We all know that Plants vs. Zombies 2 levels can be quite challenging! Since the game spawns zombies in the same way for each and every try, the right strategy will get you very far! If you are having trouble with the tower defense game’s third level in the Frostbite Caves world, we might have the right tips to get you through the stage.
This is what the level looks like in the very beginning!
Level 3 is one of the conveyor belt type challenges. You either hate them or love them (we definitely tend to feel the latter). The belt spawns Spikeweeds, Peashooters, Repeaters, and Hurrikales. The stage itself has an interesting layout: Each lane except for the top one have little pointers that divert the approaching zombies one lane up once they reach them.
This is what our battlefield looks like halfway through the level.
On the very bottom lane, that pointer is at the very far right. Therefore, it is a moot point to place any plant here. Instead, we would recommend taking an approach that is similar to what we did. Focus particularly on the top lanes without neglecting the bottom lanes however. Also, save as many Hurrikales as you can to prevent the zombies on the second lane from the top from reaching the pointer or destroying the plants that you have positioned in front of it. This will guarantee that your two top lanes are safe.
This is what the stage looked like towards the end!
Your Spikeweeds are best placed in front of each pointer. They will further relieve your lanes from the hordes of zombies!