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Watch Dogs: Backseat Driver – find the fugitive, escape undetected


Objective: Reach the West Island for the driving contract, reach the fugitive undetected

Head over to your next mission waypoint, take a car and head over to the next marker. As you begin to approach the police will being to pursue the individual. You need to make your way to the person you’re picking up but avoid entering the yellow circles on the map, so don’t take a direct route. If you find yourself in a circle put you foot down and get out of there.

As you get closer to the individual a yellow circle will appear. got out of there and circle back around again, where the circle will reappear. This time you can reach the garage and hack it with time to spare.

Objective: Escape the lockdown area undetected

Drive out of the garage and turn right until you’re on the main street, then follow the police car left but don’t get too close. When the cops turn right you turn left then left again at the intersection where you’ll be behind a blockade. As you approach the blockade turn right and the path should be clear.

Objective: Deliver the fugitive and avoid all detection

Mark the waypoint on your GPS and drive carefully to the next destination without being detected by the police.

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