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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 7 – Episode 2: Macrowave (Comfortress Rooftops)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 7 – Episode 2: Macrowave (Comfortress Rooftops)

Nilin will pick herself up from the Gym floor as the civilian runs away. Go straight across the hallway and up the stairs to the right. At the top she will find a Focus Boost. Just like the SAT Patches, 5 of these will give her another chuck of Focus to use in combat. Head on down the stairs then go over to the Valet Robot playing on the piano. Head over to the right and into the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen head for the table to the left of the one with the Valet Robot, with the plant on it. On there you will find another Mnesist Memory: “Remembrane”. Now continue over to the left and out over the balcony railing. Just that to Wall Launch over to the opposite side. Climb up the pole as a Plane stares at Nilin for a moment then Wall Launch off the pole and have her pull herself up onto the rooftop.

When Nilin makes it onto the roof she has 2 waves of Enforcers to deal with: 2 groups of  3. You can either just use combos and build focus or use Sensen Fury for a quick fight. Either way this is also a good place to knock Enforcers from the rooftop. When the fight is done head for the railing you can see to the left and climb on up. There is a SAT hatch to the right when you make it onto the balcony. After that go over to the left and hop over the ledge. Getting running and leap as you come to the “Falling Hazard” display. Climb up and over to the right then upwards some more. At the top of the pipes wait a moment for the woman to close her window then jump over to her window sill and from there just to the railing and onto the hallway. Go along the hallway and turn to the right to go up the stairs. This leads to the next Remembrane.

In this Remembrane Bad Request moves between 2 Security Drones that are very close together. Start up the Remembrane and mirror him closely to make it through without any trouble. On the far side just climb up the trellis onto the next walkway. If you need it you will find a SAT Hatch here to patch up Nilin. On the left-hand side of this walkway you will find another Errorist Memory Panel. Make a note of the location. Now head into the next Remembrane and listen to Bad Request as you synchronize with the door panel he is opening.

Go through the door, around the counter and then the corner to the right. This will take you to someone's room. Look on the table in the middle of the room to find a Mnesist Memory: “Kaori Sheridan”. Now head back toward the Valet Robot with the Mask in the main room. Head past it and then down the stairs beyond it. There you will find a SAT Patch to grab. Once Nilin has that go back to the main room and trigger the Remembrane that has been sitting in the middle of it for a while. Synchronize with Bad Request as he closes the shutters after that go to the next Remembrane by the door. This shows him getting into an apartment. Just follow him outside and over to the right and making the jump to the next apartment.

Inside the apartment go over to the right and start climbing up the red door. This leads to a room with a few Enforcers inside it over a glass-covered swimming pool. After that just climb on over the wall through the opening and get to the other side. Once there go to the left, up the stairs. After that go to the right and the benches facing the billboards. On the closest bench there you will find a Mnesist Memory: “Kid X-mas”. Head over to the left to find a SAT Hatch to heal up Nilin. After attending to those things go climb up onto the ledge to the right of the SAT Hatch and jump across it to the other side. Shimmy over to the right and climb up to the left-hand side of the window. When you want hit the prompted button to steal the memory from Kaori.