Dark Souls. They say, that it is the most difficult game of this generation and made many people to turn grey. Indeed, a production made by From Software studio is uncompromising, absolute, scant in hints and multithreaded. However, with this guide, you'll finish it however without any problems and join an honorable group of people, who defeated the last boss.
Our guide is not only tables with statistics, but also a step-by-step walkthrough through all locations, fights and challenges. Thanks to it you'll learn how to deal with difficult situations, where to go on, how to discover secret passages and deal with tough enemies. A journey in Dark Souls lands will funnier.
The battles with demons, bosses and dragons themselves are a separate topic. Such fights are very tough. So that's why we've put them all in a separate chapter and added a rich description.
These elements are a main content of this guide, where you'll find many other additives. We also congratulate you purchasing such a great game and wish you luck!
In the Dark Souls guide you'll find:
Note: A part of this guide was created on New Game+ mode, which is available after completing the game for a first time. For this reason, a character visible on screens can be armed with items unavailable in particular moment of the gameplay. All descriptions however are done with accordance to what we'll see in the game playing for a first time.
Szymon "Hed" Liebert
Translation: Maciej "Elrond" Myrcha
At the beginning of the game we can choose from several starting classes, differing in statistics and gear. During the gameplay it is possible to change your character development, so do not pay so much attention to your initial choices.
What stats affect?
Increases maximum Health points.
Increases amount of Spell slots.
Increases Stamina, Equip Burden, physical defense and resistance to Bleeding.
Required to wield some weapons. Increases Attack Power for some weapons.
Required to wield some weapons. Increases Attack Power for some weapons.
Increases physical and flame defense and resistance to poison.
Required to wield some weapons. Increases Sorcery Power.
Required to wield some weapons. Increases Miracle Power.
Increases probability of discovering items and curse resistance. You'll find more about this stat in a section about why you should play as human.
As mentioned before, the choice of a class doesn't really matter. Therefore the best choice is a character: Wanderer. Why? Because you'll start the game on 3rd experience level but get same number of points in stats as other characters. This means that first stats can be cheaper to improve.
When we create our character, we can decide with which gift we will start the game. By looking at a table below, our choice seems to be obvious - the most useful item is Master Key.
Which gift should I take?
Divine Blessing
Fully restores HP and clears negative effects.
Black Firebomb
Explodes. Can be thrown at enemies.
Twin Humanities
Restores Humanity. Restores HP.
Binoculars. Can be also find in the game.
An item related to one of the story events.
Master Key
Opens any door with a basic lock. VERY USEFUL.
Tiny Being's Ring
Increases maximum HP.
Old Witch's Ring
Allows talking to Chaos Witch Quelaag.
Bonfires are specific places in the world of Dark Souls. You can use them to replenish Estus Flask (only renewable source of HP recovery) and perform many other actions, like leveling up your character.
But remember, that resting by bonfire will bring back to life most of defeated enemies. Therefore a bonfire is a checkpoint/spawnpoint for a dead player, which also respawns defeated enemies.
By bonfire we can perform following actions:
1) Rest - just light a fire. Estus Flask and spells will be replenished. Rest heals you from Poison and Toxic, but not from Curse.
2) Level Up - leveling up the character if possessing enough souls.
3) Reinforce Weapon - available after finding/purchasing Weapon Smithbox from blacksmith Andre of Astora. Weapon reinforcement.
4) Reinforce Armor - available after finding/purchasing Armor Smithbox from blacksmith Andre of Astora. Armor reinforcement.
5) Repair Equipment - available after finding/purchasing Repairbox from blacksmith Andre of Astora. Equipment repair.
6) Attune Magic - change of memorized spell.
7) Access Bottomless Box - access to Bottomless Box (items storage). We can purchase it from Domhnall of Zena in Depths and in Anor Londo later on.
8) Warp - teleporting between certain bonfires. Available after obtaining the Lordvessel. You can teleport to the following bonfires: Firelink Shrine, Undead Parish, Depths, Anor Londo, The Duke's Archives , Painted Word Of Ariamis, Crystal Cave, Tomb Of The Giants, Sanctuary Oolacile (Artorias Of The Abyss).
9) Kindle - lightning a fire, which increases stock of Estus Flask at certain bonfire. It costs 1 Humanity. It can be performed only in human form. It can be strengthened after receiving Rite of Kindling (you must defeat Pinwheel boss).
10) Reverse Hollowing - transformation into human form. It costs 1 Humanity.
When you die, you lose all souls and Humanity points you have, and you also become undead again. But lost elements can be retrieved, if you can get to the place you died and collect the "corpse" (shiny point). You have to do this without dying again on your way, because there can be only one corpse of you in the game world, with all your possessions.
There is however a way to not to lose gathered souls. You can use any Ring of Sacrifice. If you equip this ring, souls will stay with you after your death but the ring will be destroyed itself. There are only few such items, so you should use it only in very difficult situation, when you know that it will be difficult to get to your corpse and you have many souls with you.
In Dark Souls you can play as an Undead or as a Human. In order to turn into human, you have to consume at least one Humanity (an active Humanity indicator can be found in the upper left part of the screen) and select Reverse Hollowing option at any bonfire.
1) You can call for help NPC and other players more often. Just use the white sigh, which can be found mostly next to the arenas, where you fight with bosses.
2) You can encounter additional "attractions" - sometimes special NPC attack you or you can be a witness of other situations. In some cases this means obtaining several additional items.
3) If you have high Humanity level, your chance of item drops from enemies is higher. You can also increase defense against curse.
4) As a human you can light on the fire and obtain more Estus Flask.
1) Another players or NPC can attacks you - in such situation you have to fight with them or ... log off from the game or unplug the Internet.
As you can see, there are pros and cons of being human. You can gather Humanity needed to operate with this state in many ways: collecting it in game world, getting it from enemies, earning it for special actions (killing the boss, many enemies, other players, etc).
Before you go to the fight, you might consider several aspects of the fight system:
1) Stamina - a green bar that indicates your ability of blocking and attacking. You have to watch it carefully, so it doesn't get empty because you're getting defenseless then. Hint: Stamina replenishes faster if you lower your shield. So keeping it raised all the time is not a best idea.
2) Aiming system - by using the right analog stick you can activate aiming system, which allows you focusing on one enemy. This solution is useful during fight with lower enemies, but can interfere when you dealing with a boss. Hit: you shouldn't always use the aiming system. You have greater mobility without it.
3) Attacks from behind - if you can get behind enemy's back, you'll be able to deal huge damage in a special attack animation. This is important and useful tactics against your enemies. But be prepared for such attacks when you fight with other players.
4) Counterattack - this is a base for best warriors. If you have a proper shield (Small, Standard) you can parry enemy's blow (with left trigger) and then counterattack. This is powerful technique, which requires a lot of exercise. But it is worth it - thanks to that you'll easily defeat the last boss in the game!
5) Equip Burden - each character is described with an indicator for maximum equipment it can wear. If your current gear weight is above 50% of maximum Equip Burden, you move slowly. If it is below 50%, you are quite fast. Even better speed you'll have with weight below 25% of Equip Burden.
During the game you have to develop few behaviors:
1) Do not charge, especially with new type of enemies. In Dark Souls you have to know enemies' behavior first, in order to defeat them.
2) Fight in safe conditions - sometimes it is better to back off than fight on the edge of abyss.
3) Always have a bow and arrow - a bow is "a must" for each character archetype. Thanks to it you can lure out enemies and kill stronger opponents from a distance.
4) Enhance your weapons when you can - an enhanced weapon equals more damage and easier fights.
5) Speed or armor - in many cases you can choose between strong armor (you move slower) and speed/mobility. In fact everything depends on your enemy: sometimes it is better to invest in armor, but mostly higher mobility saves your life.
In Dark Souls there are several states, which can make your life not easy:
1) Poison - you can be poisoned by rats and other characters. As a result your HP decreases and Estus Flask you use, have less power. You can remove this state with Purple Moss Clump or Blooming Purple Moss Clump. Both plants can be dropped by combat bushes in Darkroot Garden.
2) Toxic - this state can be caused by several types of enemies. It causes your HP decreasing drastically, so if you do not have any items which removes this state, it will be tough. An item that removes this state is Blooming Purple Moss Clump. This plant is dropped by combat bushes in Darkroot Garden. You can also buy it at Undead Merchant Female in aqueduct.
3) Curse - this a specific state, which on one hand is bad, because it "cut" your HP bar to its half and do not allow you to use Humanity, but on the other hand it is useful sometimes (in this state you can attacks ghost with any weapon). A curse can be casted by Basilisks (frog-like creatures). You can remove curse with Purging Stone - can be bought at Oswald of Carim after fight with Bell Gargoyle or at Undead Merchant Female in Undead Burg. Curse can be also removed by Ingward from New Londo Ruins.
4) Bleeding - it is dealt by opponents with weapons such knives or katanas. Just try to avoid being hit or use Bloodred Moss Clump. This item is dropped by combat bushes in Darkroot Garden and can be bought at Undead Merchant Female in Undead Burg.
Above states, except Curse, can be healed by the bonfire.
If you explore Dark Souls lands in online mode, you'll encounter some strange things sometimes. This is a complex online play system, which allows players to give hints, help or fight other players. Most important are:
1) Phantoms - near the bonfires (but not only), you'll often see phantoms - these are other players. You can't interact with them.
2) Bloodstains - if you activate a bloodstain, you'll be able to see how another player died. This is a signal that you're close to the dangerous fragment of the game.
3) Additional Estus Flask - sometimes you'll get additional Estus Flask. That happens when other players light the bonfire. You can also help others in same way by using Kindle option at the bonfire.
4) Signs - orange signs on the ground are placed by other players and rarely by game creators. Mostly these are useful hints about tactics or hidden passages. You can rate such texts and also put your own - you just have to buy Orange Guidance Soapstone (Undead Merchant, Undead Burg). If your text is rated positively, you'll get additional Estus Flask. What's more, you're developing "message icon" level.
5) Co-Op - if you place a white sign on the ground, you can be summoned by other players to help them. If you see such a sign, mostly as a human, you'll be able to summon other players to your world (and sometimes NPCs too). There are Rewards for fighting along with them - by defeating the boss you'll obtain souls and Humanity. A few of factions in the game, known as Covenant, affect the ease of connecting with others. There is an item which makes this manipulation possible - White Sign Soapstone (can be obtained from Solaire of Astora in Undead Burg, just before the bridge with the wyvern).
6) PvP - if you play as a human, you risk that your world will be invaded by other players and sometimes by NPS. You will get the clear information about this on the screen. The opponent appears at some distance from you and not always knows where you are. There is of course option of visiting worlds of other players. You need for that Red Sign Soapstone (Painted World of Ariamis) or Cracked Red Eye Orb/Red Eye Orb (and some other items).
Covenants are alliances with various characters. There are certain rules, responsibilities and privileges related to each of them. During the gameplay you can change the membership many times but that can lead to unpleasant consequences.
Description: thanks to this covenant you'll be able to easier connect to other players in order to help them.
How to join: Talk to Petrus in Firelink Shrine or with Reah in Undead Parish (after saving the character from Tomb of Giants).
Description: Another faction for online play fans. It turns your character in other players' worlds into a golden phantom. If you're the member, you'll find easier white signs of other people, to summon them to your world.
How to join: Your Faith has to be on 25th level. If you help others to kill bosses, this requirement is lowered by 5 points for every successful assistance. To check whether you meet requirements, go to Undead Parish and find a bonfire under the gate, where red wyvern were sitting. If you can pray next to altar, you'll join Covenant.
Rewards: Miracle: Lightning Spear, Miracle: Great Lightning Spear - you'll obtain it for sacrificing 10 Sunlight Medals, which you get after fighting with boss along with other players. These medals must be sacrificed by the altar.
Description: This is a dark pact with Nito, terrifying character. By joining him you can obtain a weapon.
How to join: You can meet Nito in Catacombs, before fighting with Pinwheel. In one of tunnels you'll find Titanite Demon. Search for an empty coffin, away from other objects. You need to have an Eye of Death in your equipment. When you get closer to his place, you'll move to the Nito's chamber and you'll be able to talk to him. After joining the faction you can Eye of Death, to make play more difficult for some other players.
Rewards: Gravelord Sword, miracles Gravelord Sword Dance. You obtain them by giving Nito Eyes of Death. There are several of them in the game but they can also be obtained by killing some cursed players.
Description: Another Covenant for co-op fans. It provides better and easier connection between members of this group. It also allows using miracles Bountiful Sunlight and Soothing Sunlight (from Duke's Archives).
How to join: You have to talk to Gwynevere after the fight with Ornstein and Smough.
Rewards: Sun Princess Ring.
Description: A faction for PvP fans, where you'll fight with players who get to the deeps of Darkroot Forest.
How to join: Talk to Alvina the cat in Darkroot Forest, near the arena where you fight the wolf. Answer "yes" to all her questions. After that equip a ring you got from her - you'll be called to the forest if needed, to help fighting other players. After the fight you'll be moved back to the previous location. If you lose the fight, you'll get back to the bonfire and you won't lose your souls. If you're the member of this covenant, you can't attack ally NPCs in the forest.
Rewards: Divine Blessing, Ring of Fog - for killing few players.
Description: Another PvP faction. You'll attack players who posses Dragon Scales.
How to join: You have to talk to the dragon at the end of Ash Lake. From now on you can use Everlasting Dragon Eye, to attack other players. After killing another person you'll obtain souls and Dragon Scales. If you lose the fight, you won't lose anything. Earned Dragon Scale can be given to the dragon, to increase your level.
Rewards: Dragon Head Stone (your head turns into dragonoid head breathing fire) and Dragon Torso Stone on 30th faction level (turns you into a dragon).
Description: Yet another PvP faction, where you hunt down players breaking rules of other covenants.
How to join: Talk to boss Gwyndolin, residing in Anor Londo. You'll obtain from him Blue Eye Orb and Darkmoon Ring - you can use them to visit worlds of other players.
Rewards: Darkmoon Blade, Darkmoon Talisman (level 10) and other enhancements. Levels can be increased with Souvenir of Reprisal - items dropped by killed players.
Description: A spider-woman faction. You have to offer her Humanity.
How to join: After fight with Queelag, go behind her arena and search for the hidden passage (take a look at location's description). Talk there with White Spider. You can offer her Humanity. Warning! If you break the pact, you'll be infected and your head will turn into an egg, consuming half of souls. You can cure this with Egg Vermifuge - this item can be bought at Eingyi (a servant sitting next to the spider). What's interesting, with egg on your head you can buy spells Poison Mist and Toxic Mist from him.
Rewards: Chaos Great Fireball, Chaos Firestorm on 30th level + shortcut to Izalith.
Description: A real PvP faction, where you can do what you want. Of course if you can join it, which is not an easy task.
How to join: You can join this covenant after killing the boss in The Abyss. You can't also talk to Frampt before that and do not put Lordvessel on an altar under Firelink Shrine. After the fight you should see Kaathe, a female version of the dragon, similar to Frampt.
Rewards: Dark Hand (a weapon stealing Humanity on hit), Red Eye Orb (on 10th level), Darksword (on 30th level). You gain levels by killing players.
There is one interesting place in the game, where you can farm souls and which can be accessed early in the game (or at least in the first part of the game). This place is located in the further part of Darkroot Forest behind the door marked with the seal (there is a bonfire nearby, hidden behind the disappearing wall).
In order to use this method, you have to buy Crest at blacksmith Andrei and open the passage - you'll get an access to a place with large amount of souls. You can only use this while you're not a member of Forest Hunter, because you'll be killing their allies.
Farming looks as follows:
1) You start at the bonfire in the forest and go outside through the door marked with the magic sign.
2) Jump from the stairs and run into the forest.
3) Keep on the left edge (of the slope) and run towards ruins (where you can find Alvina, the cat)
4) Along your way lure all local enemies - mage, axe warrior and 2-3 invisible opponents.
5) Make sure that enemies are following you and slowly go back to the stairs, with all opponents still following you.
6) Move to the stairs from the edge side - try to fit into a corner behind the stairs.
7) Your opponents should walk onto the stairs (instead running after you from the edge side) and try to jump over you - but it won't do any good. Enemies will fall into an abyss and you'll get souls.
8) Sometimes enemies fall down to your ledge - just raise your shield then and block their attack to push then to the abyss.
You can also harvest, around 500 souls at Undead Burg. Climb up the ladder next to the bonfire. Then, climb up the stairs to the bridge with the dragon on. Walk onto the bridge and return to the stairs quickly. The Dragon will start belching fire and it will kill the soldiers guarding the bridge. If you want to repeat this maneuver, take rest at the bonfire and repeat. This is a good option in the situation, in which you are short on money and cannot buy souls from the merchant. If you want to level up this way, it is quite cumbersome, due to the small amount of souls that you receive.
In Dark Souls you'll find many items - here you can read about those, which make gameplay easier plus places, where you can get them.
Souls - items with souls of different power. How to get them: explore each location - there are plenty of them.
Repairbox, Weapon Smithbox, Armor Smithbox, Bottomless Box - enhance the capabilities of the bonfire. How to get them: blacksmith Andrei, merchant Domhnall of Zena.
Fire Keeper Soul - allows you to enhance power of Estus Flask at characters, which guard the fire (for example in Firelink Shrine, Queelag Domain, Anor Londo). How to get them: Undead Parish, New Londo Ruins, Blighttown, Dukes' Archives. You can also get them for killing fire guardians.
Humanity / Twin Humanity - increases Humanity. How to get them: during the gameplay, you'll find lot of them. They are mainly dropped by rats - you can farm them at the beginning in Undead Parish or Depths.
Transient Curse - allows you to kill ghosts for several minutes. How to get them: few of them can be found in New Londo Ruins. You can buy four at Undead Merchant Female.
Homeward Bone - it allows you to teleport with no further penalties to the last visited bonfire. How to get them: a chest in Firelink Shrine, Undead Merchant Female.
Green Blossom / Bloodred Moss Clump / Purple Moss Clump / Blooming Purple Moss Clump - plants removing different states. How to get them: it is best to farm combat bushes in Darkroot Garden. Can be also bought at Undead Merchant Female.
Purging Stone - a stone removing the curse. It is sold by: Oswald of Carim, Undead Merchant Female (it is cheaper at first merchant).
Rite of Kindling - allows you to light on the enhanced version of fire. How to get them: kill the Pinwheel.
Lordvessel - an item needed to finish the game. It allows you to teleport between bonfires. How to get them: kill Ornstein and Smough, talk to Gwynevere (her chamber is located behind the arena).
In Dark Souls you'll find plenty of rings - we're describing only these, which make the gameplay easier plus places where you can find them.
Havel's Ring - increases the maximum Equip Burden by 50%. You'll be able to equip heavier items and keep mobility. It is a key item for warriors. How to get them: kill Havel the Rock.
Ring of Steel Protection - increases physical defense, by 50 points, which is useful in some fights. How to get them: Sen's Fortress.
Flame Stoneplate Ring - increases fire defense, by 50 points, which is useful in some fights. How to get them: Sen's Fortress.
(Rare) Ring of Sacrifice - allows keeping souls after your death. After one usage it gets destroyed. You can find few of them during the play. At Firelink Shrine, In New Londo Ruins, at Snuglli's by offering him one Humanity and also can be bought from Oswald Of Carim.
Hornet Ring - increases damage (up to 30%) with attacks from behind and counterattacks. A perfect item for fans of such style of play. How to get them: defeat Great Grey Wolf Sif. In Darkroot Garden AT the corpse, past Artorias's grave.
Dark Wood Grain Ring - one of the most important rings in the game, which replaces your roll dodges into flip dodges. Extremely useful during boss fights. Effective only above 25% of load. How to get them: kill guardian of Shiva, ninja warrior in Darkroot Garden.
Rusted Iron Ring - thanks to this ring you can walk over mud/water as it was normal surface. Perfect in Blighttown and some other places. How to get them: return to Undead Asylum.
Ring of the Evil Eye - you receive 30 pts of health for each enemy that you kill. Toy can find the ring in Depths.
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring - the Mount of souls, of the killed enemies, is increased by 20%. You can find it in Tomb Of The Giants.
In Dark Souls you'll find plenty of weapons and armor sets - we're describing only these, which make the gameplay easier plus places where you can find them.
1) Drake Sword - one of the first powerful swords you can find. In order to get it, you have to shoot the wyvern's tail several times, while you're under the bridge (between Undead Burg and Undead Parish). It is a perfect weapon for the first part of the game. Later on it is not enough.
2) Lighting Spear - useful weapon, which can be obtained in Sen's Fortress. Lightning damage is powerful but game creators try to make it weaker. All spears are good because you can use them while having your shield raised.
3) Zweihander - a large sword which can be nicely enhanced. You can find it on the cemetery next to the entrance to Catacombs (at the very end of locations - it is guarded by large group of skeletons).
4) Halberd - specific weapons while guaranteeing good hits.
5) Longbow - if enhanced, it is good enough for the entire game.
Shield can be divided in three types:
1) Small - ideal for parrying/counterattacking, poor with blocking.
2) Standard - good for parrying/counterattacking and blocking.
3) Greatshields - perfect for blocking.
We suggest using following shields:
Target Shield - Small. Perfect for parrying and only for that. You'll find it in Undead Burg before the fight with Capra Demon.
Hollow Soldier Shield - Standard - you can find it quite early, because it is dropped by undead. It is fairly good at the start levels.
Spider Shield - Standard - this shield defends against poison. Useful in some situations. You'll find it in Depths after jumping into secret exit behind the Butcher's table.
Dragon Crest Shield - Standard - this shield defends against fire. It is located in Valley of Drakes next to undead dragon.
Black Knight Shield - Standard - good for blocking and parrying. It is dropped on the later part of the game by Black Knight.
Eagle Shield - Greatshield - on of the first great shield you can find, so it is worth to use it. Location - Blighttown, next to bonfire.
Dingy Set - it is a set with great resistance against curses, which can be collected after death of Fire Keeper in Firelink Shrine (dumb woman in the cell). For this event to occur, you have to rescue a prisoner from the cathedral before the fight with Bell Gargoyle and leave him alone. This armor is useful in some places.
Gold-Hemmed Black Set - great armor, offering high resistance for poison. It is also light and offers surprisingly good physical defense. Even despite its funny. How to get it: you can obtain it right after defeating Queelag and getting to Demon's Ruins. Just go to the location of fight with boss Ceaseless Discharge (check the location's description). Then, instead of attacking the giant, run to the altar behind him and take the set.
Havel's Set or Stone Armor Set - two heavy armors. First of them can be found in Anor Londo (in a basement behind the room with fireplace, where the passage is hidden). The second on is located in Darkroot Garden (near the ruins where Alvina, the cat, resides). Wearing heavy armors increases maximum burden and we do not want to have slow character. The solution to this is Havel's Ring, which you'll obtain after fighting with Havelem (a similar effect has Mask of the Father dropped randomly from Pinwheel).
Set Of Artorias - its characteristic feature is the high durability. An additional asset is the well balanced durability, against all the other factors (around 60pts per factor)You can buy the armor from Donhalla of Zena after you kill Artorias. Each element is the cost of 20000 souls.
Weapon enhancement is a base technique of increasing your chances during fights. It is worth to enhance almost every weapon, but you have to think which one you need most. Basic weapons can be enhanced at the bonfires after purchasing proper items. Advanced manipulations are done by blacksmiths.
In order to get an access to all types of enhancements, you have to find items called Ember and give these to blacksmiths. You will also need souls and materials.
Blacksmiths in game are:
Rickert of Vinheim - probably first blacksmith you encounter. He is located in New Londo Ruins, close to elevators on side stairs.
Blacksmith Andrei - is located on the way between Undead Parish and Darkroot Garden.
Giant Blacksmith - this blacksmith is located in Anor Londo. Near the fight arena with Ornstein and Smough.
Blacksmith Vamos - blacksmith living in Catacombs. He can be found in later part of the location (check the location's description to find him).
