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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Char: Fire in the Sky (Part 2)

As you move in on the nearby Terran bases you will notice that the trench itself is not only multi-tiered, but has several offshoots.  Down each of these you can find various goodies.  Primarily, there is an additional location at the far end where you can place a hatchery to harvest additional resources, but you can also locate several Terran encampments that will otherwise be the source of a constant series of swift attacks and raids- primarily in the form of marines and the new hellbat hellion-firebat hybrid units.  You can also find three large Zerg skeletons- bringing Sarah to these will grant her one level for each of them as she gathers additional biomass and DNA for Abathur to enhance her and the swarm.

These diversions are excellent sources of added resources as well, containing scattered vespene and mineral supplies- but don't get too distracted.  The Gorgons move fairly swiftly, and will annihilate any units that they pass overhead of.  You cannot kill them off with your ground units thanks to this and their invulnerability to normal attacks- only the scourge nests are an option.

As you spread creep, make sure you spawn queens to generate more creep tumors- a larger number of tumors in one place means that the creep spreads faster and you'll be able to spawn subsequent tumors at a larger distance from their 'parent' tumors.  Of course, you need an assault force to precede your creep spread, or the Terran forces here will annihilate the tumors.  Make sure you have plenty of front-line options, as the enemy forces here are very fond of barracks and even have a few locations protected by siege tanks and thor battlesuits.

Start by spreading creep to the East.  There are some additional resource pockets just South of your base you can briefly divert to, but you'll need access to the scourge nest quickly or the second Gorgon will flatten you outright.  Up the ramp to the East is another scourge nest guarded by some Dominion forces- if you can clear them out before you need to destroy the second Gorgon, you'll buy yourself time to branch off to the South with your attackers and clear out the Terrans that lurk down there.  This gives you some more resource crates, which is very handy in the early parts of this mission.  From the top of the ramp you should head due East a short distance and collect a Zerg skeleton.