(Innate): Tryndamere receives 0.35% critical strike chance per fury.
Tips :
Tryndamere jumps to strike a target.Chances of a critical!
Its critical
When the fury bar is charged, Tryndamere becomes more powerful thanks to his 35% chance of doing a critical hit. This can surprise the opponent.The rage increases the power of Tryndamere's heal spell.
Tryndamere must attack from time to time so that he doesn't lose his 5 fury per second at the end of 10 seconds without being in a fight.
Very advanced technique: When Tryndamere has a good critical % with the passive, especially in the early game, you can increase your chances of a critical! In effet the algorithm of League Of Legends is such that your chances of doing consecutive critical hits is reduced, but it also reduces your chances of doing "non criticals". So one technique I use is to is to last hit the minions and when I have a series of 3/4 "non crit" with 35% (so with 100 fury) I attack the enemy champion + spin. This really increases your chances of doing a critical hit.
In mid/late game, your chances of doing critical hits are very good, because during a critical you will reduce the cooldown of your E by 2 seconds, which will already have a weak cooldown because of the CDR that you will take. You can then follow up with the spin.
Tryndamere is very strong when his fury is at 100% so it is interesting to engage in fights once this is charged.
Drawback: when you heal yourself in the lane phase you will lose all your fury.
The animation of Tryndamere's critical is very different and has a particular sound, so you will know if your attack is critical or not before it has hit.
Attacking a unit will not gain Tryndamere fury but resets the timer of the fury loss.
(Passive): Permanently grants attack damage. Additionally, it grants bonus attack damage per 1% of health he is missing.
(Active): Tryndamere consumes all of his current fury, restoring health equal to a base amount plus extra health per fury consumed.
Tips :
A green aura shows that he is healing.Bonus damage and a heal spell.
The spell that gives an AP Tryndamere all his power in the early
This spell has a 12 second cooldown in the early, and a 1.5 power ratio, so the strategy will be to take a lot of power in level 1, to not only convert this power into damage on the E, but also to regenerate HP via Tryndamere's heal spell. The power bonus is the same no matter what level the spell is at, with or without fury.With the right runes/masteries you can heal yourself by 108 HP every 12 seconds (a bit less with the % of the masteries cooldown reduction) levels 1/2. This corresponds to 9 HP per second, so 45 HP/5 seconds (without even counting the fury that this will consume). The regeneration gives 9
or 1620 gold level 1.
You will then take AP and the cooldown reduction, so with a 40% CDR and ~100 AP (with Nashor's Tooth and Lucidity about 3000 item gold) the spell at only level 1 and without fury:
The cooldown of the spell goes to 7.2 seconds and gives 180 HP, or 25 HP/sec - 125 HP/5sec. Or 25or 4500 gold even if that doesn't really make sense.
This gives you an incredible regeneration and the potential to heal yourself permanently so that you always have full life! Be careful: with such a regeneration it is essential to spam the spell so that you always have full life, too bad for the fury, because otherwise he will try to kill you with an ignite before you can heal yourself.
The spell cannot be cast during a control.
This provides enormous sustain in the lane phase, but watch out for an ignite which could reduce your heal by half.
(Active): Tryndamere heals himself by 30-80/40-135/50-190/60-245/70-300 HP.
In mid game with 400 AP for example, you can heal yourself by 670 HP without fury, every 7.2 seconds!
In the late game with 600 AP you can heal yourself by 970 PV without fury, every 7.2 seconds!
In teamfight the objective will be to heal yourself constantly and keep your ultimate as long as possible, because once you have used your ultimate you can escape to completely heal again in just 12 seconds.
The spell has no incantation time so you can do it while running.
The passive is powerful for having more damage, especially when combined with the ultimate as you can still attack even with low HP.(Passive): Tryndamere also gains 5-20/10-30/15-40/20-50/25-60 attack damage depending on the amount of HP he has.
Base Attack Damage: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Extra Attack Damage: 0.15 / 0.2 / 0.25 / 0.3 / 0.35 per 1% of health missing
Base Heal: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (+1.5 per ability power)
Extra Heal: 0.5 / 0.95 / 1.4 / 1.85 / 2.3 per 1 fury consumed
(Active): Decreases surrounding enemy champions' attack damage, and enemies with their backs turned also have their movement speed reduced for 4 seconds.
Tips :
If Tryndamere manages to cast the spell when the opponent has his back to him, a chicken shows the use of the slow.Damage reduction and a zone slow!
This spell lets you kill deserters and slow them only if they have their back to you! So make sure that you use it at the right moment to activate the spell. Also Tryndameres often tend to want to activate the slow after the Spinning Slash (E), so a very good player could try to turn about to avoid the slow, be careful!The damage reduction works whether the opponent is facing you or with their back to you! The value is not high enough to prevent your opponent from farming.
