In time of crusades and fierce battles for the Holy Land, nobody's life is easy, even a professional killer's like Altair. In this guide, you will find any help you might need to survive in this cruel world. What is more, we have enclosed information on stealth moving, fighting techniques and a detailed walkthrough of every level of the game. In addition, you will find maps showing locations of all flags and templar knights. Enjoy.
Maciej "Shinobix" Kurowiak
There are two main control modes in the whole game: Low Profile and High Profile. The first one is any activity, which does not provoke other people's negative reactions. High Profile is basically opposite to Low Profile and activating it (right mouse button) can make an assassination visually far more interesting but is sure to bring nearby guards to attention and result in an all-out fight or a chase through the city.
Using Low Profile for the same activity will not bring as much attention and your mission can be finished more discretely.
Here is a list of basic activities and buttons for both gamepad and keyboard respectively:
Buttons gamepad/keyboard
Low Profile
High Profile - push a right trigger/RMB
Left analogue stick/ W,S,A,D
Right analogue stick/mouse
moving a camera
Button under the left analogue/C
adjusting a camera
Left trigger/F
Right triger/RMB
High Profile actions
Eagle Vision/Synchronization
Eagle Vision
gentle push
tackle, grab
A/Space Bar
sprint, jump
No matter what you are doing, your every activity is closely watched both by guards and by other people. To check the attitude of the crowd you have is special indicator at your disposal, which changes colors according to the situation you are in. When the indicator is white, there is no problem at all. When the middle of the triangle is pulsing yellow, someone is watching you. When the middle is pulsing red, trouble is not far ahead. Wholly red triangle means you're in battle.
If you decide to run, breaking the line of sight changes the indicator to pulsing yellow. After that you just need to hide in the haystack or in the garden on the roof and wait till the chase is over.
If you do not want to bring undue attention, you need to move around in way that does not disturb other people. In short, do not mess around, destroying pottery or pushing pedestrians. Using the B/Shift button you can gently push pedestrians out of your way. The best way, but the slowest one, is to act like a scholar. Simply push the A/Space Bar button and you're a saint, blending into the crowd.
There are five weapons in Assassasin's Creed:
Digital pad of a gamepad/keyboard
a hidden blade
throwing knives/a short blade
a sword
Here is a description of weapons:
Using fists against armed guards is completely useless. You should use them only during interrogations.
Hidden Blade
A powerful weapon no self-respecting killer will leave home without. You can use it in any situation, when your target is not expecting an attack. For example: in "Save Citizen" missions you can kill the first enemy instantly, and then finish the rest of them with your sword. Don't expect the guard you want to kill is just going to stand dumbly like a sacrificial lamb. In addition, if you're using a hidden blade in High Profile mode, you'll be chased for sure. That's why you should use this kind of attack when you're the one chasing your target.
Throwing knives
This weapon is very useful against guards and archers surveying the surroundings from building roofs or towers.
Short blade
It is a useful weapon against all kind of enemies, even bosses, as almost every successful counter attack ends with enemy's instant death. A short blade can be used with throwing knives - when you are close to the enemy slice him with the blade and when the distance grows bigger, throw a knife.
A sword
That is your basic and most useful (in most cases) weapon .
Sometimes fighting in AC can be very chaotic which leaves you at a disadvantage. However, if you learn basic techniques, completing your mission will be much easier. One of the most important things is choosing the status. In the Low Profile Altair will be in the offensive and in the High Profile, he will defend himself. Here is the list of buttons and activities they're bound to:
Button (gamepad/keyboard)
Low Profile
High Profile
counter attack
counter grab
A/Space Bar
One of the basic but not always useful techniques is a strong and slow attack with your sword. You can use it keeping the attack button down for a longer time. This attack is very strong and kills lesser enemies instantly. However, be careful when using it in a fight with several guards at once as you just might lose the opportunity to do any real damage and get some parts damaged yourself.
Those are the most basic techniques:
Combo Kill
When you hit an enemy, you can instantly attack a second one (attack button X/LMB). It's only useful against lesser enemies and later in the game this technique is rather useless and should be replaced with counter-attack.
Attack and when your hit lands, push the X/LMB button again.
Counter Attack
Probably the most useful technique in the whole game and not very hard to use. Simply push X/LMB in the High Profile. Effects on enemies can vary from knocked out to dead. If he's still breathing, you can always use your sword to finish him off.
Wait for the moment when your enemy begins his attack and push X/LMB in High Profile
Grab breaks
This is a defensive technique, which allows you to intercept an enemy's grab. It can be difficult to perform, especially when you enemies are in large numbers.
Wait for a good moment and when your enemy attempts a grab, use right trigger/RMB and B/Shift combination.
Defense break
An offensive technique which allows you to break enemy's guard. It's easy to perform and very useful so you should use it when you get the chance. Do a step with A/Space Bar button and attack.
If your enemy is standing in guard position step forward and attack.
A defensive technique, which allows you to dodge enemy's attacks. The problem with this technique is the fact that dodging an attack is just that - dodging, you'll be better off using counter-attack instead.
Push A/Space Bar in High Profile at the moment of the attack.
Remember that your strongest weapon is the ability to run away from anywhere and swiftly hide in a haystack or roof garden. If you want to disappear in the crowd, try to blend or pretend to be a scholar. If you lose too much energy, run away and wait till the bar is full again.
Use help of the vigilantes or scholars during runaways. One more thing - your sword is your most important weapon, but it is good to use other means from time to time your.
After each synchronization, you can dive into a haystack below the tower to perform a Leap of Faith instead of climbing down.
