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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 50: Family Reunion (Memorial Gardens: Siren Fight)

Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 50: Family Reunion (Memorial Gardens: Siren Fight)

Head over to the tomb. Use the tear in front of the gate to create a lock that Elizabeth can pick. After that open the gate and approach the coffin. Go to the far side to find the padlock. Interact with it to begin the next part. Comstock had a trap here! He summons up the ghost, a specter of Lady Comstock!

Health: 15994, Ranged: N/a, Melee: 985, Special Attack/Damage: N/A

The Siren is a very different kind of foe. While she can do melee damage she much prefers to summon up the dead and send them after Booker. 4 raised Founders poses a lot more of a direct threat then the Siren herself does. She will only approach Booker when there is little other choice. While she does good damage, it is not too likely to outright kill Booker on other.

When the battle starts immediately start the Siren and blast her while she is summoning the first round of Zombies. Hit them with Murder of Crows or Bucking Bronco to buy yourself some time. Use this to either distract the soldiers so you can fire on them or augment your ease of taking them out. For this fight be sure you have something to distract a good number of Founders as well as Devil's Kiss.

As the Siren moves around, aim and fire on her. She is easiest to target and hit when she is summoning up her minions. Using Crows with the Trap augment you will not have much trouble keeping her in a loop of summoning to hit her repeatedly. Keep closer if you are using a Shotgun to avoid losing too much damage to the scatter that happens. It is important to take her down as the horde

As the battle progresses the Siren will make her way around the graveyard. Search around the corpses that have fallen if you need more ammo. Otherwise try to focus as much of your firepower onto the Siren as you can. If things look really bad look underneath the walkway to find some Medical Kits. If you get low on Salts then just poke around the graveyard some.

When the fight wraps up, some strange things happen. For one you will see ghostly footprints. The other is the Lutece Twins make an appearance, digging their own graves. They talk of being both alive and dead, a strange state of being. This is also the state that Lady Comstock has found herself in and she dislikes it very much. Follow the footsteps but head on over to the left and search around for the Lutece Twins.

The Lutece twins will make another appearance. They explain that there is a way to get Lady Comstock to aid Booker and Elizabeth. They need to find 3 pieces of evidence that, in this particular reality, Comstock has destroyed. They hint very strongly that Elizabeth is the key to them getting this evidence and securing the aid of the Lady.