Hearthstone: Quick Guide to Secrets and Traps

Hearthstone is known for its fun gameplay and easy mechanics. Other card games are more difficult to get into, no doubt, but in return they allow for more complex strategies. The one thing that adds a little spice to Blizzard’s first free-to-play game are secrets. They are sometimes impossible to predict and more often than not change the course of an entire match. Trust us, we’ve had our own share of problems when going up against classes that have secrets and can safely say they are the bane of our Hearthstone existence. Curse you, Ice Block!
After having played Hearthstone for a while, we can sometimes anticipate what secrets are played. This is what you have to know about them: When your opponent plays a secret, it doesn’t say which one it is. With the rise of new and complex decks every day, pinpointing which strategies players are going for is almost impossible. So many possibilities, so little room for error: In Hearthstone, just one secret can decide between victory or defeat. To give you a heads-up and let you know what to expect when going up against the three secret-heavy classes, we have compiled a list for you here at browsergamez.com:Noble SacrificeSummons a 2/1 as a substitute target when an enemy attacks.RedemptionBrings back one of your minions with 1 Health after it dies.RepentanceAn enemy minion's health is reduced to 1 when it enters the board.Eye for an EyeWhen your hero is attacked, the enemy player is dealt the same damage.Most Hearthstone players would consider Paladin secrets the weakest in the game. And now that the mechanic behind secrets has been nerfed (they only trigger during the opponent’s turn), we would have to agree. Not because they are bad, but because they are the hardest to control and the easiest to circumvent. Nonetheless, having Noble Sacrifice is always a good idea to potentially misdirect big attacks; Redemption to bring back fallen minions; Repentance to easily get rid of threats. Who knows, playing Eye for an Eye could even guarantee you a win.MisdirectionThe character that attacks your hero randomly targets something else.Snake TrapWhen a friendly minion is attacked, you summon three snakes (1/1).Freezing TrapWhen a hostile minion attacks, it goes back to the hand and costs two more mana.Explosive TrapThis trap deals two damage to all enemies when your hero is attacked.SnipeDeal four damage to an enemy minion when it enters the battlefield.Rexxar has both beasts and secrets to take down enemies. Whoever is interested in potentially clearing the board or delaying heaps of damage should invest in Hunter secrets. They are fairly easy to predict (depending on the situation) - but that doesn’t make them any less threatening. With his Flare card, the Hunter is the only hero that is able to destroy enemy secrets without setting them off. He also has a weapon, the Eaglehorn Bow, which gains one durability when secrets are triggered. This counts for your own as well as enemy secrets!Ice BarrierYou gain eight armor (aka health) when your hero is attacked.Ice BlockPrevent lethal damage and become immune to attacks and spells this turn.Mirror EntityWhen your opponent puts a minion on the board, you summon an exact copy.CounterspellKeep the enemy player from casting a spell, rendering it useless.SpellbenderWhen the opponent casts a spell on you, summon a 1/3 as the new target.VaporizeKill an enemy minion when it attacks your hero. Poof and it's gone!Anticipating which secrets make up a Mage’s deck is next to impossible - simply because there are so many different ones. As seen above, she has six different secrets at her disposal as well as two other cards that synergize perfectly with the use of secrets. What havoc can Jaina Proudmoore wreak with them? Oh, she can gain armor, escape death, bring forward new minions, keep other players from casting anything or obliterate attacking enemies. The Ethereal Arcanist gains both health and attack for each turn you control a secret, while the Kirin Tor Mage reduces the mana cost of your next secret to zero. Even the Mana Wyrm benefits from secrets, as they count as spells.