion to use it soon enough. For now though it is time to explore the area. Head over to the left and look for the stairs that lead underneath the bridge. Go down them and find the vial of Salts. Behind them you will find another Lockpick. Grab those and head on up and go underneath the sign for Harmony Lane.