World of Tanks: How to Protect Your Tanks in Battle

World of Tanks
It is no stretch to say that two tanks, even if they are somewhat damaged, pose a significantly greater threat than any individual tank, no matter how pristine its condition. The number of working cannons on the battlefield is usually one of the deciding factors in any engagement. So it should come as no surprise that keeping as many of your tanks in working order for as long as possible is a great strategy when seeking victory. Here are a few things to keep in mind in the heat of battle:FormationTraveling by twos in a line, one in front, one in back. The time it takes to switch positions should be less than the reloading time of a level 10 tank with the highest rate of fire.CoverIn a dire situation you could hide behind another tank such that the silhouette of the tank needing protection is completely obscured behind the forward tank. Nonetheless you shouldn’t back off to far behind the other tank, or the protective cover will be wasted, while you should also avoid staying to close behind the forward tank, so that in case of an emergency, your comrade can still back up if needed.Waves of TanksThis maneuver is especially effective when you are able to coordinate with multiple players to form a solid wave of tanks.