How To Beat The Nerf (Confirmed)

Enemy Attack Debuff Nerf

My last two articles I wrote on the "nerf" ( article 1, article 2) were left open ended because it was hard to determine the true effects. It seemed that some players were still able to use it effectively, and others were not. TODAY THE TRUTH WILL BE REVEALED!

This article is outdated and incorrect. A new article on how to beat the nerf is currently being written!

The Secret To Avoiding The Nerf

"So this is VERY important and something I have learned. I have reports to prove it. The nerf ONLY takes effect if you have that type of troop unlocked. FOR EXAMPLE, if you are sh14, and only have t2 and t1 troops, the nerf does absolutely nothing to them. NOTHING. I currently have 8m T2 troops and 16m T1 Troops. Accounts with t4 send full 375k marches at me and come back with no report since all troops were killed and I lost only maybe ~300k t1 or less.

Stay At SH14

Staying sh14 is a huge advantage. You can max your research easy, and all of your buildings, then switch all the buildings for villas at 14, and have 1 barracks for awhile when not fighting. Use every speed up you get to train troops as fast as possible, and you can get #1 prize often for the troop training events because sh7-14 is one of the level brackets. It becomes easy to train T1 and T2 troops FAST. And you become an invincible account.

Eventually you will get hero level 50, and while you may not be able to research alot of build alot, you CAN get GODLY hero gear and focus solely on that. I have my best fighting combat gear equipped 24/7, especially with a focus on defense so I lose less troops in attacks. I have taken rallies and more, currently at 25m kills of troops, mostly t4 and t3.

The Nerf Was Deceiving

Now that everyone thinks the nerf took place PEOPLE ACTUALLY attack me. Especially in KVK, expecting to win. I even set my banner to "nerf :(" so they think im sad about it. then they send 5 full marches of t4 at me and while they read the report of the first march (which says they all died) the other marches get emptied on me.

I get tons of points every kvk and am in a top alliance for that sole reason.

Don't Unlock T3 Troops

The nerf on t2 and t1 troops only effects people that have the other troop types unlocked. if you dont have t3 unlocked, MZ wont punish you for not training them (since you cant). this is the only way to create an invincible account these days.

Sure its POSSIBLE for me to go down, but the attackers would lose atleast 3-5 full rallies before they started winning. and thats alot of t4 to throw away on a sh14 who has enough speed ups saved up now to train the whole army back."

Contributed by iiZarinel