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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough – Sidequests Part 4: Hostage Rescue

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough – Sidequests Part 4: Hostage Rescue

Save a Nerd – Part Deux (Garrison X:437.1, Y:506.1)
There are a few ways to handle this one. Omega force has taken over a dock and is holding their hostage in there. For the run and gun approach, it is to approach from the East and just directly engage the forces, slaughtering your way through with grim efficiency. There are 4 Cyber-Soldiers and 1 Cyber Heavy to deal with in this area.

For those who want a quieter approach, get without 130 meters of the quest area and then jump into the water and swim the rest. Get past the dock and piping and pull yourself up onto the small beach just beyond them. From there sneak up the slope. You can easily see all 4 members of Omega Force here, just be sure to look to the right to find the fourth. Move to the right and slip over  the wall then cut back to the left and press up against the wall of the facility. Watch the Soldiers for the minute and you will spot a way to easily just stealth kill each one. The one inside the building needs to be lured out using dice so throw a few. After that it is just mop up to kill the Heavy and the final soldier.

Baiting The Hostage (Garrison X:415.5, Y:364.7)
Head to the Northeast from the Garrison and you will find the search area for the quest. This nerd is guarded by 2 Flamer Units and 6 soldiers. With some careful work you can move in from the river that runs past the search area and start up the slope from the Northeast. Moving Southwest into the search are you will find it is a bit easier to pick off the various Soldiers from their location and quickly move to the defense of the Nerd if you are spotted and people start shooting at him.

Everyone's On A Boat (Garrison X:523.1, Y:368.8)
Head South of the Garrison and grab yourself either a boat or a jetski. Zip out close to the boat then ditch into the water and close the remaining distance beneath the surface. Approach the boast from the Southeast. You will find 1 Soldier standing guard by this entry point. Get him with a ledge kill then slip onto the boat. Duck behind the crates and move over to the right to quickly mark the 3 Soldiers on the right-hand side of the boat. Be sure to also tag the Sniper that is right in front of you. Look down the left-hand side and you will be able to tag the single Heavy that is at the bow of the ship. Climb up onto the cargo container at the stern and duck down after that. Wait for the patrolling soldier to move in and then give him with a Death From Above Takedown. Now head for the front of the ship. Wait for the Heavy and the Soldier to move down onto the bow. Quickly head up the stairs in the center of the ship and take down the 2 snipers on the roof. After that just deal with the 3 soldiers and the Heavy however you deem needed.

Life's A Beach(Garrison X:604.2, Y:386.3)
Acquire this mission from the Sub Dock Garrison and head to the West. You will find the small dock that Omega force has taken over to hold this hostage. Look around to get a good idea of the situation. There are 4 Soldiers, 2 Snipers and a Flamer on this dock. The hostage is inside the building at the end of the dock.

Approach the dock from the water and come up on the ledge to the Southwest. You can get a Death From Below kill on the guard there and slip up onto the dock at that point. Move over to the right to duck out of sight for a minute and assess where the rest of Omega force is. When you know, move in on the Sniper. From there things are likely to escalate quickly. Try to get a takedown on the Flamer then deal with the remaining forces.