Successfully playing Wargaming’s aviation shooter World of Warplanes not only takes a lot of practice, but also nerves of steel, as we here at had to painfully realize when we extensively tested the war game set during and after World War 2. Practice makes perfect, and in the world of free-to-play video games, it also teaches you many things about a game. Our lives as gaming editors become worthwhile when we can make our readers happy, which is why we happily share our rigorously acquired knowledge in tips and tricks. In one of our recent tips, we explained how to escape inimical attacks. Now, it is time to share our insight on how you can more easily attack other players.Make Use of Your Map, Radar and Sight to Keep Track of EnemiesThe key to success in World of Warplanes is to not just dive head-first into combative situations. Make sure to scan your map first by pressing M. This will allow you to get a better overview of the battle. Especially if you’re a beginner, you should try not to head into heated battle situations. Instead, you should team up with a wingman and attack single targets if possible. This will give you a greater chance at gaining control of the situation. Before you choose a specific target, you should make use of the ALT button to identify your opponents and find out which one makes the most sense for you to pursue.The map on the left and the radar on the right.
Another nifty device to keep track of your enemies is the radar which is switched off by default. Activate it in the Instrumentation part of the Battle tab in the settings. With the help of the radar, you will always have a good overview of all enemies in your close surroundings and you will know in advance when someone starts to tail you.
One final way to keep track of your targets is by using the so-called Snap to Target feature. If you lock an opponent, you can press the Left Shift button to automatically follow the inimical aircraft with your camera. This will give you a better knowledge of your enemy’s exact position - is he over, below, or behind you?
More World of Warplanes Tips- Understanding Modules and Models
- How to Easily Compare Planes