What does it do? / Requirements
Increases damage / Titanite Shard, any weapon
Every blacksmith, bonfire
Increases damage, decreases stats scaling / Large Titanite Shard, +5 normal weapon
Blacksmith Andrei
Increases damage but decreases durability / Titanite Chunk, +10 normal weapon
Blacksmith Rickert
Adds lightning damage / Titanite Chunk, +10 normal weapon
Giant Blacksmith
Increases Intelligence scaling, decreases Strength and Dexterity scaling / Green Titanite, +5 normal weapon
Blacksmith Rickert
Increases Magic stat scaling to A rank / Blue Titanite, +5 weapon Magic
Blacksmith Rickert
Adds Magic and Faith scaling, decreases Strength/Dexterity scaling / Green Titanite, +5 normal weapon
Blacksmith Andrei
Adds Magic and Faith scaling / +5 Divine weapon
Blacksmith Andrei
Adds fire damage / Green Titanite, +5 normal weapon
Blacksmith Vamos
Adds Humanity scaling / Red Titanite, +5 Fire weapon
Blacksmith Vamos
Embers are items which allow blacksmiths to modify items.
Large Ember
Modifies normal weapons +5 to +10 or +5 to +5 Raw
Andrei, Depths
Very Large Ember
Modifies normal weapons +10 to +15
Andrei, New Londo Ruins
Divine Ember
Modifies normal weapons +5 to +5 Divine
Andrei, Darkroot Garden
Large Divine Ember
Modifies weapons +5 Divine to +10 Divine
Andrei, Tomb of Giants
Dark Ember
Modifies weapons +5 to +5 Occult
Andrei, Painted World of Ariamis
Large Magic Ember
Modifies weapons +5 Magic to +10 Magic
Rickert, The Duke's Archives
Enchanted Ember
Modifies weapons +5 Magic to +5 Enchanted
Rickert, Darkroot Garden
Crystal Ember
Modifies normal weapons +10 to +5 Crystal
Giant, The Duke's Archives
Large Flame Ember
Modifies weapons +5 Fire to +10 Fire
Vamos, Demon Ruins
Chaos Flame Ember
Modifies weapons +5 Fire to +10 Chaos
Vamos, Demon Ruins
Ore are resources needed for upgrading. Many of them can be bought at merchants or exchanged at Snuggle for other items.
Where to obtain it?
Titanite Shard
Reinforces standard weapon to +5 and armor to +3
Blacksmith Andrei, drops from: Undead Soldier, Red Cape Undead Knights
Large Titanite Shard
Reinforces standard weapon to +10, Raw do +5
Merchant Crestfallen Merchant w Sen's Fortress, drops from: Slime, Leeches (Depths and Blighttown)
Titanite Chunk
Reinforces standard weapon to +14, Crystal and Lighting do +4
Drops from Crystal Lizard, Black Knight, Large Knights z Anor Londo.
Titanite Slab
Reinforces standard weapon, Crystal and Lighting do +15
Drops from: Crystal Lizard, Stray Demon, Darkwraiths (New Londo)
Green Titanite Shard
Reinforces Magic, Divine and Fire do +5
Merchants: Crestfallen Merchant (Sen's Fortress. Drops from: Slime, Larvae (Depths, Blighttown)
Blue Titanite Chunk
Reinforces Magic do +9, Enchanted do +4
Drops from: Crystal Golem
Blue Titanite Slab
Reinforces Magic do +10, Enchanted +5
Crystal Cave
Red Titanite Chunk
Reinforces Fire do +9, Chaos do +4
Drops from: Gargoyles in Lost Izalith
Red Titanite Slab
Reinforces Fire do +10, Chaos do +5
Lost Izalith
White Titanite Chunk
Reinforces Divine do +9, Occult do +4
Tomb of Giants
White Titanite Slab
White Titanite Slab
Tomb of Giants, Pinwheel
Twinkling Titanite
Reinforces weapons which can be normally enhanced.
Merchant: Giant Blacksmith, drops from: Crystal Lizard,
Demon Titanite
Reinforces weapons made from bosses souls to +5
Titanite Demon
Dragon Scale
Reinforces Dragon weapons
Ash Lake, Blighttown
After killing bosses you'll be able to forge special weapons made from their souls.
Soul of the Moonlight Butterfly
Horn of the Moonlight Butterfly (+10 spear), Crystal Ring Shield (+10 shield)
Soul of Quelaag
Quelaag's Furysword (+10 swords Curved), Chaos Blade (+10 Katanas)
Core of an Iron Golem
Dragon Bone Fist (+10 Fists), Golem Axe (+10 axes)
Soul of Gwyndolin
Darkmoon Bow (+10 bows), Tin Darkmoon Catalyst
Soul of Ornstein
Dragonslayer Spear (+10 lances)
Soul of Smough
Smough's Hammer (+10 hammers)
Soul of Sif
Greatsword of Artorias cursed (+10 swords/daggers), Greatsword of Artorias normal (+10 sword grip), Greatshield of Artorias (+10 shields)
Soul of Priscilla
Lifehunt Scythe (+10 whips and halberds)
Soul of Gwyn, Lord of Cinder
Great Lord Greatsword (+10 great swords)
Soul of Artorias (Artorias Of The Abyss)
Abyss Greatsword (+10 sword/Simple sword/dagger)
Soul of Manus (Artorias Of The Abyss)
Manus Catalyst (after you upgrade Sorcerer's Catalyst)
Magic in the world of Dark Souls is divided into three "schools": Sorcery (requires Catalyst), Miracles (requires Talisman) and Pyromancy (requires: Pyromancy Flame).
Fire ball.
Laurentius, Quelana
Fire Orb
Fire ball.
Laurentius, Quelana
Great Fireball
Fire ball.
Flash Sweat
Covers the player with water.
Powerful flame in hand - close-range attack.
Laurentius, Quelana
Great Combustion
Powerful flame in hand - close-range attack.
Fire Whip
Fire whip (distance-range attack)
Chaos Fire Whip
Fire whip (distance-range attack)
Lost Izalith
Fire Surge
Attack on a short distance.
Painted World of Ariamis.
Acid Surge
Area attack, corrodes equipment.
Painted World of Ariamis.
Large area attack.
Chaos Storm
Large area attack.
Reward: Chaos Covenant
Fire Tempest
Large area attack.
Great Chaos Fireball
Fire ball.
Reward: Chaos Covenant
Power Within
Increases attack and defense but drains HP.
Iron Flesh
Increases defense and resistances.
Poison Mist
Poison area attack.
Toxic Mist
Toxic area attack.
Undead Rapport
Turns undead into allies.
Soul Arrow
Griggs of Vinheim, Big Hat Logan, Blacksmith Rickert of Vinheim
Great Soul Arrow
Griggs of Vinheim, Big Hat Logan
Heavy Soul Arrow
Griggs of Vinheim, Big Hat Logan, Blacksmith Rickert of Vinheim
Great Heavy Soul Arrow
Griggs of Vinheim, Big Hat Logan
Homing Soulmass
Homing projectile.
Big Hat Logan
You move without making noises.
Sen's Fortress
Cast Light
Dusk of Oolacile
Soul Spear
Distance attacks.
Big Hat Logan
Crystal Soul Spear
Distance attacks.
Big Hat Logan
Crystal Magic Weapon
Enhances weapon.
Big Hat Logan
Homing Crystal Soulmass
Homing projectiles.
Big Hat Logan
Lessens or removes poison effect.
Resist Curse
Raises resistance to curse.
Repairs weapon/armor.
Dusk of Oolacile
Hidden Body
Masks your presence.
Dusk of Oolacile
Transforms you into an item.
Dusk of Oolacile
Hidden Weapon
Turns your weapon invisible.
Dusk of Oolacile
Magic Shield
Reinforces the shield.
Griggs of Vinheim, Big Hat Logan
Strong Magic Shield
Reinforces the shield.
The Duke's Archives
Magic Weapon
Enhances the right-handed weapon.
Griggs of Vinheim, Big Hat Logan
Great Magic Weapon
Enhances the right-handed weapon.
Chandelier in front of Painted World Entrance in Anor Londo
Aural Decoy
Lures enemies away.
Griggs of Vinheim
White Dragon Breath
Seath-like breathe.
Big Hat Logan (after killing)
Fall Control
Reduces damage from fall.
Griggs of Vinheim
Knocks back enemies.
Petrus of Thorolund, Reah of Thorolund
Emit Force
Ball of energy, inflicts damage.
Siegmeyer of Catarina (when appears in Firelink Shrine after finishing Anor Londo)
Wrath of the Gods
Damage around the hero.
Reah of Thorolund
Heal the hero.
Petrus of Thorolund, Reah of Thorolund
Great Heal Excerpt
Heal the hero.
Petrus or Thorolund, Patches, Reah of Thorolund
Great Heal
Heal the hero.
Reah of Thorolund
Soothing Sunlight
Heal the hero and allies.
Restores HP for a short time.
Reah of Thorolund
Bountiful Sunlight
Restores hero's and allies' HP for a short time.
Lightning Spear
Magic spear.
Reward: Warrior of Sunlight Covenant
Great Lightning Spear
Magic spear.
Reward: Warrior of Sunlight Covenant
Sunlight Spear
Magic spear.
Reward: Warrior of Sunlight Covenant
Transports back to the last used bonfire.
Petrus of Thorolund, Reah of Thorolund
Magic Barrier
Reduces magic damage.
Reah of Thorolund
Great Magic Barrier
Reduces magic damage.
Ash Lake
Seek Guidance
Allows seeing more messages on the ground by other players and creators.
Petrus of Thorolund, Reah of Thorolund
Karmic Justice
Explodes when you get physical damage.
Oswald of Carim
Darkmoon Blade
Magic weapon.
Reward: Darkmoon Covenant
Tranquil Walk of Peace
Slows down enemy.
Vow of Silence
Stops all casting in the area (including you).
Painted World of Ariamis
Gravelord Sword Dance
Scream dealing damage.
Reward: Gravelord Servant Covenant
Gravelord Greatsword Dance
Scream dealing damage.
Reward: Gravelord Servant Covenant
Sunlight Blade
Coats your weapon with lightning.
Dark Sun Gwyndolin (after killing).
There are many merchants and NPCs in the game world, who sell different items and spells.
Undead Merchant Male - Undead Burg, near the bonfire. Items: Repair Powder, Throwing Knife, Firebomb, Lloyd's Talisman, Orange Guidance Soapstone, Residence Key, Repairbox, Bottomless Box, Dagger, Shortsword, Scimitar, Rapier, Hand Axe, Club, Reinforced Club, Spear, Short Bow, East-West Shield, Small Leather Shield, Buckler, Leather Shield, Heater Shield, Standard Arrow, Large Arrow, Wooden Arrow, Standard Bolt, Chain Helm, Chain Armor, Leather Gauntlets, Chain Leggings.
Undead Merchant Female - in an aqueduct (lower part of Undead Burg). Items: Bloodred Moss Clump, Purple Moss Clump, Blooming Purple Moss Clump, Poison Throwing Knife, Dung Pie, Alluring Skull, Charcoal Pine Resin, Transient Curse, Rotten Pine Resin, Homeward Bone, Prism Stone, Humanity, Purging Stone, Fire Arrow, Poison Arrow.
Crestfallen Merchant - Sen's Fortress, in the side tower near Golem (you have to jump there over a gap). Items: Black Firebomb, Green Blossom, Titanite Shard, Large Titanite Shard, Green Titanite Shard, Greatsword, Greataxe, Balder Shield, Tower Shield, Standard Arrow, Standard Bolt, Large Arrow, Feather Arrow, Heavy Bolt, Sniper Bolt, Thunder Stoneplate Ring, Spell Stoneplate Ring. Sets Balder, Steel, Catarina.
Oswald of Carim - is located on the tower with one of the bells (after fight with Bell Gargoyle w Undead Parish). Items: Purging Stone, Indictment, Book of the Guilty, Karmic Justice, Velka's Talisman, Bloodbite Ring, Poisonbite Ring, Ring of Sacrifice, Homeward Bones.
Patches the Hyena - can be met in Catacombs, Tomb of Giants and later in Firelink Shrine. Items: Eyes of Death, Divine Blessing, Prism Stone, Humanity, Twin Humanities, Heal, Great Heal Excerpt, Crescent Axe, Mace, Canvas Talisman, Thorolund Talisman, Mask of the Father, Mask of the Mother, Mask of the Child. Sets: Cleric.
Snuggly - located in Undead Asylum, right next to the place, where you are taken by a giant crow (on the side, the nest). You can exchange items there by leaving them in his nest, re logging and getting another item. You can only exchange one item per time.
Leave item
Get item
Souvenir of Reprisal
Titanite Chunk
Sunlight Medal
White Titanite Chunk
Bloodred Moss Clump
Twinkling Titanite
Purple Moss Clump
Twinkling Titanite
Blooming Purple Moss Clump
Twinkling Titanite x2
Cracked Red Eye Orb
Purging Stone x2
Ring of Sacrifice
Twin Humanities
Rare Ring of Sacrifice
Prism Stone
Demon Titanite
Dung Pie
Demon Titanite
Pyromancy Flame
Red Titanite Chunk
Pyromancy Flame
Red Titanite Slab
Egg Vermifuge
Dragon Scale
Sunlight Maggot
Old Witch's Ring
Demon's Great Hammer
Skull Lantern
Ring of Fog
Ring of the Sun Princess
Divine Blessing
Xanthous Crown
Ring of Favor and Protection
Dried Finger
Blue Titanite Chunk
Shiva of the East - Blighttown next to the round mechanism, can be visible only by members of Forest Hunter Covenant. Items: Flamberge, Stone Greatsword, Demon Great Machete, Shotel, Uchigatana, Washing Pole, Demon's Greataxe, Claw, Demon's Spear, East Wood Grain Ring.
Domhnall of Zena - Depths, Firelink Shrine in lower part of the aqueduct (after Anor Londo). Items: Gold Pine Resin, Bottomless Box, Master Key, Crystal Straight Sword, Crystal Greatsword, Crystal Shield. Sets: Domhnall, Golem, Ornstein's/Smough's, Gwyndolin, Lord Gwyn (some of them appear after killing bosses).
Dusk Of Oolacile - Darkroot Basin - after killing Hydra you have to go to the left side of the lake and defeat a golden golem. Then summon the character as a human form next to the lake. Items: Oolacile Ivory Catalyst, Hidden Body, Cast Light, Repair, Chameleon, Invisible Weapon.
Blacksmith Andrei - one of blacksmiths between Undead Parish and Darkroot Garden. Items: Titanite Shard, Crest of Artorias, Weapon Smithbox, Armor Smithbox Repairbox, Longsword, Broadsword, Bastard Sword, Battle Axe, War Pick, Caestus, Pike, Large Leather Shield, Tower Kite Shield, Caduceus Kite Shield.
Rickert of Vinheim - blacksmith in New Londo Ruins. Items: Heavy Soul Arrow, Soul Arrow, Sorcerer's Catalyst
Giant Blacksmith - blacksmith from Anor Londo. Items: Moonlight Arrow, Dragon Arrow, Lightning Bolt, Giant Golem Halberd, Giant Golem Shield. Sets: Giant Golem.
Griggs of Vinheim - you have to free him from the cell in Undead Burg (using Residence Key), he will appear in Firelink Shrine. Offer: Soul Arrow, Heavy Soul Arrow, Great Soul Arrow, Great Heavy Soul Arrow, Fall Control, Magic Weapon, Aural Decoy, Magic Shield, Sorcerer's Catalyst, Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring, Lingering Dragoncrest Ring.
Big Hat Logan - kept in cage in Sen's Fortress (you need Cage Key). Offer: Soul Arrow, Magic Weapon, Magic Shield, Great Soul Arrow, Heavy Soul Arrow, Great Heavy Soul Arrow, Homing Soulmass, Soul Spear, Crystal Soul Spear, Crystal Magic Weapon, Homing Crystal Soulmass, White Dragon Breath.
Laurentius of the Great Swamp - Depths, you save him from the barrel in the side room behind the water in the Butcher's chamber. Later on he appears in Firelink Shrine. Offer: Fire Orb, Combustion, Iron Flesh, Flash Sweat, Fireball.
Kingseeker Frampt - a giant serpent, who appears in Firelink Shrine after ringing two bells. You can sell him items in exchange for souls of feed him with items in exchange for other items.
What you give
What you get back
1 x Large Titanite Shard
5 x Titanite Shard
1 x Titanite Chunk
3 x Large Titanite Shard
1 x Green Titanite Shard
5 x Titanite Shard
1 x Blue Titanite Chunk
3 x Green Titanite Shard
1 x White Titanite Chunk
3 x Green Titanite Shard
1 x Red Titanite Chunk
3 x Green Titanite Shard
1 x Titanite Slab
2 x Titanite Chunk
We suggest the following order:
As a bonus you can visit following locations:
Pick up a key in center of a cell and go out through the door. [1] You'll see a big boss to the right behind bars. Do not worry though - you'll flight him only during your second visit in Undead Asylum. [2]
Go through a chamber filled with water [1] and go up a ladder. [2]
Once you get upstairs, move towards a bonfire and light it on.
Go through a large door now. [1] A monster will appear on the other side but do not fight him now. [2]
Instead of fighting, flee through a passage on the left.
In the next chamber, light another bonfire. [1] Follow a long corridor until you encounter bowman at its end. Pick up a shield on your way, to defend yourself against his shots. [2]
Run to the bowman and after he escapes, pick up a mace.
Run up the stairs [1] and go through a fog. [2]
On the other side, turn right and go up the stairs. A monster above us will throw a large ball. Jump to the right in order to avoid it.
The ball destroys a wall. [1] Go inside and talk to the knight. Choose and affirmative answer to his question. [2] He will give you a key and Estus Flask.
Go down the stairs [1] and open the door. [2] You will unlock a shortcut to a bonfire this way, so you can use it to replenish your HP. Remember thought, that after each usage of a bonfire, monsters return to game world.
Go back upstairs and move one level up (to the place where a ball was thrown). Kill the enemy here and open another grate. [1] Lure enemies around the corner to avoid bowman shots. [2]
Run past large portion of fog and kill a bowman. [1] In a passage in front of you, you'll encounter an opponent wielding a shield and a sword - defeat him. [2] The door is close right now - we'll get a key several hours later.
Asylum Demon lurks behind fog. After the fight, open a large door.
Run up the hill.
You might notice that there is a small nest to the right. In it lives Sparkly, NPC who exchanges items.
Go to the very top. A bird will take you further.
Once you get to Firelink Shrine, light a bonfire. Firelink Shrine is one of the central locations, with many crossroads. Before you can go any further, we will describe each of them.
If you use stairs down behind a bonfire, you'll get to New Londo Ruins, full of ghosts. This way leads also to a woman, who augments Estus Flask (which requires a special item) and to a blacksmith (an elevator down).
If you use a passage to the left, you'll get to a giant crow and further to a cemetery with skeletons. This way leads also to Catacombs.
Another passage to the right leads to not working elevators. You will run them in a later part of the game, from Undead Parish.
The last way leads up the stairs (behind a large tree). You can get to the aqueduct above and Undead Burg. You should go there now.
Approach the corpse at the well and harvest it for 3 Humanities.
Go up the stairs. [1] There are several enemies above - kill them and take a souls near the abyss. [2]
Move further. You'll encounter enemies with bombs. Kill them one by one to make life easier.
Before you walk on the bridge, you can jump down to its lowers part. [1] Follow the ledge until you reach the other side and pick up Ring of Sacrifice. [2]
You do not have to kill yourself, because you can jump back in a place where rocks are in contact with the bridge.
Walk on the bridge and pick up a soul at the end of the platform. Choose a first entrance now. [1] Once inside, turn left to kill a rat. Kill him fast, not to get poisoned. [2]
Now go to the opposite direction and exit the tunnel with a side exit. [1] You'll get to Undead Burg. [2]
Kill enemies guarding a tunnel exit and break down nearby barrels. [1] You'll find a path down, where you can pick up some additional items. Fight enemies along your way. [2]
Move ahead following the only path. There are some enemies waiting for you on balustrades. [1] Return to the upper floor by using a ladder. [2]
The ladder will lead you to the wall. On its end you can find Humanity. Find a breach and jump down to the tunnel exit place.
Move further and get past a white fog (killing opponents first).
Walk through the next chamber and you'll encounter a dragon. Fortunately he will quickly fly away.
Watch out in a place, where you've seen a dragon. There are several enemies waiting for you behind desks. You should also take care about a bowman on the stairs. Walk through the door on the right. On the balcony, there are items to collect.
There is a bonfire in a tower to the left behind a bowman. Light it.
Go back a little to visit side locations. Watch out for enemies because there are back after you've used a bonfire! Go to the left, to the side tower, guarded by two pikemen. While fighting the, you have to block their attacks with a heavy shield. After each block your opponent will be thrown back, co you can attack him.
After killing opponents, break nearby chests. You'll find a way down.
At the bottom, go through a side exit first. [1] You'll find merchant there. You can buy arrows and Residence Key from him. It will be used later. If you do not have souls when you get to this place, you may buy a key later. [2]
After shopping, do not return up the stairs but go to the left. There is an enemy hiding behind a wooden shelf. [1] Turn left and head towards a long ladder leading up. [2] Watch out for zombies.
The ladder leads to a rooftop. Pick up an item there. [1] You can also jump down to a small bridge. [2]
You'll find yourself in the upper part of the building you're previously. [1] Pick up a crossbow from a balcony. [2]
You can now return to a main part of this location and take a closer look at the door in a tower with bowman you've seen before. There is a wooden shield inside.
Now prepare for a tough part of this location - a bridge where you'll be attacked with bombs. At its end you'll encounter several enemies waiting for you in a chamber.
The best tactic is to run forwards, enter the chamber and run to the bridge again. Now you can eliminate your opponents.
Pass the chamber to another side. [1] You can take a look inside a building to the right. [2] Inside you'll find two enemies and Black Firebomb in a chest.
Go up the stairs to a small courtyard. [1] You have to watch out, because there are three enemies standing there. [2]
You can use a ladder there to return to a building rooftop. Then walk over wooden platforms where you will find warriors who were throwing bombs at you earlier. There also is an item to collect here.
If you have bought Residence Key, you can take a look inside a small building. [1] On its other side you'll find a chest with items which apply lighting element to a weapon. [2]
Before you keep going, go up a high tower to kill a crossbowman stationing at its top.
You can now lure out enemies one by one to an area below the tower. But watch out, because more opponents will appear on side.
A further way leads up the stairs. But you can to the side part of the way [1] and try to defeat a powerful knight. [2] This is really very tough opponent and it is not easy to block his attacks. The best tactics is to move around him with your shield up and attack his back. After killing him you'll be able to collect the Blue Tearstone ring.
Follow up the stairs. Watch out for an enemy who will roll down a flaming barrel at you.
Climb up and enter the tower. [1] You'll reach a foggy passage. Once you pass through it, prepare to fight Taurus Demon. [2]
After the fight go to the opposite tower. You can break down chests here before descending, to collect souls.
Go up the stairs. You'll find another wall - you'll see soldiers in a distance to the left. WARNING: a dragon will appear on this bridge. First go to the opposite direction.
If you go to the opposite direction, you'll find Solaire of Astora. Answer YES to his question. You'll obtain White Sign Soapstone. Note - there are closed door in this area. A key opening it will be obtained later. This way leads to Depths (it is worth to memorize this).
In order to run further, you have to lure out the dragon. Run onto a bridge to a charred place. [1] Once you hear the beast, turn around and hide into a tower, you came from. Otherwise the monster will set you in fire. [2]
The dragon will land in the other side of the wall. In this case it is best to take off you armor in order to get maximum dexterity. After that sprint towards the dragon.
Once you get to the mid of the wall, run quickly down the stairs.
At the bottom you can unlock a shortcut to a bonfire. Enter a passage on the left. [1] Kick the ladder. [2]
Exit to the lower part of the bridge. [1] Now walk on the outer edge. [2]
You have to defeat two enemies - one with a sword and one with a spear.
You can see dragon's tail from a place where you're standing right now. [1] If you have enough arrows you can try to cut it off and obtain Drake Sword, very useful at this time. [2] But you have to be patient - you must hit the tail several times.
