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The best fonts in games in 2014

Let's face it: 2014 won't go down as a great year for games as a whole. Yes, there have been some amazing experiences, but not enough to put it on a par with say, 2004, or 1998. Or 2006, when PES 6 came out and made everything right again.

What 2014 has been great for, however, is...fonts. Yes. Fonts. Good font choice can immediately convey exactly what some or all of the game is about. Bad font choice ruins families.

Stay with us on this one.


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Destiny finally launched in 2014 after what seemed like a decade of hype. Opinion was mixed on its worth: some warmed to its mix of levelling, beautiful worlds, and superb shooting; others thought it was a grindfest slog which couldn't even get multiplayer right. (Sensible people fell in the middle. But then video games people are rarely sensible.)

One area Destiny did live up to expectation, however, was the fonts. Oh yes. That intro movie, with man stepping foot on Mars: would it have been anywhere near as good without those beautiful typefaces, in different languages, popping up on screen? Probably. But they made it better. Fact.

Far Cry 4

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Surprising everyone with its classy mission complete and location fonts, Far Cry 4 gets it right.

80 Days

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Come on people, just look at that thing.

Wolfenstein: The New Order

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Yes, we weren't the biggest fans of Wolfenstein. No, we're not sorry about that. We will say, however, that it's got some of the classiest fonts of the year, on everything from its title down to its in-mission text.


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No explanation necessary.

The Evil Within

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Look at that title. Just look at it. Glorious, no? No? You don't think so? Well, let us put it another way: if it's good enough to get ripped off by some no-buzz Nicolas Cage movie where he presumably gets out-acted by another wig (this one's - gasp - grey) then it's good enough to make this list.

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