MultiCraft II Free Miner Cheats, Tips & Review -

MultiCraft II Free Miner Cheats, Tips & Review

MultiCraft II- Free Miner Specifications

MultiCraft II- Free Miner is a free game for Android 4.0.3 and above, with a 10.29 MB download. This game is fairly new so it’s only on build 1.3.1, with the latest update being Jan. 19, 2015. MultiCraft II- Free Miner works on any Android device, including tablets and smart phones.

What is MultiCraft II- Free Miner?

MultiCraft II- Free Miner is essentially the free block-based Android version of the super popular game Minecraft PE, but it’s not nearly as stable or entertaining as the real game. In MultiCraft II- Free Miner, you need to break blocks and get down blocks, when then help you build the buildings you need to create throughout the game. You have to mine resources and farm in the small little world created for you, then you can craft different items from the materials you farm. This is a single-player game as well as a multiplayer game, so you can invite your friends to help you mine and farm for the resources and they can help you create your buildings with the down blocks as well. Throughout the game you will encounter different monsters and other creatures that you might have to fend off, especially if they are going after your resources. The images in this game are meant to be fairly realistic, but sometimes the images leave a lot to be desired.


Parts of the Game Are Fun

While MultiCraft II- Free Miner leaves a lot to be desired, which I will get into shortly, I do think there are some good aspects of this game. The first thing is that you are getting a basic free version of the game Minecraft, although it’s a bit different from the original game since it’s not the same developer. When you try to clone another type of game you will never be spot-on and this game is proof of that, so you just have to take that into considering when playing this game. I did really like the setup of the game as far as how you need to build up your shelter and get your weapons upgraded almost immediately. This is because you will notice once the darkness appears, there will be creatures and various animals that are coming out to get you, and you need to be protected. I think that was a good part of the game because it’s fun having to sit there and build up your own little fortress to protect yourself from the animals of the night. You also start off with a lot of basic tools and equipment when you first load the game, so it’s not like you have to go out and level up all of your items right away, they give you a good foundation to start off with. There is a lot of detail in creating your base and you can customize your area in a lot of different ways, so it’s nice to have some control over how your base looks and feels, especially if you want to play multiplayer. I really like the idea of traveling during the day and mining and farming for resources because it’s a lot like what real life is like for a lot of people. Then, once the nighttime hits you basically have to go into a defensive mode to protect what is yours, and that provides a lot of realistic game play and can be quite entertaining, even on the small screen of an Android device.

One other aspect of this game that I really did like was the fact that you can communicate and play with your friends via the multiplayer option. This is something that can be overlooked because you are so busy building up your own base and farming, that you might forget you can play with others and have them help you fight off the creatures or mine for resources. If you have someone that also has this game then you can have fun comparing bases and making competitions amongst yourselves about seeing who can farm the most resources and build the best buildings, although this competition is not really part of the actual game itself.


MultiCraft II Cheats & Tips

I haven’t had enough time to play MultiCraft II to find all the best cheats yet but when I do, I will post them here.  I’ve heard there are cheats to speed up mining and there may even be some hack tools available to add resources to your account.  Once I’m able to find and test some of the cheats and hacks, I’ll add the best ones to this page.

Some Issues with MultiCraft II- Free Miner

There are however quite a few issues with this game, but it’s only the first version, so I think a lot of things will be worked out in the months to come, especially when the upgrades and patches happen. One of the biggest drawbacks to this game is the obvious lag in gameplay that you experience, especially when it comes to hitting an animal or going into a fight. You will try to press the buttons to hit an animal and a lot of the time it does not work right, and you know you hit them but they keep going like nothing happened. The controls can sometimes be annoying and it can be hard to know what the controls are or when you actually hit them, which can really hinder your ability to play through the game successfully. This is part of the lagging that is constantly happening during the game, and it gets to a point where you just don’t want to play anymore because the game just lags too much. I noticed that first loading up the game is alright, but the longer you play it seems the more likely you will experience a lag, and this is especially true if you are trying to fight off a creature in the night.

You don’t get much information going into this game either, so if you have never played Minecraft, you probably won’t have a clue how to begin this game. This was something that I didn’t personally like because having no experience with Minecraft, it made it hard to know what I was supposed to be doing when I first loaded up the game. I think that a tutorial or map of some kind would be helpful, so that if you are a beginner, you can read about what the goals of the game are or how the controls work. I think that all games should have a beginner’s guide to help you move along through the first few chapters in the game, because being thrown into a game without direction just makes me want to uninstall the game and find something less difficult.


As you can see by the above picture, the quality of the graphics are not always that good, and a lot of things appear to be out of sync in the pixel department. While some aspects of the game appear crisp and sharp just like on a console, there are other parts where everything just seems to be very fuzzy or like it’s from an old Sega system. Since we are talking about Android, the graphics leave a lot to be desired in a high-tech high-definition gaming world. For me personally, I feel that the graphics of this game are just not well-suited for a mobile device, and sometimes games can’t translate from the bigger screen to the smaller screen without problems. Sometimes the pixel issue gets in the way of a fight or mining for resources, but other times you wouldn’t ever know you are on a tablet or smart phone playing the game. So right now, the graphics seem to be a little choppy in terms of being constantly good or constantly bad, and this is something I am not sure that can be fixed.

There are a lot of other minor issues as well, such as sometimes the game will shutdown for no reason, which has happened in the middle of farming before, and then you often will lose your items or place within the game. You would think that since this game is not that graphically-intense that forced-closures wouldn’t happen, but it does from time to time without warning or reason. The music isn’t bad but it’s also not that enjoyable either, so when the game shuts off sometimes the music will still play for a few seconds.


Overall Thoughts

While I think that this game does have a lot of potential in the future, it’s just not ready yet to be considered that good by any stretch of the imagination. If you want the Minecraft experience, your best bet is to purchase the actual Minecraft game and play it on your PC or console as opposed to downloading this free generic game that kind of mimics the gameplay. I would personally wait for a few more updates before I began this game just to see if anything gets better as far as lag and overall graphic design, because it’s not something you will want to play that much as it stands right now. I give this game a 3/10 across the board from artwork to sound to gameplay due to these issues, but the potential is really there if they can fix the problems.