A further way leads through a narrow passage. There are 3 rats inside. Despite appearances these are dangerous opponents, who may poison you. At this moment of the game you do not have a cure, so try to kill them as fast as possible. [1] Go up to enter Undead Parish. [2]
Once you get to Undead Parish, you'll see three passages: a grate (with a dragon behind; this grate can be opened only from the other side), an entrance to a tower [1] and further passage. On the tower you'll find a powerful warrior - defeating him is not easy. You have to circle around him and avoid his mighty blows. [2] If you kill him, you'll obtain Black Knight Greatsword (although it doesn't drop every time) and materials and many souls.
A further way takes you to a location full of enemies.
First you have to deal with a heavy armored Mecha Boar. Lure him with an arrow shoot and avoid his charge.
Attack him only after he turns around and slowly walks away. The beast can try to kick you with his back legs or charge at you again to attack with tusks.
Keep going forwards but be careful, because after passing under an arch, an enemy with a spear will attack you from the right [1]. There will be also an enemy with a sword in front of you. [2] Retreat and then kill them.
Go up the stairs to the right. [1] Raise your shield and eliminate an enemy with a spear, watching out for archers. [2]
Then kill two archers and one or two soldiers, who will come running from a bottom.
A large gate in front of you is closed, but you can find a bypass. These are the stairs down to the underworld.
In a tunnel you'll see a fleeing enemy. This is the sign that they are preparing a trap. Carefully kill them one by one (four or five in total).
Before you go up the ladder, take a look behind tables. In a corner of the room you'll find a corpse with Mystery Key. With it you'll save Knight Lautrec of Carim later.
Go up the two ladders [1] and pass though fog. [2] You can also collect souls from a beam under the ceiling (you have to carefully walk towards it).
On the other side of fog run forwards and then turn right. You'll encounter a knight with a small shield - it is a warrior with a rapier. Do not attack him under any circumstances, because he holds his weapon facing you - this is a sign that he is ready to counterattack. [1] At the end of this branch pick up Knight Shield.
Go to the opposite direction. You'll encounter an enemy standing next to barrels. Kill him and keep going through the corridor. [1] At its end you'll find an opponent. [2] WARNING - once you leave the corridor, another rapier owner will notice you (he'll come running from the opposite side). It is best to lure your opponent to the corridor and then kill them.
A further way will lead you to a junction (you'll see columns there). Now you should turn left because this way you'll unlock a shortcut.
Kill an enemy next to the gate [1] and pick up Basement Key. [2] It is important key, which open a way to Depths (an entrance can be found on a bridge where you met the dragon and Solaire knight).
Use a lever to open the gate and create a shortcut between locations. There is also a halberd next to the gate.
Move to an entrance to a charge but watch out because you'll be attacked by a new type of knight. [1] During the fight, block his attacks and counterattack when he loses his balances. Alternatively you can parry his blows. There are two such knights inside the church plus one rapier owner. Lure them out one by one and then kill them. [2]
In front of the altar you'll encounter a mighty warrior with a large shield. Do not try to fight him right now! Watch out for a mage on an upper level of this chamber (more precisely behind you).
You can lure the mage downstairs. It is enough to move to first benches in front of altar (screen above) and then retreat. This way you can force a mage to walk towards you and then kill him, avoiding his attacks and spells. He won't resurrect after his death.
Time to deal with the black knight. Your opponent possesses a large shield and a mace, but he is quite slow. You have to "learn" his moves. The best moment for counterattack is when your opponent hits a ground with his weapon. During the fight try to dodge his attacks and circle around him.
After the fight pick up Fire Keeper Soul from an altar.
In a side nave of the church you'll find two elevators and stairs up. Stairs lead to Bell Gargoyles and the elevator is a shortcut to Firelink Shrine. Use it now and go down. Once you get to Firelink Shrine, you can use the newly obtained Fire Keeper Soul to upgrade Estus Flask - just ask about it a mute woman sitting in a cell near the bonfire.
Return to the church and if you're ready, go up the stairs. They are patrolled by another knight with a rapier.
At the top you'll encounter a horde of zombies. Even though they are weak, they can kill you. Eliminate them carefully, retreating if needed.
On the opposite side of the altar, you'll find a passage leading up. It is also guarded by a knight.
At the bottom you can "break down" corpse in a barrel to pick up Humanity.
At the end of the church you'll also find a hidden passage. It is enough to destroy boards.
Use the stairs up. At its top free a prisoner (Knight Lautrec of Carim).
Now you're ready to try to defeat gargoyles on a rooftop. An entrance to the arena is located in a right, back part of the church. You have to climb two ladders and pass through fog.
After the fight with gargoyles, run to the other side of the rooftop and enter the tower.
Go to the top using ladders.
Once you get there, activate a lever to ring a bell.
You'll get Homeward Bone - a bone which allows you to return to the last visited bonfire. Do not use it though. Instead go down the tower to meet a local merchant named Oswald. Take a look at his offer. You'll find there Purging Stone among other things. These stones remove curse and can be useful later.
After killing the gargoyle, you might spend your souls to increase your level. You can return to a closest bonfire (Firelink Shrine) or discover a new one (a way there is not too tough). Locate a last exit from the church (in front of elevators). Outside you'll have to kill three enemies (with one archer among them).
Run through a long passage between columns.
Go down the stairs [1] and light a bonfire. [2]
You can choose two ways from here. A side exit leads to Sen's Fortress - this location will be accessible only after ringing two bells.
A level down you'll find blacksmith Andre. You may buy several items at him (Weapon Smithbox, Armor Smithbox, Repairbox). He can also upgrade your weapons. A very important item is Crest of Artorias for 20 thousands of souls. It is expensive but also offers a large shortcut in Darkroot Garden.
Darkroot Garden can be reached from the Andre chamber, if you go down. But watch out because you'll meet Titanite Demon there. So you should visit Depths first and leave Darkroot for later!
In order to get down to a lower part of Burg, which leads to Depths, you have to open the door at the end of the bridge guarded by the dragon/wyvern (Basement Key).
Go down using a long ladder [1] and walk under the arch. [2]
You'll encounter a junction with stairs in front of you [1] and stairs leading up on the right [2]. First go right.
If you use the stairs to the right, you'll unlock a shortcut to a previous part of Undead Burg and a bonfire in tower there.
Now use the stairs down. You'll be attacked by dogs there (next to flaming items). Block their attacks and counterattack.
Before you keep going, go back to the stairs and turn right. [1] You'll hear someone crying for help. Open the door using Residence Key. [2]
Inside you'll find Griggs of Vinheim. After rescuing this person will appear in Firelink Shrine and will be selling spells. Pick up also Sorcerer armor and Sorcerer Catalyst from a corpse in a barrel.
Move forward and you'll reach the end of the road. You'll see there several soldiers with torches. Kill them one by one because they can be dangerous when in group. After the fight, pick up Twin Humanities.
Now it is time to go deeper to this part of Undead Burg. Once you get few steps behind the cart on the road, [1] ninja warriors will attack you from both sides. Go back a little and eliminate them (it is enough to block their blows and counterattack when they lose their balances0. [2] After the fight explore chambers where your opponents were stationing (you'll find Mail Breaker).
Go down and prepare for more ninja attacks.
Ninja will jump out behind the door (there are three of them in total). You'll be also attacked by 2 dogs. [1] Go back and eliminate enemies. [2]
Explore the near chambers and alleys. You'll find there a soul and thief set (Thief Mask, Black Leather Set, Target Shield).
A few meters further you'll encounter a foggy passage - there is Capra Demon lurking on the other side. [1] If you go to the right, you'll find a descend to Depths. [2]
You must fight the demon. You have to kill him in order to obtain a key to Depths.
Depths can be accessed with stairs next to the arena, where you were fighting Capra.
Once you see ninja at the bottom, you have to watch out for the left side - there is a second warrior lurking around the corner.
You will reach a junction - a stairs leading to the side tower.
Inside the tower you'll find a shortcut to a previous location and more precisely to an aqueduct, so you might take a look there. Watch out for an archer on a mezzanine. You can reach the aqueduct with a passage on the upper floor.
Inside you'll encounter a NPC- Undead Merchant Female. It is worth to buy Purple Moss Clump - it can be used in Depths to remove poison. Keep running along aqueduct until you reach the door. Open it unlocking a passage to Firelink Shrine. [2]
After shopping (these Purple Moss Clump will be really useful!), go to Depths. Look for the door lighted with two torches, next to the tower entrance.
Go down. [1] You'll get to the chamber with columns, full of enemies. Be careful here - one of the enemies lurks behind the stairs (once you descend, he will stand right behind you - you can find a souls there also). [2]
When you go to the lower level, you have to watch out again - there are many enemies lurking in the area. It is best to lure them out one by one. These are regular zombies, but they can kill you because they can use battle frenzy (a combination of several).
A further way leads down the stairs. [1] Be very careful there - first lure out two dogs and kill them. [2]
You can now face the Butcher. It is a huge guy with a cleaver. Blocking his attacks is problematic. So it is better to circle around him and keep him on a distance and attack him after his powerful but slow blows.
You can also wait until the butcher hits a ground with his cleaver. [1] Then jump behind his back and perform an attack from behind. [2]
Open a chest next to the butcher's table. There is Large Ember inside.
You can act in two ways now. Behind the Butcher's table you can find a hidden passage - it can be seen after breaking down chests. If you use it, you'll find a Spider shield and a place from which you can easily kill a giant rat (using a bow). In this way you can also get to further part of Depths.
But first you might go down to water next to the Butcher's place. But before you do so, lure out two dogs to kill them on a ground.
Look for a gap in the wall and go up the rubble from water. Be very careful because you'll encounter another Butcher over there!
Now turn towards a visible passage.
Inside free a NPC Laurentius trapped inside a barrel.
Run to the opposite side and open the door. Go down. Once you get to water, you'll see an item to the left. DO NOT PICK IT UP YET! First shoot at slime hovering under a ceiling. Otherwise, he enemy will fall on your head.
Same tactics must be used in the next corridor with zombie with torch. Before you go any further, shoot at all slimes at the ceiling and kill them.
There is a closed door at the end of the corridor - you should remember it. On the other side you'll find a bonfire. A key to this door can be found after few moments.
Choose a left path and go down. At the bottom, break down chests. [1] Right behind bards you can see a giant rat - if you have enough arrows you can shoot him through bars! [2]
Is giant rat already dead? Behind the chests you've broke down, you'll find a ladder leading down. Leave it for a moment and keep going the corridor forwards.
On the other side you'll encounter many rats to the left - kill them and pick up Greataxe.
Follow the corridor. At some point a rat will jump out from a box.
A bit further you'll find a descend down. There are rats lurking around the corner. Lure them out with a bow and kill one by one.
After the fight, go down and turn left. There is an item lying next to the crate: Sewer Chamber Key. Use it to open the locked door and unlock a path to a bonfire.
Return to the closed door, open it and get to the bonfire.
Once you reach a bonfire, continue your journey through sewers. Return to the place where you've found a key and go through a hidden passage under the stairs.
Ignore the path to the right in a tunnel [1] and run forwards. Pass through fog around the corner. [2]
On the other side you'll find several rats and a mage Channeler. Provoke them to come to you and kill one by one.
From this place you can go to the left, along the walls. Watch out for two chests - rats will jump out from them. At the end of a short branch you'll find Large Titanite Shard.
Now run to the opposite side, towards a labyrinth of corridors. Watch out and look under your feet - sometimes you'll encounter holes in the ground.
At the beginning of the corridor turn right and then turn left - you should reach a ramp. Use it to go out of water.
You'll get to a bigger tunnel, where you can encounter a giant rat. But probably you've killed him earlier with arrows.
Run to corridor's end and slide down "the slope".
<br>At the bottom you'll encounter basilisks -"fog like" creatures, which can curse you. Avoid their fumes at all costs!
Right after getting down, you'll get to the junction on a screen above - a path to the right leads to the chamber with a NPC boss. A path to the left allows you to visit some side locations and pick up items.
If you choose the left path, you have to prepare for many fights with basilisks. The way is a little complicated, but you shouldn't get lost.
In one of the corners you can find a soul. [1] Use the passage under the stairs to get to the special item. [2]
It is Ring of the Evil Eye. The item lies behind grates, which can be accessed only from the passage under the stairs, guarded by several basilisks.
Return now to the junction and go to another wide tunnel with columns on sides. There are only two rats and two or three slimes under the ceiling inside.
After killing opponents, look for a small passage with the stairs leading up.
Once you get to the upper floor, open the door. You'll reach a ladder, which will make getting to the only bonfire in this are easy.
In the tunnel with columns you will meet NPC with several items.
A path to Gaping Dragon boss leads through side dark passage.
You can get to the arena by descending two levels. On a lower level you can find Heavy Crossbow.
Fight the boss. After the fight pick up items lying on the arena - a Leather armor set.
After the fight with Gaping Dragon, you will obtain a key to Blightown. Enter the location through a door near the arena in Depths and behind the merchant.
Go down the ladder (on the left). In this location you'll often move this way. Sometimes it is hard to see a ladder but they are usually marked with torches.
In the darkness you'll see ogres/trolls armed with clubs (stubby humanoid creatures). They are dangerous opponents, whose blows can't be rather blocked. A fight with two of them at once is tough - it is better to lure out only one of them at a time.
Try to lure them out using arrows (aim at head to inflict more damage). If you prefer a melee fight then be very careful. Enemies are slow, but there is not too much place for maneuvers. You have to get behind the opponent and then attack him.
Going forward you'll encounter weaker but also dangerous violet ghouls. It is best to lure them one by one and kill. Some of them will be hiding on boards below. Look around carefully while moving, because enemies sometimes move towards you and you do not want them to surprise you.
A several meters further, next to wooden construction, you'll see a warrior with a blowdart. His shoots are toxic. If you have a bow, you can kill him quickly from a distance, avoiding his darts.
After the fight you'll be able to see a further part of the location with the "window to outside" in the background. From this position you can lure several ghouls standing on distance platforms and kill them.
Before you go any further, you might take a look to the right, where you've killed blowdart monster previously. [1] Then you can go down a ladder and move back a little to pick up souls. [2]
Go on. On a stone transverse element of the "bridge" you can see a bonfire. You'll get there soon. Bonus - if you stand in a place as seen on screen below, you can jump down on the rooftop of one of the building below to pick up Iaito weapon. This jump is quite demanding, so you can try it later, after unlocking a local bonfire.
Go down, walking on the right side and using narrow bridges. After a moment you'll see an item - if you jump to pick it up, the floor will collapse under you and you'll fall down.
You can go back to a previous part of a location walking on the shaky bridge - while walking stop when boards start to move.
On the other side you'll encounter two enemies. Kill them and go up the ladder.
At the top move to the bonfire and light it.
Now move to the opposite direction - right around the corner you'll encounter two flaming dogs and ghouls. Animals appear to be small and harmless but they can surprise you with their speed and fiery blast. A key to success is to wait until they start to blow fire and then attack them from the side, where fire can't touch you.
Once you pass by the second bracket of the bridge (similar to one with the bonfire), another blowdart owner will start to shoot you. Try to track him down in the darkness and kill with a bow.
Move forwards, eliminating ghouls, who can climb to the same level if they notice you. At the end of your way you'll reach more open area and the way down - there is a huge tentacle attached to the wall. Destroy it with your bow (if you have a weak weapon, do not worry - you'll be able to get the enemy from the other side).
Now go down the ladder or jump down on platforms.
Kill the enemy below. On this platform you can see two ladders. Use the one near the bonfire to go down.
Kill enemies below (there is one blowdart warrior) and go up the stairs around a column. You can pick up Eagle Shield lying on the ramp.
After collecting the shield, return to the start point. Use the second ladder to continue.
At the bottom you'll see two possible ways. Down the ramp or to the right to the ladder up. A right path (high up the ladder) leads to the place where you can safely kill the parasitic wall hugger.
At the top run over the platforms inside the "building".
Kill a ghoul inside and take the elevator down. You can now kill the parasite without a risk (from behind).
If you killed a worm already, you do not have to use a ladder to the right (but remember to collect an item he drops - it is a spell Pyromancy: Power Within). Instead you can go down the ramp. Warning! A barbarian with a club lurks at the bottom! The fight is tough, because you can't enter the tunnel - there is another ghoul inside. So you might try to lure the enemy up and if it is getting really bad, run away and climb up the ladder (a big enemy is not able to follow you then).
After killing the enemies, run into a tunnel.
On the other side go down the ladder [1] and go through fog. [2]
Before passing fog you can jump down on the platform to collect Whip. From this place you can easily return up.
Behind fog use two ladders and go down. Warning! In this area you'll by attacked by pairs of mosquitoes - these creatures fly from swamps and appear indefinitely.
Keep going on wooden walkways - you'll encounter a new enemy type: Cragspidera. Run towards him and quickly kill him before he can attack you.
You'll reach next platform and ladders - go down.
Look around - there is another blowdart warrior in the area. You'll find him at the end of the long bridge next to a giant root.
Near that enemy you can find Wanderer and Falchion sets behind wooden barrier.
Keep going down, killing other spiders. Once you get to swamps, run along the right wall - there is a bonfire nearby.
A bonfire can be found in a niche to the right. Light it on. Warning! In a corridor behind the bonfire you'll find a chest with Dragon Scale. From this bonfire you can go to several places and visit the entire swamp. Before you choose where you want to go, read all possibilities!
If you go to the right from bonfire, you'll get to the platform leading up to another complex of ladders, chambers and corners. Going there you will have to use a machine with walkways to go up. You'll reach a tunnel full of flaming door and enemies with blowdarts. It is worth to take look there, because at the end you'll find Fire Keeper Soul among other things.
On the platforms on the other side of the machine (you can get there over roots) you'll find more items: Crimson Set, Tin Banishment Catalyst and spell Remedy.
After collecting these items, go back over the roots over the machine and climb up. At the top you'll find a chest with Key to New Londo Ruins. A path near the chest leads to a cavern with a shortcut to Valley of the Drakes. Form that area you can easily get to Firelink Shrine. Unfortunately the passage is guarded by three ogres with clubs (you can run past and ignore them or kill them one by one).
Once you get to Valley of the Drakes walk over the narrow bridge and head to the left. [1] Open the gate - a shortcut to New Londo Ruins and Firelink Shrine is created! [2] From a location in front of the gate you can go along the rocks to the main part of Valley of the Drakes. Watch out though for an undead dragon on your way. You can kill him with a bow from the distance.
After visiting the path described above, return to the bonfire in Blighttown swamps.
A path to the left from the bonfire, towards a giant tree, leads to the area occupied by leeches. From that place you can also enter The Great Hollow (and later Ash Lake). You can get there by climbing the giant root growing from a swamp (check the description of The Great Hollow).
But it is best to deal with Chaos Witch Quelaag - your opponent can be found inside the white hill with thorns, in front of the bonfire (Quelaag's Domain). The area is also guarded by giants throwing boulders - these are slow enemies with mighty blows. You can easily defeat them on the ground, just avoiding their slow attacks.
Enter the area through a hole in a white vortex. Inside you'll find two creatures with eggs on their backs. Ignore them, because they are not attacking you.
Fight with Chaos Witch Quelaag.
After the fight, go behind the arena. In the next room use the lever to ring the second bell.
Go down. You'll reach a location with a round platform (this is not working elevator). Hit the side wall in order to reveal a secret passage to the bonfire (and other).
Go through the secret passage. The way is blocked by a creature with eggs on its back. Talk to it and say YES on its questions.
You can now use the bonfire here and talk to Quelaag's Sister, leader of Chaos Servant Covenant.
A further way leads down the stairs to Demon Ruins. But this is a difficult location so it is worth to take a look at other places, like Darkroot Garden for example!
You can get to Darkroot Garden from Undead Parish moving towards blacksmith Andrei. Go through his chamber and get to the chamber where you were Titanite Demon (advice on how to kill him can be found in a section about bosses).
Run into a forest and look for a first enemy - these are walking bushes. During the fight keep them at average distance. Monsters can catch you and inflict you a lot of damage. Parry their attacks and counterattack.
After killing the first plant, run forward. You'll get to the junction (the ground is boggy there), where another monster attacks you.
From this place you can go to the right to Darkroot Basin. But leave this location for later.
Go forward, in a direction where your second enemy was coming from.
Once the path turns right, be very careful - a third end will come running to you. Another one lurks nearby behind a small rock. It is hidden in the ground!
A few meters further you'll see a sealed passage (you can by a proper seal at Andrei for 20 thousands souls). Hit the wall left from the magic rune and rumble. You'll reveal a passage and a bonfire. Light it on.
Once you regenerate, continue your walk. Pass by the closed door and choose a path to the left.
You'll reach a fogy passage and another path to the left. There are three ents lurking there. They will jump out the ground when you'll try to pick up an item. You can lure them out by shooting the bushes (these are ents' heads).
Behind fog you'll get to large tract of forest. You'll have to deal there with stone knights lying on the ground. They will stand up when you approach them. During the fight try to avoid their attacks or block them. It is best to circle around them with your shield up. Enemies have one special ability - they may slow you down. So control your stamina if you get hit, to be able to block their blows.
From this large area you can reach the boss Moonlight Butterfly. But it is worth to visit some side paths first. What's interesting, some of them are hidden. Return to the entrance you've used to get here and run along the right wall. Hit the green tree - behind it you'll find one of passages, guarded by frog-ray.
Go down with a side corridor and remove another tree on your way.
Keep on the right wall and use a corridor to go up behind a stone column.
At the top you have to defeat a stone knight. It is worth to kill him, because few meters further you'll find Wolf's Ring.
Keep going along the right wall. You'll reach the abyss where frog-rays will jump out of the water attacking you. [1] Pick up a soul lying around a corner. [2]
Return to the main part of the forest and run few meters along the right wall. You'll see an item and two knights lying nearby. In fact there are ents lurking in the ground.
A fight with all enemies at once is too difficult. Ents can be lured out though, despite they are hidden in the ground. Just shoot at their "heads". Then approach knights but make sure that only one of them will notice you. After killing them both, collect an armor set Elite Knight.
Keep going along the wall until you'll reach a tower - this way leads to an arena with boss Moonlight Butterfly. You'll enter it in a moment.
First explore the rest of this location - you'll encounter a tree with strange branches. In fact it is a monster that can poison you (attack and kill him quickly).
Look to the recess on the right, a few dozen meters away. You'll find there a weapon Partisan - watch out because there is a monster lurking on the tree, looking like branches.
After checking all above places, enter the tower and fight with Moonlight Butterfly.
Once you defeat the butterfly, do not return to the bonfire but instead follow along the wall.
At the tower top you'll find Divine Ember, a key to Havel's tower (Watchtower Basement Key) and a bone. This bone allows you to safely teleport to the last used bonfire.
Do you remember a path from blacksmith Andrei to the bonfire in Darkroot Garden? There was a possibility to turn right in this place:
At a first glances this slope looks too steep - but if you look closer, you'll find a descent down. Follow it closely. The path is winding.
At some point you'll get to the junction.
It is best to go to the rocky ledge on the left. At its end you can jump down and pick up Leather armor and Longbow.
After collecting these items, jump one more level down and run forwards.
You'll get to a larger passage between hills (to the left). In front of you, you will see a tower, which can be accessed with Watchtower Basement Key. Inside you'll find a dangerous enemy - Havel, who possesses important items. During the fight you can't get hit not even once. This requires a perfect mastery of dodges - when the enemy strikes from above his head, jump behind his back and hit him with a special attack from behind.
A path to the left, through a larger passage, leads to the lake and Hydra (a method o defeating her is described in a chapter about bosses). Before you fight with her, you have to eliminate crystal golems, luring them with a bow if needed. You can now walk alongside the lake and take a turn to the left. Fight the Golden Golem. If you win, the girl will be free. Talk to her and answer her question affirmatively. Return here after you have obtained the necklace at Duke's Archives. Touch to the black mist and travel to Sanctuary Oolacile from the Artorias Of The Abyss DLC.
Form this place you go down with another winding path. It is guarded by a knight with a shield and a spear. You might lure him to the wider edge of a slope, so you won't fall down. During the fight try to keep at his back and block his blows.
