This unofficial guide for Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD, to make it possible, for all players, to complete this game in 100% easily. This guide includes description of all sequences of the storyline, side missions and information concerning fight, Trade or the available achievements. In this guide, missions from the citizens, business rivals, ship crew, free slaves groups and the ones connected with NPCs have been described. Apart from that, this guide includes maps with the locations of diary pages, Mayan Statuettes, alligator eggs or mushrooms. Players who have not had much experience with the series, should also be interested in a detailed description of the basics game mechanics: those of fight, Trade or notoriety. Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD is a conversion of the console version, but it has been enhanced and is nothing worse than the previous installments of the series. You will lead the brave Avelina Gandpr, into action, who is fighting for peace and freedom for negro slaves. The heroine leads a tree-folded life and she identifies with various groups of people, which determines variety of the game and the ability to put the advantages of each person.
This guide for Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD includes:
Patrick "YxU" Homa (
High Profile
Pause / Menu
Aiming mode
Weapon selection
Eagle Vision
Eagle Vision
Center look/ change hands while aiming
High Profile
Weapon swap
Quick weapon selection
Pause / Menu
Map / objectives
Jump/ disarm (in close combat)
Ranged weapon / attack with ranged weapon (in close combat)
Use/ Parry/ push the opponent (in close combat)
Attack/Assassinate (Concealed Blades) / Attack with the one-handed weapon (in close combat)
Center look/ change hands while aiming
Eagle Vision
Jump/ disarm (in close combat)
Use/ Parry/ push the opponent (in close combat)
Attack/Assassinate (Concealed Blades) / Attack with the one-handed weapon (in close combat)
Ranged weapon attack / with ranged weapon (in close combat)
Quick weapon selection
Weapon swap
High Profile
Map / objectives
Pause / Menu
Close combat is mainly based on introducing counter-attacks, because they are much stronger than the regular blows to the opponent. During the enemy's attack (the red triangle above his head) use the parrying key and introduce one of blows afterwards: regular, with the ranged weapon, disarmament or push. The more bulky and better equipped enemies can parry your attacks - you then need to disarm them before you try killing them.
Whenever there appears a yellow triangle above your opponent, this means that he is introducing a special attack. This may be a crushing swing, which you need to jump away from (the High Profile button + any direction) and if the enemy is drawing his firearm, hide behind any cover or, by using the Disarmament button - grab the closest enemy and use him as a human shield.
Right after you counter-attack, lock on another enemy and introduce a basic attack, you can perform a series of blows that kill the next selected opponent. They can be interrupted by a slow reaction (pressing a key too late to switch to the next opponent), or by introducing a counter-attack against the next opponent.
In the heat of combat, what is irreplaceable is the smoke grenade, which allows you to eliminate quickly the successive opponents, for as long as they are suffering from the effects of the smoke.
Whenever you notice that two opponents are attacking at the same time (red triangles) quickly press the parrying key - this will initiate an animation in which your character performs a double kill.
Light weapons are the basic tools for fighting multiple enemies. The strength of their attack is low , but they are swift and they are good to use for combinations of kills and using, the so called, chain kills, which allows you to kill, as many as, three enemies in one streak.
Heavy weapons include swords and axes. They can be swift and deal low damage, or the opposite - slow with maximum of damage. There also are ones that balance these two factors. This kind of weapon can only be used by an assassin. The other personas can use it only if they have seized it through parrying, or picking it up from the ground.
In the game, there is quite an arsenal of pistols available - all of them (apart from the Pocket Pistol) can only be used by the assassin. You can use them for standard shots, during the counter-attack, or during the Chain Kill. They can also be used to blow up gunpowder barrels.
Musket can only be taken away from guards after they, die or through disarmament, whenever you are not holding any bigger weapon. It is complete with a bayonet, which quickly handles down enemies, as well as one bullet for a ranged attack. You cannot own it for good, nor hide it - while climbing buildings, where you need to use both hands - the musket is thrown away.
The blowpipe is a ranged weapon that uses two kinds of ammo - poison dart and Berserk dart. It can be worn by any persona and, what is even more - the Lady has it hidden in the Umbrella, which also allows her to be an effective and silent killer.
The poison dart is a kind of the basic ammo for the blowpipe or the Umbrella. It allows you to eliminate targets over range, quickly and without being spotted. The enemy falls dead after several moments.
The Berserker poison from a blowpipe or the Umbrella can encourage an enemy to attack his allies - he then goes berserk an attacks anyone within sight. After the poison wears off, the enemy dies. To ensure effectiveness, always pick the strongest enemy in a group - he will be able to withstand the poison for longer and eliminate more enemies.
The Whip is considered to be a ranged weapon - it allows you to pull enemies and handle them to the ground, as well as to choke them. It can be used for throwing off an enemy from a high place, or while standing above the enemy - choke him. You unlock it after visiting Chichen Itza.
Concealed Blades are two daggers hidden up your character's sleeves. They are concealed and produce no noise. They kill the enemy immediately, if he does not have the opportunity to dodge. It is owned by each persona. After being stabbed in the crowds, the enemy staggers and falls to the ground, which is why even among people, you can use it for an effective and silent execution.
Smoke Grenade
Smoke grenade is a n excellent tool for eliminating groups of enemies quickly, or to escape from them. After it goes off, the enemies suffocate and are susceptible to assassination with single blows. It is also effective against bigger and better armed enemies.
Chain Kill is a skill that allows you to eliminate quickly up to three enemies, at a time (depending on the owned weapons). The condition is that they need to be within a certain distance (if you do not have firearms). All it takes is pressing the key when your chain kill bar is full (you can see it in the bottom-right corner, under weapon icons) and mark the enemies that you want to eliminate. You need to kill several enemies in another way to replenish the bar.
Keep looking for gunpowder barrels - they a perfect way to set traps and deal with multiple enemies, thanks to their blast radius.
To explode a gunpowder barrel, you only need to discharge your firearm at it.
When you sneak up to two enemies, close to each other (or by jumping down onto them) and pressing the attack key, while having the hidden blade equipped, you can kill two enemies simultaneously.
