In Borderlands The Pre-Sequel you can change your outfit color and your skill tree if you don’t like what you have. Unfortunately you don’t gain access to this until a bit later in the game. Find out where you can change your skin and respec in Borderlands The Pre-Sequel here!
Both of these are done at the same station in Concordia. Once you arrive in Concordia head over to Moxxi’s bar and look to the right. Next to the vending machines you will see a station that has a silhouette in it. This is where you can change your outfit and respec. Also while on the topic of Moxxi’s bar, you can gamble there if you want.
Anyways use the station and you can look through all the skins you currently have. If you stop over one you can see what color it will change your character to. If you have found another head you can also change that here as well. Skins and heads can be acquired through quests and sometimes by winning at the slot machines.
Now the respec is pretty basic. You go in, click reset skill point, pay your money and bam you get all your skills back. The higher level you are the more this will cost so its best to experiment early. Ultimately if you feel like you are getting over ran constantly a respec may be the best option for you.
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In Borderlands The Pre-Sequel you can change your outfit color and your skill tree if you don’t like what you have. Unfortunately you don’t gain access to this until a bit later in the game. Find out
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