Below you'll find an item - Grass Crest Shield.
On the other side of the rocky ledge you'll find a cavern with a bonfire inside
Behind the bonfire, there is an elevator which leads to Valley of the Drakes.
Sen's Fortress can be reached from a bonfire located above blacksmith Andrei chamber (Undead Parish). But in order to enter this dangerous place, you have to ring two bells - one of them is located in Undead Parish and the other in Blighttown/Quelaag's Domain. You should prepare many arrows for this location and increase the number of Estus Flask at nearby bonfire.
Once you get inside the fortress, jump to the right - there is an arrow trap with 3-4 arrows fired at you.
After a moment two enemies will come running towards you - lizards with shields and swords. Fight them in a standard way - block their blows and counterattack.
You'll get to the chamber with pendulum blades.
On the other side of the bridge with swinging blades, an enemy is lurking. You can lure him with an arrow to make him run and fall into the trap. If he passes, finish him.
Now run between swinging blades. At the end you'll have two run past two traps at once.
Stop only after crossing the bridge, because otherwise you'll be hit by lizard mage attack.
NOTE - at this time you can go to the special and optional part of this location. Notice, that under the first bridge with swinging blades you'll encounter Titanite Demon. You can jump down to him directly or first jump to an upper platform with two lizard mages. But at the bottom you have to deal with a mentioned demon fighting in a mud (Rusty ring is very useful now because it allows you to run in such conditions). In the bottom part of this location you'll find several Titanite Demons and some items.
A side exit next to the first Titanie Demon leads to a ladder. Use it to collect an item lying on the railing. At this place you can also reveal secret passage - it is the wall next to the item.
Behind the secret passage you'll find one more ladder up. Use it to get to the titan, who opened the gate to Sen's Fortress. You can kill him of course to obtain souls.
After this little shortcut for brave ones, we're back on main walkthrough. Go up the stairs to the upper bridge with more swinging blades.
On its other side you'll encounter a mage, who was shooting at you previously. Getting him is difficult because of blades. So it is best to kill him with a bow staying behind a column in front of the bridge.
In order to run past swinging blades, you have to jump over them - you can stop in the middle. In the chamber behind the bridge, you'll see a chest - quickly jump to the side, because there is another arrow trap and you can get hit by arrows. Once the trap is off, pick up the item.
In the next room you'll see few cages and a lizard sleeping under the wall. Do not attack him.
Go forwards, to the exit. Once you get close there, you should see a lizard and ... a large ball, which will fall on him from the side. Kill the monster if he is still alive. The ball returns to its place, unless you change her movement, so you will have to bypass it.
You have to go up. Sprint towards stairs when the ball bypasses you.
When you get to the middle of the stairs, you'll see a foggy passage to the left. Hide there.
Before you enter fog, you might run up to the chamber guarded by a mage.
In the chamber you'll find a chest with Ring of Steel Protection.
Go back to fog and enter it. The first chamber is empty but in the next you'll find lurking lizard. Be careful, because there is a button in the floor between chambers, which activates arrow trap. You can use it to kill a lizard (just lure him out and flee - he will activate a trap).
A bit further you'll get to the staircase, with the same giant ball as previously, rolling down.
In this situation it is best to do like this: wait until ball passes you and quickly run the stairs up. Keep running until you reach a place with damaged column and then jump down next to it. You'll get to the lower platform guarded by a lizard mage.
Now enter the corridor with stairs. At its end you'll find Black Sorcerer set and spell Hush.
Now open the cell above and enter it. Then go to the left.
You'll see a ramp to a chamber, where giant rocks are loaded. You'll come back here soon. Now move forwards.
Move down the elevator, but only when it goes down, because there are spikes at the top!
At the bottom you'll see a chest - DO NOT OPEN IT. It's a Mimic, monster. Attack the chest and fight it. His blows are very powerful, but he is slow. Surround him and block his attacks. For killing mimic you'll get Lighting Spear - very good weapon.
Go to the corridor with balls and turn left. Wait until balls fill a hole. The next rock will destroy the wall.
On the other side collect Covetous Gold Serpent Ring.
Now return to the place, which leads to a chamber where rock balls start their "journey" (use the elevator to go up).
Switch the machine, so the rock will fall to a corridor where you were previously.
A rock will hit a sleeping lizard and break a wall behind him.
Inside you'll find two closed cages - in one of them NPC Big Hat Logan is kept. Open the cage using Master Key or Cage Key (this key can be found later in this location).
Once again return to the chamber, where balls are loaded. This time use a small side corridor (where rocks can't roll). Watch out for a trap - there is a button in the middle of the passage. Run quickly over it and jump to the side.
Behind the trap, turn left and walk until you get to another swinging blades. This time you have to run past them all at once. Prepare to do it when blades start swinging from a central position to sides.
On the other side deal with a lizard to the right.
In the opposite wing of this level you'll reach a stairs up - at its top a mage is waiting. Lure him out and kill him. Before you go up, explore the bottom part of the corridor. You'll find another monster guarding items.
On the upper level you'll find another trap with swinging blades. But before you go through it, kill a mage to the left, using the bow. Lean out from behind the wall, shoot once or twice and then hide again to avoid his lightning attacks.
Once you eliminate him, move slowly to swinging blades. This is most difficult moment, but it can be solved very easily. Stand in front of first pair of blades and wait until they unfold. Then quickly jump forwards and stop in front of next pair of blades. Continue this until you get to the other side.
When you get to the stairs, watch out for two stone plates in the floor - they activate a trap.
Go up the stairs and enter fog.
You'll go out - from this place you can choose two paths. First, go down the stairs.
You'll encounter a knight - you were fighting with similar monsters in Undead Parish.
Go to the bottom and kill another knight, guarding a chest. Inside you'll find Flame Stoneplate Ring, which will be useful after a moment.
Go back up and go up the next stairs. [1] Stop in the middle - a flaming bomb will be thrown at its top. So use now the Flame Stoneplate Ring. [2]
Wait until fire from one of the bombs goes out and then quickly run to the stairs on other side - stop under the wall there.
Wait to see which fragment will be pelted by a golem. From this position you can see an item and the stairs to the left - but do not run there yet, because first you can find an easy shortcut to the bonfire.
Once the fire goes out, go towards w hole in the wall to the right. Slide down.
Light the bonfire. From this place you can go back up through a chamber with swinging blades - fortunately you do not have to go through the trap again.
Go back to a place, where you get to the bonfire from. Now choose the stairs to the left.
Stop in the middle of the stairs to explore the area.
<br>After another bomb explodes, run up and go to the right, along the wall.
You'll encounter a black knight with a large shield. Most of his blows can be blocked. In fact you might circle around him until you get behind his back and then attack him.
Behind the knight to the left there're is a ladder down.
If you choose to go there, you'll reach and optional part of this location - a tower guarded by Ricard the Archer. A fight with him is not difficult, if you control your Stamina, block his blows and counterattack (it is best to use previously found Lighting Spear). He drops Ricard's Rapier. In the tower you can find also Divine Blessing and Rare Ring of Sacrifice.
Return to the location, where you were pelted with a fire bomb for the last time. Run to the stairs leading to the right.
Move along the wall lighted with sunshine and then turn right.
Note! On the high narrow bridges you can choose two paths. If you jump over the gap in the bridge (screen below), you'll get to the tower occupied by a Crestfallen Merchant. At the bottom of the tower you'll find also Cell Key. You can also jump down from the destroyed part of the passage - you'll find there Sniper Crossbow. But you do not have to go to these optional locations.
Run inside the tower, to hide from bombs.
There is an undead knight in the left part of tower.
But the further way leads in the opposite direction. What's interesting, in the next tower you can enter the cell and go down to the bottom of the location (but you shouldn't do it now, because you need Cell Key).
At the top, prepare for the last difficult moment before meeting the golem. You have to run over a narrow path on a rectangular plan. Run ahead and do not stop - there is an archer waiting for us on the other side and the golem will throw a bomb again.
Kill the archer and enter the tower. Go up to deal with golem (he won't respawn once killed). During the fight, try to stay behind him. This monster is quite slow and you can jump to a safe place between his legs.
After killing the golem you're ready for the next fight with Iron Golem.
Once you defeat this beast, examine a shiny circle in the floor. You'll be moved to Anor Londo.
You'll get to Anor Londo after defeating Iron Golem and touching a golden circle on his arena.
From Anor Londo you can return to Sen's Fortress moving to Gargoyle on the wall.
Go down the long stairs.
Turn left in front the large knight - you do not have to fight him now.
Inside the building you'll encounter two more knights - they are guarding the chest with Demon Titanite. You may leave them now, because you'll unlock the bonfire after a moment.
Instead of fighting, go outside with another exit.
You'll get to the junction - first go to the left and down the stairs.
Light the fire once you get down. A person standing next to the wall is local Firekeeper. He won't attack you before you kill boss Gwyndolin (optional).
Go outside. A path to the left, towards a building on a hill, leads to Duke's Archives (this way unlocks only after obtaining Lordvessel).
So go to the only possible way now - to the elevator.
Go down the elevator and then go down the stairs. You'll get to the level guarded by a Gargoyle - this monster is similar to Bell Gargoyle, so apply the same tactics as when you were fighting the boss.
Go back to the stairs and look for a platform located a little bit lower. Jump down on it.
In the backside part of the tower you'll find a chest with Demon Titanite.
Now you have to do something surprising - use the lower platform to go back to the opposite side. You'll see a nearby cathedral and its "bays". One of them reaches your level, so climb on it.
Climb up and watch yourself not to fall down.
When you get to end of the bay, jump down on the balcony below.
Inside the cathedral, fight with two white ninjas (one will jump from above). Your opponents are similar to enemies from Undead Burg.
Now shoot the chain of the chandelier - an item which hangs on it, will fall down (you will collect it later on the way to Painted World of Ariamis).
Go up the ladder.
Now prepare for quite problematic fragment - you have to walk over narrow boards and fighting ninjas same time. It is best to lure them one by one and defeat carefully, parrying their blows with a shield.
A problem with ninjas lies in fact, that opponents will throw arrows at you from a distance. So you have to raise your shield and slowly approach them. In the fight on boards you might use the spear because then you attack in front of you and do not move during strokes (so you do not risk falling down).
On the other side go down the ladder.
Use the foggy passage on the left.
Run inside another elevator and activate it.
You'll have to deal with another Gargoyle.
Try to use elevator to get as low as possible. From here you can enter the lower level of the cathedral, where you previously were walking under the ceiling. There is a huge painting there - if you possess Peculiar/Strange Doll, you can enter the secret location (a doll can be found in the cell, where you start a game after return to Undead Asylum). But this is an optional place - you should be interested in the lower part.
Go down the stairs next to the elevator. You'll get to a smaller chamber with the bonfire. Light it on and pick up Ring of The Sun's Firstborn. It is worth noting that from this place you can go to the boss Gwyndolin and leader of Covenant - Blade of the Dark Moon. But in order to get there, you have to put on Darkmoon Seance Ring (you'll find it in Catacombs).
Go back to the elevator and place it in the middle position. Now move down towards the large stairs.
When you going up the stairs, it is worth to shoot pink gargoyles visible on the left and right towers - some of them are so stupid that they will fall down.
At the top of the stairs, in front of the door, you'll encounter two mighty knights. You have to lure them out one by one and kill them. They are powerful but also slow - so stay behind them, dodging or blocking their attacks (if possible).
At all costs avoid a strike with the shield to the ground. After this blow you can inflict a lot of damage to your enemy, because he is completely exposed for a while.
Once you kill both knights, run under the arch to the right (as the door is closed).
Watch out for next gargoyles - some of them are lurking below at the wall.
A good and simple technique while fighting with them is to push them down into abyss - you can do it when monsters stand next to the edge. Just block their attack with your shield.
Now you have to run to a lower part of the location on a bay with spikes. There are two gargoyles lurking down there. You can't fight them on this "bridge", because you can be hit by crossbowmen.
In this case it is best to shoot a floor in the lower tower. Gargoyles will appear from around the corner. So now shoot them - they will tray top attack you but they will block themselves on sharp elements of the bridge. One of them usually falls down after few seconds. Otherwise, kill him with a bow.
After eliminating one of the enemies, run down and do not stop. Block the first blow from gargoyle and enter the tower. Inside the tower hide behind the column to the left, and kill the beast.
The next fragment is extremely difficult - you have to go up over two bays, under the fire of powerful crossbowmen.
A first part of this difficult moment is easy - run up. Then hide behind a pillar in the middle of the road.
A problem is that you have to get to the top, avoiding bolts and then turn to the right to one of them and kill him. Enemies are very strong and tough. The simplest tactics, if you're properly equipped, is to parry their blows and counterattack. Equip a good shield and run up the bay.
At the top quickly turn right and roll over or jump towards the enemy.
Block first blows to get know his attacks. Then parry his blows with a shield and counterattack. You can't retreat too far, because another crossbowman can attack you.
Once you kill the enemy, do not go to kill his colleague on the other side (unless you want to risk). Instead of that, follow the edge and jump down on the balcony below.
Go inside through fog.
In the corridor turn to the left and open the door.
Light the bonfire inside.
In the chamber opposite to the chamber with the bonfire, you'll encounter a knight with a shield and a spear guarding a chest with Sunlight Medal inside.
Head towards the spiral stairs - there is another knight behind.
Go to the end of the chamber and turn to the door on the left.
There is a fireplace inside - hit it to reveal a secret passage.
Move down to the dark room - there are five chests. One of them is a Mimic - a monster looking like a chest. You can discover him easily - is it the only chest standing alone. Mimic drops Occult's Club.
The remaining 4 chests can be open with no problems. You'll find inside Havel's Set, Havel's Greatshield and Dragon Tooth.
Now go up the stairs.
On the floor you'll find several chests - some of them are Mimics, so hit them first.
On one side of the floor you'll find an open passage to the staircase, which can't be used. In the opposite chamber, behind the door, you'll encounter another knight guarding an item.
Now go to the other side of the floor - at the exit to the balcony you'll encounter an archer. Kill him.
Enter the door to the left (the other one is closed).
Go through the chamber with paintings. Behind the door you'll encounter an enemy lurking on the right.
Run up the spiral stairs.
At the top you'll see two more enemies - first lure out the one on the left, because the enemy on the right is an archer. Go back to the tower and kill the knight there.
You can now kill the archer.
If you go down the side stairs, which were guarded by a knight, you'll get to the chamber on a lower level (you couldn't access it from the main corridor). You'll meet there Siegmeyer of Catarina. In an adjacent chamber, behind the door, you'll encounter three heavy armored enemies. After killing them collect Demon Titanite and talk again to Siegmeyer. He will give you Tiny Being's Ring.
Now go back to the rooftop and head to the passage guarded by an archer.
Go down the spiral stairs until you reach a next corridor. There are three passages there. Stairs in front of you lead next to the chamber with boss and blacksmith (you'll go there in a moment).
In a chamber to the left you can find Titanite Demon.
In a chamber to the right you'll see a stairs down. If you go there, you'll unlock useful shortcut to previously visited bonfire - watch out for two knights! In chests guarded by them you can find Silver armor.
Once you open the shortcut, go back up and then go up the stairs.
You'll get inside a huge cathedral. First visit the blacksmith. Run to the left and go around the whole chamber (you'll go past the broken stained glass among other things - you'll be able to jump out through it to obtain additional item - Dragonslayer Greatbow).
On the other side of the cathedral look for a side exit. Go down the stairs.
Finally you'll reach the blacksmith.
Behind the blacksmith you'll see a chest. You can get to it by walking along the wall. Take Hawk Ring out of it.
Outside the chamber two gargoyles are lurking.
You can open here a shortcut - a small iron grate.
After visiting the blacksmith, you can go to the main part of the location. There are two giant knights - a fight with them looks the same as previously. Before the fight you may kill and archer, who can be found on the stairs in the direction of the blacksmith.
The problem with fight with two giant knights is that probably both of them will notice you - in case of problems, run up the stairs.
After the fight, open the large door using the lever (it is valuable shortcut).
Once you're ready, start the fight with boss Ornstein & Smough.
After killing demons go up the elevator (doesn't matter which one). [1] Light up the bonfire and go through the door. Talk to the queen. [2]
She will give you a very useful item - Lordvessel. It allows you to teleport between selected bonfires.
Lordvessel is a main artifact in the entire games. Thanks to it you can remove an orange fog blocking the way to main bosses. Later on you have to put into this artifact souls of four monsters: Seath the Scaleless, Four Kings, Nito and The Bed of Chaos, in order to get an access to the last location and finish the game.
After obtaining this valuable item, you have to put it in the altar. You can do it in two ways. In the first one, return to Firelink Shrine (you can teleport there from any of bonfires by using Warp option), and talk to Kingseeker Frampt.
If Frampt is gone, because you wanted to kill him, you can access the altar by just jumping to the hole, where Frampt was stationing.
The beast will transfer you to a separate location. [1] Put Lordvessel on the altar. [2]
In the second case, for evil character, you have to get help from Darkstalker Kaathe. The snake will appear in The Abyss, once you defeat demon Four Kings.
After putting Lordvessel on the altar, talk to the snake to return to Firelink Shrine.
After killing Hydra, you can go to further part of Darkroot Garden. The passage is hidden though: you can get there by walking along the left wall and passing by the waterfall. [1] A further way leads up the two ladders. [2]
During climbing you can collect a soul. [1] One part of the location can be accessed by walking along the rocks. [2] If you go in the opposite direction, you'll walk over the stone bridge and encounter a miniboss - giant cats.
There is one more mystery in the lake. When you get past a ladder leading to the forest, [1] you'll encounter a golden golem. [2]
After killing him a ghost Dusk of Oolacille appear. If you agree to her offer, you'll be able to summon her near the lake. In order to do this, you have to be in a human form and use a sigh left by her.
Behind the stone bridge, over the river going to the waterfall and a lake with Hydra, you can find a lair of three giant cats - this is an optional miniboss.
During the fight with cats, try to focus at one of them at the time. [1] It is easier to attack beasts after their attack, when they are rolling towards you. Standing in front of their muzzle is not a good idea: they can catch you and "chew" a little. [2]
A good tactics is to retreat towards the bridge, between trees - cats will lose then their self-assurance and start retreating to their lair, giving you a chance for an easy attack. A good weapon for this opponent is Lightning Spear.
After the fight with miniboss you can choose two paths: to previous part of this location, [1] or further, behind the cats' lair. If you go to the opposite direction, you should see in a distance an entrance to the arena with boss Sif. [2]
But first check what is in the previous part of the location - another forest area. [1] Watch out for ents here - there are a lot of them, and in more dangerous version. [2]
Move forwards. You'll encounter very strong enemies and ruins of the order. [1] Inside you'll find a cat - trustee of Forest Hunter Covenant. [2]
In some part of this location you'll find a stairs up and a closed passage - this is the door you've seen previously (before fighting with Moonlight Butterfly). It can be opened only from the other side using the Crest, which can be bought from the blacksmith.
Return behind the cats' lair. In this part of the location you'll encounter very strange mushroom people - these small units ignore you, so you should leave them alone. [1] Deeper in the forest you'll find a lake with two giant mushrooms, guarding a chest with Enchanted Ember. [2]
During fight with mushroom parents (we assume that you want to get Enchanted Ember), it is enough to provoke them to attack you and hit them after missed blow. Note: mushrooms have a large range (despite appearances!) and sometimes hit twice in a row. Their blows are deadly if hit!
Kill two giant mushrooms [1] and pick up the treasure. [2]
From this place you can reach the previously mentioned ruined convent with a cat. [1] Make sure to take a look behind the building - in the chest you'll find Stone Armor. [2]
After exploring the location, you can go towards a large foggy passage. [1] Walk over the stone bridge. [2] Prepare for fight with boss Great Grey Wolf Sif.
In New Londo you'll encounter ghosts. In order to kill them you have to possess a cursed weapon, be cursed or use the item Transient Curse, which allows you to hurt them. Many such items can be found in corpses in New Londo. Killed ghosts also drop such item. Each Transient Curse runs for about 5 minutes so watch out not to waste them.
Enter this location only after obtaining Lordvessel!
Go down the elevator from Firelink Shrine and head down, towards wooden bridges, collecting items along your way. [1] The paths leads near the water - do not fall down. [2] On the other side of bridges you can go down to the shallow part of the lake.
During the fight with ghosts you have to make sure, that you can hurt them. Fight methods are described above - the easiest one is to use Transient Curse.
After killing two first ghosts, go up the stairs. You'll encounter there more enemies. [2]
Watch out after walking on the bridge and between walls. [1] Ghosts prepared a trap there - once they go out the ground, retreat and kill them one by one. [2]
Go to the end of the corridor and turn left. Go down the spiral stairs. [1] At the bottom the path turns right near the columns. First you can pick up an item in front of you, on a damaged part of the wall. There is a ghost lurking inside the rock (ghosts can attack THROUGH physical objects, so lure him out). [2]
Walk along columns. You can take a look around the corner, where you'll find another item guarded by banshee (it attacks with shouts). Later on go through a foggy passage [1] and climb up the stairs. [2]
On the stairs you can see one of ghosts, preparing a trap - it is located over columns leading to an item. [1] In this place you'll also find a descend down the ladder. [2] This path leads to another optional item.
Go left, between columns. [1] The path will turn left and then down the stairs. [2]
Right behind the corner [1] you'll find an entrance to the building on the right. [2]
You have to be very careful in this place - from below (and more precisely, from water) you can be attacked by many ghosts. Remember that they can attack you also through the wall or the floor! [2]
After eliminating bigger group of ghosts from a bottom part of the location, go through the door and look for a chamber with large vases.
In one of the adjacent chambers you'll find banshee - this is a trap of course. [1] Kill it as well as other ghosts and then go inside a fireplace. [2]
You'll find a ladder leading up there - watch out, because ghosts can attack you during climbing! [1] At the top you'll meet Ingward. Talk to him - if you have Lordvessel, he will give you key to the seal. [2] Otherwise you can kill him to obtain this item. But it is not a good idea since he can heal curses.
After obtaining the key, use the ladder to return up and go through the next passage from a chamber with large vases. [1] Look around and pick up an item. Jump through the gap behind it and go down the stairs. [2]
Once at the bottom, wait and do not run outside yet. Instead, turn to the right in the corridor. [1] Walk in corridors around the building - finally you'll reach the balcony with a ghost and a ring Cursebite. [2]
Go back a little and walk outside in front of the stairs leading up. You can here go left to the small tower and collect an optional item. [1] The further way leads however over the stairs around the corner. [2]
Move along the only way [1] and enter the tower in front of you. [2]
Once inside, look for a crate and open it with the Key for the Seal. [1] Move the lever. [2]
Water from this location will rush out so you'll get an access to the lower level.
What's more - elevators start to work. Inside the tower you can call one of them. But before you go down, it is worth to explore the area.
If you go to the tower top, you'll find a bow and arrows. You can also see Valley of Drakes from here.
You can also return in front of the tower and go up the stairs. [1] You'll find an item there and Rare Ring of Sacrifice (it lies on the shrine rooftop - you have to jump over there). [2]
Once you're ready, go down the elevator.
In New Londo Ruins you'll find the boss Four Kings. In order to fight with him, you need the Ring Covenant of Artorias (an item obtained after a fight with wolf Sif).
At the bottom you'll be attacked by Darkwraith - a skeleton armored with a sword. During the fight with such enemies you have to watch out for their grab attack (white magic), a shield (dark magic) and blows' sequences - it is best to attack them from behind. [1] Kill him and go past blue Drakes, heading towards stairs to the left. [2]
Go to the wooden building. [1] Inside you'll encounter next enemy. [2]
Behind the building enter another foggy passage. [1] Right behind it you'll encounter two enemies - try to lure them one by one. [2]
In the right part of the location you can find a miniboss - large slime-like monster. A fight with him is not difficult, if you keep behind him and attack quickly. He spits black goo and attacks with a spear from his "mouth". He also cooperates with explosive skulls, so jump aside when they start exploding.
