Dumb Ways to Die Hack & Cheats for High Score & Lives - AppGameCheats.com

Dumb Ways to Die Hack & Cheats for High Score & Lives

Dumb Ways to Die is a casual game which is available for both smartphones and tablets, which are running either Apple’s iOS operating system or Google’s Android operating system. Since its release, by a developer known as Metro Trains, Dumb Ways to Die has achieved well over fifty million installs on Android alone. It is fairly pleasing for their audience. This is particularly evident since it has had over one and a half million ratings with an average of over four stars. Downloads are still increasing on the daily, even though the game is still quite old and there is a newer version currently available. The game is absolutely free to play – there is no requirements to make purchases, and there is also no in app purchases available for purchase.

Within Dumb Ways to Die, there are exactly fifteen humorous mini-games for users to play. Users can play these games in an attempt to unlock all of the different characters for their train station. In addition to this, users of Dumb Ways to Die can also try their best to reach number one on the high scores, as well as unlock a music video which got the game started.

There are many different scenarios within Dumb Ways to Die which users must tap, flick, swipe, and wipe in order to complete the levels and escape the ways of death.

Users will should appreciate many different scenarios that are available. From burning hair and horrible vomit all the way up to dangerous pilots and piranhas – there is guaranteed to be something which every user is able to familiarize themselves with and become more confident in reacting to.

Getting started is very easy within Dumb Ways to Die. There is virtually no tutorial, and users are able to jump straight into gameplay with no questions asked. The users of Dumb Ways to Die are instructed on how to play through general gameplay, instead of using a tutorial or lesson. Every time the user plays a minigame, there will be a brief sentence or phrase which explains (to some extent) what they should do. This works very well and avoids any time wasted – instead, all time spent within the Dumb Ways to Die application is genuine gameplay. A very nice technique, for sure.

Dumb Ways to Die Hack for High Score & Lives

Do you want to win at Dumb Ways to Die? Want to beat all of your friends? You’ll need a lot of lives and a high score. To get them for free, download our Dumb Ways to Die hack tool now, straight from our website. This will let you easily get a super high score and unlimited lives.

The Dumb Ways to Die hack tool is super simple to use! Have a look at the image below. All you need to do is enter the amount of lives and the high score you want. It couldn’t be any easier.


Download our Dumb Ways to Die hack tool from our site. It will take 30 seconds to download. After it finishes downloading, you’ll need to install it. This takes another 30 seconds. Make sure you click Android or iOS before starting the hack. Enter the high score and amount of lives you would like.

Then, click on the big, blue “start” button. This will begin hacking the game. After it’s finished — just another 30 seconds, we promise! — open the app like you normally would. Your score and lives will be loaded.

Cheats & Tips for Dumb Ways to Die

Throughout my time playing Dumb Ways to Die, I realised that there are actually no real cheats for the game. This includes the use of cheat codes – performing actions in a pattern will not credit the user with bonus points or additional in game features.


However, there is a tip which users should generally follow to achieve the maximum amount points within Dumb Ways to Die. It is important to not spend too much time reading the phrase which explains what to do. After just a few games, users should understand what to do – from there, they should be able to perform the actions without having to read the text. Reading the text will waste fatal time within Dumb Ways to Die, and may result in running out of time (and therefore losing the game).

On top of this, of course, it is extremely important to act as fast as you possibly can whilst playing Dumb Ways to Die. Ensure that you have no distractions when playing, and be ready to react as soon as the screen changes.


Dumb Ways to Die Review


Dumb Ways to Die certainly provides an immersive experience, which makes the game much more enjoyable. Even though a lot of the tasks are repeated (and simply sped up), the amount of action packed into each mini-game makes it extremely immersive. The user is required to be on the ready to react at every given second, so the user must be concentrating at all times whilst playing Dumb Ways to Die. Because of this, I was able to find myself almost feeling as if I was a part of the game rather than just a user of a smart device. This is a job well done, and I am extremely pleased with the immersivity which is provided whilst playing the game, Dumb Ways to Die.

I must say that every single user interface that I have come across whilst playing Dumb Ways to Die were absolutely perfect. I have zero complaints with them, and all I have is words of praise for the fantastic user interfaces. Each and every single user interface within Dumb Ways to Die were all very nice and easy to use, and at the same time they were also very nice to look at and admire. During my time playing Dumb Ways to Die, I did not come across any buttons which were too small to access and use. At the same time, I did not come across any buttons which seemed to be a little too large to the point where they become annoying to look at and awkward to work with.

Each and every button has been designed to perfection – none of them were cramped into a tiny space of the screen, either, which was very nice. They are extremely functional and aesthetically pleasing at all times. I have no issue with accidentally and unintentionally pressing the wrong buttons due to inconsistent sizes within the layout – something which I (and surely, other users) can really appreciate. Everything works exactly how I expected it, even to the point where it blew miles past my initial expectations. The user interfaces are all very easy to navigate through – scrolling is buttery smooth and is always quick, with no unwanted stuttering or lag along the way. All in all, I am very pleased with the user interfaces which are provided during the gameplay of Dumb Ways to Die.