If you hide in a hay cart or in thickets, etc., you can lure an enemy by whistling. Once he approaches, press the attack button to kill him and drag the corpse into your hiding place.
Try to fight next to walls, at the edge of the floor - you can then perform faster kills, by using these objects - knocking the opponents onto walls or pushing them off edges.
While hiding behind a corner, you can press the parry key to whistle. You will then lure an enemy and, when he is close, perform an attack with the Concealed Blades - apart from killing him, your character will lay the corpse down behind the corner, out of the other enemies' sight.
If you use the desk in your HQ, or select the Trading system in the menu of any building (with weapons and clothes), you can manage your family business connected with trading.
In the main view, you can see your currently sailing ships, the cities, the amount of money that you have and the obstacles that the ships may run into while sailing.
Ship List - it is a view on ships and the courses that they take, including the time of arrival and the destination.
To start a course, you need to select a city. On the right, there are names Provides and demands. Select I such a way, so as to make the difference in prices between the goods that you sell, and buy in another city, to be as high as possible. Most of the times, the better offers require a long and/or difficult journey - that is why you need to take the options that entail less risk, into consideration, because you may lose some of the cargo to pirates, or the duration of the journey may be longer, due to a storm.
Select the goods that you want to purchase in a city. The "per item" price is the price for a single batch of the goods. Depending on the capacity, and the money that you own, you can buy up to 150 units of the goods, at a time (if you have a galleon).
Finally, select the destination place for the cruise.
Confirm in the course window, which includes the predicted amount of money that you will earn and the probability of random events. Over longer cruises, random events may occur several times - even one after another.
Random events:
Storm - 30% of probability that the voyage will be longer by +15
Pirates - 30% of probability that you will lose 10-40 pieces of your goods, depending on the amount, regardless of the type.
Hurricane - 30% of probability that the voyage will be longer by +30
Additional hints:
Your character needs to know how to find her ways in different sorts environments. For that reason, she owns three types of outfits which, apart from looks, differ in the character's abilities. Each of the personas has different methods of avoiding notoriety, abilities to move around, combat capabilities or even the special missions that come with each individual outfit.
The Lady, i.e. the Lady of the Court, is an dignified persona of the greatest limitations to the role of the assassin. She is weak and has a limited access to weapons and tools. She cannot perform the Chain Kill.
Her main advantage is her ability to remain anonymous - her notoriety rises slower than with the other personas and, while equipped with the Umbrella blowpipe, she can eliminate enemies while remaining completely anonymous.
To decrease notoriety, you need to kill witnesses with any persona, who are guarded by two men. The Lady cannot run, jump nor climb onto objects.
She has, though, two interesting abilities - bribery, which allows you to enter the areas protected by several guards, for a small sum.
There also is charming. You can charm anybody with the heart-icon above the head. The charmed person fights to defend the damsel and follows he around, which is useful when you want to eliminate the suitor outside of public view. The charmed guardian also lets you cross passages guarded by the other men.
Pocket Pistol - This is the only pistol that the Lady can use. It is a good idea to consider buying it early in the game.
The assassin is Aveline's main persona. The assassin can use the full arsenal of weapons and use the Chain Kill ability. She can move around quickly and with agility between trees and buildings.
Reduction of notoriety is achieved through bribing judges. Her downside, however is the speed with which she gains notoriety, and the permanent 1 of its level, which means that standing near guards for an extended period of time always end in their attacking you.
Slave Persona - the slave is something the lady and the assassin. Her fighting skills are a bit worse and she cannot use Chain Kill. Her access to weaponry is less restricted than in the case of the lady, and she can just as easily blend with the crowd or remain invisible while carrying crates.
To decrease notoriety, you need to rip posters off the walls, with any persona.
Her main advantage is the ability to run and climb just like the assassin.
Pocket Pistol - it is the only pistol that can be used by the slave. It is a good idea to consider buying it early in the game.
You can switch between personas in the dressing chamber. If you buy additional outfits at the store, you can customize the looks at the store or in your HQ, by using the wardrobe.
Notoriety - it is a system of searches for your character. It increases whenever you perform a socially unacceptable deed, in peoples' sight (e.g. running into guards, assassination). The current level can be checked out in the upper-left corner - the circle divided into four, around the character's icon. Each persona has her own, independent notoriety level and her own methods of decreasing it. Notoriety influences how fast the guards react to your presence and start attacking you. With the highest notoriety level, they attack you on sight and start chasing you.
Removing posters decreases your notoriety levels for the slave persona. One poster removes, around, a 1/8 of the notoriety level.
To bring down the notoriety levels for the assassin, you need to bribe the judge. To do that, find one on the map and deliver money to him. The amount depends on the notoriety level that needs to be reduced and it can reach, as much as, on thousand coins. However, to make up for the loss, you can afterwards steal from the judge.
Witnesses are always protected by two guards. That is why, to avoid notoriety resulting from killing the bodyguards, you need to eliminate them silently (the Umbrella) or with another persona, whose notoriety is easier to bring down. The allies of the target will attack you if you come too close and the witness will start to run. If you kill him with people looking at you, your notoriety will rise again.
Dressing Chambers allow you to switch between outfits-personas. To use them, however, you need to be anonymous. If your notoriety is high, you can change to an outfit with lower notoriety, of course, only if this allows completing missions. You can use one outfit to decrease the notoriety of another persona.
Hiding is the best method of avoiding being spotted by the guards and prepare for a surprise attack.
You can hide in various places - among bushes, in hay carts, on benches and also by blending in with the crowd.
You can hide next to groups people busy with a conversation. The slave can also hide while carrying crates.
You can hide from a chase only if nobody can see you (the yellow halo around the minimap). Next, you need to wait until it turns green.
Hiding from a chase does not influence the notoriety level - if it is high, and you have managed to lose the pursuing party, after you leave your hiding place, you can still be identified.
You start the game with a short prologue, where you control your character, who is a little girl. Follow the running chicken. After the cutscene, go towards the glowing points marked on the radar in the bottom-left corner.
