The Emperor of GOW Gives Feedback To MZ

emperor sceptre

Stayalive77 Gives His Recommendations on GOW

For those of you who don't know, Stayalive77, the current emperor of GOW recently posted a pretty big complaint about Game of War on his instagram.

Here's what Stayalive said:

Stayalive Instagram Complaint to MZ

MZ responds to the Emperor:

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Stayalive Instagram Complaint to MZ 2

And now Stayalive77 has posted his suggestions on what he would add to the game:

"These are the requests sent to MZ,, and just want to tell that they are responding quickly and showing willingness to do any doable request.

1. Increase March Size in rallies and outside (players are even becoming too big to even be rallied)
2. Add a feature that help us click more resources at a time, for example insert the number of items we want to cash in.
3. Make KvK’s cheaper to finish. You can either increase the points given, or just lower the points needed.
4. Make Infernos “easier” to finish, or increase the payout.
5. During a Kill Event, make kingdom wonder, like Super Wonder. Any player from Alliance can hold it, and don’t need to be leader.
6. More Kill events, no one needs so many days of Research/Training KvK anymore. Specially when Researches take too long. They need other way of getting prizes to complete it.
7. Make smaller packs. Bring back the $49.99 packs.
8. Increase Inventory Slots.
10. Slow down the release of new cores and pieces. We spoke about it in our second e-mail, and yesterday were released new gear. People don’t even have time to get the ones that were released a few days back, how MZ expects players to spend on the new one already?
11. Drops of treasure maps needs to be increased as well. Considering the cost you have to speed it to finish that is never less than a 3d Speed.
12. Reopen Coliseum. The “smaller” players really enjoyed the coliseum and was a good initiative to help them grow and allow more fighting also.
13. Open more Super Wonders, will probably bring more players and make it more interesting for everyone.
14. After each Kingdom vs. Kingdom event (both research/training and Kill event) please show the points scored in the history of event. Not only the names.
15. Lock kingdoms when the elimination rounds begin. You are aware of the people who cheats in tournaments to get fake kills and most do it by creating cities after the elimination round began.
16. Resource Tiles became useless. The requirements you make on researches aren’t back to back with the resources you provide in a tile. Increase the amount of resources in each tile and the speed and they will mean something again, also will create more wars which is the main point of the game anyway. (or should be)
17. Increase the materials/cores/pieces dropped in chests. At the moment is only dropping mostly low items, making it too expensive to craft 1 only full set."

What MZ needs to realize before it's too late

You need to connect with your community leaders and influential players or you will lose control of your game.

Most players have had the same feelings that stayalive originally expressed for many months now. MZ should be listening to players and not hearing them. When they respond to the community concerns early they will not only avoid big outburst like this from top players, but also have a more loyal player base which results in the ROI they are looking for.

What do you guys think?

Do you agree with stayalive's suggestions?

Do you think that MZ listens to the community?

Read about the inside scoop on a big gear update to the game.

