What started as a Halloween event has now become a regular event in the world of Farmerama. That is why it is important to everything about Moonlight Mania. We have gathered up all of the important info that will help you during the short 24 hour event for you here!
For the start of the Moonlight Mania event, every new farmer will get a starter package to help get them on their way. The package contains one of each of the following:CropTime required to growVampire Tomato10 minutes or 8 minutes with waterMonster Pumpkin45 minutes or 36 minutes with waterBoneTree2 hours or 1 hour and 36 minutes with waterAbominable Plant2 hours and 30 minutes or 2 hours with waterVenus Flytrap3 hours or 2 hours and 24 minutes with waterTombstone4 hours or 3 hours and 12 minutes with waterEye Bush6 hours or 5 hours with waterGhost6 hours or 4 hours and 48 minutes with waterAfter planting and harvesting these creepy crops, you can head over to the special in-game event shop, Jack’s Shop, where you can trade them in for event-themed items. But be careful, if you turn in all of your crops in Jack’s Shop, you cannot purchase more and will have to wait until the next Moonlight Mania.
Now, for the prizes:ItemCostBat Roost750x BoneTrees, 1000x Tombstones, 1250x GhostsSpider Pen1400x Abominable Plants, 750x Venus Flytrap, 750x BoneTreesFrankenstein750x Vampire Tomatoes, 650x Monster Pumpkins, 300x BoneTreesHaunted Oak550x Vampire Tomatoes, 650x Monster Pumpkins, 550x BoneTreesThe Pig Witch1200x Vampire Tomatoes, 550x Monster Pumpkins, 550x BoneTreesLarge Sludge Pond350x Monster Pumpkins, 400x BoneTrees, 50x TombstonesSmall Sludge Pond800x Vampire Tomatoes, 400x Monster Pumpkins, 400x BoneTrees, 100x TombstonesMummy200x BoneTrees, 200x Tombstones, 200x GhostsLarge Slime Volcano200x Vampire Tomatoes, 200x BoneTrees, 500x Tombstones, 800x GhostsEerie Elm300x Vampire Tomoatoes, 300x Monster Pumpkins, 300x Tombstones, 50x GhostsGoo-blaster550x Monster Pumpkins, 550x BoneTrees, 550x TombstonesToxic Toadstool500x Monster Pumpkins, 500x BoneTrees, 300x TombstonesThe Well of Doom300x Vampire Tomatoes, 400x Monster Pumpkins, 500x BoneTrees, 600x TombstonesJack the Scarecrow1000x Vampire Tomatoes, 1000x Monster Pumpkins, 1000x BoneTrees, 1000x Tombstones, 1000x GhostsSkull Candle500x Vampire Tomatoes, 500x Monster Pumpkins, 500x BoneTrees, 400x Tombstones, 100x GhostsSpooky Spider1500x Monster Pumpkins, 1000x BoneTrees, 250x Tombstones, 100x GhostsDracula Bunny250x Vampire Tomatoes, 500x Monster Pumpkins, 1000x BoneTrees, 1500x Tombstones, 1750x Ghosts
So much to do, so little time.
Also, don't forget that you can also use super-grow or upgrades, which can be found in Jack's Shop, during the Moonlight Mania event as well. Now get out there and start harvesting your creepy crops!