Right after you complete the quest to find your mother - the character glowing white - and press the interaction key, you will be transferred to a moment when the little girl is already grown-up and a fight with six opponents starts.
Follow the instructions on the screen and use the keys. In the order they appear, first parry, attack and counter-attack. Eliminate the remaining three by using the actions given earlier.
After the prologue, sequence I on the rooftop, starts. Go towards the first mission by following the green marker on the radar. Press the interaction key once you reach the coop. You can also start exploring the map, at any moment, before you start completing missions.
After you start the mission and listen to the objectives, reach the top of the Saint Louis cathedral, by following the white points.
You can change your outfit in the dressing chamber, by selecting one of the available sets. The change of looks allows you to hide your identity from the chasing party, determines the character's behavior and the abilities to interact or complete various missions.
After you change your outfit, go to the next point on the radar.
Go to the main gate. To go further, you need to hide in the hay cart that is going by.
To get around the guards, you need to blend in with the crowd - you can do that by carrying a crate. You need to watch out for the guards. If you attract attention, e.g. by attacking or running into any , you will be attacked by that guard and the other ones who saw what happened. Make it over to the next point in the mission - groups of people at the fire.
Climb onto the tower of the residence to gain a better view over the area and locate the missing slaves. On the tower, walk onto the log and synchronize with the action key. Then, approach the barn door marked on the map.
Further on, you need to deal with three armed opponents. The tutorial will inform you on how to disarm an opponent (counter-attack and the disarmament key). With a weapon in your hand, you can eliminate the remaining enemies. You should pay attention especially to counter attacks, when your enemies are marked is with the red icon. Afterwards, exit.
The first thing that you need to do, after the cutscene, is removing the poster. The posters appear whenever your character is wanted. By removing them, you decrease the notoriety level. The levels are independent for each persona and it rises just as independently. Go to the store now.
In the store, you can buy the traveling outfit. Confirm your purchase and return to the residence.
Full synchronization: do not kill anybody.
You are now in the harbor. Enter the highlighted door into the storage. After you watch the cutscene, follow the man with the icon above his head, without being noticed. You cannot lose him but, you can also be spotted if you are too close for some time, which will end this mission in a failure.
After you complete this mission, the next thing is to bribe the guards of the ship. Approach them and press the action key to pay them. Now, go aboard.
While dressed as the lady, you can charm some men. They will be following you around, thanks to which you can lure them into a trap. Test this function now, by using the action key. Your charm will wear off over time and so, to prolong its effectiveness, press the action key again.
Full synchronization: charm, at least, one guard.
Approach the barrels now and press the action key, to start. Then, use the eagle vision to find clues. They have been marked in yellow - here: these are footprints. Use eagle vision in the areas marked in green on the radar.
In this mode, enemies are marked in red: both guards and criminals, who will want to rob you. You can walk around them or eliminate them but, to achieve full synchronization, stay away from them.
Charm the guard to enter the storage. The crates at the wall on the left are the clues.
Go to the third place, where you will identify another crate as a clue. Then, contact Maxent.
Achievements: My 1st Dressing Chamber
Go now to the storage's door to start another mission. The missions have been marked with a question mark on the radar. After the cutscene, go to the marked place and buy a Dressing Chamber, by standing next to the door and pressing the action key. This purchase will unlock the My 1st Dressing Chamber achievement. Then, enter and change your outfit to the Slave.
Proceed now to the next mission objective, where you need to follow a man. After he reaches the meeting place, the second form of the key, which you need to steal, will be transferred.
To be able to steal, your notoriety level must be down on zero. Approach the NPC from behind, without being spotted and, while standing behind his back, press the action key. After you have performed this action successfully, proceed on to the next mission objective. You will have to get into the governor's mansion. You can do that in two ways:
Full synchronization: enter the mansion as the Lady or the Slave, kill the governor using a musket.
a) Access the mansion as the Slave
As the slave, go to the rooftop of the highest building, from the Southern gate, from which you can jump over the gate onto the roof of the neighboring building. Remember that, due to the fact that you are disguise and you are in the red zone, you will be easily identified, if you attract attention. Jump down from the building and walk over to the door of the marked building.
Inside, you need to be just as careful. Find the governor's office, on the upper floor. You can overpower enemies by walking up to them from behind and using the attack key. Along your way, you will encounter three guards.
Eliminate the governor. Once he dies, the remaining guards who are attacking you, will disappear. If you have seized a musket, of any enemy, earlier, or picked it up from the ground with the action key, you will achieve the required state for synchronization. Finally, leave the mansion and hide from guards, once you have left the zone.
b) Access the mansion as the Lady
As the Lady, you can walk past the guards after you have bribed them. However, inside the zone, you can still be attacked if you raise any suspicions. Go towards the marked door.
Inside, you can incapacitate enemies by approaching them from behind; you can charm them beforehand.
Eliminate the governor. Once he dies, the guards who are attacking you will disappear. If you have earlier disarmed any enemy earlier and obtained a musket, and use it to kill the governor, you will reach the required state for synchronization. Finally, leave the mansion and hide from guards, once you have left the zone.
Exit the city though the gate - there will be three guards waiting for you there. Follow the instructions and perform Chain Kill to eliminate all three quickly - in the mode, when time slows down, mark the enemies and confirm it with the action key.
You are now in Bayou. Cross the bridge and activate eagle Vision to locate clues in the form of masks hung down from trees.
The third, final, clue is in the middle of a tree's height. You can reach it by jumping down from a fallen tree. By jump from tree to another, you can obtain the Swamp Queen, whose requirements are to jump between 10 trees without touching to the ground.
Full synchronization: Complete the mission with the blowpipe under 2 minutes.
Talk to the man at the fire.
You will receive a weapon from him - Fast Poison - a kind of a blowpipe that uses poison darts. You will receive instructions on how to use the weapon - select it from the weapons menu, aim it by holding down the aiming key and when you release the key, the blowpipe will shoot. Then, climb onto the neighboring tree, using the vines with the green leaves.