Behind the slime, another monster is lurking. You'll find there also Humanity and two passages. The one to the left leads to the elevator up (to location you've visited earlier). The path to the right will allow you to collect an item from the upper level of chamber with the slime. So follow it now. [2]
If you take a path to the right behind the slime, you can walk around the previous chamber, but on the upper level. Finally you will get to the narrow stairs leading even higher. [1] There you will find a chest with Very Large Ember. [2]
After collecting above items, go out to the area with shallow water. [1] There are two ghosts lurking around - lure them out one by one. Then explore this area in search for items. [2]
A hidden item - Titanite Chunk - is located behind the illusory wall. It is guarded by another enemy.
A further way leads up the stairs. In this chamber you'll encounter next slime and warriors. First lure out dark knights [1] and then kill the slime. [2]
Take the item out of the chest [1] and head towards the foggy passage. [2]
WARNING - after going through the foggy passage, you won't be able to return, unless you defeat Four Kings or die during the fight. In order to get to the boss, you need also Ring Covenant of Artorias - an item obtained after defeating wolf Sif.
Go down the stairs.
Once you get to the dead end, put on Ring Covenant of Artorias and jump down!
Before going to this location, you might get a bow, arrows and some Divine weapon. Such weapon allows you to kill skeletons - otherwise they will come back to life.
Another issue, concerning this place, is presence of necromancers. These opponents are creating new skeletons - you'll make your life easier by killing them. A killed necromancer won't respawn.
A path to The Catacombs leads from Fireshrine behind a giant crow. Go between tombstones. [1] Fight with skeletons - if you hit them with a mighty blow, they will break up, which makes fight easier. At some point you'll get to the junction - an entrance to the catacombs is located down, while to the right you'll find several enemies and interesting items. [2]
If you go to the right, you'll have to defeat several small skeletons and the big one. [1] Behind him you'll find a sword Zweihnder and binoculars (near the slope). [2]
A way down leads to the underworld.
In catacombs you'll meet next skeletons - hit them with Divine weapon - and skulls. These explode in close contact. You have to jump aside to avoid the explosion. [1] Go down the ladder. [2]
Go to the branch path. [1] Walk through the chamber with columns and get to the hole in the wall. [2]
Below you'll encounter a first necromancer. Kill him and light on the bonfire.
Use the lever next to the bonfire [1] and return up - the door is open now. [2]
Right after entering the bluish part of the location with the waterfall, you can shoot the necromancer. He can be found on the other side of the abyss. [1] Go then to the other side over the rocky bridge. [2]
Once inside, eliminate enemies and move forward. [1] When you get to the junction, turn right in order to collect an item (there are skeletons in the crypt). [2]
Around the corner [1] you'll get to the corridor with a skeleton archer at its end. [2]
After eliminating enemies go outside.
Probably you'll encounter more explosive skulls. [1] Move forward along the slope, fighting with skeletons. Watch out for statues - two of them are arrow traps. [2]
At the end of the path pull the lever to rotate the bridge. [1] Fight two skeletons on it. [2]
On the other side of the bridge kill a necromancer.
Next to the necromancer you'll find a small chamber - if you go deeper, you'll fall down the hole. [1] You'll find yourself in a corridor with a lizard selling resources at its end. But do not run towards lizard, because local statues are traps. Go past them with raised shield. [2] To go back from this place, you have to climb up the ladder and fall down to another hole. The walk over the bridge again (because you'll get near the previous lever).
Go down the stairs - take a look into side chambers along your way. [1] At the bottom you'll reach a chamber with skeletons, trap-statue and a soul. [2]
A further way leads with the next stairs down. [1] In a side chamber you'll find a lever. [2]
It opens the door at the top of the stairs.
In the dark corridor turn left. [1] Later on, climb up the hill along statues. [2]
Behind the last statue you'll find a secret passage (hit e rocks) [1] leading to the bonfire. [2]
At this point you can choose two ways.
Climbing the ladder next to the secret passage to the bonfire [1] you'll reach the lever rotating another bridge. [2]
If you return to the spiral stairs down (leading to the previous lever), you can get to the blacksmith Vamos. [1] Just slide along the right wall down. [2]
At the bottom jump into the hole in the floor. [1] After a short cutscene you can use blacksmith's services. [2]
You can leave Vamos' chamber through the hole made by him. [1] Outside you'll have to deal with Pinwheels - block them with a shield and attack when they stop. It is best to stand next to the wall, so enemies will stop on it. [2]
From this place you can go in two ways - if you go to the right from Vamos, you'll get to the boss' chamber. If you go to the opposite direction, you'll return to the bypassed part of the location (which normally is accessed by the bridge rotated previously). [2] You can be attacked by a knight on your way.
It is worth to return to the earlier fragment in order to get rid of necromancers and obtain additional items. If you go back and reach the corridor, turn to the left - right behind a corner you'll encounter a necromancer with two skeletons. [1] Use ladders to go up. [2]
In a chamber with two tombs you can go to the clearly marked places to fall down and collect additional items.
Go back to the top using the second ladder
You'll find yourself in the dark corridor - on one side you'll find Titanite Demon. Demon guards three Eye of Death and a secret chamber with Nito (in the coffin). [1] If you walk to the opposite direction, you'll go outside. [2]
Follow this direction until you get to the passage behind fog, which you've previously seen from the other side (rotated bridge was leading there). [1] In a lower part of the chamber with foggy passage you can find a bricked passage - break it down. [2]
Once you get to the other side, turn to the right - jump down on the skeleton and kill him. [1] Jump down again and kill all opponents. Use the stairs to get to the corridor with a huge statue at its end. [2]
In the middle of the way to the statue, a giant skeleton will jump on you. [1] Kill him and then collect a ring from a tomb (Darkmoon Seance Ring). [2]
Next to the tomb you'll find one more passage - a hole in the wall. [1] If you follow this way you'll encounter another necromancer. [2] Further you'll find a miracle Tranquil Walk of Peace.
After exploring the location, go down and fight with Pinwheel.
This special place is shrouded in total darkness - so do not even try to tweak up your display. In order to cope with such difficult conditions, you can use one of three options:
- use a spell - Cast Light
- use a lantern - Skull Lantern
- use a glowing helmet - Sunlight Maggot
Once you get the light, go down the wall. [1] Kill the first enemy. [2]
Slide down on the next walkway. [1] You'll encounter 1-2 giant skeletons - it is best to attack them one by one. [2] You'll be also under attack of archers.
An alternative method to get down is to slide down the slope - do this only if you are sure, that there is a walkway below. [1] After 2-3 sliding platforms, you'll meet NPC Patches. BEFORE YOU TALK TO HIM, LOOK FOR THE BONFIRE. It is nearby, a bit lower.
Above the bonfire you'll find a way up (on the slope). You'll encounter there several skeletons and archers. [1] You can also climb up the ladder to get to the small rocky ruins. [2]
Once you defeat a pair of skeletons in ruins, [1] you can climb higher and collect few items - 3 Eye of Death among other things. [2] In the area you'll find also a chamber with many skeletons guarding Large Divine Ember - defeating them is very hard, so you can just go there to get an item (and die to return to the bonfire).
On your way back from the stone building you can reveal a passage in the rock. [1] A bit lower you'll find bone towers - rather easy opponents - and a further way down. [2]
In the tunnel you'll be attacked by two hollow clerics - a fight with them might be tough. Raise your shield and wait for a moment to counterattack. [1] Later on, on the open area, you'll find several items and NPC - Reah of Thorolund. For killing her former bodyguards she will give you a miracle Replenishment and will appear in Undead Parish (she will be selling spells there). [2]
Other bone towers can appear in this area.
An alternative way to solve above situation is to talk to Patches. [1] Tell him that you're not a priest and move to the edge. [2]
Patches will throw you down. Collect items there (a lantern among other things) and look a woman on the left - this is Reah of Thorolund. [2] Her bodyguards are lurking in the area. An exit from this trap leads through the above chamber with 3 bone towers.
After saving Reah of Thorolund in one of two above ways, go past Patches and move forwards (if you made him to kick you down, talk to him to receive a gift). [1] Move along the right wall. You'll encounter probably the most horrible beast in the game - skeleton dogs. Try to kill them as fast as possible. It is best to keep them on average distance or stay behind them (which is not easy because you're fighting close to the edge). Their powerful combo attack can get through every block and can kill an experienced character. [2]
Go through a fog. [1] Stop at the next rock - on the left there is an archer shooting at you (you can't see him). What's more, after a while a knight will come running. Go back to kill him. [2]
Move carefully forwards, still under the shooting. Another dog can be found in front of you. [1] One more is on the left, on a path leading to the archer. [2]
After killing both dogs, move towards and archer on the other side and kill him. [1] Go downstairs through the hole in the ground. [2]
You'll get to the junction - if you go to the right, you'll reach a dead end with Effigy Shield. [1] Go opposite direction and head down. You'll find yourself in a place with 1 dog and one giant skeleton. Lure him out with an arrow and kill him. [2]
Now deal with a dog. Kill him [1] and head to the left. When you go past the rock, you'll find a bonfire. [2] Light it on and strengthen it.
Leave the area with the bonfire and go down. [1] Unfortunately you have to eliminate a dog, lurking behind you. [2]
Once you get down, pick up an item. [1] It is very likely that a skeleton above will notice you. [2]
Kill one more dog on your way. [1] Move a little further and you'll see one more beast to the left - [2] you can ignore it though and turn to the right.
Go down the ramp. Turn back under the ramp and you'll get an optional item. [1] A further way leads down the ladder. [2]
You'll get to the lit part of the area. Run along the escarpment.
Turn right to the cavern.
Inside you'll see bone towers and a skeleton archer in the distance. There will be also a skeleton with the sword next to the archer. [1] Move slowly forwards, eliminating towers - new enemies will jump out of the ground (also behind you). [2]
Watch out for two skeletons - it is best to kill an archer from the distance, to clear the field for fighting with swordsman (he won't attack you until you approach him).
Enter the next section of the cavern - here you'll encounter smaller and weaker versions of Pinwheels. [1] If you have a good bow, you can kill them from a distance. [2] They cast rather weak spells.
Warning - Small skeletons will probably disturb your walk. Kill them because they are toxic. Local water is very specific - your every step creates more of them! So walk into water only if needed.
Move forwards along the left wall. [1] You can go down to collect an item lying in the water behind the rock. [2]
Keep going until you reach a passage covered with fog. Behind it you'll find the boss Nito.
After reaching Demon Ruins from Queelag Domain [1], light on the bonfire next to the entrance. [2]
There are two ways leading from this place. First you have to go to the right over the bridge to defeat demon Ceaseless Discharge.
Once you kill the demon, run down the slope, ignoring creatures with eggs on their backs.
When you get down, you'll be able to go in two ways again. In front of you, in a distance, you'll see small versions of Taurus Demon. [1] To the right, along the slope, you can see a path to another part of this location. If you go there, you'll find small version of Capra Demon and two more bosses. [2]
First clear the left side of the location - lure out mini tauruses one by one with your bow. [1] During the fight just dodge their slow attack (an alternative method is to equip a strong shield and armor - Stone Armor). A spear with lightning effect will do well. [2]
Once you kill Tauruses, explore the location in search for items. The most interesting is Chaos Flame Ember located in lava at the end of this path. In order to take it out of the lava you may consider dying - but this is worth it, because it will allow you to create best fire weapons. If you have problems with collecting this item, ignore it for now - soon you'll get a ring protecting from lava.
Go to the opposite direction, towards a bridge, along rocks. [1] You'll find there a descend down with pillars. [2] A bit further small Capra Demon is lurking, accompanied by some "brothers". Lure out the best to the open area.
During the fight with small Capra Demon, you have to jump aside when he wants to make an attack from above his head (when he crosses his blades) and block other weaker blows.
Go down the slope behind the first Capra Demon but be very careful. [1] In the ruins below you'll see the entire group of these enemies. Lure them out one by one and kill them. [2]
If you character is strong, you can fight with Capra Demons on a slope. But it is safer to lure them on the open area. [1] Before you enter the ruins, lure out one more Capra, standing on the lower level. [2]
Run down the stairs. [1] At the bottom watch out for statues - some of them will come to life. [2] A fight with them is easy, because these opponents are very slow. When the enemy starts spiting fire, go around him and attack from behind.
Run towards the wall and turn left - you'll see a giant centipede on a horizon. [1] Kill the monster. [2]
Under the centipede you'll find a bonfire - light it on. Warning: remember that after lighting the bonfire, Capra Demons will return. So from this position you'll have to kill one of them in order to go further.
Run down the stairs towards a foggy passage. [1] Fight more statues on your way. [2]
At the bottom Taurus will attack you - apply the same tactics as previously. Then retreat to the bridge, because there will be one more centipede coming from the right.
Kill the worm from a distance or in a melee fight.
Right behind the bridge you'll find an optional path to the left. If you go there, you'll encounter 2 Tauruses and reach a corridor with several centipedes. At its end you'll find Large Flame Ember. [1] You can fight tauruses on the narrow path, if you can defend yourself against their attacks. In this case keep always next to the wall! [2]
In a corridor behind Tauruses watch out for worms - there are several of them in total. [1] In case of problems, retreat and kill them with a bow. [2]
Go back to the main path and head towards fog. When you get near, you'll have to kill two more statues. [1] Now you're ready to fight with Demon Firesage. An orange fog (if you can see it) [2] can be removed by using Lordvessel obtained in Anor Londo! Check the description of this artifact.
Before the fight, you'll see a path to the right - you can pick up an item there. At the end of this road is a passage, available only for Chaos Servant Covenant members at level 2 (you must spend 30 Humanity). IF you go there, you can avoid two bosses, what is not a good idea, because you would miss their souls and items!
Behind the demon chamber you'll encounter 2 more statues and the junction - stairs up and down. If you go up, you'll find a shortcut to chamber of Quelaag. Stairs down lead to another boss - Centipede Demon.
To activate a shortcut, you have to stand on the round elevator.
Go to the demon (down the stairs) and you'll find another bonfire. [1] To reach the beast, use the branch downward. [2]
After killing Centipede Demon, wear Orange Charred Ring (protection against lava) and go through the chamber where you were fighting with the beast. [1] Move to the left and look for a corridor in the wall. [2]
On the other side light on the fire.
Run forwards heading to the branch on the left. [1] You'll get to the bigger chamber, full of half-dragons. [2] Fortunately, beasts once killed do not respawn.
The easiest way is to kill most of dragons with the bow. Stay on the branch before an arch and you'll be safe - shoot beast from this position. [1] If you get close to them, you'll be able even to aim, so shooting will be easier. [2] The direct fight with these monsters is tough, so you must be patient. Especially if you do not have a good bow - you should use Longbow +10 or Dragonslayer Greatbow.
After killing some dragons, go to the left. Kill more monsters there. [1] Use the fact that enemies are large, so they are blocking themselves between columns. So try to make them to block between rocks and the shoot them with a bow. [2]
Clear the left and the middle part of the chamber (do not go deeper).
Now head towards a tower in the middle of lava. [1] A few flame spitting statues will appear on your way. [2] Watch out also for local dragons - they may notice you.
Circle around tower, looking for an entrance. [1] There is a chest inside. [2]
From the inside of the first tower you can kill more enemies.
Once you kill dragons near the first tower, clear the area nearby the next one. [1] Then move towards it walking on the branch over lava. [2]
You'll get to the upper part of the second tower. [1] Here you can collect Twin Humanity. [2] You can also easily reach many dragons from here.
In the lower part of the tower you'll find an illusory wall - it is one of the side ones. When you hit it, an entrance will be opened. [1] You'll find a bonfire there. Light it on! [2]
Eliminate dragons around the tower.
After killing all dragons, move ahead towards a rooftop lying in lava. [1] Go under it to the branch. [2]
Climb up [1] and go down on the other side. [2]
There are many flame spitting statues in the area.
Go through the tunnel, eliminating statues. [1] On the other side you'll encounter even more of them. [2]
Go past the large stairs and turn to the right. [1] You'll find a soul there. [2]
At the bottom of the stairs you'll see a very strange creature (a walking octopus?) - lure it out with arrows. [1] Be very careful fighting the beast: if you stay too long near tentacles, you risk that you'll be swallowed which can be fatal. [2]
Run up the stairs and walk through a small chamber to the right. [1] You'll find yourself in an area with three paths. [2]
First go to the right. [1] Go down the branch to the lower tower. Here you'll find 2 statues and two items: a soul and Rare Ring of Sacrifice (on the outside part of the wall - you have to gently descend on the branch). [2]
Go back to the starting point and go up the stairs to the left. [1] At the top you'll encounter a dangerous enemy - a mage. [2] The mage can cast area spells (everything starts burning) and has a "flamethrower" (similar to flame spitting statues - but he is weaker).
Before you go to the large foggy passage [1], move ahead. After turning to the right, you'll encounter another monster with tentacles. [2] Behind him you'll find a chest with spell Chaos Firewhip.
Now you can take a look at the lower part of this location - go down the branch there. Watch out for statues - there are a lot of them.
Once you get to the bottom, kill statues and turn to the tunnel where you can see an item. [1] The floor will collapse. [2]
Look for the onion-knight. [1] After short conversation, he should engage tentacle monsters. Follow him and try to save him. [2]
In water you'll be poisoned and slowed down - you should wear Rusted Iron Ring (makes walking in mud easier). Kill rest of monsters [1] and watch out for holes in the ground. [2]
Behind the hole to the right you'll find a way up the stairs.
If you go behind an opposite hole in the ground, you'll get to the long corridor. [1] Move forward until you'll reach the stairs but collect a treasure from a chest (in one of the side branches). [2]
Use one of the roots to go up.
From this part of the location you can go to the long bridge through one of the side buildings. [1] On the bridge you'll meet Titanite Demon and evil version of Solaire of Astoria knight. [2]
You can kill Titanie Demon in two ways - in a melee fight or from a half distance. The second method is safer but slow - it is enough to shoot your enemy with 1-2 arrows in pauses between his spells.
At the end of the bridge you'll find a magic animal with resources (it starts fleeing). [1] There will be also Solaire of Astoria mentioned before. [2] He is no too difficult to defeat - most of his attacks can be blocked. As a reward for killing him you'll get his armor and shield. And if you kill all creatures here, you'll receive a sunlight maggot helmet.
After exploring all crannies, go through the foggy passage to deal with The Bed of Chaos.
You can get to The Duke's Archives only after placing Lordvessel under Firelink Shrine.
In order to get to The Duke's Archives. Move to the bonfire Anor Londo (use the Warp option) and go up. [1] Turn left heading to the building. [2]
Run through the right exit and kill or bypass a knight blocking the passage. [1] Follow the stairs. [2]
A further way leads up.
You'll get to a long corridor - at its end you'll encounter the armored boar. You can lure him out with an arrow. [1] Block his attack with your shield. [2]
A fight with upgraded version of the boar is not too difficult - you have to stick on his side and block his attacks. The boar can kick with his legs, attack with his muzzle and even reach you, when you walk next to him, but in the last from this positions you'll be however most safe.
After killing the boar, turn to the left and prepare for a fight with next such a best, lurking around the corner to the right.
You'll get to the larger chamber. [1] Light on the bonfire. [2]
Use the elevator by pulling the lever.
At the top you'll be attacked by crystal goblins - retreat behind the corner to hide from enemy archers and kill knights. [1] After killing the first group of enemies, enter inside and look for others. Keep hiding from archers. [2] Also, find the Crystal Golem. Kill it and claim the necklace (it is required to unlock the Sanctuary Oolacile from the Artorias Of The Abyss DLC). If the AoTA DLC is not installed, the golem will drop Titanite Chunk.
Run to archers and kill them. [1] Watch out however for goblins reinforcements - they will come running from the next section. In the next chamber you'll additionally encounter an enemy mage. [2]
Eliminate smaller enemies and then focus on mage.
An alternative way of clearing the chamber is to run behind the left or right bookcase. [1] From here you can lure out most of the bluish creatures. What's more there is even a chance that a mage will come to you. [2]
Clear the ground floor and collect a soul from under the stairs.
Once you walk on the stairs, be careful - there are an archer on the left and a warrior on the right. [1] Run around the floor, eliminating enemies. [2]
Take a look at the balcony.
There are chest on both sides of the inner balcony, but watch out! One of them is a monster (hit it before opening).
After collecting all items, use another elevator. [1] You'll get to the crystal room. [2]
Run the corridor to the right. You'll be attacked by a crystal enemy - he is quite easy to defeat, but only if you block his blows. [1] Run up the stairs. [2]
At the top you'll see fog leading to boss Seath the Scaleless. At the first time you can't win with him - you'll die for 100% (this is because of the game plot). If you have many souls and Humanity, you might put on Rare Ring of Sacrifice, so you won't lose them.
Go through fog.
Let Seath kill you - in these conditions he is indestructible.
After death you'll find yourself in a prison cell. Light on fire. [1] Kill monsters lurking in the cell. [2]
Then attack a lizard leaning on a grate on the other side and pick up the key.
After leaving the cell you'll see a cutscene, in which another Lizard starts some kind of mechanism. [1] Octopuses appear from the bottom. [2]
These enemies are dangerous in a direct combat, but also have one trait - they run towards only when you're in the main corridor. [1] So you could hide from them in a cell and kill them using a bow. Of course you can go outside to lure them closer if needed. [2]
After killing closest octopuses, you can go up and climb the ladder. [1]
The exit door is closed (a key is located at the very bottom), but from this place you can go to wooden walkway and jump down to a lower platform. [1] Inside the cell you'll find Maiden set and White Seance Ring. [2]
After picking up the item run down, watching out for octopuses (they can notice you). Use the key to one of the cell under your starting place [1] - inside you'll encounter an enemy. [2]
Another cell below is closed. So go to the third cell from your starting cell. [1] Inside you can down from the ledge to a lower part of the prison. [2]
Kill enemy there and take another key. It can be used to open a cell above (you'll find a soul there).
Your next task is to get to a walkway with the mechanism guarded by Lizards.
At the bottom you can fight with octopuses (be very careful because you'll die if they catch you!) [1] or ignore them and climb up the ladder. [2]
Once you get to the top, watch out - there are two warriors and a mage.
After killing them, take a key to the door at the very top (from the chest) [1] and turn off the alarm to calm down octopuses. [2]
Alternatively you can kill all monsters to get to their chamber. The easiest way is to use a bow to shoot them. [1] Two such enemies drop miracles Bountiful Sunlight and Soothing Sunlight. A grate in the beast chamber can be opened with the key, which you'll find later next to the entrance to Crystal Cave (so you'll have to go back). [2]
Exit through the door at the top.
Kill the enemy hiding on the right. [1] Head now towards an archer on the opposite side. [2]
Do not run to him but instead lure out his buddy, who lurks on the left. [2]
Go up the stairs and turn right to the library.
Inside you'll encounter two mages - one of them can be attacked.
A second mage is located on the upper level of library.
If you have a good bow, you can try to kill them both from a distance, which will make your way easier.
Run to the left, through a small tunnel (in some cases mages teleport there). [1] On the other side you'll encounter an archer - but watch out also for a warrior lurking on the right. [2]
Walk up the stairs. [1] You'll find a lever on your way - ignore it for now and focus on clearing the upper area where you're heading. [2]
Once you kill an archer and a soldier at the top, return to the lever and switch it. Stairs will turn.
Kill a soldier on the other side of the room. [1] Before you go further to the upper part, you can go down to open the chest. [2]
You can manipulate the stairs in such way, that you'll be able to jump down on the ledge with another chest - there is Avelyn crossbow inside. But this task is difficult - you have to wait for a proper moment where the stairs are turning (activate the lever and run down to fall down on the ledge). So you might execute this only if your character uses crossbows.
Go back the stairs and kill another archer. [1] Behind the arch you can eliminate a mage. [2]
In this section of library the stairs have turned - jump there through a break in the railing.
Go up and open a chest on the right. You'll find inside Sorcery: Strong Magic Shield. Then turn the stairs again and run down to the exit.
Before using the ladder, kill an archer.
Go down the ladder.
Once you get down, use the lever to open the passage.
