The name "School Bus" doesn't have some fancy meaning from it like you might assume. He started playing Game of War with a different name altogether, but one day he went pick up his son at school and there was a bus there in front of him... so he decided from that point forward it would be his new name.
School Bus sounds like the most innocent War name someone could ever think of, but in fact he's the most dangerous player in the entire game. With the highest amount of kills in the game, 2 Billion kills, School Bus is not someone you want to go toe to toe with in KvK.
School Bus 2 Billion Kills
There was no rhyme or reason to why he originally started playing Game of War. One day he decided to download the game from the app store and after a few days of playing the leaders of bx$ invited him to join and taught him the game which he has come to love.
He says:
The game was interesting, it pulled me in and took my time from my whole life.
I think we all know that feeling...
From that point on he's made countless friends. Just recently Kane Kong and ATLienz spent time in the UAE visiting and the team had the opporotunity to meet up with other members of the super wonder family, including Stayalive and Hades. Even one of their opponents Wahid joined in for the fun.
I keep playing for friends. If they quit I will quit too.
I don't know but MZ succeeded in that way. My alliance and me are together more than we are with our families. I love the game because I love the people.
Moving on the from the mushy stuff, I asked School Bus how he became SO good in GoW.
I'm fearless, I don't care about losing my hero. I don't care about anything. I know my core limit, and target gear limit. I know how to choose my target.
They say you never want to fight against someone who has nothing to lose, and he definitely sounds like he's willing to risk it all.
School Bus's Dragon King Set
His stats from the last KvK were 6 BILLION points with 160 million kills. This is after losing his hero three times during the 22 hour marathon he spent playing.
There is one expert Game of War player from Canada whom School Bus said tests every single element there is in GoW. I am going to see if I can get in touch with her to write some articles on the most confusing topics players ask about. If you want to make suggestions, leave them in the comments section below!
Yes I've visited many times. I like how you stay up to date with everything on MZ and the game. I'm happy to be featured.
Ya I do it for fun. I don't really care about the kills. I like to be #1 but it's really not my goal. My goal is to make my kingdom win. Because of that my Power Destroyed is really high, because I'm always rallying.
I port outside of the enemy's screen so he can't see his stronghold when he looks who is rallying him. So he thinks I am far away, but when my rally starts it hits them in like 6 seconds.
I'm in love with the 4H set, I use it like drinking water.
The 4H set destroys the target. I love ranged, I always rally with ranged. 90% of targets have more infantry than any other troop because it is the first troop type they can train. Ranged beats infantry, and ranged is the strongest because it has many high bonus core sets.
The biggest complaint I have is that the game crashes on me sometimes.
It would be great if there were more features targeted to smaller players. He could also merge the kingdoms faster. I think they need to have kingdoms with very high populations so the game is most fun for everyone.
They need to learn more about cores and most importantly that Game of War is just a game that you should enjoy.
So there is one more very interesting fact that I learned about School Bus at the very end of the interview. It's truly something that could never happen in any other game, and I'm still shocked about this even as I write.
Before School Bus started playing GoW one year ago, he never never knew how to speak English. In order to effectively communicate with his alliance on Line and over the phone he was forced to learn English. Now he is fluent.
The last thing he wanted to say was:
Thank you to everyone in Bx$ and Harat for being such great friends.
I hope you all enjoyed this interview with School Bus! I'm looking to start these interviews again and do them about once or twice a month. Let me know in the comments who you want to hear from next!
I'll end with a hilarious photo and some quotes I got from his friends:
"When School Bus hits you, it's because you didn't look both way when crossing the street. He's been teaching us safety since he entered the Game of War scene." Cynical Fun
"He hates zeroing girls." - Zo Zo
Article 1: Interview with Stayalive77: A "Wonderful, Adorable, Loveable Killer" Article 2: Interview with Schoolbus Who Has Over 2 Billion Kills Article 3: Interview with Wahid: "The True Kate Upton for Game of War" Article 4: Interview with Kuran: "Once The Top Player In Game of War"