Use another target-dummy while on the tree and jump down onto the stack of leaves. Do not exit and shoot two more dummies.
Full synchronization: kill, at least, one enemy using Poison Darts.
Achievements: Death by Poison
Climb onto the tree and talk to your mentor. He will tell you to go to the Smugglers' Hideout.
Once there, after the cutscene, you will have to eliminate three opponents within 3 minutes. You need to remain in hiding and perform silent assassinations. Shoot the opponent on the left, on the tower, using a Poison Dart. When it comes to the remaining two, get them from behind or, run into them and attack with the hidden blade, when you are close.
Full synchronization: Kill the marked enemies within 3 minutes.
Proceed to the next objective. To travel faster, you can use the canoe. Once there, talk to the marked character - Elise. After the conversation, follow her on the canoe.
You will be attacked by an alligator. Fighting it consists in pressing the keys that appear on the screen. As a reward for winning the fight, you will receive an alligator egg.
Now, you are up for a more serious fight, you need to square off against eight opponents. The safer option is to eliminate them quietly with the hidden blade and poison darts. However, if you want to achieve synchronization at the level of 100% (kill the enemies within 3 minutes) a better idea is to kill them quickly with blade + pistol, using Chain Kill.
Then, collect the letter from the shipwreck. Also, do not forget about searching the corpse - you will find money and, at the smugglers, large amounts of ammo. Go now to another place on the map, to attack the other camp.
Full synchronization: kill the Acolyte only.
For full synchronization, you need to follow the Acolyte and avoid being spotted by moving among bushes.
You can also do a safer thing, by jumping from a branch to another. However, it is enough if you only attack from the branch, by surprise, by jumping down onto the target, or shooting him. However, this will attract attention of all the guards, and you still need to loot the chest marked on the radar.
Finally, go back to the Smuggler's Hideout.
Then, go to the village and locate the marked objective.
Full synchronization: perform a double kill.
Achievements: Machete
Restore the Dressing Chamber in the village and dress up as the Slave. If you do not have enough money, steal it from the villagers. Then, return to Elise.
After you get to the enemy camp, walk over to the right to make it into the site without being noticed. A good thing to do is climb the ladder onto the platform and eliminate two enemies. The, using the Blow gun, shoot down one of the patrolling guards.
You can now assassinate the two unsuspecting enemies.
After the cutscene and the conversation with Mackandal, you will be fighting a tall opponent armed with a battleaxe. Wait for him to strike (the yellow icon above the opponent) dodge and perform the quick attack after his swing - if you are behind the enemy's back, you will manage to kill him. If this is a fast attack (the red icon) perform the counter-attack and knock his weapon off his hand. Then, perform quick attacks until he dies.
There will come another one, accompanied by two lighter warriors. Eliminate them quickly and deal with the bigger opponent in a similar way. Finally, you will have to deal with another, an even bigger warrior. There is little pint in using the blowpipe, because it does not handle the big warrior that well. During the fight, it is easy to unlock the Machete achievement, by killing 5 opponents within 15 seconds. You can also fully synchronize after you perform a double kill - it is the situation in which you parry an attack when there are two enemies attacking you at once. You will then see an animation where your character eliminates both enemies.
In the last fight, you need to defeat Mackandal. To defeat him, you need to parry his attack, push him onto the ground with the same key and finish him off quickly.
After the fight and the cutscene, enter the Eagle Vision mode to locate the CitizenE. Eliminating them will allow you to complete the game and you will get to see the actual ending.
Return now to the mentor. This will complete Sequence 2.
From one of the sailors, learn where you can find the captain.
Then, talk to the captain that you will find in the green zone, if you use Eagle Vision. Return to the residence then. After you perform several simple activities, go to the marked place.
Full synchronization: defeat your enemies with fists.
Once you get there, deal with three guards attacking the citizens. Use fists to prevent killing them. Then, go to the storage and find Gerald.
You will receive a room that will be your headquarters.
Desk - you can manage trade from here. This will ensure you with earning money. Follow the tutorial.
Wardrobe - gives you access to outfits at your headquarters.
Weapon racks - at any moment, you can adjust your equipment with the weapons you have.
After you are done, exit the storage and go to the next point.
Follow the informant.
In the next are, use poison darts from the Umbrella to eliminate the guards.
Your next objective is to buy a store. To do that, you need to stand in front of the store window and press the action key (you need to have enough money on you). Then, return to the storage and put on the assassin outfit. Then, to the place where there is a boat to Bayou.
Full synchronization: reach the convoy faster than Elise.
In Bayou go to talk to the man next to the village. Then, talk to Elise.
On the second meeting, the girl will lead you to the stopped convoy. Eliminate all of the enemies (seven). Use the newly-obtained Berserk Dart - a special poison that makes an enemy fight against his allies. When it comes to the rest of them, you can eliminate them with a silent attack and/or by performing the Chain Kill.
Keep hiding behind big objects
Eliminate the guards protecting the fort. You need to remain undetected. Here, again the Poison dart and the Berserk Dart may prove useful.
Let the single guard spot you and, after he comes closer, be prepared to execute an attack by surprise.
Enter through the gate, Then, follow the target - the targets charging at you will be eliminated by Elise. After you kill the target, go to open the cells.
Full synchronization: do not increase your notoriety while starting the riot, the cart with gunpowder cannot be damaged beyond 50%, defeat five enemies within five minutes in the vineyard.
Follow Gerald. Try not to increase your notoriety with suspicious behavior.
Once you get there, start the riot by interacting with the marked NPCs. Then, change to the assassin's outfit and go to the meeting place.
Once you get there, eliminate five guards - the best option is to eliminate the guards on the rooftops in the first place: silent kills and darts - you need to remain unnoticed. Then, steal the cart with gunpowder.
Steal the cart. It will gain speed itself so, you only need to control the direction and avoid obstacles. If you reach the end of the road without losing more than 50% health, you will receive synchronization points.
