APB Reloaded Walkthrough All Points Bulletin: Reloaded

Welcome to PortForward's tutorial to playing APB: Reloaded. Since there is no single-player campaign and only Multiplayer available, I will stick to explaining the game mechanics and the overall objectives of things.
Begin by logging in after creating a Perfect World account and start creating a character.

There are a multitude of options to go through but don't sweat it if you don't get it right the first time. You can always change It ingame in the Social District.

When you are done with a character you like, proceed onto the world selection screen. Give it a few minutes to properly ping every location to figure out your best proximity and then choose a server.

This is APB's map select screen. Here you can choose to either go to the creative & "Black Market" part of the game, AKA the Social District at the bottom or partake in some of the Fight Clubs events when they are active with and when you have a sufficiently high enough level/ranking.
All maps have different servers allocated to them so If you find yourself being unable to locate any friends you play with, check your server.

I personally recommend choosing the Waterfront District first. It has more contacts than the financial district that give more useful rewards to beginners such as guns and cars instead of weapon modifications and decals in the financial district.

Once you're in, you'll be prompted to find a group yourself, have the game find one or not get one at all. The choice is up to you.

The game's UI is fairly straight-forward. Bottom right you got your radar. It shows the location of any known enemies and all nearby allies. But for enemies to reliably appear, they need to be making some kind of noise so don't lean on it too much.
Esc opens the main menu where you can do everything from fiddle around in the options to accessing the Armas market where you can buy in-game items for real money. I would personally be careful of any serious spending as this game is currently notoriously laggy and instead recommend you trying on the "Trial" version of weapons first.

There's a multitude of options in the video department and I highly recommend lowering your settings as smoke and most other effects tend to spike framerates up and down, both for ATI and Nvidia cards. Increasing the brightness will also be a + indoors.

As you leave the spawn, you are free to do as you wish. In this case, I created a criminal character. This means I can mug any civillian on the street, steal cars and drive them to a lock-up, ram & rob nearby stores while stealing any loot and more.
While ramming stores is a very profitable way to earn dirty money, It also puts you at great risk to either get griefed by another criminal player or being intercepted by several (possibly much more high-leveled) enforcers.

For this guide, we're going to partake in missions. You do this by pressing K and then wait for a task to be assigned to you.

While waiting for a mission assignment, go to a nearby parking garage and click "F" to interact with the terminal in the picture to have a (currently standard) vehicle spawn for you to drive.

The starting car is not great and It is the same for both enforcers and criminals. It has poor top speed, rather poor acceleration, extremely low ramming capacity but a decent handling

For this reason, I recommend stealing another car. In this case, I was lucky enough to have a civillian be driving a sports-car just outside the spawn.

To steal a car from a civillian, (Cannot steal from other players) run up to the door and hit the Interact button (Standard F).

You now got a sweet (in this case) pink sportscar for you to drive like a maniac in.

Pressing "M" will open up the in-game map. Here you can see the location of all the contacts, the infrastructure of the entire map itself and a various amount of options which you can toggle through to have things like vehicle spawns and mailboxes be visible to you in the in-game HUD.
APB Reloaded Walkthrough Missions

Eventually after pressing K and waiting, you will be assigned a mission and a HUD will pop up on your screen, showing exactly what you need to do and where you need to go.

At first, there will sometimes only be you and a couple of teammates, AKA fellow criminal players..

But after a short while, you will be assigned an opposition, in this case, my group of 4 criminals got matched up against 4 enforcers. The team sizes can vary greatly depending on what rank & threat level individual players are.

For this mission, I simply had to go to the (A) on my HUD and riddle a nearby store since the owner refused to pay "Protection money" to my associated gang. If I was an enforcer, my mission would have been to preventing this store from getting destroyed, which they could not succeed in doing this time.

After completing your initial objective, you will be assigned a new one. With the same method of a HUD being ontop of your screen.

Eventually, I came across one of the enforcer who has the objective to kill me and guard the objective. You can differentiate between Ally & Enemy & Neutral players by the red name above their head and how your cursor turns red when aiming at them.

To begin with, the game gives you a STAR assault rifle. They are very recoil-heavy, fire relatively slow but do rather high damage per bullet, leaving them to be an odd-end medium-ranged weapon. I recommend replacing with another firearm to your preferred playing style since there are anything from bolt-action sniper rifles to fully automatic shotguns.

Eventually, you will die. In this case, because I was pinned down by two enemies alone. Dying is however, a part of the game.

When dead, you will be brought to an improvised map-screen around the current mission objective. Here, you can see where all your allies are (Green dots with names), where you can spawn (Gray dots) and the Objective (Orange marker).

