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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough – Sidequests Part 3: Predator's Path

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough – Sidequests Part 3: Predator's Path

Unique Horn Dragon (Garrison X:465.6, Y:334.6)
There is a dragon with a horn. It is magical. Time to kill it. Head to the North, bearing slightly West out of the originating Garrison. Just head on up the nearby mountainside. As you reach the top you will find the Horned Dragon you are looking for. Unlike any other hunting mission you are free to use whatever is necessary to take this dragon down. The Shotgun (especially if it is quad-barrel) is a great thing to have for this mission.

Blood Dragons are a tough kill under the best of circumstances. They are immune to fire, but have very poor eyesight making it quite possible to sneak by them at times. You can use this to your advantage to set up mines and C400 to take a huge chunk of the dragon's health out. After that Rex will need to run around the whole of the area to avoid the dragon's laser blast and its teeth. It is a tough fight but very doable though it may take a try or two.

He's Not Heavy. He's Big Boned(Garrison X:465.6, Y:334.6)
Time to hunt and kill an Elite Omega Heavy Soldier. Head on out of the garrison and to the Northeast along the road. You will shortly arrive at the gearing up location. There you will find your weapon for this hunting mission: The Shotgun. If your shotgun has been ungraded a few times then it will not be much of a problem. The quad barrel especially is good at blowing things away quickly.

Once you have your shotgun and have loaded up on ammo, head over to the East. You will see a shielded area and that has your target inside it. Sneak up into the area and look around. Outside you will find a Single Heavy with 3 Cyber-Soldiers down the slope from him. Rex's target is inside the one building inside the shield. There is also a Sniper inside that building. You can get around behind the building easily enough using the various bushes in the area. You will just need to be sure to kill off the other Heavy before you start toward the building. This makes your life a lot easier.

Turtle Killer (Garrison X:523.1, Y:368.8)
You will need to head into the sewers beneath this garrison and search out these turtles. Head  to the marker on the Southwestern side of the garrison. Drop down into the hole and it is time to start exploring the sewers. Head forward to the first junction then over to the left. Look to the left and you will see the first of the turtles. Head over to the right, moving toward the wall you saw the turtle behind. Go through the small opening but do so carefully. Once you emerge in front of the turtle it will roll an explosive barrel down at you. Fro mthere just head on up to it and slash it to death.

Head back through the pipe then turn strife over to the right and go through the next pipe. Move carefully toward the exit as something will launch a burst of flame at you. Back up, wait for the fire to subside then move in quickly and head over to the left. You will find the second turtle there. Dive into the nearby pool of water, turn to the North and head into the pipe to your right. Exit out the far end to find turtle number 3. Before you can get very close to it you will be attacked by a Robo-Croc. Kill that then head up the slope toward the turtle.

Time to backtrack to the West to find the final turtle. Head South through the pipe you just came through then turn to the West and head forward. Once you are all the way to the West you will find yourself in a room with electrified water. Use running jumps to navigate the room over to the controls and to find the final turtle. Kill it and be done with this quest.

Mind The Teeth
This is the final Predator's Path Quest. You are sent after a Cyber Shark called Brody. Head to the North from the Garrison and swim/boat over to the gear up point.

When you get to the location you will find Rex on a beached and partially destroyed boat. Head to the bow of the ship to learn just what weapon you are using on the shark. The answer is grenades. You can practice some with the sharks that around the area to begin with. When you have the hang of it, head over to the left-hand side of the boat and use your Cyber-eye to track down the target shark. Once you have it  sight it is time to lob a grenade or 3 at it and watch them explode and the shark go down.

The best thing to do for this quest is cook the grenade for about 3 beeps then lob it at the shark. It can take a few grenades to get right but there is no lack of them on the bow (you should get a total of 9-18 to work with).