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Rift Crafting Pointers | Beginners Rift Crafting Guide

This beginners Rift crafting guide will explain the major points of Rift crafting. Before choosing your professions in Rift you should think about which professions require materials from the different gathering professions. This will help you skill faster by enabling you to pair up your professions correctly.

Out of the nine Rift crafting profession requires raw materials to craft items and skill up expect the three gathering skills. The gathering skills are butchering, foraging, and mining. The gathering professions in Rift allow you to harvest nodes to gain raw materials. These nodes are located throughout the killing grounds.

Three more crafting skill require items from two of the gathering professions. A beginner will really want to take this into consideration. If you can not gather your raw materials you will have to buy them from the auction house. Buying crafting materials from the auction house can get expensive really quickly. The three skills which require two gathering professions are Armorsmith, Weaponsmith, and Artificer.

For Armorsmith you will want to pick the butchering and mining gathering skills. Weaponsmiths will want to choose the foraging and mining professions. Artificers will require items gathered using the mining and foraging. There are two professions which fall out of the norm. These are Runecrafting and Outfiter. The Outfiter class is different because it only requires materials found in butchering. Runecrafting gets it's raw materials from a skill called Runebrake. You receive the Runebrake skill when you first train in Runecrafting.

This Beginner Rift Crafting Guide suggests that beginners try taking one of these: Armorsmith, Weaonsmith, or Artificer and then also grabbing up the two corresponding gathering professions to go with it. Alternatively you can choose outfitter, butchering, and runecrafting. Remember you only get three crafting profession choices.

Once you have chosen your paths and have progressed a bit you will want to make sure you are keeping up with your crafting daily quests. These quests are offered in the crafting area of major cities. They will require you to make a certain number of crafted items and to turn them in at another location. Each time you complete one of these daily quests you will receive a token which can be exchanged for rare recipes. You will also receive a package containing a few raw materials.

This Beginner Rift Crafting Guide has only touched on the outlines of the Rift crafting system. You should look for individual guides to your professions. A Rift foraging guide or Rift runecrafting guide will give you specific information on your chosen profession.