Not too long ago, we here at thoroughly tested Wargaming’s aviation shooter World of Warplanes. While we didn’t appreciate the high difficulty of the game’s battle mode, we did learn a few things about the title’s gameplay. Naturally, we are very giving people and want you to share in our knowledge. In our last tip, you learned that there are four different aircraft classes in the online game. Ground attack aircrafts, carrier-based fighters, heavy fighters, and fighters. In this guide, we will explain what basic principles to keep in mind when choosing a fighter.
See them soar through the sky!
Fighters are swift aircrafts - quick, agile, and deadly. They will be at the forefront of battles, mostly fighting against other planes with their small-caliber machine guns and early-model canons. Of course, each nation’s fighter might have subtle differences, but some facts apply to the entire class, notwithstanding the nation.
As all other aircrafts in World of Warplanes, fighters have an optimal airspeed and altitude range - a height and speed at which they operate their best. You should consider this specific corridor to make the best use of your plane. This range will be different for each fighter, so make sure that you understand the plane you chose. The higher/lower and faster/slower you go, the less maneuverable your airplane will be. You might even lose complete control over your machine.We mentioned above that fighters either have machine guns or early-model cannons, which are the most effective at a closer range. That is not the only reason why you should wait until you get closer to an inimical aircraft before you open fire. If you wait before you shoot at an opponent, you have a greater chance at surprising them and catching them off guard which gives them less time to evade your fire.
If you decide to equip your fighter with ground ammunition, keep in mind that attacking ground targets is not this class’ main task. If you decide to attack a target on the ground, do it quickly and make use of your plane’s speed and maneuverability. Don’t stay in close proximity to the ground as this could mean your end.
More World of Warplanes Tips- Escaping Persistent Pursuers
- How to Easily Compare Planes!