In the building, deal with five guards. If you manage to do that within a minute, you will receive additional synchronization points.
Take the canoe or swim to the ship
After the conversation with Gerald, go to docks. Reach the ship, without being seen, and eliminate its crew silently.
You cannot be spotted, which is why you should not oar the canoe farther than up to the red zone.
From the boat moored at the ship, jump over to the platform on the ship's side. From here, it will be easier for you to go aboard without attracting the guards' attention. To manage the problem easily, you can use a Berserk Dart.
Finally, blow up the gunpowder stored here in the barrels. There will be few more guards with muskets to attempt defending the ship. Then, escape the ship - you only have 35 seconds.
Full synchronization: prepare a trap within 4 minutes.
Go to talk to Agate. Then, prepare a trap. First of all, eliminate all of thee marked enemies. You cannot be detected. The next thing that you need to do is blocking the way by destroying the structure on the rooftop. Then, place the explosive in the marked spot.
Destroy 3 more structures from the rooftops, within the allotted time, to make sure that the convoy cannot pass through the ambush site.
Blow up the gunpowder barrel with the pistol and deal with the guards. Open the door to the carriage and, after the cutscene ends, return to the mentor.
Full synchronization: do not swim when the slaves are loaded onto the ship.
First of all, change outfits to the Slave. Reach the marked place over the wall.
Join any slave group while remaining undetected.
Follow the slaves who are being lead aboard the ship. You need to remain undetected.
You will get onto the Chichen Itza. In the first place, you need to learn about the situation - gather information from the locals.
Full synchronization: do not start a conflict.
First of all, you need to collect two belts from dead guards.
Then, steal two knives - one from the man and the other one from the box.
Next, find boards at the building site.
Then, carry the gunpowder barrel into the marked area.
Then, obtain a musket from a guard.
And explode the barrel.
Finally, use smith's tools at the building. From now on, you have a Concealed Blade.
Full synchronization: At the end of the fight, the slave needs to have 50% of his health left.
Follow de Ferrer.
Finally, help one of the slaves fight.
After the fight, you will receive a whip. Follow the instructions from the tutorial to learn how to use it. Defeat the remaining guards.
Full synchronization: Complete the mission within 5 minutes, do not get involved into direct conflict with the guards.
Talk to the slave. Then escape from the red zone and go to the area that the man pointed you to.
Use the Eagle Vision. Analyze the successive clues until you reach your destination.
After you complete the mission, you can assassinate CitizenE, in order to learn the true story. You will find him in the temple, at the top level.
Full synchronization: solve the puzzle within 2 minutes, take no damage while fighting de Ferrer and the guards.
Cut through the jungle to the cliff. Jump into water and dive to get inside the cave. Then, go ahead.
Get down by jumping over walls.
In the next hole, you will find a chest with coins in it.
In the chamber with characteristic walls, and the water reservoir, you will find a Mayan Statuette, which you can see on the radar.
At the wall, climb onto the pillar projecting from water.
Enter and activate the mechanism above that controls the moving platform.
Using the arrow keys/ the analog stick, you now need to find the way into the middle of the labyrinth, with the marble. Once you do that, collect the artifact.
It is at this point that the guards will arrive. Use the Concealed Blade for melee and the whip for ranged fight. As an additional challenge, you need to eliminate de Ferrer without taking damage.
In order to avoid taking damage, you first need to eliminate the three guards in a regular way and deprive the armored enemy of his weapon. Then, kill him. While fighting with de Ferrer parry his attack without counter-attacking.
Finally, escape the cave within the allotted time. Here is where Sequence 4 ends.
Reach the green zone and activate Eagle Vision. The target is staying among building, opposite the church's entrance.
When he starts running, start running too. He will run to the fort - here is where the mission ends.
Full synchronization: use a gunpowder barrel to assassinate the target, remain undetected after the assassination.
Make it over to the fort. Walk over the rooftop and keep an eye on the main square. The man in white is your target.
Ai at the barrel next to the stairs and fire any firearm (e.g. the musket taken from a guard) at the right moment. For distraction, you can start riots beforehand by interacting with the man at the wall (a star on the map).
Kill the two guards on the rooftop silently and another one, if he is standing at the corpse. You can also use Berserk Darts, for safety, on the group patrolling the square.
Get down now and search the corpse. Then, escape from the fort.
Full synchronization: find Agate within 1 minute.
You will notice patrolling soldiers
Activate the Eagle Vision and follow the mentor. You can find him close to the shore.
Climb onto the marked tree and use the blowpipe to kill the marked guard. Then, follow the patrol by jumping over branches and eliminate another marked enemy. Proceed after the soldiers.
After the third assassination, the enemies will escape. This is where this mission ends.
Full synchronization: do not kill anybody, do not swim.
You cannot be detected. Make it into the lighthouse while avoiding the guards' sight. Keep to the right and hide among bushes. You can activate Eagle Vision, for better visibility in the dark.
Climb onto the lighthouse by starting the climbing where there is the door.
On the very top, you will find a lever. Use it.
Full synchronization: bring, at least, two crates.
After you start the mission, you need to go to the meeting point. Once there, you and your group will attack Spanish soldiers.
Protect your men while they are carrying the crates. You can also help carry them.
Defeat the remaining guards. The fastest way to kill them is by hitting them from behind, when they re busy fighting with one of your companions.
Full synchronization: solve the puzzle in 5 moves.
Follow the guards to the canoe. Swim with the current of the river and watch out for rocks. After the cutscene, jump down the waterfall.
Before you enter the underwater tunnel, collect the Mayan Statuette.
Enter the tunnel.
After you reach a fork, go right to loot the chest.
Return then and go left.
After you go out of the water, climb onto the top, where you will notice a control panel, after you climb the stairs.
The puzzle is to be solved in the order presented in the above screenshot - so that the beam from the left side reflects from the opposite block. By solving this puzzle in 5 steps, you receive additional synchronization points. Then, collect the artifact.
This is what the correct solution to the puzzle is.
Full synchronization: do not provoke open fight while escaping with the slave.