Inside you'll encounter two warriors and an archer on the bookshelf. [1] On a balcony adjacent in this room you'll find a bonfire. [2]
Go up the stairs leading from this location (to the left), you'll reach a previous section on the library.
After exploring above path, return to the room, where you've descended the ladder. Go to the side chamber full of books, to open a chest (Blue Titanite Chunk).
In an adjacent chamber, also full of books but a bit larger, you'll find two more chest (you should find there: Archive Tower Giant Cell Key - a key to the location where octopuses were kept, Crystal Ember and Channelers armor) - WARNING, one of them is Mimic (hit it before opening).
In the same room use the lever, to open a descend down. [1] There is one more chest - open it (Prism Stones). [2]
Now go through fog.
Outside you'll get to a small forest with many crystal golems. [1] Go down the ladder and start the fight with them - it is enough to circle around slow enemies and attack them from behind. [2]
There is also a golden golem lurking in the area - he is tougher and has a greater range. So it means that you won't be fully safe behind his back.
A few opponents are lurking next to walls - so watch out. In the center part of the location you can collect Crystalline armor, [1] and next to the wall on the right you'll find Blue Titanite Chunk. [2]
After collecting items, head towards Crystal Cave.
Crystal Cave is a fairly tricky place - it is easy to fall down there. Another difficulty is that you'll have to walk over invisible walkways, which are recognizable because of sounds and snowflakes falling on them.
In cavern you'll encounter also giant butterflies - if you do not approach them, they won't hurt you!
After entering the cave, turn right and fight with a golem. [1] A path down will turn to the right - follow it for a while. [2]
You'll get to the zigzag shape ground area. Here you'll see first invisible walkway to the left (or rather splashes of crystals and snowflakes falling on it). In the background you'll also hear a gentle sound of cracking crystals.
Walk on the invisible walkway [1] and go to its end. Pick up Humanity. [2]
Go down with the 'conventional' path, which turns right.
At the bottom go to the end of the rock - you should see a butterfly below. The invisible path leads behind the sharp stalagmites. [1] Go straight from the transverse platform. [2]
On this walkway you have to deal with a golden crystal golem. The enemy is tough and you have not too much space - so it is best to run towards him, making some place for retreating. Keep him on a distance and attack after his blow and then retreat.
After killing the first golem, you can walk over the extension of invisible path further, [1] to the parallel crystal. [2]
You'll encounter there another golden golem and Blue Titanite Chunk.
Then return to the place, where you were fighting first golden golem and follow to the end of the crystal on the rocky ledge. Go to its left side (you'll see a butterfly in a distance above). [1] Look for an invisible walkway here - it should be in front of you. Jump onto it and turn around - in a tunnel you'll see three lizards with resources. [2]
Go through the tunnel towards the butterfly until you reach Blue Titanite Slab - but the way is not easy because an invisible path on this side turns in the middle!
The correct path leads to the opposite side over next invisible walkway (you'll see a butterfly in a distance to the left).
Same here, watch out for a slight left turn at the end.
On the other side you can turn left to pick up a soul. [1] A way to the right leads to the boss in a large chamber full of men-eater shells. [2] During the fight with them watch out for a double sequence of blows and swallowing attack.
When you defeat 5 shells, go inside the cavern to deal with Seath, The Scaleless. Alternatively you can bypass the shells and run into his chamber (if you do this for a first time, some of shells can follow you there - next time the arena will be cut off by fog).
Once you kill Seath, use the bonfire.
This is the last location, where we can enter after obtaining Lordvessel and four souls: Seath the Scaleless, The Bed of Chaos, Gravelord Nito and The Four Kings. When you collect all these elements, go to one of two serpents: Kingseeker Frampt or Darkstalker Kaathe and move to Firelink Altar (you can also jump down to the hole where Frampt is stationing).
In Firelink Altar use the altar to sacrifice four souls.
A passage to the last location in game will be opened. Warning - if you start to fight with the boss, you won't be able to return to previous locations. After making a decision leading to the good or evil ending, you'll start the game again.
Run down and move forward between dunes.
Along your way you'll have to fight two knights. [1] It shouldn't be problems - although they have much HP but all their attacks can be blocked with the shield. Additionally they are quite slow so you can attack them from behind. [2]
Knight you meet in this location drop few interesting resources: Titanite Chunk, Red Titanite Chunk, White Titanite Chunk, Blue Titanite Chunk. If you need any of them, it is a good place to get them because warriors respawn after your death or using the bonfire.
When you get to the bridges made from the walls' fragments, you might turn to the right and pick up the Black Knight armor. [1] Also kill an enemy in the narrow bridge. [2]
Further the path turns left. On the stairs you'll meet two more knights.
At the end you'll find a passage to the last boss in the game - Gwyn, Lord of Cinder. Defeating him makes impossible returning to the previous locations and starts a new game! Good luck!
After killing Gwyn, you can choose one of two game endings. If you use a bonfire on his arena, you'll unlock a good ending (Link the Fire).
If you leave the arena, you'll finish the game in an evil version (Dark Lord).
Valley of Drakes is a location connecting several other places - Blighttown, New Londo Ruins and Darkroot Basin. Passages from mentioned locations can be unlocked in proper places during your journey, what is marked in this walkthrough. But let's check what you can find in the land of the blue reptiles.
Warning! In fact you do not have to explore this area to finish the game. So if you have problems there, leave it for later.
When you reach the location for the first time, most likely from Darkroot Basin, you'll see a bridge in front of you. It is guarded by a blue drake. On the other side of the passage you'll encounter more beasts.
Drake is a very mighty enemy, who hits from a close distance and attacks with lightning. During the fight you have to avoid his bolts for all costs. The beast spits electricity and from time to time flies into an air to make a raid. That all means that you need much space to maneuver. Lure out the "dragons" to on open area. As opponents are demanding, you can use stronger "stuff" against them, Poison Arrow for example.
On the bridge you'll find some items - Brigand Armor and Spider Shield. You can take them right after killing the drake before the bridge. If others notice you, just flee. It is worth to go to the other side of the bridge only if you're interested in Red Tearstone Ring (it increases your attack by 50% if your HP falls down to 20%).
After collecting item, you can go the path to the left. Be very careful though, because there is another drake lurking around the corner (he guards a small cavern with Humanity). If you do not want to fight him, just go past him and flee.
This side way leads to a specific opponent, Undead Dragon, a dragon guarding items on the slope. This beast is dangerous only in a melee fight, so we suggesting killing it from a distance with several dozens of arrows and spells. After killing the monster you can collect Astora's Straight Sword and Dragon Crest Shield.
In this location you're exposed to the curse. So you might equip a good armor against this ailment (Gold-Hemmed set for example, which can be easily obtained in Demon Ruins).
An entrance to The Great Hollow is located in Blightown swamps. Look for a branch leading up the large tree - warning: the entrance is guarded by leeches. [1] Climb up the branch. [2]
Inside you'll find a chest and a wall behind it. Hit it to reveal a secret passage (you'll have to repeat this after a moment). [1] Before you go down, light on the bonfire. [2]
Run forwards on the branch, heading down. [1] Go down to the wider walkway. [2]
At its other side you can shorten your way and jump down to a lower level. [1] You might be attacked by frogs there. Watch out for their gas - it causes the curse, which takes half of your HP bar! [2]
Head down, going from one walkway to another. Near one of them you'll find a ladder - you can use it to go down very fast. [1] Use the next ladder in the middle of your way and go to the level with a floor. Watch out for holes - you can easily fall down and be killed! Another problem is opponents - more black frogs. [2]
Go down onto the next ladder, located in the centre part of this "chamber".
On the "mezzanine" you'll encounter more frogs. Kill them and go down the branch located in the central part of the location. [1] You'll encounter little mushrooms - they are not tough but watch out anyway. [2]
At the very bottom you'll encounter larger mushrooms. You must be very careful there and attack only after enemies' hits. Mushroom-parents are slow but can kill you with one hit and surprise with a double combination of blows.
An alternative method of killing large mushrooms is to retreat to the path up - after several meters mushrooms will lock themselves on the root. So you can kill them now with your bow.
If you do not want to fight with tough mushrooms, bypass them by running to the side corridor. This path leads to Ash Lake. [2]
Ash Lake is a very beautiful location. Go down over the back of dead animal. [1] In a distance you'll see Hydra. Do not attack her yet. [2]
Light on the bonfire on the beach to the right.
Now fight with Hydra. You have to approach close to her, block her attacks and hit her head. A full description can be found in a section about fighting with demons.
After killing Hydra search the location with bonfire (you can find there dragon scales). [1] Move forwards where you'll encounter man-eater shells - watch out for their mouth attack, because they can swallow and chew you. [2]
Behind two shells you'll reach another tree [1] - there are several opponents inside. [2] You can get there miracle: Great Magic Barrier. In order to get to it, you'll have to find a hidden ramp outside the tree and jump onto it.
Run over the sand forwards [1], watching out for shells buried in the wider part of the dune. [2]
At the very end you'll encounter a dragon - Everlasting Great Dragon, leader of Path of the Dragon Covenant.
Interesting - you can cut off his tail with no consequences (the beast won't attack you and won't break an alliance with you). [1] As a reward you'll receive Dragon Greatsword. [2]
This is a special optional location, where we can get only after finding Peculiar Doll. You'll get this doll after you return to Undead Asylum (check the description of this location) - it lies down in the cell, where the game begins.
After obtaining the doll, go to Anor Londo and use the large elevator-stairs. You have to set them in the middle position. Go down the stairs to get to the cathedral. Inside kill white ninjas and go to the big painting. Use it.
If you have Peculiar Doll in your equipment, you'll be absorbed by the painting.
Once inside, run along the bridge and climb up until you get to the bonfire. Light it on.
Go inside the building and eliminate opponents. [1] Later on use the stairs. [2]
You'll encounter more zombies and archers there. [1] Clear the area. [2]
You should be attacked by strange zombies with large heads - they attack with fire but are not too dangerous.
Before you continue over the walls, you might go up the tower to the left. A passage can be found in the side alley. [1] You'll encounter more enemies along your way. [2]
At the bottom you can get down to the balcony below, where you'll find an entrance to the tower. You'll find Dried Finger there.
Once inside the building, go down to get a soul and kill two white rats there. [1] Before you go any further you might shoot at the corpse hanging from the near balcony. [2]
Run further over the narrow bridge. Watch out for an archer.
Inside look for an exit on the other side - do not use it, but turn to the right, up to the floor.
When you get there you can find a soul in the window (you have to jump over a hole in the floor). On the other side of the building you'll find Egg Vermifuge.
Do not get down yet - instead go down the ladder located on the side part of the floor.
In the chamber below you'll find Painting Guardian Set (in the chest).
Return down and exit on the other side of the building. Run towards a round tower and go down over its left side.
You'll encounter there human-like crow - kill him.
On the bridge in the distance you'll see an undead dragon. If you approach him, he will run on you furiously. Retreat.
It is best to kill him with a bow but you need much patience and many arrows. On the bridge guarded by the dragon you'll find Bloodshield among other things.
Now go down to the lower part of the round tower. [1] Go through fog there. [2]
Behind fog you'll encounter a large group of monsters with shields and spears (Phalanx). You have to attack them from side or back - and you have to be very careful because there are many of them and repelling their attack might be very difficult. So you can go back and lure them towards the door or run outside and circle around them, hitting from time to time.
From this place you can go in several directions. First head to the field with a corpse on a pole. Kill all enemies there and pick up souls. [1] Behind the wall you'll find a spell Pyromancy - Acid Surge. [2]
Next open the door on the left. You'll create a shortcut to the bonfire.
Return to the courtyard with Phalanx and use the side stairs. [1] Inside explore the outside part. [2]
Then move deeper [1] until you find a ladder down. [2]
At the bottom you'll find Pinwheels. Go slowly deeper to lure out single enemies. It is best to pin them to wall.
After eliminating enemies, pick up items and use the reel on one of the columns.
Next to the mechanism you'll find a hidden passage - hit the wall to open it.
Inside the tunnel look for another secret passage to the right. [1] If you go this path along the right wall, you'll encounter next Pinwheel and an item - Annex Key. [2]
In one of the side paths of this tunnel complex you'll find the stairs up. [1] At the bottom you'll encounter a toxic mutant - if you kill him you'll obtain a spell Pyromancy: Fire Surge. [2]
In the next chamber in a labyrinth you'll find an exit back to the courtyard with Phalanx.
Before you use the Annex Key, climb the nearby wall to pick up the Ring of Sacrifice.
Look for a side door behind the altar and open it with Annex Key.
Go up the stairs and head towards the mutant running on you. Kill him.
At the end of this path, go to the left through a passage.
Fight with other mutants. Also two "crows" should appear there.
Once you clear the area, pick up the item - Dark Ember - hold by stone figure.
Return to the start point and climb up the tower. At its top you'll encounter mutated pyromancer. [1] In an alley behind the hole in the floor you'll find Mask of Velka and Black Cleric armor set. [2]
Na On the stairs above you can pick up a miracle Vow of Silence. You'll be attacked by two "crows".
The last treasure, Velka's Rapier, can be found behind the planks next to the descend to the courtyard (where you came from).
After collecting all treasures return to the courtyard with Phalanx and go through the door, which you've opened with a reel in the underground.
Along your way you'll encounter archers and warriors lurking in the alleys on sides. [1] In the second part of the bridge more zombies will appear behind you. [2]
At the end of the bridge one more opponent is lurking - a giant knight with the shield. This type of enemy is quite fast and deals mighty blows. Try to lure him to a safe place (a further part of the bridge is partially destroyed) and attack him from behind. Circle around him all the time to avoid his attacks.
Enter the arena with Crossbreed Priscilla. You can fight with her or bypass her.
Before leaving this location (you have to jump from the bridge at its end), pick up Xanthous armor.
First demon you are fighting with. It is a giant fat creature with a large hammer. At first he can scary you because of his strength but do not worry, this guide explains how to deal with him with no troubles.
Attacks and weaknesses
Asylum Demon uses his hammer and giant size. His weakness is fire - but at the beginning you won't have an access to this. Demon has following attacks:
1) Horizontal attack- it hits everything in front of him. To avoid it stay at his back.
2) Attack from above - demon raises his hammer and slams it on the ground. You can avoid this by jumping aside.
3) Fast hit - same as above but faster.
4) Body slam - demon floats up and hits the ground. Move back to avoid damage.
1) Do not stand in front of the demon - if you stay behind the beast, you increase your chances several times.
2) Do not aim the enemy - aiming system in this fight disturbs you. Yes, we know that the game suggest using this, but sometimes it is really good not to use it. In this way you'll be more mobile and have greater control over your character.
3) Do not panic - this is first big fight, so it is easy to panic. The beast seems to be powerful but if you fight with it calmly, you'll win. This boss can be really defeated.
At the beginning, you'll find yourself above the enemy. In this situation you can use the special move of your character and inflict huge damage. Aim the beast, jump over him and hit while in the air.
After mighty firs blow you have to apply simple tactics - turn off aiming and run behind his back.
From this position you can easy hit him and you'll avoid any of his attack. When he turns around, run again behind his back and keep hitting him.
This is stone gargoyle armed with axe, wings and long tail. Is there anything scarier? Probably its twin brother armed with additional tail attack. Yes, in this fight you have to deal with both beasts.
Attacks and weaknesses
First of gargoyles is vulnerable to fire and lightning. The second one is vulnerable to lightning. You might use Gold Pine Resin (if you still have it). Gargoyles have following attacks:
1) Axe swings - most of them can be parried with a good shield.
2) Overhead axe attack - a huge jump, which can be also blocked.
3) Shield attack - an attack which takes a lot of endurance.
4) Tail - mighty attack. The tail can be cut off with few hits.
5) Air attack - gargoyles can fly and they use this technique often. So they can jump on you from air.
In the second part of the fight, a second beast will appear. From this moment gargoyles will attack you with fire - it is an area attack.
1) Quickly kill on e beast - in this fight you have to quickly kill one beast. Two gargoyles are very powerful and you'll have to run around a lot to avoid their fire blasts.
2) Cut off the tail - as a reward for cutting off the tail you can obtain Gargoyle Tail Axe. In fact the axe is only an addition - if you have problems with the beast, just ignore the axe.
3) Defend against fire - if you have a good shield, you can try to block the fire attack (for example Heater Shield, Hollow Soldier's Shield).
4) Summon help - if you're in human form, you can summon one of two heroes to help you: Solaire of Astora or Knight Lautrec of Carim (you've saved him before from a cell). Their symbols can be found next to the fight arena.
5) Watch out not to fall down - the fight takes on the rooftop, so you can fall down. Do not make any wild dodges just above the abyss.
At the beginning of the fight go to the center of the rooftop. When the beast appears, run towards it with raised shield. You have two options: block attacks or dodge. [1] If you're at monster's side or behind it, hit it. If you hit the tail, you have a chance to cut it off, so the demon will have one attack less. [2]
When the second gargoyle appears, focus your attention on one of them. You have to quickly finish him. If your opponents get together, try to retreat - their double fire blast can kill you. [2]
After killing one gargoyle, the fight becomes easier - the second beast only spits fire. In such case go to its right side and quickly attack.
Humanoid goat-headed warrior, armed with two large swords. His speed and hit power might be problematic.
Attacks and weaknesses
Capra is vulnerable to lightning. Demon has following attacks:
1) Horizontal swings - he swings from left to right and opposite, often in the sequence. You can block these attacks but if it is a longer combo, you'll run out of endurance.
2) Two handed hit - Capra raises his swords and hits straight ahead. This is mighty blow which can be blocked but at high cost. So it is best to jump aside or move away.
3) Heavy overhead swing - at some distance from you, the opponent performs the above hit and jumps onto your character.
1) Kill dogs - in this fight your main opponent are dogs. After killing them the fight becomes easier.
2) Try to avoid Capra's hits... - you can fight this demon one on one, although...
3) ...or apply tactics below - it is better to use the method with the stairs. Capra likes to follow you on the stairs on the arena. When he jumps from them, for a moment he is vulnerable for attacks - jump animation is very slow.
You can fight this demon in several ways. As always we present the easiest method. After entering the arena, do as follows:
1) kill dogs as fast as possible - there are two of them in the arena. Despite the appearances, they are the main problem in this fight. To make it easier, run up the stairs on the left (avoiding Capra's hits) and then try to defeat the dogs there. If demon runs after you, jump from the stairs to the left.
2) After killing the dogs, operate with a simple schema: run up the stairs and wait until Capra follows you. When he goes up, jump to the left on the floor. He will do the same - attack him only when he is landing. Animation of this action takes so long, that you'll be able to hit him once or twice. Repeat this action until Capra is dead.
A true giant in a fiery texture. The opponent may seem invincible, but there is a simple way to defeat him.
There is one very simple tactics, where in fact we do not fight demon, but apply a trick instead. It is about luring him to the fogy passage next to the starting point on the arena. Wait until he hits the ground with his limb and then hit him quickly several times In this way demon will lose anchor point (his limb) and fall into abyss.
If you do not want to act this way (but why not ?!), you can kill him with a bow, hiding behind rocks. But you might need a really good bow and many arrows.
You can also defeat enemy in a melee fight. You have to equip weapon and armor capable to resist his fiery blasts and attack him in between.
A giant mutated centipede. An additional difficulty is the fact, that the fight takes place next to lava.
Attacks and weaknesses
Centipede Demon is a giant worm that feels good next to lava. His weaknesses: the tail and the hand. Both limbs can be cut off. Notice: limbs grow back after cutting and are still dangerous - you have to kill them as a standard enemy!
1) right swing - a mighty blow, which can be blocked however with a good shield. A dodge towards a demon doesn't work all the time.
2) tail swing - mighty hit with the tail - can be also blocked.
3) air slam - a monster jumps up and hits the ground. He attacks whey you're standing under him. O just jump aside once or twice.
4) grab and chew - demon can swallow you. To avoid this make sure that you're not standing in front of his mouth.
5) blows - in a later part of the fight, demon blows a hot air. It is enough to stay at his tail side.
6) stomp - when you're standing between his feet, he will try to stomp on you. So rather stay at his tail.
1) Do not fight in lava, unless you're real tough guy (we assume that not). The fight seems to be difficult at the beginning, because there is a liquid fire everywhere. On the right side of the chamber you'll find however larger part of land, where you can fight him. In order to get there, you have to jump over two streams of lava.
2) Do not stand in front of enemy - in this fight you must avoid standing in front of the demon. Instead of that, hide under him or even better - behind him. It is very easy to keep such position if you do not use the aiming system, which can get "mad" here.
3) Cut off the tail - you might cut off his tail when you're standing behind the enemy. After doing this, make sure that you've killed the tail - it needs several hits. Once the tail rows back, repeat your action. Without the tail, demon is easier to be defeated.
The fight with demon is quite easy despite appearances, if you apply below tactics.
First search for the field for battle - after entering the arena, run to the right along the wall, jumping over two streams of lava. Get to the end of this land and wait. The beast will approach you slowly.
When Demon gets to the land, he will start attacking in front of him. You have to block or dodge one of his attacks and run close to him as fast as possible (but do not run into lava!). Your task is easy: you have to find yourself under the beast first and then behind him.
Keep your position under the demon or behind him and cut off his tail - several attacks with good weapon are enough. Make sure to finish the tail - it is still alive and attacks you! Once you cut off the tail, stay under the demon or behind him, hitting his legs or back side regularly.
If you stay under the demon, you're safe against his swings. But watch out for air slams - you can recognize them when the worm tries to jump up. Once he does it, jump twice aside (but not in lava). The beast will hit a ground - jump towards it quickly and take a strategic position (which is behind the demon).
Quelaag is a beautiful woman. Attached with her upper body to a giant spider. This beast spits lava and is equipped with a large sword - no one can dream about such nightmare.
Attacks and weaknesses
Queelag has following attacks:
1) Lava breath - spider chokes for a moment and then spits lava in front of him. Sometimes he spits at a distance. This attack is harmless, unless you're standing in front of him. Of course lava stays on the arena for some time.
2) Lava stream - spider chokes longer and spits with a huge amount of lava. It is the best moment to attack him from behind.
3) Lava rush - spider can jump towards you, spitting lava. The attack is dangerous because it can surprise you.
4) Lava sideswipe - it is executed when you're on the side. Rarely used.
5) Firesword slash - a quick blow, which can be dodged.
6) Sword combo - a triple attack. The third hit is tricky - Queelag prepares it a bit longer.
7) Firesword stab - Queelag leans forward. It has a long range but it is also prepared long.
8) Explosion - probably most dangerous attack. The woman bends over the spider. It takes 2-3 seconds and then the spider bursts with an energy beam. Once you see Queelag bending to her spider part, move back to the long distance.
1) Watch out for lava - lava inflicts a lot of damage. So you should fight in places without lava. After time lava disappears.
2) Do not get stuck on legs - if you're close to the spider, try not to go under him. When you'll try to run away, you might get stuck between his legs.
3) Attack when the spider spits lava - this is the best moment to attack. In other situations try to defend against sword swings.
You need much patience and skill in this fight. The task is easy: you have to wait until the spider start spitting lava. At this moment you can "apply" him several hits from behind.
You have to watch out for sword swings - you can dodge them, block them or just retreat.
It is also important to fight in places without lava.
This is an optional opponent, which can be found at the very end in the special location Painted World of Ariamis. The woman of the dragon origin wields a giant scythe and can become invisible. What's interesting, you do not have to fight with her - it is enough to walk past her and do not attack.
Attacks and weaknesses
Crossbreed Priscilla seems to be vulnerable to fire. Some attacks and spells make her also visible again (different variations of Fireball or Poison Mist for example). But it doesn't work always.
1) Cut of the tail - start the fight with cutting off the tail. You'll obtain Priscilla's Dagger from it.
2) Fight on the snow - if you stay in the snow area, you'll be able to follow invisible Priscilla's moves! Just look for footprints on the snow.
3) Hit and jump back - the simplest technique is to jump towards the place where footprints on the snow are heading, hit once or twice and jump back. If you raise your shield additionally, you'll have a bigger chance to parry her attacks.
A fight with Priscilla is quite easy - if you decide to fight at all, because you can leave her alone.