However, you may occur an error saying that you cannot spawn at a certain point. This normally means that an enemy is far too close to it and that you spawning there would mean popping up out of nowhere for him.
Obviously, nobody wants that to happen to them in an FPS so you are forced to either wait for the enemy to move away from the point or choose another spawn.

Going head-on into an objective is usually a very bad idea. Here you can see an example of where an enforcer is waiting around a corner for my teammates to try to drop off some goods in an alley.

He is quickly dispatched of as I decided to overlook the area from above rather than run into it.

However, due to my slow-paced teammates, the enemy soon returns to the alley and I am forced to fight him again. Here you can see me taking use of the "Leaning" mechanic. You press Q or E to lean your character's upper body to peak around corners with your weapon to minimize exposure.

There are loads of way to improvise in APB. Here you can see the rubble of a destroyed car, blocking my access through the door and the quest-item next to it where my previous teammate failed and died.

After some struggling, we finally managed to secure the alleyway long enough to secure the loot. You do this by picking up the package you saw earlier and standing in the yellow targeting circle and waiting for approximately 5 seconds.
At the top right, you can see that there was only 1 minute and 20 seconds left for us, the criminals to finish this objective.

However, even after finishing an objective, you can still get killed by the enemies so there's no, true safe moments in APB.

APB has a rather wonky physics engine so flying cars are almost an every-day sight..

And can be abused by the players to get cars where they aren't supposed to be. Avoid them if possible.

The next objective is similar to a "Control point" mode. You spray-paint the wall to control "Territory". The more territory you hold, the more points you will get and the ones who has the most until the timer goes out at top right, wins.

It is a very skimrish-rich mode where the enemy can come from literally anywhere and rush-spray locations in order to win.

It's also always important to keep tabs on just who is who. Here you can see an enemy, crouching down while at the same time, having a natural player be right behind him, causing a potentially confusing effect with characters-relation to name-plates.

Overturning an enemy captured control point is very simple. Like with literally any other mission objective in the game, you run up to it and press F.
Clear instructions are also always available to you at the top right Incase you lose track on what to do in a mission. Just follow it and you'll either achieve victory or defeat with a reward of in-game $ currency and respect with the contractor/gang you are associated with.
APB Reloaded Walkthrough Social District

The Social District is the main (and only) place to fulfill all your item needs. There's weapons, cars, decals, clothing, tattoos and even music, all being made by players. But before we get to that, here's a small tour.
This is the Joker District. It's mainly a shop exclusive to people participating in Fight Clubs.

This is The Rendezvous. It's an enforcer-exclusive building that has a dancefloor, a mailbox, joker re-supply ammo machines and a couple of npcs.

This is The Trespass. The Criminal-exclusive building with the same features as the enforcer one, only in a different infrastructure.

This corner here near the water is the main attraction. It is clottered with player-made advertisement and several vendor facilities in very close proximity.

The green stand is representative of the community marketplace.

You use it solely to buy and sell products you either have made or bought from other players. However, there are some rather heavy transaction fees for putting things up to prevent abuse so caution when calculating expense vs income.

Any item on display here can easily be viewed by clicking the magnifying class to load up a 3d viewing tool, previewing the item you are potentially going to buy.

Going further into the first building is the purple stance. It's an access point to your personal wardrobe where you can change inbetween 5 pre-set outfit slots and even buy some new clothes which you unlock through doing missions and advancing in contact standing.

The game boasts a very large library of clothing items, all ranging from bullet proof vests to pink high-heels.

This is the Symbol Design booth.

It allows you to create literally any kind of graphical 2d image you can think of without having to feature a brush or a pencil mechanic by having pre-set symbols that can be bent, twisted, enlarged and flipped.
You can also put up these symbols on advertising boards in the social district or even clotter them on some walls in the other, game-play maps.

The orange booth is basically the Character Customization menu. But this time, It costs you in-game currency to make any changes as content from other players can now also be used. No more freebies.

The red pod is the vehicle creation booth. Here you can modify and view a very large sortiment of different cars and clad them in different paints, parts and symbols.

APB: Reloaded also allows you to purchase certain "Advertising" spots. This ranges from player stands, 2d advertising boards or even vehicular platforms to show your products for promotional purposes or just to brag.

Last, but not least, is the Music Player booth. Here you can create some amazing, full several minute soundtracks or short skits that plays whenever you kill an enemy or win a match. While you can import music directly Into the game from your hard drive, other players can't hear it for potential copyright reasons.
Music created with this booth, however, will be heard by everyone when played on a car radio, for example.
But that's it for our APB:Reloaded guide. I hope this helped you in some way and best of luck to you in the Streets of San Paro!