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eSports in Japan - Part 2: The Business End .
Last time we started with a very basic concept: what’s an esport? Our current definition is as follows: eSports are any virtual game played by people who are paid to play the game for a living (which we will refer to as “virtual athletes”) that has publicly broadcasted, com
9 MMOs You Should Play in October .
October may still be a few days away but it’s already shaping up to be a fantastic month for MMO players! Wildstar will be free to play, Guild Wars 2’s expansion Heart of Thorns will be released, and there’s so much more. But where do you start? Star Wars Battlefront
WildStar: Reloaded and Why You Should Give It Another Chance .
WildStar is now offline in preparation for its free-to-play grand relaunch and we’re all getting pretty excited to try this colorful MMORPG world with all of the improvements WildStar: Reloaded brings. But with so many changes, you would be forgiven for not knowing exactly what to expe
Eorzean Evening Post: Patch 3.1 – Details Confirmed .
The newest Final Fantasy XIV developer livestream from the Tokyo Game Show went a long way in confirming details on what we can expect to see in Patch 3.1. We know that it’s set to release in November, and that it’s titled As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness. As suggested by the title, the story
WoW Wednesday: Transmog for Fashion .
All about the Details Today, we are going to talk about making your Warcraft character look fabulous. Transmogrification was introduced in Cataclysm, to coincide with the Dragon Soul raid, and radically transformed how players both see themselves in game, and how others can react to their pr
A Casual Player's Guide to ESOTU's Imperial City .
Elder Scrolls Online (Tamriel Unlimited) released it’s first large patch of downloadable content a few weeks ago. How does it measure up to the older content? And more importantly, is it worth spending the money to purchase? The answer is that it really depends on what type of player y
Tyrian Chronicle: Are We Really Ready for Raids? .
The release date for Heart of Thorns is rapidly approaching, and with the expansion comes what is arguably the most significant change to the game in years, if not ever: the addition of raids. Players across the internet seem torn on whether this is a welcome avenue for challenging content,
Games Like: Ultima Online .
Ultima Online is, in many ways, the great grandfather of the modern MMORPG. Sure, looking at it now it looks as old as time and certainly is well past its prime, but don’t write it off. If you were lucky (and old) enough to play Ultima Online during its golden years, you likely underst
Guild Wars 2: A Dance with Death .
As we get closer to the release of Heart of Thorns, testing has picked up and pre-purchasers of the expansion have finally been able to get a sneak peek of what they invested in advance for. Guild Wars 2’s upcoming expansion brings a lot to the table. This time around however, ArenaNet
Eorzean Evening Post: Should You Roll an Alt? .
I’ve played a lot of MMOs over the past 15 years, and one thing always tends to hold true for me: I’m a major alt-aholic. I can’t tell you what it is that I enjoy most about rolling a new character. Maybe I like playing around with the character customization options the game offers. If ther
WoW Wednesday: What's Coming at Blizzcon? .
In a month from now, I’ll be getting the snacks and PJ’s ready to watch Blizzcon from a distance. Traditionally, Blizzard’s flagship ‘convention’ event has been where expansions have been announced, but not this time. We already know what’s coming
Games Like: Guild Wars 2 .
Guild Wars has long since been a staple in the MMORPG genre ever since its first iteration became a smashing commercial success. Guild Wars 2, likewise, became one of the most successful MMORPGs to date, impressive considering the game lacked a subscription fee that was still common at the t
Top 5 Free-to-Play MMORPGs Currently Available .
With the genre being over-saturated by a number of clones and cash-grab titles, it can be hard for players to find good free-to-play MMORPGs to play. This list will introduce the top 5 free-to-play MMORPGs currently available, offering great options for beginners and MMORPG veterans alike.
Star Wars the Old Republic: Everything We Know About Knights of the Fallen Empire .
Star Wars the Old Republic was released in December 2011 and did not really live up the hype. While this matter is highly debatable, what we know for sure is that the player base declined rapidly in the beginning, forcing the game to go free to play one year later. Since the free to play lau
Tyrian Chronicle: Beta Weekend 3 Thoughts .
Hello everyone and welcome to your weekly instalment of the Tyrian Chronicle. I’m taking over this week for our fantastic Liore who is busy off getting married. So as excuses go that one is kind of amazing and I hope everyone will join me in wishing her the best of luck and a wonderful day.
Hands-On With Orcs Must Die! Unchained .
MOBAs are kind of a big deal now, if you hadn’t noticed. In fact, I think the massive success of Dota 2 as an esport, along with the continued success of League of Legends as the most popular video game ever conceived, players aren’t the only ones cluing into the hot new craze; d
Beta Data: October 9, 2015 .
It has been a while, folk, but beta news in the MMO industry never rests so best we catch up on the past couple of weeks! Camelot Unchained Camelot Unchained revealed that their goal is to have the game in Beta by the end of this winter. They have a list of things they want to work on and po
Tyria Then and Now: Ascalon .
Tyria has been through a great deal over the last 250 years since the days of the first Guild Wars game. The landscape has greatly changed, and that isn’t just because of the massive jump in graphics technology. Since the days of Guild Wars Charr have reclaimed Ascalon as their own, Kr
Gender and Microtransactions in Destiny .
Spoilers for the Taken King ahead. I get the feeling I should start all of my Destiny columns with a warning as to if I am mad at something Bungie have done this week. A color scale for anger if you will. Today started off as a firm “Shouty Orange” but has since descended into a “Stew
Eorzean Evening Post: Building Your Free Company Airship .
One upcoming feature in Final Fantasy XIV’s 3.1 patch that folks in my free company are excited for is the airship exploratory missions. These allow your free company members to group up and ride your free company airship to the floating island sectors that until now have been places only th
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