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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Char: Fire in the Sky

The next mission is in essence a bridge to your final goal on Char, the destruction of General Warfield's main outpost.  The only available approach to the Terran base is known as 'The Valley of Bones', a no-Zerg's land where the Terran fleet overlooks and can destroy any incoming units.  While there used to be tunnels on Char that could permit Zerg to bypass such hazardous terrain, the Dominion forces here have flooded the tunnels with magma, leaving them unavailable for use.

Before beginning you're given an overview of the situation- the trench is overlooked by Gorgon battlecruisers, which have strafed and destroyed all Zagara's previous attacking colonies.  They have left behind scourge nests, though, and scourges have always been especially nasty anti-air forces.  You can use the creep tumors here to awaken the scourge nests by providing them with the creep necessary for activity, thus releasing the scourges and making ready to bring down the enemy battlecruisers.

You are provided with a single creep tumor to begin with, and a well-supplied colony.  While you could easily reach for the enemy forces immediately, you aren't ready to provide the backup the scourges will need for maximum efficiency.  This is particularly true given your only initial troops are zerglings and banelings.  Swift resourcing is key to accomplishing your goals easily here.

Warfield immediately deploys a Gorgon, prompting you to activate the scourge nest- while this does destroy the terrifying ship, it also kills the scourge nest, rendering it useless.  You're going to have to work on gaining territory swiftly to access the scourge nests that can kill the battlecruisers.  Queens are vital to this, as are more durable troops and Kerrigan's ability to deal massive damage to a single target (especially via Kinetic Blast).  Prepare to move out as quickly as you can without losing the chance to increase your income.