Guide Renekton League of Legends S6

Reign of Anger

(Innate): When Renekton is below 50% health he generates 50% more fury from all sources.

Tips :


An excellent passive that improves Renekton's spells

Renekton's passive improves Renekton's spells.

When Renekton has less than 50% of his HP he gains 50% additional fury.

Cull the Meek (Q)

(Active): Renekton swings his blade dealing physical damage to nearby enemies and healing for 5% of the damage dealt up to a cap. Heal amount is quadrupled against champions. Each target hit grants 5 fury.

When Renekton has 50 or more fury he deals 50% additional damage and heals for 10% of the damage dealt, the healing cap is tripled. Consumes 50 fury.

  • Cooldown: 8 seconds
  • Diameter: 450 (estimate)
Tips :

Renekton spins around and the blade leaves a white trace.

Renekton's harass and sustain spell

   Not such a weak crocodile handbag
An excellent harass spell for Renekton in the lane. It has a good range which lets you hit a lot of people, especially the packs of sbires. The more creeps you touch the more heal you will have.

The ideal would be to touch the sbires as well as the enemy champion so that you can heal as much as possible, be careful because this will obviously push your lane!

It's also an ability that can do a lot of damage, especially in teamfights. Don't forget that with fury everything will be better, so don't hesitate to jump into the fight with it. 

When the spell has been improved by fury it triples the maximum heal!

The spell does not have an incantation time so you can cast it while running! This obvioulsy doesn't apply on hit effects.

With his ultimate it slightly increases the range of his Q since it gets bigger.

Renekton spins around and the blade leaves a red trace.

    Physical Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+0.8 per bonus attack damage)

    Healing Cap: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150

    Fury Empowered Physical Damage: 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 (+1.2 per bonus attack damage)

    Fury Empowered Healing Cap: 150 / 225 / 300 / 375 / 450

Ruthless Predator (W)


(Active): Renekton's next attack strikes the target twice, dealing physical damage. It also stuns the target for 0.75 seconds. Each hit deals on hit effects and generates fury.

  • No Cost

Bonus Fury: Renekton strikes his target three times instead of two and deals increased damage while stunning his target for 1.5 seconds. Each strike can deal on hit effects vut doesn't generate fury.

Tips :

Base spell: Renekton strikes his target several times and stuns it!

Renekton's control

   Some monstrous base damage!
This ability provides you with control as well as a huge burst. It also applies all effects on impact (frozen mallet, red buff).

With 50 fury the spell applies 3 on hit effects, and without fury it's 2! 

The duration of the stun goes from 0.75 seconds without fury to 1.5 seconds.

Even at level 1 the spell has some decent damage, especially in the early when it is possible to kill your opponent very quickly. 

When Renekton strikes his target he is unable to move either, so this also has the effect of stunning Renekton for 0.5 seconds.

If Renekton is blind, he won't deal damage but will still stun his opponent.

This will be mainly used to aggress your opponents. Against a squishy opponent, you can be pretty sure that he will be stomped immediately. When you are under the effect of Fury, the burst from this ability will be bigger so wait for the right moment to use it. 

Improved spell: Renekton strikes his target again.


    Cooldown: 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds

    Physical Damage per HIt: 10 / 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 (+150% of your attack damage)

    Physical Damage with the Bonus: 15 / 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 (+225% of your attack damage)

Slice and Dice (E)

Slice (Active): Renekton dashes forward, dealing physical damage to targets along the way. If he hits a target he gains the ability to use Dice for 4 seconds.

  • Range: 450

Dice (Active): Renekton dashes, dealing physical damage along the way.

When Renekton has 50 or more fury Dice deals 50% additional damage and reduces the armour of targets hit for 4 seconds. Consumes 50 fury.

Tips :

Base spell: Renekton dashes in the target direction, leaving a white trail behind him.

Renekton's mobility spell

   And an armour debuff!

This spell will be used to dash at an opponent. What is interesting here is that if you touch any kind of unit, you can reuse it for a short period or time. It is possible to touch a champion, a minion, a monstre, or even a visible enemy ward.

Since it is a dash, you can cross certain walls with it to escape or quickly engage an opponent. Try to use the second dash to touch an opponent so that he won't have any possible escape.

In the lane it is also an excellent way to harass by using the second dash. Use it once to put pressure on your opponent and a second time to make yourself safe.

While Renekton has this spell he is very difficult to gank!

The improvement from the fury is only applied on the 2nd dash, increasing the damage and reducing the armour of targets crossed by 35% at level 5! Which is simply huge!

No incantation time and does not apply on hit effects.

Improved spell: Renekton dashes in the targeted direction, leaving a red trail behind him.

    Cooldown: 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 seconds

    Physical Damage: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+0.9 per bonus attack damage)

    Fury Empowered Physical Damage: 45 / 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 (+1.35 per bonus attack damage)

    Fury Empowered Armor Reduction: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 %

Dominus (R)

(Active): Renekton empowers himself with dark energies, gaining increased size and health for 15 seconds. While empowered, he deals magic damage to nearby enemies and generates 5 fury per second.

  • Cooldown: 120 seconds
  • Diameter of AoE: 350
Tips :

Renekton tranforms into Tyrant form!

Max HP, fury and magic zone damage

   A frightening ultimate
Renekton's ultimate ressembles that of Nasus. It has a HP bonus that makes it easier for him to tank and do magic damage around him every second.

Once under the effect of his ultimate, you gain a huge amount of fury and it is easier to use your empowered abilities. You will also be pretty tanky so you can jump into the fight and destroy a carry, all the while doing damage all around you . 

It's also a good ultimate to "bait" an opponent, even if it is a bit risky and you must be sure of his hit. In the lane phase it will let you dive your target more easily. 

At the end of the ultimate, Renekton doesn't lose the HP that it has given him. The bonus HP from the ultimate adds to the rest and is not added as a %! Similarly the bonus HP is not affected by an ignite because it is not a heal.

    nk Health Gain: 300 / 450 / 600

    Magic Damage per Second: 40 / 70 / 100 (+0.1 per ability power)

    Maximum Magic Damage: 600 / 1050 / 1500 (+1.5 per ability power)


Renekton sustains well in the lane thanks to his Q

He has a good burst thanks to his stun that allows him to quickly lower the life points of his target

He remains very mobile with his double dash, making him very good at moving on the lanes or simply harassing before taking shelter

His ultimate lets him tank well by doing maximum damage around him


Hugely dependent on his early game and the lane phase

Renekton is relatively useless without damage