At the beginning of the fight try to get a special dagger - you have to cut off Priscilla's tail.
After your attack, the opponent will become invisible.
Take it easy - there is a way to "find" her: just follow footsteps on the snow. Jump towards the place, where Priscilla is heading, hit once and jump back. Repeat this until she's dead. You'll know if you hit her because you'll hear then a characteristic sound.
When Priscilla is invisible, you can't see her HP bar too. But if you hit her, her HP bar will decrease.
After dealing several blows, there is a chance that she will become visible again, which of course makes your task easier.
Gwyndolin is one of the optional bosses, which can be reached only after getting Darkmoon Seance Ring in Catacombs. Once you get this ring, move to Darkmoon Altar (with Warp option). Put on the ring - a statue in front of you will disappear, revealing the hidden passage.
During the fight you'll have to catch Gwyndolin - the boss is running from you in the endless corridor.
Warning - after killing this boss, a guardian of the bonfire in Anor Londo will become hostile and you'll break a pact Blade of the Darkmoon.
Attacks and weaknesses
Gwyndolin is vulnerable to physical attacks. This character has several attacks:
1) Conventional arrows - rapid series of few arrows. If you do not block nor avoid them, they can kill you with a single burst. Fortunately you can avoid them by running a zigzag pattern, blocking them or hiding behind side columns. How to recognize: a character flies up.
2) Magic arrows - a series of few magic arrows, which are partially guided. It is difficult to avoid them and not easy to block them (you need a good shield against magic). How to recognize: a magic light bolts approach.
3) Magic bolt - a powerful bolt which is not guided but moves very fast. It is almost impossible to block it and very hard to avoid. If you try to block it with a shield, it will inflict a lot of damage. How to recognize: a character moves stuff, you can see the light.
4) Teleport - Gwyndolin runs away from you, when you get close to her.
1) Focus on speed and defense against magic - in this fight you have to catch an opponent, who teleports far from you if you get closer. So you need a high mobility and good protection against magic, in order to get through attacks.
2) Learn how to avoid attacks - each Gwyndolin's attack can be avoided in order to get closer and deal some damage. The problem is that you have to repeat this many times.
3) Quickly exchange weapons with shield - when running towards Gwyndolin, use the shield. Once you get closer the enemy, switch to two-handed attack to inflict more damages.
In this fight you have to focus on speed - hunt down the enemy avoiding attacks, hit a few times and repeat until she's dead.
After the start of the battle, run towards Gwyndolin, following above tips on how to avoid her attacks. [1] Once you get her, hit her with two-handed attacks. [2] Repeat until it is done!
Firesage resembles the Asylum Demon, the first boss of Dark Souls.
Attacks and weaknesses
Firesage is vulnerable to fire - contrary to his characteristics. Demon has these attacks:
1) Horizontal swings - can be blocked with a shield.
2) Overhead slam - demon raises his weapon and hits in front of him, dealing area damage.
3) Air moves - demon can fly in the air in order to take a better position.
4) Projectile - he shoots a projectile making an explosion.
1) From behind - w in this fight it is enough to run behind demon's back and stay in this position, so you'll avoid most of his blows and can hit him.
2) Do not get pushed into a corner - when bypassing a demon, you'll have to correct his position from time to time. If you're too close to the wall, he can make you pinned.
Have you read above tips? Yes, in this fight you run towards demon and jump over him behind his back, avoiding his attacks. Stay in this position and hit. Most of his attack will bypass you except an area attack, which sometimes can hit you even if you're behind the beast's back (seldom!).
Four Kings is one of the most frightening bosses in the game. But take it easy - there is simple method to defeat him. The fight takes place in The Abyss, a blackness hanged between worlds. During the fight the demon will get reinforcements - with time more copies of him will appear. As the name suggests, it may even be four of them!
Attacks and weaknesses
Each copy of the boss (there might be 4 of them at the same time) has following attacks:
1) Distance attack - a magic projectile, which can be barely blocked or avoided.
2) Weak sword swings - attacks applied only when you're close to the demon. Do not inflict much damage.
3) Special sword swings - special sequences of attacks forwards, which inflict more damage but can be avoided by circling around the boss, even without jumping.
4) Area attack - boss starts to shine and explode. Damages are high but no deadly (of course it depends on your character!).
5) Absorbing Humanity - during this attack boss grabs your character and squeezes it. You lose then one Humanity point and lot of HP.
1) Do not fight from a distance - a fight from a distance is dangerous, because the boss has a mighty magic attack.
2) Take care about your armor - there are several methods to defeat the boss, but the easiest and basic one assumes that you equip the best armor in the game - Havel's Set.
3) Focus on one enemy at time and keep CLOSE - if you keep close to only one enemy, others shouldn't disturb.
4) Hit fast - in this fight you have to kill enemies fast, before reinforcements arrive.
Shortcut to Four Kings from Firelink Shrine
There are no bonfires in New Londo, which means that you walk over the large area of this location. But there is one shortcut. You can get there from Firelink Shrine and run over walkways. [1] When you meet first ghost, bypass them and keep to the right - run along the slope. [2]
At the end take look at the bottom - you should see a part of the wall with a walkway below. Jump over them. [1] You'll find yourself in a shallow lake, guarded by dark knights. From here you can run further, bypassing or fighting enemies. [2]
Four Kings is in fact an easy enemy, if you equip Havel's Armor (probably by using Havel's Ring), 10 Estus Flasks and good weapon (Lighting Spear +2 is enough). This tactics assumes ignoring dodges and blocks, so you should take all hits on your armor and use entire Stamina for attacks. But it is also to have average mobility - armor can't be heavier than you maximum load capacity.
Once you are equipped with Have's Armor, Ring Covenant of Artorias (allows you to jump down to The Abyss) and weapon held with two hands, jump into the hole.
After the fight begins, run towards the boss. You have to be as close as possible! [1] Once you reach him, ignore his attacks and just hit him quickly. Regenerate Stamina and circle around your opponent. In this way you'll avoid some of his blows. [2]
In this fight you need a bit luck, speed and precision - do not waste Stamina on bad hits. It can be easier if you aim the opponent. Once the copy of Four Kings dies, run towards another - you have to kill around 4 enemies this way
After killing Four Kings, you can teleport by using the bonfire.
Probably one of the most disgusting beasts you can encounter in Dark Souls. Gaping Dragon is giant, horrible, rotten and hideous dragon. Despite appearances, the fight with him is not too difficult, as long as you learn his behavior.
Attacks and weaknesses
Gaping Dragon has several weaknesses: his head (a small point at the top) and a tail, which can be cut off. Additionally he is vulnerable to lightning. Dragon fights in two positions - standing on all his legs or standing on his front legs with his torso raised up. In the first position Gaping can surprise you with:
1) Charge - when the demon stands on his all legs (in horizontal position), he runs towards you. In this situation you have to go out of his way, which sometimes requires sprinting and few jumps.
In other position the dragon uses following attacks:
2) Tail attack - it is a mighty swing, which can hit you when you're standing behind the beast (even in the long distance). After cutting off the tail, the range decreases.
3) Overhead - the dragon has a tendency to fly in the air and fall down with impetus. But it is easy to run away from such attack.
4) Grab - if you are close to his leg, demon can try to grab and eat you. It ends in death for weaker characters.
5) Acid throw - the dragon starts to shake and spits acid. Acid inflicts damages and damages the equipment.
6) Smashing - the beast tries to smash you with his legs.
7) Slam attack - the beast slams the ground with his upper body. This is the perfect moment to attack!
1) Cut off the tail - Gaping is one of the demons, who have a weapon in his tail - Dragon King Great Axe.
2) Do not think about the shield - blocking dragon's blows has no sense. If you play the fight well, none of them will get you and additional damage from a weapon held in two hands are very useful.
3) Stay in half-distance - in case of Gaping you have to stay not too close and not too far. The fight is to wait until the beast slams the ground with his body, so you have to be close to run fast towards him and hit him. On the other hand, if you stay too close, you can be hit by his additional blows or charge.
A tactics in this fight is very easy - you have to use two simple behaviors of the demon.
1) Charge - when the demon is charging at you, you can easily avoid his attack and find yourself at his side. From this position you can hit him once or twice.
2) Slam attack - when the demon rises up his upper body, you can be sure that he will slam the ground in a moment. After such blow, the beast is immobile for 3-4 seconds, which allows you to hit him.
Run to the arena and observe the demon. If he runs towards you, get out of his way and try to put yourself on his side. When he raises his body up, he will smash the ground in a moment. [1] If so, run along the beast behind his back. [2]
Hit the tail with a weapon held in two hands. [1] After few blows you'll cut it off and obtain Dragon King Great Axe. [2]
If the demon is far from you, he will start charging again. Get out of his way and jump aside. [1] After next ground slams, the dragon is defenseless. Hit him 3-4 times in any part of his body. But after that run away - he will start charging at you again. [2]
From time to time Gaping flies up - try to stay away from him, when he does so.
After killing the demon, pick up Hard Leather armor, lying on the arena.
The majestic wolf, holding a huge sword in his mouth. This is one of the most spectacular fights. And a real challenge by the way, if you're not well equipped and do not know the proper tactics.
Attacks and weaknesses
Sif is extremely bouncy, fast and powerful. The beast can jump to the hero literally in a second. The wolf will attack you in the following ways:
1) Horizontal swings - horizontal hits which can be blocked with a good shield.
2) Turning attack - Sif hits twice, turning around. Blocking can be problematic.
3) Overhead or below attach - first one is executed where you're far from him and second one - when you're close to the wolf.
4) Charge slash - mighty blow but luckily rarely used.
1) Get close to the wolf - despite appearances, it is the best method. Once you get between wolf's legs, most of his blows will miss you.
2) Take care about good dodges - in this fight you have to stay close to the opponent or even under him. So try to perform good dodges when you run towards him.
3) Hit his legs - in the second part of the fight the wolf will weaken and his blows become slow. Hold on!
In this fight you can't keep enemy on the distance, unless you love that style of fighting. The fight should look like this:
1) Right after entering fog and when the wolf approaches, run straight on him, avoiding his potential blows.
2) Once you get under the wolf, hit his legs and torso. You can use the aiming system or work without it.
3) Once the wolf jumps back, run towards him as fast as possible.
4) Repeat this several times.
In the later part of the fight, the wolf will be wounded [1] and his moves will become extremely slow. [2]
Interesting fact: initially there was the rumor, that you can spare Sif's life in the fight. According to legends, a wounded wolf was retreating after time. Unfortunately these reports haven't been confirmed. A pity, because such majestic beast might be saved!
With no doubts, the most powerful boss in the game. He apparently seems to be less dangerous than dragons, hydras, giant wolves and other beasts, which you met earlier. Do not be fooled - Gwyn is a real fear, even in Dark Souls. His speed, mighty blows and endurance are a hard test for many heroes.
Attacks and weaknesses
Gwyn is absolutely fast and powerful beast. His weakness, despite appearances, is fire. But he is resistant to lightning damages. Besides, this is one of the bosses, which blows can be parried.
1) Overhead jump - if you're away from Gwyn, he can run to you or jump towards you. In the second case it is best to run towards him and roll to the side when he jumps.
2) Stab - on an average distance Gwyn tries to stab you. It is best to jump aside.
3) Slashes - if you're close to the enemy, you can count on a series of slashes from side to side. Despite appearances these are slowest attacks, which can be easily parried (check tactics below).
4) Kick - knocks off balances. It is often followed by...
5) Grab - probably most dangerous attack, because it can't be blocked with the shield. Gwyn leans in and tries to grab your character with his left hand and then detonates it in a fire explosion, which takes a lot of HP.
1) Prepare good equipment - you should do this. Check below tactics and adjust your equipment to one of them.
2) Make sure that you can heal yourself - if you're good, the fight will be "piece of cake". Otherwise make sure that you can heal yourself often, because Gwyn can inflict really huge damage.
3) Prepare to die - Gwyn can kill with two blows an 80 level character. Good luck!
There are many tactics to kill Gwyn - we will describe two most effective and addressed to two groups: players who want to play safe and people who want to risk and end the fight quicker.
"Walking tank"
In this case we need a character with 34 Strength and following equipment:
1) Havel's Ring + Flame Stoneplate Ring - to have a good armor and increase your fire defense.
2) Good armor set (Havel's Set) + Black Iron Greatshield (or Havel's Greatshield, if you have 50 Strength!).
3) Spear - would be best, if it deals fire damage.
4) Iron Flesh - Pyromancy spell which increases characters defenses. Game creators have weakened it in patches but we can deal without it.
Once you equip above item, to the fight arena and head to its left side. Try to place yourself that there are any rocks between you and Gwyn. From this position block your opponent's attacks and hit him with the spear, controlling you Stamina. The fight will be long (it depends on the spear you have) but relatively safe. The only threat is Gwyn's grab - watch out particularly for that.
"Killer" - parrying
This tactics is addresses to people with the right reflex - it actually allows you to win the fight without any armor, on any soul level and literally crushes Gwyn. In this case you need:
1) A weapon dealing fire damage - Quelaag's Furysword or other (or possible another weapon dealing reasonable damage while parrying).
2) Black Knight Shield - a shield of this type or another shield which allows you to parry attacks (this one is good because it blocks a lot of fire damage).
3) OPTIONAL - Hornet Ring - a ring which increases inflicted damage while parrying.
Equip above items and enter the arena. Instead of fleeing from Gwyn, run towards him - the idea is to get very close to the enemy and force him to use close attacks (slashes). If the boss jumps on you, roll under his feet. If you're close to him, parry his blows with a shield by pressing LT (Xbox 360) or L2 (PS3) right after beginning of his blow animation. Repeat this until he is dead - the only threat is a grab attack, which you have to avoid by jumping aside.
Giant water beast that attacks with powerful projectiles from a distance and uses its numerous heads in a melee fight. But despite appearances, it is a fairly simple opponent, considered sometimes as miniboss.
In the game you'll encounter this enemy twice - in Darkroot Basin and in The Ash Lake. The following description focuses on the second, slightly better version of Hydra, but it also applies to the first version of the beast. In Darkroot Basin you have to eliminate ice golems running around the lake before the main fight.
Attacks and weaknesses
Hydra has two main attacks:
1) Projectiles - very dangerous area projectiles. Hydra shoots them at the moment she notice you. Sometimes you can block them with a shield. You can also jump forwards.
2) Heads - heads attacks are easy to be blocked with a shield. After each of them you have also few minutes to hit Hydra.
1) Do not fight from a distance - it is much easier to defeat Hydra, once you get close to her. The attacks are clearly marked and you can easily block them with a shield.
2) Watch out for a shallow water border - during the melee fight you have to be careful not to go too far into the lake and also do not go back too far. In first case you can drown and in the second case Hydra might start shooting projectiles at you.
The basic tactics is to fight in a close distance. Locate Hydra and run towards her with raised shield or just sprint - you'll have to block or avoid her projectiles. [1] In Ash Lake you can hide in the middle of the way in the root - but you're not 100% safe there. [2]
Once you get close to Hydra, go to the water (but watch out for a deep fragment, where the beast is located!) and raise your shield. [1] Hydra will attack you with heads, but you can block them with no problems. After each attack quickly counterattack. [2] Repeat this several times - after few blows you'll cut off the head.
At the end of the fight you may need to finish off Hydra with a bow or spells.
It is a mighty warrior stationing on the top of Sen's Fortress. A fight with him takes place on the arena, where you can fall down from. This opponent may be not the most difficult boss in the game, but can be a real pain in the ass. Before the main fight kill them golem who is throwing bombs from the tower.
Attacks and weaknesses
Golem should be vulnerable to lightning-based attacks (it depends on whether creators did not apply any changes in patches). The enemy wounded in legs stops moving for few seconds, giving you plenty time for dealing him damage. Iron Golem has following attacks:
1) Air attack - this is a distance attack, used when you get too far from the opponent. You can raise the shield to absorb only part of damage.
2) Hand grab - golem leans and grabs you with a hand. This is used only if you stand on the side where he is not holding his axe.
3) Axe swings - different types of axe swings in front of the golem.
4) Stomp - if you are close to the golem, he tries to stomp on you.
5) Ground hit - golem hits the ground in front of him with his fist.
6) Jumps away - golem can quickly jump away, what doesn't inflict damage but makes you come into a range of his blows.
1) Watch out not to fall down - the arena where you fight with Iron Golem is surrounded with an abyss. So you have to keep in the center and lure there the enemy if needed.
2) Keep at the back - if you jump behind enemy's back, you'll be safe. From there you can attack his legs.
3) Use the moment - if you hit the golem in his legs several times, he won't be able to move. So grab your weapon with two hands and hit him as strong as you can.
4) do not get to be grabbed - the most dangerous golem's attack is probably his grab. So keep on the side where he is holding his axe.
A fight with Iron Golem is easy if you can maneuver your character and have a good weapon (Lighting Spear found in Sen's Fortress should be enough).
After beginning of the fight, run towards golem to avoid his distance attack. Stop in front of the round part of the arena and lure the enemy there.
Once the boss comes to you and starts preparing to the axe hit, run towards him again and circle him to the right, avoiding the attack.
Being at his back, hit his legs. If he changes his position, repeat above actions.
From time to time your opponent gets "paralyzed" (after your blows in his legs). Hit him as many times then.
It is a butterfly in Darkroot Garden. It may seem that the battle can be won only with a ranged weapon - but nothing more wrong. The enemy flies to the wall from time to time, and then you can inflict him damage.
Attacks and weaknesses
The butterfly is vulnerable to lightning-based attacks. His attacks are:
1) Homing missiles - missiles head towards you but you can jump aside to avoid them.
2) Multiply missiles - a beam of several missiles running in different directions. Jump aside to avoid.
3) Beam attack - a slow beam moving in your direction. To avoid jump through it.
4) Bombs - while flying over the bridge, the butterfly throws bombs. Try to jump rather in his direction.
1) Magic defense - this boss attacks with magic missiles, so you should equip a set which absorbs such attacks.
2) Prepare to jump aside - in fact you do not need armor if you're good in avoiding missiles by jumping aside.
In this fight you can apply two tactics - distance or melee fight. In both cases you have to learn how to avoid enemy's blows.
Avoid butterfly's attacks. Between his attacks you can shoot him with a bow. If you prefer to kill him with a melee weapon, wait until he flies to the bridge - he won't move for a moment, giving you plenty time for an attack.
Nito is extremely slow necromancer dressed in a long robe and armed with a sword. This opponent looks truly menacing and during the fight summons smaller skeletons. On his arena you'll encounter also bigger versions of bony warriors. But the battle could go pretty smoothly if you prepare accordingly.
Attacks and weaknesses
Nito has several attacks and techniques:
1) Summoning of skeletons - Nito summons smaller skeletons, which effectively interfere witch the fight. Kill them first, best with Divine weapon.
2) Sword swings - solid blows, but they rarely hit you. He is so slow that you can easily keep behind him.
3) Area attack - Nito curls up and starts to glow with white energy. After a moment it explodes and hurts everyone around (including his skeletons). You can run away from the attack but be careful not to fall onto skeletons lurking in different parts of the location.
4) Spike - when Nito cries, you can expect a spike from the ground. You can jump aside to avoid it, but it requires practice.
1) Stay in one place - in this fight you should not run towards enemy, because there are several large skeletons lurking on the arena. So after entering it, wait until Nito comes to you.
2) Get rid of bodyguards - once you kill smaller skeletons summoned by Nito, the fight will become easier.
3) Divine weapon - make sure that skeletons won't come back to life by killing them with Divine weapon - you'll have to kill more than 10 of them in total.
4) Healing - prepare many healing potions because some hits will reach you.
In this fight you need much healing, Divine weapon and another weapon against Nito (the best would be a weapon with fire-based attack). Then do as follows:
After entering the arena - WAIT. Try to avoid spikes attack from below the ground. [1] Skeletons summoned by Nito will come running to you, so eliminate then with a Divine weapon (if you do not have such, you must be aware that they will come back continually). [2]
At some point Nito will appear himself. Wait until he comes to you.
When Nito gets close to you, circle around him and hit him as fast as you ca. [1] Eliminate also skeletons summoned by him, because they are the real threat in this fight. [2]
Repeat above until Nito is dead. If you have enough healing potions and a good armor, you won't even have to run away during Nito's area attacks.
Two bad guys - agile and fast Ornstein and his bigger but slower buddy - Smough. First of them uses a spear and magic - he deals lightning-based damage. The second one is slower but has a large range thanks to his giant hammer.
Attacks and weaknesses
In this fight you deal with two characters and each of them has different skills:
Ornstein - agile and fast. Armed with a spear. Most of his attacks can be blocked. Some of them are however filled with magic. Weakness: fire (any weapon dealing fire-based damage is perfect against him).
- two lightning bolts - a standard (deal small damage) and enhanced one (deal large damage). Both projectiles can be blocked with a good shield.
- charge - most of the fighting Ornstein will keep his distance but from time to time he will run in front of Smough. He uses a charge to surprise a player, thanks to which he can quickly find himself next to you.
- combos - the demon uses different combo hits. Most of them can be blocked with a shield.
Smough - large and only slightly less agile! Armed with a giant hammer. What's interesting, most of his swings can be blocked - also a charge which throws you in the air. Weakness: lightning (a spear found next to Iron Golem is perfect for this fight, but you might consider enhancing it).
- hammer swings - from the left, from the right and from above the head. Sometimes in double or even triple sequence (one blow after other). Side attacks can be avoided by rolling to the opposite direction. Overhead swing can be avoided by jumping aside.
- charge - in this attack he quickly runs to you and hits from below throwing you in the airs. The easiest tactics is to flee by rolling backwards twice. There are two alternatives though: you can block it with a good shield or take a risk and roll over under Smough (forwards).
- butt slam - if you get to close to Smough, demon will jump and slam the ground. In the basic form of the beast (before killing his buddy), this slam has small range. But enhanced Smough (after killing Ornstein) makes the similar attack but also uses lightning beams - avoid this for all costs by rolling backwards twice!
1) Be sure to focus on only ONE opponent. After killing the demon, the second one renews his life and takes his mate's skills. If you kill Smough first, Ornstein will become a giant. When you kill Ornstein first, Smough's attack will deal also lightning-based damage. The easiest way is to deal with Ornstein first, because his enhanced version is very strong (so you want to avoid fighting it).
2) During the fight with two opponents, observe them both. Try to use pillars to split your opponents and attack one of them (we really suggest dealing with Ornstein first). Watch out for Smough's attacks - you have to learn how to avoid them. Remember - determination and patience is a key - by watching carefully both opponents you'll be able to avoid most damage and attack enemies from a safe position.
3) Do not be put down in a corner - do not get close to corners when avoiding enemies' attacks. It will be very difficult to get out of the corner, when two opponents start attacking you.
Melee fight - effective tactics, if you know how enemies behave. Normally you can play defensive style (a shield + spear/other weapon) or offensive style (on weapon carried in two hands). Of course the first method takes time but it is safer (if you have enough Stamina of course). In this case equip your character with a good shield (Eagle Shield) and a good weapon.
What to chose? Against Ornstein - a weapon dealing fire-based damage. If you do not have such weapon, you can use a spear dealing lightning-based spear. By using such weapon you can attack while hiding behind the shield.
If you fight using a shield and a weapon, circle around the arena (it is best to go back while having both opponents in front of you) with raised shield and wait until Ornstein get close to you. Once he does so, try to hit him once or twice and back off from running Smough. It is not easy because both enemies move randomly, so try to use pillars to split them up.
Do not charge - by circling around the chamber and successively injuring Ornstein, you'll make it. Once the boss is dead, focus on Smough. In this part of fight is all about watching out for his area attack (jump from above). Other attack can be easily avoided (by jumping aside). Attack your opponent mainly after his jump from above or overhead blow and swings. Jump aside to avoid them and then run toward the beast and hit its side.
Distance fight - during most of the fight you are able to aim the opponent and shoot him with a ranged weapon. But this requires powerful equipment and a proper place to perform this. In other case the fight will take really long.
Pinwheel is a mage with many faces. During the fight he creates his copies, which have not too much HP but can be pain in the ass. This demon can also do some magic "tricks". Despite of that, a fight with him is quite easy.
