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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 9 – Episode 3: High Tension/Deep Exit (Marketplace to Red Light District)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 9 – Episode 3: High Tension/Deep Exit (Marketplace to Red Light District)

Ascend the stairs to the market place and loop around  the central collection of stalls to the door nearby the Errorist Memory Panel. The panel itself is just to the right of a Red Valet Robot. Once you find it go to the right of it. Head to the end and go over to the left. This leads to a covered area with a red stuffed chairs to the left. Look at the chair and you will find a SAT Patch. Now head back to the Errorist Memory Panel and use the Spammer to target and unlock the doorway in front of you.

Head through the doorway and look for the white glowing sprite in front of you. Take a moment to listen its noise. This is another collectible: Scaramech. These are worth 200 PMP each and there are plenty of them in the world (55 total) making it easier to level up Nilin. Use the Spammer to target and take down the Scaramech to add it to your collection. Now head over to the right and down the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs go to the first shop on the right, “Bodywork & Paint”. Go up to the partly raised shutters and you will be able to reach the Mnesist Memory: “The Leapers appear (2073)”. After that just head on forward along the path in front of her. There is a man who seems to be running from her so follow him. Head down the stairs to the left.

At the bottom of the stairs you will find 2 Leapers hunched over a body. This fight will unlock the 6-Hit Combo for Nilin. Change things over so it is loaded with Pressens from your 5-Hit Combo. If you can complete the combo then you will get a small PMP bonus for doing so.

When the fight is over turn back to the stairs you just came down. Go into the alcove to the left of. There you will find a SAT Patch to the right-hand side. With the SAT Patch in hand go back to the door above where you were fighting the Leapers. Shoot it open with the Spammer and head through and over to the left. A Leaper will drop a live wire into a pool of water which blocks your way forward. To get around that first target the Key Icon just past the electrified puddle of water and shoot it with the Spammer. This will open the far gate of the Pawn Shop to your right. After that head into the Pawn Shop and out the far side.

Head around the corner from the Pawn Shop and start looking for the long stairs leading down. Do not head down them just yet. Go to the left of them and look across the way. You will see a device icon opposite you. Target it with the Spammer and fire a burst at it to open the shutter, Quickly re-target to the Scaramech that is reveal and blast it repeatedly until it burst. You may need to re-open the shutter so keep that in mind. After you blast it then head on down the stairs and go the left through the walkway when you can. This leads to your next fight with the Leapers.

This fight introduces you to using the Spammer in combat to knock the Leapers off the Walls. Just follow the prompts to target, blast then quickly retarget to avoid getting jumped. The Leapers really like to use this tactic so expect to do this a lot. Aside from that you also have a Skinner Leaper to deal with. If you activate Sensen Fury then Nilin can take him down without much trouble at all. Still, it does help some to take out the Prowler Leapers first. After that it will be time to start climbing again.