Advanced Technique: The spell can only be cast WHILE the opponent is in range, even without vision! So if you can't see anyone but your spell is available it means that someone is nearby, either in the bush, behind a wall, or invisible etc... In the lane phase this prevents you having to facecheck and can save you from a gank, but be careful of the range of the spell which is only 400, which is quite weak.
This technique is especially good against a Shaco when he wants to gank, if your spell becomes available and your direct opponent is not in the zone then use your Spinning Slash to escape because it means he is going to gank you.In a teamfight this allows Tryndamere to recover assists and reduce the damage of nearby opponents. Also the damage reduction is good for reducing the burst of opponents in teamfights.
The spell has a short incantation time.
The spell will affect stealthed players but will not reveal them.
Attack Damage Reduction: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80
Slow: 30 / 37.5 / 45 / 52.5 / 60 %
(Active): Tryndamere spins through his enemies, dealing physical damage to enemies in his path. The cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds whenever Tryndamere critically strikes.
Tips :
Tryndamere spins around to deal damage at opponents he meetsTryndamere's dash and his main source of damage in the early/mid.
The spell that does a lot of damage!
This spell gains as much damage in AD as AP.Levlling up the spell will let you increase the damage, as well as reduce the cooldown by 13 to 9 seconds!! This is very interesting because with a 40% cooldown reduction the spell's cooldown goes to: 5.4 seconds, which is very weak, also the passive of the spell lets you hit your opponents more.
The lane phase: the spell has no incantation time, in the early game, you must attack your opponent then use the Spinning Slash to back and also hit your opponent!! This way you will do a lot more damage than doing a simple spin, also by backing with the spin the sbires can't deal you a lot of damage.Advanced technique: one very powerful technique consists of approaching your opponent THE MOMENT he must last hit, so that you can attack then spin (all while taking your last hit on a melee minion if possible). He then has TWO solutions: either he takes the last hit and you deal him a lot of damage, or he attacks you and loses his last hit, but with your regeneration you will win the trade anyway.
Note: when you attack the enemy champion you take aggro from the sbires, this has the effect of pushing your lane, because the sbires will not attack yours for a short time, but it is enough for a push. You must be aware of this.
The Spinning Slash will also let you push the lane or escape through a wall.
The passive of the spell reduces the cooldown of the spin by 2 seconds with every critical hit. With the CDR, the 2 seconds represent a very important % of the spell's cooldown up to (37% when the spell has a 5.4 second cooldown with a 40% CDR).
In general at the end of Tryndamere's ultimate, he escapes with a spin then uses his heal spell.
In the end game when this spell is at level 5, and if Tryndamere is hybrid, he has a lot of critical. This means he can quickly fire out his spins because of the passive, and so deal max damageas well as reposition himself to chase targets or escape.
Cooldown: 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds
Physical Damage: 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 (+1.0 per ability power) (+1.2 per bonus attack damage)
(Active): Tryndamere instantly receives fury and becomes immune to death for 5 seconds during which his health cannot go below 1 health. This move is usable even when stunned, silenced or suppressed. This ability has 0.5 seconds delay before activating.
Tips :
Tryndamere gains fury, a fire effect around him and a sound signal that he is using his ultimate.The spell that prevents Tryndamere from dying for 5 seconds.
This spell is gonna hurt!
The ultimate prevents you from dying for 5 seconds, during which you will not have less than 1 HP, you can also regenerate or you can heal yourself.You can cast the spell even if Tryndamere is under the effect of a control, a suppression or similar. Nothing can stop you using your ultimate!
This spell has a 0.5 seconds activation period! You need to consider this when using it.
Tryndamere must use his ultilmate at the last minute, you need to be able to estimate the damage of the enemy team.It is very difficult to estimate your opponents' focus etc. in a teamfight, so you must pay attention so that you don't die from an ultimate or so that you don't waste yours! You must try to heal yourself with the Q so that you don't use ultimate unless you really must.
When you use your ultimate, if too many opponents are alive, it is best to escape with the spin through a wall, then heal with the Q. Watch out for an ignite which will reduce your heal spell by half.
When the spell has finished, Tryndamere will gain some HP.
When Tryndamere casts his ultimate, the allies and opponents can hear a cry at a range of about 2000, even without having vision!
The fury gain also lets you increase the chances of a critical.
With a 40% CDR the cooldown of the ultimate in the end game is 54 seconds, which is not a lot.
The spell does not have an incantation time, it can be cast even when you are moving about.
Cooldown: 110 / 100 / 90 seconds
Fury Gained: 50 / 75 / 100 fury
Very powerful in the lane phase because of his incredible sustain.
Very efficient in the teamfight if he doesn't take too many control spells.
Some very good damage once he has his corebuild.
Able to bait opponents with his ultimate.
Fury offers a critical.
His incredible mobility.
Quite vulnerable to controls.
Ignite reduces Tryndamere's heal.
If Tryndamere uses his Spinning Slash aggressively then he doesn't really have an escape.
Weak, especially if Tryndamere under estimates his opponents' damage and doesn't use his ultimate in time.