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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 8 – Episode 2: Macrowave (Rooftop to Kid X-Mas Battle)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 8 – Episode 2: Macrowave (Rooftop to Kid X-Mas Battle)

Start shimmying over to the right after Nilin has stolen the memories she was after. Go over to the Kid X projection and jump through it and continue to the right on the ledge. Make the next jump and Nilin will slip some because of a drone lifting off. She catches herself just below that by another spinning Advertisement Sign. This one has 2 dead spinners, giving Nilin a place to pause and look ahead. Wait for it to spin around then make a hasty shimmy across the rest of the advertisement and jump onto the ledge beyond it.

Get to the next pole you can find and start climbing it on up. Get to the scaffolding and jump up to the railing and onto the balcony. Go over to the right from there as in this second section of it you will find another Mnesist Memory: “First Sensen Prototype (2059)”. Now return to the first part of the balcony and climb up the marked wall to start moving forward. Cross over the raised area then have Nilin drop down into the corridor below. Head over to the SAT Hatch and make sure that Nilin is fully healed. Look at the corner leading out opposite the SAT Hatch to find an Errorist Memory Panel. Head on outside and immediately go to the right. On the boxes there you will find a Focus Boost. After that head for the middle of the rooftop to trigger the fight against Kid X-Mas.

Kid X-Mas
Change up your 3-hit combo to run Cooldown then Damage. After that be sure your 5-Hit to run Regen, Cooldown, then damage if possible. Configure to something like that but make sure that Cooldown is very easily accessible.

Phase 1 (100% to 80% HP)
Kid X-Mas is a tough customer. Without Sensen Fury Nilin is doing close to no damage. The only time he is vulnerable to Basic Pressens fully is after he uses his charge attack. He will turtle the moment you start attacking him. The Pressens will still trigger properly but you will need to be on guard for the attacks he will launch back at Nilin. They will knock her down and do some solid damage. A good Sensen Fury will end Phase 1 and trigger a cutscene where Kid brings out the Spammer.

Phase 2 (80% to 50% HP)
Kid will continue to use his 3 Punches, Charge and Guard attacks. The big difference is he will start to use his Spammer, a ranged add-on to the Hunt Glove. The best thing to do is simply stay within close range here using your combos to recharge Sensen Fury and build the Focus to unleash it on Kid X-Mas again. Once again, a solid Sensen Fury has a great chance to break his guard and bring you to the next phase of the fight. Once again, a cutscene divides the sections.

Phase 3 (50% to 6% HP)
Kid X-Mas,as stops using his Dash attack so you need to now focus on using Sensen Fury to break his guard to take him down. He shifts his own tactics once again using the Punches, Guards and now throws out proximity mines. The mines display their monitored area. Use this to your advantage as Nilin can dodge out of the way if you notice it. When he deploys them they are shown as a red burst of digital energy. Use that to know what is going on. After that just keep up the same pattern of cut the cooldown, keep some health in tow and beat up Kid with Sensen Fury.

Just follow the onscreen prompts to finish off Kid X-Mas. Remember you have 1.5 seconds to get each input. Failing means you need to bring down a sliver of health before trying again. The sequence is: Punch, Jump, Kick. After that approach him and overload. After that us the Spammer to take down the force field by targeting and firing burst at them. After that, take aim at the Emergency Door you will and fire on it to open it up. Nilin will head on through it to finish out the Episode.