Hyper Farming Questions

"Hyper Farming" Questions

"Hyper Farming" or "pods" are both terms used to refer to a farming technique where each Member in your Alliance specializes in a Resource. Out of their 25 Resource tiles, they built 22-1-1-1. That means, 22 tiles of one Resource and one tile of the other three.

Key Tips For Hyper Farming

  1. You need a Stronghold that is always Shielded to act as a "bank". All Alliance members will ship excess Resources to the bank if no players need Resources at the time.
  2. You need TRUSTED members to manage that bank multiple times a day and fulfill mail orders of Resource requests. Those trusted Members also need to let the Alliance know when a Resource is running low in the bank, then Members with that Resources specialty can restock the bank.
  3. Each Member needs three other Members with different Resource specialties, to share Resources with. They will agree upon a certain amount each day to ship to each other. Any leftovers will go to the bank.
  4. Important: To make this work, there needs to be a constant push from the Alliance Leader onto the Members to focus on upgrading their Resource tiles. If members continue to neglect upgrading their Resource tiles, the Alliance will run out of Resources really quickly.

Additional Note: Often when Alliances start growing very fast they run out of Silver. If this happens, the leader should chose one or two Members that everyone gives Silver too. This focused Silver approach helps ensure Alliances get at least a few members to T3s or T4s. Once those few get T4s, they can give back a TON of Resources and Silver to make up for what the Alliance gave them.

What are your initial thoughts on Hyper Farming?