Attacks and weaknesses
1) Clone attack - boss creates his weaker copies. Can be killed with one hit.
2) Fire spells (distance) - not too dangerous if you're close to the boss and attack him with a sword.
1) Focus on the boss - the demon creates his copies, but if you have a good weapon, you can ignore them. During creating this guide, Pinwheel died so quickly (3-4 blows with a Lightning Spear +4) that we had no time to get a closer look at him!
After entering the arena, run forwards [1] and jump down onto the battlefield. [2]
Further tactics is quite easy - run towards the main boss and attack him. After some time he starts creating his copies. But you should focus on the "original" boss.
The boss can try to teleport himself - in this case destroy his copies. They should die after one blow. If there are too many copies on the arena, ignore the demon and focus on them.
A gigantic crystal dragon, without scales. You encounter him in the game twice - during your first "meeting" you have to die because the beast is invincible. During the second approach however, you'll get to his private residence and his source of power: a special crystal.
Attacks and weaknesses
He is vulnerable to fire- and lightning-based weapons. The dragon has following attacks:
1) Curse breath - Seath breaths with a special attack which causes crystals come from the ground. What's worse, they can infect the player with a curse. These breaths come in few types.
2) Tail attacks - Seath can hit you with his tails, which can be blocked with a good shield.
3) Arm swipe - sometimes the beast bends down to attack you with his arm.
4) Area attack - an explosion dealing huge damage, activated when you are close to the beast's middle. You have to jump backwards several times.
1) Destroy the crystal - always start the fight with destroying the mentioned crystal, which heals the beast:
2) Equip some stuff against the curse - a Cursebite ring or an armor set with some defense against the curse really saves you in this fight.
3) Keep at his side - it is best to attack his side tails and not stand in front of the dragon.
4) Destroy dragon's back tail - when you destroy dragon's back tail, you'll obtain Moonlight Greatsword.
After beginning of the fight, always destroy this crystal:
Then run towards Seath and hit his side. It is best to stay next to the end of one of his side tails. [1] Repeat these actions while circling around the beast. The aiming system is not good at this moment, so you should better use your intuition. [2]
Sound simple, doesn't it? If you stay at the left tail of the beast, you'll probably get no damage - the only threat is attack with tails, but fortunately it is rarely use.
This is a demon, which is found in Undead Asylum after returning to this location. It looks like first boss in the game we're fighting with (Asylum Demon), but is tougher and more dangerous.
You return to Undead Asylum when you enter the crow nest in Firelink Shrine. In order to do this, you have to jump from an elevator leading to Undead Paris onto a damaged platform. Go to the nearby grass area and jump to the wall. Climb it up. Inside the nest crouch down (press the designated button) and the crow will move you back.
Attacks and weaknesses
Stray Demon has similar attacks as his predecessor. His weakness is his back. Demon has following attacks:
1) Axe swings - this mighty weapon can hit you only when you're in front of the demon.
2) Overhead hit - demon raises his weapon and hits the ground in front of him. This causes explosion (area attack).
3) Axe smash - demon hits the ground horizontally with his axe. It causes an area explosion, which will hurt you even if you're standing behind the boss. Make sure to jump aside.
4) Turnover in the air - if you're behind his back, the demon will sometimes try to jump into air and make a turnover to land in front of you.
1) Get behind his back - if you stay behind the demon's back, you have to be afraid of only one attack - axe smash. To avoid this, just jump back.
2) Forget about the shield - it is better to hold your weapon with two hands to inflict more damage.
3) Survive the fall - a difficult element of this fight is a fact, that at the beginning you fall down to the boss' arena from a great height. But do not heal yourself immediately after this scene. Instead get behind his back and wait until he uses one of the attacks in front of him.
Tactics in this fight is simple.
Fall down to the arena and approach its central part with the previous version of the boss.
Pull yourself together and run behind the boss, avoiding his possible attack with a weapon.
Run behind the boss and hit his tail or abdomen. Use the above tips to avoid his area attack.
Taurus is a giant humanoid bull, armed with a great axe. Fighting with him can be frightening but in fact you can kill him quite easily.
Attacks and weaknesses
Taurus Demon is vulnerable to fire and lightning. If you have any items which inflict such type of damage, you might apply them to your weapon (in the location before a fight you can find Gold Pine Resin).
1) Jumping pound - if you're in the average distance from the demon, he will jump over you with raised axe. You can easily avoid this attack by rolling towards him.
2) Swings - demon makes huge swings with long range. You can avoid them by a special dodge in the opposite direction.
3) Ground stab - he stabs the ground with his weapon.
1) Clear the area - before you start the fight, you have to kill guards on a tower behind you. Absolutely!
2) Apply the simplest option - jumps from the tower are very easy tactics with which you can kill Taurus with 3-4 blows!
Before you start the fight, kill two soldiers on the tower behind you. [1] Climb up there with a ladder. [2]
The demon will appear when you reach the middle of the bridge.
In this fight I suggest using two main tactics:
1) Melee fight on the tower - once you see the demon rushing towards you, go back and climb the tower behind you. Wait until the beast jumps up. Then fight with him, dodging his attacks. This technique is not easy, because at the game beginning you will not have too many good weapons. So you may apply below, much easier method.
2) Air attacks - it is very easy technique, but it requires bit luck. Once the demon approaches on the wall, turn around and go up the ladder to the tower behind you. Quickly run towards the edge - there is a damaged fragment of the wall. You'll see that Taurus stands under the tower and prepares to jump. Quickly jump over him and hit him while in the air. You have to repeat this several times. In order to get to the tower again, lure out the beast to the center of the wall and bypass it by rolling under his feet.
It is a gigantic tree, whose attacks will amaze every hero. In this fight, luckily, you do not have to fight with the enemy by "exchanging" blows - instead you have to find his "weak point".
1) Do not count on it that you'll survive - it is possible but unlikely. This boss has powerful attacks. But in fact the death is not a problem here, because...
2) Do not be afraid of death - it is one of few battles, where your death doesn't cancel the entire course of the fight. The battle is divided in three parts - first you have to destroy side covers of the demon. If you do this, the situation remains unchanged even after your death.
In this fight you have to act according to a schedule. Surviving in the first try is unlikely, so read the second part of above tips. If you won't manage to complete a part of the fight, state of it will be saved even after your death, which means that you won't have to repeat everything again.
At the beginning of the fight, slide down the slope. Super! [1] At the bottom you'll see a boss and two shiny circles on his sides. You have to get inside both of them. Run along the left wall. [2]
Run towards the sphere - if you're lucky. Jump inside. [1] Break through branches - you have to get to the shiny branch and destroy it. After destroying each of them, the boss will grow a new limb. [2]
Repeat these actions on the other side... But the problem is that the opponent starts to destroy fragments of the floor and speeds up his attacks. Try to get to the other side. But most likely you'll see this screen:
This fight can be divided in 3 parts. Destroyed part of the cover won't be restored after your death. Return to the arena and deal with the second side.
After returning to the arena, run along the wall to the opposite direction. Demon will be destroying a floor under his feet, so move carefully. [1] From time to time you'll have to jump over a gap - use Circle/B to gain some speed and jump by pressing the same button. [2]
Jump over gaps [1] and go to the second sphere. [2]
After destroying the root, look at the situation - you have to go to the center and approach the tree. If you stand at his side, the demon will attack you with his limbs - these attacks can be blocked with a shield. A more dangerous is a fire area attack - you have to heal after it.
Bypass the roots and get to the center. [1] When you get closer, the floor under the demon will fall in. [2]
You have to jump down to the branch leading inside the boss. Once you get there, you'll be not attacked by his limbs, but fire can still hurt you.
Run over the root towards an entrance to the boss.
Break through the branches and go deeper.
Finally you'll get to the red "heart" of the boss. Kill it quickly.
After killing the boss, light on the bonfire. Thanks to that you'll get out of this place.
Titanite Demon is only a miniboss, but as he appears several times and is quite strong in a melee fight, we'll write a bit about him. Demon is a humanoid creature, without one limb. But this doesn't prevent him from a dynamical fighting.
Attacks and weaknesses
He is vulnerable to lightning. Demon has the following attacks:
1) Lightning - from a distance Titanite will attack you with lightning. These attacks can be easily dodged or you can avoid them by just walking aside.
2) Jump - if you get closer, Titanite can jump over you, sweeping his weapon.
3) Horizontal sweep - he swings his weapon from side to side. You can block them or dodge.
4) Other blows - demon has several other blows, but he will rather have no time to use them.
1) Prepare a bow and arrows - this fight might be easy, if you have a good bow and enough arrows.
2) Do not block magic bolts - demon's bolts are so slow, that it is not worth to block them with a shield - better just jump aside.
During the fight with Titanite Demon it is best to use a bow and arrows - this tactics requires patience and time, but is completely safe.
After the fight starts, avoid lightning and move towards enemy for few meters.
Aim him and equip a bow. Shoot him while moving or jumping aside to avoid his magic bolts. Usually you'll be able to shoot him once or twice.
During some fights with the demon, you'll be able to hide behind environment elements. In fact, do not put too much faith in them, because sometimes bolts can pass through.
After you have killed Hydra in Darkroot Basin, you need to return to the bonfire and take rest there. Then, go back to the lake. Keep to the left wall. After you reach the basin, you will encounter the Golden Golem. Its fighting system is similar to the one of the golems that you have so far encountered. Still, this one is stronger than the previous ones and it is tougher. The best tactic to adopt here is to circle around it, with your shield up, and attack it from behind.
After you have defeated the Golem, you will free Dusk. Respond positively to her question. As for now, this is it, when it comes to Darkroot Basin, remember this place, however, because you will have to return here.
In Duke's Archives, you will have to defeat a Crystal Golem. It will drop a necklace. Its fighting scheme is the same as for the rest of the golems. The best weapon to fight it is the Lighting Spear.
You can now return to Darkroot Basin, to the location where you have freed Dusk. At the end of the basin, there will appear the black mist. Once you touch to it, you will travel to the Sanctuary Garden.
At the very beginning, make a bonfire. Keep going ahead and walk through the mist. You will encounter the first boss of the Sanctuary Guardian DLC.
After you have defeated the boss, go to the other side of the arena and walk through the gate. Climb up.
On the right of the entrance, behind the stone column, there is Humanity.
Start a bonfire in the middle of the circle.
To the left of the bonfire, there is a large mushroom. Respond positively to its question. From now on, you will be able to buy spells here.
Go towards the passage lit with lamps. Follow the narrow corridor and make it over the bridge.
You can approach the forest from two different sides
Past the bridge, there are two paths going into the forest. On the right, you will be attacked by lizard-like monsters. Follow the path that they came in here through. The location is very similar to Darkroot Garden. You will encounter a lot of lizards and giants here.
You need to watch out for their attacks with the hammer. The best tactic is to dodge from its attacks and strike from behind. They drop Twinkling Titanite.
As you walk along the right forest wall, you will reach ruins. Watch out for the hole on the left. Once you climb up the stairs, you will find an item.
Around the meadow on the right, you will find an item. Then, cross another bridge.
Once you approach it, there will appear a black dragon. However, just like in the case of the Undead Burg, it will fly away in a moment. Past the bridge, turn right and walk along the wall.
After you have gone past the narrow passage, climb lower. Keep going ahead, at the slope, you will find an item. Here, there also is a big group of enemies. It is best to lure them out, one by one, and eliminate them successively.
On the right, there is another building. Inside, activate the elevator and go down.
On the right, there is a soul. There are three paths coming from here. First, cross the bridge and talk to the man at the end. Respond positively to his question. From now on, you are able to buy items from him.
As you proceed, you will reach an elevator. Unlock it and you will unlock a shortcut to the previous location.
Then, walk through the mist. This will start a battle with Artorias Knight.
After the fight with Artorias, in the middle of the arena, you will notice a kneeling woman. Tal to her. You can give her the Soul Of Artorias, in exchange for which, you will receive Dark Silver Tracer and Gold Tracer.
At the exit from the arena, there are two paths. If you go right, you will reach the PvP arena, to the left, the tower spire. You will return here later. As for now, go straight ahead.
At the beginning of the location, make a bonfire. Climb down the stairs, then. And down another stairs to the right. NOTE: around the corner, there is an enemy.
Past the next staircase, there is a group of enemies. Try to lure them one by one or, in pairs.
Then, off the stairs, climb the rooftop and collect a soul. Then, follow the path along another stairs. Along your way, you will encounter two enemies.
Once you climb down the stairs, behind the inactive elevator, you will encounter two enemies. One of them is a mage. Watch out for his magic bolts. You are capable of blocking them with a good shield.
There is a soul in the building. And an enemy behind the column on the left.
You can now explore the location's optional part. Walk around the building and jump down to the wooden plank to collect another soul. From the plank, jump lower, and lower.
Enter the building. Inside, there is a mage. Climb down the stairs the. You will encounter two mages there.
In the basement, there are three chests, where one of them is locked. Inside, there is a Dark Orb.
Return to the top. Take the other exit to leave. You will be back on the wooden plank. Jump down onto it and walk around the building. This way, you will return to the very top.
Walk over the wooden plank to reach a chest. Inside, there is Mimic. After you have killed it, collect the Very Good! Carving.
Climb down the winding stairs. You will need to defeat two enemies here.
Run across the bridge. Watch out for the mage at the other side, who attacks with bolts.
Climb down another stairs. You need to enter the area with blue spots. Here, you will fight several enemies. Collect the item.
Another set of stairs. Since there is quite a large group of enemies at the foot, stop halfway down and try to lure the enemies one by one. In the area, there also are two mages.
After you have eliminated the enemies, walk downstairs and collect the crossbow. On the rope, there is a corpse suspended down from the ceiling. Fire the bow at the rope to make the corpse fall to the ground. Collect Dark Fog.
Take the stairs on the right. Follow them to the very top. Jump into the room, from the wooden plank.
Hit the chest. Inside, there is a Mimic. After you have defeated it, collect the Crest Key.
Return downstairs and take the passage on the left. If you enter the building on the right, you will activate the elevator, which is a shortcut.
Walk through the bridge between columns. This time, it is better to lure out the enemies one by one, because there are two mages here. Enter the big building. Inside, you will match out against an enemy. The best tactic is to dodge its attacks and attack it from behind.
After the fight, go deeper into the building. Once you approach the elevator, activate it. NOTE: there will be an enemy coming on the elevator.
Once you get don, on the elevator, follow the dark corridor and make a bonfire.
Here, you need to watch out, because the path ends abruptly. Take a turn to the left.
As you walk along the wall on the left, you will reach an item. Along your path, you will encounter several enemies, including a mage.
Keep going ahead. Follow the narrow stone bridges.
You will be attacked by phantoms. You can defeat them with regular weapons. The best method is to walk backwards, on the bridge and eliminate the enemies. Walk below, watch out for the mage lurking in the darkness.
Walk over to the next stone bridge. At the other side, there is Humanity under the bridge. Go down the path. You need to defeat phantoms again.
On the left, there is a soul for you to collect. Then, walk across the mist. You will start a fight with Mimic.
After the fight, you will receive its soul. Then, start a bonfire. The only way to get out of this location is by teleporting. Travel to Oolacile Township.
Climb up the stairs, next to the arena where you have fought Artorias.
Use the Crest Key to open the door. Climb up the ladder.
Upstairs, talk to the giant. Respond positively to its questions. A short cutscene will start.
Return to the area before the fight with Artorias and go down the path. You can take a turn to the lefty and collect the soul at the end of the path. Here, you will by attacked by enemies. Once you turn right, keep going ahead.
Walk through the mist and climb down the ladder. You will start a fight with the Black Dragon Kalameet. After you have defeated the beast, you will receive the Calarity Ring. You can collect a soul from the arena.
The guardian is the first boss that you encounter in the Artorias Of The Abyss DLC. It is a quite difficult enemy but, if you get properly prepared, the fight should be easy.
Attacks and weaknesses
The guardian has several attacks:
1) Lightning bolts - the enemy has three kinds of lightning attacks. Firing several bolts, one after the another, a single charge and a projectile from above. The best way to avoid the attacks is dodge from them at the right moment. You can dodge to the left or to the right, necer towards the enemy.
2) Tail attack- when you are standing behind the opponent, motionlessly, you may be attacked with the tail. This causes serious poisoning. The boss can also attack you with its tail from above. This attack can be blocked with the shield.
3) Attack with hind legs- when you are behind the enemy, within short proximity, you may be attacked with its hind legs. This kind of attack takes place only if you have earlier cut off the beast's tail.
4) Horn attack - the enemy can attack you with horns in two cases. From the air and from the ground. The best method to avoid this blow is to dodge to the sides or to the back.
1) Keep to the opponent's sides - to the extent, to which it is possible, try to position yourself in a way that makes it impossible for the enemy to reach you neither with its tail nor with its horns.
2) Appropriate armor- select the kind of armor that will ensure you with high mobility and protection against lightning bolts. The wanderer combines both of these features.
3) Attack and away - position yourself at the side of the opponent, land your blow and skip away. The guardian is capable of turning to you immediately.
4) Chop the tail off - after you have chopped the tail off, the Guardian will be incapable of attacking you with it. Try to deprive it of this body part, in the first place.
At the beginning of the battle, try to approach the enemy, as quickly as possible. In the first place, chop the tail off. Not only will the Guardian lose the ability to attack you with it, but also you can use it as your weapon - Tail Guard. During the battle, use dodges to avoid being hit by the bolts and the horns. You need to be patient here, perform one attack at a time and skip away from the opponent. The best method is to employ the dodge-attack-skip tactic.
Artorias is a very dangerous opponent. Its attacks are capable of inflicting lots of damage. Before you start the battle, you need to obtain as many healing as possible, and also a good armor.
1) Jump attack - Artorias jump up, into the air, and tries to stab you with his sword. Right before the attack finishes, try to skip away from the blow.
2) Double spinning slash - Artorias performs a double spin with his sword up in the air. The best thing to do is skip away and, after the attack finishes, deal your blow.
3) AoE attack - at some point, Artorias kneels and starts loading an AoE attack. Get away then. The loading process takes some time so, if you have a good bow on you, you may be capable of firing 2-3 arrows at him.
4) A series of swings - the opponent will perform a series of sword attacks. You can block them with a good shield.
5) Heaving attack - Artorias heaves the sword over the ground, for a moment, and performs n attack from below. The best behavior here is a dodge.
1) Prepare healing elements - Artorias's blows deal a lot of damage. Prepare an Estrus Flask and start a bonfire to the highest level, before the battle.
2) Wear the right armor - to alleviate damage dealt by the opponent, wear a strong armor. If your character's statistics allow that, also wear the Havel Set.
3) Perform dodges - to the extent to which it is possible, try performing dodges, instead of shield blocks. If you feel that you have mastered dodges, you can equip a two-handed sword.
4) Prepare a good bow and arrows - at the moment at which Artorias is loading the AoE attack, you can deal additional damage with the bow. You will be capable of sending 2-3 arrows at a time.
Before the fight, obtain a lot of healing elements. Artorias deals quite a lot of damage so, it is not worth taking the risk of running out of Estus Flasks halfway through the battle. To the extent it is possible, try to dodgem, instead of blocking with the shield. The best way to fight Artorias, is to circle around the arena and dodge right before he finishes his attack. Then, attack his back. At the moment at which you notice him kneeling, run away to gain your distance and fire the bow to deal additional damage. You should especially pay attention to the double spin slash. After you kill the enemy, you receive Artorias Soul.
Manus is arguably one of the most difficult bosses to defeat in the game. Before you decide to fight him, make sure that your character is at sufficiently high level and, just like in the case of the remaining bosses of the DLC, the key is the appropriate amount of healing elements.
1) rage attack - Manus waves its paws, after which he grabs his sword and hits the ground with tremendous force. It is easy to figure out that the attack is going to take place, because the boss roars right before performing it. At this point, it is sound idea to get outside of the reach of his blows.
2) Paw attack - Manus performs a swing and hits the ground with its paw. The best idea is to sip away from the attack. After the hit with the paw, it remains motionless, for a moment, which you can take advantage of to attack.
3) Double attack - the enemy attacks with the catalyst and performs a horizontal swipe with the paw. This attack can be blocked with the shield.
4) Jumping attack - the beast jumps up into the air and hits the ground with both of its paws. You can roll to its side, at this point. For a moment, Manus will remain motionless, which will give you the chance to strike.
5) Dark rain- Manus lifts its catalyst into the air and summons a cloud. This will drop a rain of dark projectiles. The danger is that the projectiles follow your character. To increase your chances of avoiding them, you need to perform a few rolls.
1) Get the Artorias Grand Shield - Artorias Grand Shield will allow you to block Manus's physical attacks.
2) Keep an eye on the enemy - at the moment at which Manus is preparing for the magical attack, it will be surrounded by a magical halo (it starts performing the magical attacks after its health drops to 60%).
3) try to dodge from attacks - characters that are agile and mobile will be able to dodge most of the attacks.
4) Ensure yourself with appropriate amount of healing elements
The basic rule, while fighting Manus, is the endurance control. You cannot allow a situation in which the green bar drops to zero. In the case of , e.g. the rage attack, if you fail to block the first blow, you will have to take on the entire sequence of attacks. It is best to land your blows at the moment at which Manus's paw is resting on the ground, when the best is taking res. Note that, when Manus's health points drop below 60%, it starts to deploy magical attacks. From now on, start to keep a careful eye on its surroundings. While loading the magical attack, your enemy starts to glow. NOTE: after you have landed your blow, get away from Manus to replenish the endurance bar.
The Black Dragon is an optional enemy and you do not have to fight him, because the arena is out-of-the-way. However, it pays off to try yourself out and feel the satisfaction of defeating the oldest of the dragons.
1) Tail attack - at the moment at which you are behind the dragon, it can use the tail to deal damage to you. You need to chop the tail off. You will be rewarded for that with the Grand Obsidian Sword.
2) Head-butt- when you are right in front of the beast, it will dash in your direction, while swinging its head to the sides, after which it will launch a frontal attack. This attack can be blocked with a good shield, or you can dodge from it.
3) Paw attack - when you are right in front of the beast, it can launch on you, while swinging its left or the right paw at you.
4) Thump - if you are underneath the dragon for too long, it can deal damage to you by thumping its forelegs, or hind legs, against the ground. Additionally, it can also squash you with its belly.
5) Fire belch - while staying far away from Kalameet, practically each time, it will belch fire. It can perform this attacks while on the ground, or up in the air.
1) Prepare a lot of healing elements - If Kalameet's flames, which are seeping with magic, reach you, there is a high probability that you will be at the brink of dying. Therefore, it is a good idea to have a well-developed Estrus Flask set on you.
2) try to be near the enemy at all times - if you are staying close to the dragon, you expose yourself to its physical attacks but, you will avoid the magical fire belching.
3) try to chop off the dragon's tail - this may seem difficult because, if you want to chop off the tail, the dragon needs to be on the ground. However, after you cut off this "disposable" part of the body, the array of the dragon's attacks narrows down.
4) Get a good shield - not always will you be able to stay around the opponent, which is why you are going to need a good shield to protect you from both the physical and magical attacks. You will use it to block the fire.
5) Avoid staying under the dragon - avoid staying under the dragon. It can attack you with its paws or squash you with its belly. Always stand next to the dragon, never under it.
6) Be patient - patience is your best friend during the battle.
Once you are in the arena, try to reach the dragon, as fast as possible. If it belches fire then, loft the shield and wait for the attack to end. Once you are near the enemy, try to chop its tail off, in the first place. This will be quite difficult, because the dragon needs to be on the ground, if the tail is to be chopped off, which does not happen too often. Try not to allow a situation in which the dragon gets away, because it will then belch fire. The best tactic is to circle around the opponent, block or skip away from its attacks, as well as to land single blows yourself. For the whole time, pay attention to the endurance bar. If you are blocking the beast's attacks and land yours afterwards, the fight is going to be long, but your chances to win will increase. NOTE: do not allow a situation in which you are under the dragon. It will then attack you with its paws or squash you with its belly, which claims quite a lot of health points.