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Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 25 – The Mission: Change Of Plans, Heavy Equipment

Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 26 – The Mission: Change Of Plans, Heavy Equipment

Change Of Plans
First, before talking with Trevor take some time to go around the mission and collect all the mines you can. Also, if you have not already, take some time to get all the fencing up. If you have not completed “Electrifying” and “Mines Go Boom” for Zoey, this is a great time to do just that. The electrical fence and mines will go a long way when it comes time to defend the camp shortly. Also use this time to place some mines outside the various parts of the fencing. There are 5 entrances to worry about. There are 3 doorways on the lower level and 2 on the upper level. Mine them all, get the fencing in place then talk with Trevor.

Once you talk with Trevor it will be time to deal with all the zombies that are determined to get at you because of the loud noise. The initial wave will go very easily if the entrances are mined. Just stand back and watch the explosions. After that it is a simple matter of going around and making sure that all the incoming zombies have been deal with.

Heavy Equipment
With that wave of Zombie invaders fended off you realize just the risk you will be at to run the pump long enough. Trevor will stop the machine and you will want to talk with Hardy. He will direct you to head to a nearby crashed helicopter. There you will find some heavy weaponry that he wants you to bring back to the site to help defend it. Once again, sweep the area for mines and other goodies. With those in hand it is time to set off again and collect the new weaponry that Hardy wants to install before attempting to drain the tunnels further.

Head to the Northeast from the Camp to find a boat. Grab it and start to the North toward the marker. Remember to use the Speed Boost only when you are being attacked by Zombies else you will overheat before too long. Head to the beach nearby the marker and go over to the East. From there start up the slope you find nearby. You will encounter some Walkers and Infected so be ready. As you go through the caves be sure to side track over to the second right. This will lead you to Miya who offers a short side quest chain. Continue along the path after that to find the downed helicopter. Inside it you will find a pair of HMGs. Grab them and bring them both over to the edge to the West and throw them down one at a time. Once they are both there head on down with them and then load them into the boat. Head back to Santa Maria Mission.

Once at the mission set them up at any of the 4 points shown. It is a good idea to set one up facing forward and one facing back. After that, go around, re-mine every entrance. Be sure that you have plenty around as this is going to be an extended fight. After that take some time to repair and upgrade any needed weapons. When you are ready head into the back and talk with Trevor. He will tell you to head on up front to help the others out