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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 27 – Garrison Liberation Part 7

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 27 – Garrison Liberation Part 7

Garrison (X:604.2, Y:386.3)
This is the final garrison to cover in this series. It is found to the Southeastern corner of the map so be ready to travel a little to get there. The garrison itself is much larger than the others as well. You have a good number of soldiesr to deal with here.

Taking it Over:
Head to the Southern end of the island and sneak up onto the beach. Creep toward the garrison to the North through the bushes. Pause in the bushes just before it breaks to cement. Wait for the charger patrolling the area to pass by. Take him down and pull the body into the bushes. If he does not go by shortly after you get there start up the ramp in front of you to the right.

There is a Sniper to your right that will be next. Quietly take him down then turn around and look over to the compound itself and below you. Below are 2 Cyber-Soldiers. Wait for them to get close them together then kill them with a Dual Death From Above Takedown. If you did not get the Charger, then this is the time to kill him.

With that first part done, you have the rest of the garrison to deal with. Climb back up to where the Sniper was and use that position to mark the various threats in the next portion. This northern part has 2 Heavies, 4 Soldiers, 1 Charger and 1 Sniper. 1 Heavy patrols just North of your position near the alarm. Drop down and head into the bushes when he moves away from it. Throw some dice past him and he will turn to investigate. Move in behind him and take him down. After that disable the alarm which he started by. At that point you are free to just kill the rest of them however you choose.

To continue on properly through, head over to the right You will find the Charger and a Soldier watching this area. Kill the charger when he gets close then pick off the soldier. After that move North and start upwards. This will lead you directly to some stairs. Take those all the way up to find the Sniper. Take him out then press on over to the left. You have the final Heavy patrolling and 1 more Soldier.

When you liberate this outpost you will be given the Predator's Path quest “Mind The Teeth.”