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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 10 – Episode 3: High Tension/Deep Exit (Red Light District to Terraces)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 10 – Episode 3: High Tension/Deep Exit (Red Light District to Terraces)

After the Leaper fight Nilin has need to start climbing upwards again.Turn over to the left-hand side of where you were fighting, to the “Jenine 32.8 “ sign. Look to the left of it to find an Errorist Memory Panel and above it to find 2 Spammer Targets. Hit the 2 Targets with the Spammer to give Nilin some much needed hand-holds to climb with. Climb up the 2 shutters then go the left, jumping to the ledge then the display. Climb over to the other side of the display then Wall Launch from it to the next bit of piping opposite it.

Cross over so you are above the Cafe. Continue over to the left and Wall Launch to the other side. Climb on over to the right from there, jumping gaps as needed. Get over to the pipe and climb down. At the bottom of the pipe you will hear a Scaramech. That thing is next, after you acquire a new SAT Patch. The patch is over to the left of the pipe, straight across the rooftop to the alcove you see on the other side. Grab the patch then start back toward the pipe. Go to the shutters you see now to the right. You will see a Device Target so hit it with the Spammer to open up the shutters and reveal the Scaramech. Once again you only have so long so shoot it quickly.

With the Scaramech destroyed and the SAT Patch collected climb back up the pipe and backtrack to above the cafe. Drop down onto the Cafe Roof Ledge and then climb onto the Roof. Head over toward the large Jax sign and jump for it. Climb over to the other side of the advertisement and Wall Launch over to the next part of the rooftops. Go over to the left after that. Before you go on up the ladder look to the left of it to find a Mnesist Memory: “Slum 404”. After that climb up the ladder to get to the next area of the Slum.

A jet will blast by overhead of Nilin as she gets to the top of the ladder. Start on forward, jumping from rooftop to rooftop until you find yourself fighting more Leapers. As Nilin gets toward the end of the fight she will gain access to the fourth and final type of Pressen: Chain. Add this into the 6-Hit Combo in any gap you have and unleash it. After that fight look around for a Device Icon to the left of where you came in. Shoot the icon to lower the ladder and let Nilin be able to ascend. Head on up.

At the top of the ladder leap over to the left to the ledge. From there jump over to the control booth. Head around it and climb up so Nilin can make the next jump over to the far ledge. When she lands, pause to look at the Errorist Memory Panel. Look around the edges of this ledge to find the ladder leading down. Take it on down to find a Focus Boost waiting for you. With the Focus Boost she will want ot climb back up the ladder and jump for the bar across from it to move forward.

Nilin is finally under cover from the rain. Ahead on the left is a SAT Hatch to patch her up. After that just go forward and use the Spammer to open the door. Immediately opposite Nilin is another Scaramech. Take aim at it and blast it. Head on through the rest of the Utility Room and down the stairs to the right. Go past the crashed plane and down the next set of stairs. Immediately turn to the left at the base of them and go under the tarp. There you will find another Mnesist Memory: “Philosophy of Charles Cartier-Wells”. Head forward from there and look across the gap you find yourself at. There is a Crane Control you can interact with using the Spammer. Do so to create the path forward by turning the crane on. After that simply jump and head over to SAT Hatch if Nilin needs any healing. From there go around the the corner.