The artwork provided during the gameplay of Dumb Ways to Die is absolutely exceptional, and I am really pleased with it. It does a very good job, and suits the style of the game very well – I have no issues with any of the designs within Dumb Ways to Die, whatsoever. They really are very well designed, and although they are very cartoon-esque, they still look professional. I am always able to tell exactly what each object is supposed to be within the game, so I think for this reason they are very suitable. I can see that every single design has been made with the others in mind, so nothing looks odd or out of place. All artwork suits the corresponding artwork very well. Even though the artwork takes on a cartoon style, I was pleased to see that it is still appealable to many age ranges – nothing looks really childish and is nothing like I would expect to see from a baby’s television program.

The designs within Dumb Ways to Die have a nice mix of detail in with the cartoon style, so nothing looks too simplistic – which is very pleasing. I believe that this game, Dumb Ways to Die, would not suit an overly realistic artstyle since it would end up being too graphic – it may look like a horror game instead of a friendly game. I think that Dumb Ways to Die can be enjoyed and appreciated by babies, children, teenagers, adults, as well as some specific members of the elderly. I think that the artwork is my favorite feature of the game, overall, and it really stood out to me. Quite simply, the artwork within Dumb Ways to Die is amazing – I can see that the developers have spent a lot of time to perfect it here. The end result shows that it was all worth it.

It is most certainly worth noting that the same fifteen mini-games are repeated constantly throughout the gameplay. If a game/level persists for a long time, then the mini-games will be cycled through over and over again. After a long session of gameplay, it really does become boring – however, short games are certainly fun. Because the mini-games have increased speed every time, it makes them more fun and seem slightly different than last time. However, I would not recommend playing for much longer than half an hour – the gameplay may seem boring and put you off playing the game again.

Unfortunately, there are some advertisements involved within Dumb Ways to Die. There are big, almost fullscreen, advertisements which will be displayed after most games. They do become very aggravating, and I wish the developers had removed these to make the game more enjoyable. Thankfully, there are no banners or pop-ups during gameplay – if this were the case, then I would not play the game at all. A nice move on the developer’s half, but they should really consider removing adverts in entirety. An option to pay to remove adverts would be nice, but only if it were cheap – it should never cost much more than a couple of dollars to be able to enjoy a game to its full potential.


Artwork: It is evident that Dumb Ways to Die deserves a solid 10/10 for the artwork which is provided during gameplay. It is my favorite aspect of the game, simply because of how professional it looks. On top of this, it fits the style of the game, Dumb Ways to Die, perfectly. It is appealing to a wide range of ages, which makes the game seem much more family friendly than it could have otherwise been. The artwork really adds to the game – it makes the game feel much more enjoyable overall. I genuinely have no ideas or suggestions, since it is perfect the way it is – there is no room for improvement. Overall, the artwork is very pleasing – I really enjoy it.

Music & SFX: I am able to give Dumb Ways to Die a solid 10/10 for the music and sound effects which are provided during gameplay, too. They are very nice, and makes the game much more enjoyable. I think that the music fits the style of the game, and the artwork, perfectly. They are appealing to many different ages, from the youngest of babies all the way up to the elderly. Every single sound effect makes every action seem much more realistic, whilst still giving a humorous feeling – thankfully, nothing is too serious and graphic. I have no suggestions or ideas for improvement, since I really do think that the music and sound effects are perfect. I really enjoyed all of the music and sound effects present within Dumb Ways to Die, and they are very pleasing. A fantastic job, here.

Story & Originality: I can give Dumb Ways to Die a 10/10 for story and originality. The game is very original, and I have seen nothing like it before (besides knockoffs of this game, the original). Throughout my many years of downloading and using applications, this is the first one which really stood out to me as an original game – I have never seen anything quite the same as Dumb Ways to Die. However, there is no storyline – but, I do not think the game even needs one. If there was a storyline, it may become emotional to cause damage to the characters if the user makes a bond. As it is, users are able to jump straight into gameplay – and they can still appreciate the fun without the storyline in place. This is why I am still able to give the full ten without a current storyline.

General Gameplay: I would like to award more, but I am currently able to give Dumb Ways to Die a 9/10 for general gameplay. The only reason I cannot is because of the advertisements. The game is extremely fun, and I really enjoy it. It is also really immersive, due to the completely crazy amount of action which is packed into the game. The artwork and music, combined with the uniqueness of the game, makes Dumb Ways to Die a really enjoyable game to play. However, I am really disappointed with the use of advertisements. If there were more adverts, I would obviously be scoring a lot lower here – thankfully, the developers only included a few. For me to be able to give the full ten here, there needs to be zero advertisements. This would make the game much more fun and immersive, as well as causing a lot less distractions. Overall, I am pleased with the general gameplay – but it could be improved a little.

Addictiveness: I can give Dumb Ways to Die a 9/10 for the addictiveness which is provided. Because of how fun and enjoyable the game is, I will often go out of my way to play it. It is so fun that I often put off playing other games in order to play Dumb Ways to Die. The artwork makes me want to come back, simply to admire it for a little longer. This is the same with the music – I am drawn back to play, so that I can appreciate it even more. However, I cannot give the full ten since advertisements are off-putting. Also, the game cannot be played for much longer than half an hour – it will quickly become too boring, due to repetitiveness, after that. Overall, I am very pleased with the addictiveness provided by Dumb Ways to Die.

Overall, I give Dumb Ways to Die a 9.5/10.