Go upstairs. After the cutscene, leave the house through the balcony.
Once you reach your destination, George will be busy fighting guards - do not let him die.
After you have defeated all guards, walk to the main gate with George. By looking at the minimap, take those alleys and streets where the guards will not be able to see you.
Full synchronization: the health of the raft must not drop below 50% do not swim, use melee weapon only.
In the next mission, you need to protect the raft. The guards will be firing at it from the banks.
When you hear the command from Elise, jump over tree trunks, from water to the bank and eliminate the enemies before they open fire. In the same way, search for the fallen trunks at the further waves of enemies.
Then, jump over to the next bank and eliminate the enemies quickly. Then, jump onto the tree at the end of the bank and use branches to get to the next group of Spaniards waiting for you. One more enemy will be waiting for you at the other side. Before you start another mission, you will find the CitizenE in New Orleans, on the top of the cathedral tower in the center of the city.
Talk to the people at the party. After the cutscene, charm Vazquez, take him to the marked place and murder him.
Full synchronization: climb to the top of the waterfall within one minute.
You land in New York. First of all, you need to catch the marked man.
Then, climb over the frozen waterfall to get to the fort. If you manage to do that quickly (1 minute) you will receive additional synchronization points. Climb only over the rocks.
Connor will make in the fight even by himself
Deal with the enemies and loot the chest. Connor is very good in fight so, you do not need to worry about him. Then, make it over the bridge.
By jumping over branches, make it past the fort's wall.
Enter the watchtower. There is a trap waiting for you there - three enemies. Eliminate them and make it out of the tower within one minute.
A mission that you can bring up, after you finish the sequence, from the Database ->DNA menu. It consists in taking control over Connor and completing this chapter as him.
First, deal with the four opponents. The fight system is the same as in the case of Aveline.
Then, just like in the case of the female assassin, climb over the waterfall.
Then, deal with the six opponents at the camp.
Next, make it over the bridge and access the fort.
In the corner, there is a chest with coins.
Defeat the opponents and make it over to the gunpowder barrels.
Activate the explosion and escape from the blast area. Then, jump over the wall.
Past the wall, defeat the final six opponents.
Full synchronization: take no damage, complete this mission within 5 minutes.
When Agate attack you, you are supposed only to parry. After a while, you will fighting two waves of 3, of opponents.
In the second wave use the smoke grenade and handle the three big opponents to the ground.
Walk to the first level in the tower. Deal with the opponents. Remember that you first need to knock weapon off, from the hand of a stronger opponent. After the fight, you only need to make it to the top.
Full synchronization: kill the target within 2 minutes
If you managed to find the earlier CitizenE, you now get the opportunity to kill the last one. Afterwards, you will get to learn the actual ending of the game.
Turn left and climb up the stairs. Make it, over the barrier opposite and walk over to the other side of the room, in circular movements.
Full synchronization: do not take damage.
Defeat the last wave of enemies. You can use the entire equipment that you received earlier.
These are missions in which you need to kill certain single targets. Successive targets appear with your progress in the game. The first challenge appears after the Eve of Saint John mission, in Sequence 2. It is required that you complete these missions, if you want to see the real ending, and it is rewarded with The Truth achievement.
To locate a CitizenE you first need to be informed of his presence and be in the green zone. Use the Eagle Vision to find him - he will glow in orange.
Mission: Eve of Saint John
Right after completing this mission, you will receive information about the presence of CitizenE and hints on how to locate him.
Mission: Trail of Truth
After you complete the Trail of Truth mission, you will be informed of the presence of the CitizenE. He is around the upper temple.
In the North-Eastern part of the city, there is another CitizenE.
Mission: The Lighthouse.
After the mission, you will receive information about a CitizenE w in the central-Eastern part of the map.
The target is inside the ship wreck.
Mission: Supplying the revolution
After the Supplying the Revolution mission, return to New Orleans and go to the cathedral in the center of the city.
Your target is in the highest tower in the building.
If you have managed to find all of the previous CitizensE, you will receive an additional mission to eliminate the least one, in another dimension. This way, you will be able to watch the alternative ending off the game.
The aim of these missions is to eliminate rivals in business, thanks to which you will be able to buy the stores later in the game. In the stores, you can buy items and, with them as intermediaries, you can trade. They also generate a slow, but stable, revenue. The number of the stores that you own has no bearing on the prices and the availability of items in that store.
There are 6 missions in New Orleans and one in Bayou.
Full synchronization: have the target die by your hand
To have the opponent die by someone else's hand, use the Berserk dart. It is going to be even easier to complete this mission if you put on the outfit of the Lady and use the Blowpipe hidden in the Umbrella.
Full synchronization: remain undetected complete the mission as the Lady.
Follow the target and do not lose him. He will be accompanied by two bodyguards. You can use the Berserk Dart or the Poison Dart, by using the Umbrella.
Full synchronization: take no damage.
This challenge is in Bayou. Go to the green zone. At the beginning of the bridge, you will notice the target and his bodyguards. Take no damage and you will receive full synchronization.
Full synchronization: Kill the target with the Concealed Blade.
Make it aboard the ship within 1:30 minutes and start by killing the three guards.
Reinforcements will arrive - remember about the effectiveness of the Chain Kill. Also, try to hide behind the other enemies in case of being fired at. What is also good against the enemies is the smoke grenade. Then, eliminate the target. If you use the Concealed Blade, you will gain full synchronization. The easiest way to do it is by running into the target or attacking from a jump.
Full synchronization: remain undetected, charm the target.
Gaining full synchronization requires you to use the Lady's outfit. Go near the residence and use your charms on the man. Then, take him into seclusion and kill him.
Full synchronization: complete this mission within 2 minutes, remain undetected.
The target walks around the green zone with two bodyguards. You can use the Blowpipe to eliminate the target and get rid of the bodyguards afterwards.
Full synchronization: remain undetected, kill the target with a gunpowder barrel.
The barrels can be found among buildings that the target is encircling.
Carry the barrel into the place where the target will be passing it by, equip and wait until the moment is right. Then, get rid of the rest of the enemies and search the body.
Full synchronization: take no damage.
Beat up the merchant and steal the ship documents from him. The easiest way to do that is by getting two guards from behind. The merchant will then start to run - he will not attack you, thanks to which you can gain 100% synchronization. Then, return to Dominguez.
Full synchronization: do not kill anybody.
Go to the fort and steal plans for the cannon. You can be detected but, if you want to gain full synchronization, you cannot kill anyone. After you have looted the chest, escape outside of the fort's walls.
Full synchronization: take no damage.
Win the race against the man. Watch out for falls and the guards patrolling the rooftops. You need to run through 11 checkpoints. Each one of them adds another 5 seconds to your time.
If you have a multi-shot gun, you can quickly eliminate the guards on the rooftops.
Full synchronization: take no damage.
Once you get there, you will notice a slave being taken away by guards. Eliminate them.
Escort the man to the destination. This way, you will complete this mission.
Full synchronization: do not kill anyone.
Follow the slave. Guards are protecting the entrance to his house - bribe one of them or access through another entrance. As you go onwards, you will notice a chest - loot it and return to the slave.
Find the abducted slave, who is being guarded by three men. You can kill them one by one, silently, by approaching them from behind and using the Concealed Blades.
Go to the skull icon on the map in Bayou. Talk to the man. Gather, according to the instructions, 3 mushrooms in three different places, within the allotted time.
Then, you need to help the witchdoctor calm his patients down.
From now on, you and find mushrooms on the map and heal the sick. The whereabouts of all the sick can be found in the chapter entitled "Collectibles".
Full synchronization: do not kill anybody.
While in Bayou, go to the cube on the map. You will receive there a mission that consists in moving around between enemy camps. Go to the first zone marked in green. Activate Eagle Vision and find a tent. You do not need to be close to it - if you do not kill anyone, you will gain full synchronization.
From now on, you can destroy enemy camps. The whereabouts of all the camps can be found in the chapter entitled "Collectibles". Destroying all the camps will result in the appearance of the Secret Stash mission on the map of New Orleans.
This mission unlocks after you have destroyed all the smugglers' camps. It is at the plantation in the North-Eastern part of the map.
Find Mackandal's hidden stash. The hole is in the rooftop of one of the utility buildings. After you get inside, you will locate a chest with 5000 coins in it.
The Plot - the plot missions are for the Lady Persona.
Go to the place marked on the map. You will be arrested - use the Concealed Blade to cut through ropes and exit the warehouse.
Outside, there is a bear waiting for you. Keep pressing the appropriate keys, quickly, to kill the animal.
Locate two bandits and deal with them. They are halfway across the zone, at the wall.
Return to the ambush site and find clues. One of them is the hatchet stuck in the pole and the second, the musket leaned against the fence.
Make it to the harbor without drawing anybody's attention. He is at the end of the harbor, at the ship. Eliminate him using a Dart, to avoid getting spotted.
This time around, you do not need to search the corpse so, kill the enemy silently, using the Blowpipe and ignore the guards.
Contract - special missions for the Assassin Persona.
Full synchronization: kill the target with the Concealed Blade.
Get there, locate the target (he is walking around at the cathedral) and eliminate him. To gain 100% of synchronization, use the Concealed Blade.
Full synchronization: eliminate two targets at once.
Locate the targets. Try to eliminate both of them simultaneously. The easiest way to do that is by jumping off the balcony after you have marked both of them.
Locate the courier and follow him. He will take you to the templar that you need to kill.
Full synchronization: complete the mission within 2 minutes
Find the smuggles and escort him to the city gates.
Go to the marked area and kill the target. If someone notices you looting the body, you will be attacked by a small army. Use the Smoke Grenade and jump from target to target while eliminating them, or escape.
Then, deal with the other target in a similar way.
Detective - detective missions for the Slave Persona. The first three missions concern New Orleans, the next two - Bayou. This is a series of missions whose aim is to find the assassin.
Full synchronization: complete the mission within 60 seconds
Run to the search site. In the Eagle Vision mode, locate the person that you are looking for.
Then, aim at the body and search it for clues.
Locate the target. He is between buildings in the zone. Follow him. The target will be shot. Start another detective mission to find out who did it.
Full synchronization: Kill the target using the Concealed Blade.
You will notice footprints on the rooftop of the building across the street. .
More footprints are on the street, at the end of the green zone.
You can find the next clue on the rooftop with the guard on it.
The murderer will fire a misaimed shot. Chase him and kill him. If you do that with the Concealed Blade, you will gain 100% synchronization. Then, search the corpse.
Full synchronization: do not start an open fight.
Get to the destination. The guards will be trying to execute a man - do not let this happen. Eliminate all four of them silently. Then, collect the letter from the box.
Activate the eagle Vision and search for clues. You will find footprints at the tree, close to the tents. Collect the letter.
Run for the new point of the mission, where you will find a single man - eliminate him.
Collecting the Diary pages is an element of the Achievements Collector, and unlocks a special headwear available for free at the store.
Locations of Diary Pages in New Orleans.
Locations of the Diary Pages in Bayou (the Northern part of the map).
Locations of the Diary Pages in Bayou (the Southern part of the map).
Locations of the Diary Pages in Chichen Itza.
Collecting all of the alligator eggs rewards you with an unique headwear and is required to unlock the Collector trophy. The eggs are protected by alligators, you can walk around them and only collect the egg from the nest, without fighting but, not always is this possible.
Locations of the alligator eggs in the Northern part of Bayou.
Locations of the alligator eggs in the Southern part of Bayou.
Collecting the Mayan Statuettes is required to unlock the Collector trophy. There are 10 of them and all of them are in Chichen Itza.
You can find the remaining two statuettes in missions The Secret of the Cenote in sequence 4 and Return to Mexico in sequence 6.
One statuette is in Sequence 4 in The Secret of the Cenote mission. Once you notice the characteristic black pillars, and then a water reservoir, observe the radar carefully - you should notice the Statuette icon. It is on a stone step under the water.
In sequence 6, right after the cutscene where the canoe falls down the waterfall, you will be able to locate another statuette in the corner of the cave.
The Mushrooms, just like the Mayan Statuettes, are located only around Bayou and there are 10 of them. They are required for the Collector trophy and they are available after the Bayou Fever mission.
Locations of the mushrooms in Bayou.
Pocket watches - you can buy them from Smugglers, who you will find in various locations around the map. Collect all of them to unlock an achievement and receive a special pistol (Dueling Pistol), and unlock the One Watch is not Enough achievement. All of the watches can be bought after sequence 7, from any smuggles. (each one of them has the same set of items).
Scenic points are marked on the map, from the very beginning of the game, with the eagle icon. To unlock them, you need to go to the top of the object in question, in the specific spot, and use the action key to synchronize. This allows you to reveal a big portion of the map around that point.
The spots are the highest points of the given object. In the case of buildings, it usually is the tower with pole. In Bayou, these are usually trees and the spot to synchronize is the branch with an eagle nest.
Smugglers - their camps are spread all around the Bayou. Elimination consists in killing out all of the camp dwellers and looting the chests. After you have removed all of the camps, the Secret Stash mission will become available. In total, there are 9 of them. You do the first three during the mission that starts the smugglers' storyline- Mapping the Bayou.
Camps in the Northern Bayou.
Camps in the Southern Bayou.
This simple mission is about locating 9 cases of contracting the illness, marked as the skull on the map. As a reward for completing the mission is the Bayou Fever trophy. To be able to heal the sick, you first need to collect mushrooms - one mushroom per one patient.
The patients of the Northern Bayou.
The patients of the Southern Bayou.
Jeweled Brooches - You receive gems from the charmed men, when you play as the Lady Persona.
After you collect all 10, you will unlock a new outfit for your character. It is also an element of the Persona Collector achievement.
All of the gems that you can find around New Orleans.
Voodoo dolls can be collected by the Slave, by stealing them from pockets of various NPCs - they always look the same - Native Americans.
After you have collected all 10, you unlock a new outfit for that persona and also is an element of the Persona Collector achievement.
All of the voodoo dolls in New Orleans.
Location of all the voodoo dolls in Bayou.
Assassin's Coins - these are collectibles for the Assassin. You need to eliminate the highlighted targets (when you use Eagle Vision, they glow red) and search them.
After you have collected all 10, you unlock a new outfit for that persona and also is an element of the Persona Collector achievement.
Assassin's coins in New Orleans.
Assassin's coins in Bayou.
Kill an enemy using the Poison Dart. (5)
Jump over 10 branches without touching the ground. (5)
Kill 5 guards within 15 seconds with the Sugarcane Machete (without using Chain Kill). (5)
Buy the first Dressing Chamber. (5)
Achieve full synchronization (100%) in each sequence. (15)
Block 10 shots fired using human shields. (10)
It is easiest to complete this mission in the square in front of the cathedral, where there are many guards - you need to start a fight, but you need to parry the opponents' blows only. you will notice that some of them, who cannot reach you, are preparing their muskets, which will be symbolized by the yellow marker and change in the camera angle. Then, press thee disarmament button to grab the closest enemy and use him as the shield. Standing behind the enemy is not enough to get this achievement.
Collect all the diary pages, alligator eggs, Mayan Statuettes and mushrooms. (30).
Collect all the collectibles allotted to individual personas (e.g. assassin's coins). (40)
Win 10 fights against animals. (15)
Buy the maximum amount of ships (8). (10)
Complete all missions allotted to individual personas (e.g. Detective). (5)
Kill 25 enemies using the Umbrella (Lady Persona). (10)
Buy all dressing chambers. (10)
Pickpocket people for 5000. (5)
Perform 10 "predator moves" with the whip. (5)
It is easiest to complete achieve this in the square in front of the cathedral, where there always are many soldiers. Walk up onto the gallows and kill the soldiers one after another with the predator moves (while holding the whip, grab an enemy and press the arrow down key/the D-pad down).
Buy all the pocket watches from smugglers. (15)
Use the Berserk Dart on an enemy in a way that will have him kill 5 enemies. (10)
At the beginning of the game, this may be difficult to achieve, because the thing is to shoot the Berserker Dart at an opponent who is stronger than his men, to prevent them from killing him and so that he could withstand the effect long enough, before he dies. Such groups can be found e.g. in the harbor or at the fort. You need to aim at the armored enemy.
Synchronize all scenic points. (30)
Complete all the Business Rivals missions. (10)
Complete all the Ship Crew missions. (10)
Complete all the Bayou Fever missions. (10)
Complete all the Free Slaves missions. (10)
Complete sequence 1. (15)
Complete sequence 2. (15)
Complete sequence 4. (15)
Complete sequence 6. (15)
Complete sequence 8. (15)
Complete the game (the fake ending). (15)
Kill all the CitizensE and see the real ending. (30)
Kill an enemy from a tree, using the Blowpipe, with the Eagle Vision active. (10)
CPU: Intel Core i3 2105 @ 3.1 GHz or AMD Phenom 2 X4 955 @ 3.2GHz
GPU: Nvidia GeForce 8800GT or AMD Radeon HD4870 (512MB VRAM & Shader Model 4.0)
HDD: 3500 MB of free space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible, with the most recent drivers
OS: Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 / 8.1 (32/64bit version)
CPU: Intel Core i5 2400S @ 2.5 GHz or AMD FX 4100 @ 3,6 GHz or better
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 570 or AMD Radeon HD7870 (1250MB VRAM & Shader Model 5.0) or better
HDD: 3500 MB of free space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible, with the most recent drivers
OS: Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 / 8.1 (32/64bit version)
Nvidia GeForce 8800GT and: 9 / 200 / 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 series, or better.
AMD Radeon HD4870 and: 5000 / 6000 / 7000 / R7 / R9 series, or better.
The graphic cards of these series, in the mobile versions, may work, but officially, they are not supported.