Never get cornered with multiple enemies, if you do they have a habit hitting you the same time and even with counter attacks you might end up loosing health, specially if you are not good at countering. If you get cornered withdraw from the fight and move to better location and lock into the fight again. Since you cannot move that freely when you are locked into the fight.
This is somewhat not fair to game AI, but since you get outnumbered most of the time then this is a very good way of thinning enemies ranks:when you manage to counter an enemy or pushed him on the ground try to hit your enemy when he is lying down, that way he cannot but up a fight. I find this little bit unfair, because the AI usually waits when you get up, but heck if you are outnumbered you can allow not to be nice.
(submitted by: zupzu)
After the start you'll need to watch a long introduction. You can learn the controls in that time.
Look around (Y/E) and go through the crowd pushing B/Shift. The voice will explain ythe differences between Low and High profile (push the right trigger/RMB).
Do the same thing near the man but try to grab him using B/Shift. Now you need to learn how to run - simply push right trigger/R1 with X/LMB.
You need to learn how to assassinate guards stealthily. Stand close to your target, target him with left trigger/F, choose the hidden blade (up/3), and kill him (X/LMB). You need to climb the ladder when the indicator starts pulsing red. Hide in the garden on the roof.
Use blend to go past guards (X/LMB). At the end use the eagle vision by pushing Y/E.
Status: Retrieve the Artifact from within Solomon's Temple.
Move forward jumping on the beams. You can do it pushing right trigger/RMB (High Profile) with X/LMB. Assassinate the guard and climb down the ladder.
You screwed so there is nothing to do but to run away. Climb the scaffolding and go east jumping onto the platforms. Now climb the wall (right trigger/RMB + X/LMB)
Status: Return to Al-Mualim.
You're in Masyaf now, and you need to report to your master. Go north to the castle on the hill.
Status: Defend the Village
Go outside the fortress and move south to the center of the village. Kill all the Templars you meet on your way.
Status: Remove the Templars from Masyaf.
There's too many of them to fight. Go to the tower and climb to the top. Jump down using right trigger/RMB and X/LMB.
You will land in a haystack. Go over the footbridge and climb the wall until you reach the top of the tower. Hit the wooden trap to get it moving. In the lab, go to the toilet and listen. Return to the main room and after a while move to your room and go to sleep. After you wake up, return to Animus to continue.
Status: Ivestigate and find Masyaf's traitor.
Go the center of the village to do your first eavesdropping mission. Sit on the bench, target the pair of talking people and listen to what they're saying.
Now it's time to steal something (in fact it's your first pickpocketing mission). When your target leaves, go after him. Move close to him, and take what you need.
Interrogation is the last task you need to do. Target your victim, go after him and give him a beating behind the building.
Status: Speak with the Bureau Leader in Damascus.
To reach the city you need to find a horse. It's behind the palisade. Leave Masyaf and you will find yourself in the Kingdom. You can find Damascus on your map - the rest of your map will appear when you synchronize towers on your way. Find the first one, climb to the top and synchronize. Now everything should be clear.
On the crossroads turn left. After a while, you will end up in a village where you can find a tower. Move southeast. When you're being chased, you can always hide in the haystack. Before you reach the city, you should synchronize two more towers.
Status:0/6 Investigations Complete. 2 Investigations are needed to access Assassination Memory. Climb view point to locate them.
The gate is strictly guarded so you must find another way. Save the citizen and go to the city with a little help from the scholars. Now look at your map and find the synchronization point. Climb onto the tower, synchronize and go to the Bureau (marked as A on your map). Now get to the rest of synchronization points to get all tasks needed for investigation.
On the map above you can find all investigation tasks you need. But for now you just need two of them. Most of the information is useless but you can collect all of it if you like.
1. Pickpocket. In the stolen letter, there is information about some kind of supply planned by Tamir.
2. Pickpocket. You will find you can get to the marketplace using roofs in the northeastern part of the district.
3. Escort Challenge. You will find out that Tamir ordered a meeting.
4.Eavesdropping. You will find out that you can penetrate Tamir's surroundings using wooden beams.
5.Interrogation. Your victim will tell you that Tamir is supplying weapons not to Saladin but to some other recipient.
6. Rooftop race challenge. A dialogue leads to a conclusion that it's good to have at your disposal men who can distract soldiers during a chase.
After you get an order to kill Tamir, go to the place marked on your map. Prepare the hidden blade and when Tamir goes close to the merchant slowly walk behind him and assassinate him. Now escape as fast as possible to the Bureau.
Attack Tamir with your hidden blade
You're in the lab again. Speak with the girl; you can also read some e-mails but overall, there's not much to do here. Go to sleep and after waking up go back to your work.
Now you're able to counter attack. You can practice with the teacher in the courtyard. Leave and go to Acre first.
At the first crossroads synchronize on a tower. Knights will constantly attack you so hide yourself or run when the need arises.
After you pass a village, at the ravine, pick the road on your right and you will reach the next tower. At the next crossroads, turn right.
The last tower is near Acre. Use the scholar trick to get inside the city without drawing the guards' attention.
Status:0/6 Investigations Complete. 2 Investigations are needed to access Assassination Memory. Climb view point to locate them.
Do the what you did in Damascus - synchronize on towers, speak with the resident in the Bureau and complete at least two tasks. Roofs of Acre are more strictly guarded than Damascus' so be careful.
1.Eavesdropping You will discover that some of the guards are AWOL.
2.Informer - Assassination Challenge. The informer wants you to kill a knight. You can use your hidden blade to complete this task but remember that you need to be stealthy here. Informer will reveal that Garnier is allowing his patients to walk around the castle freely.
3.Interrogation. Successful interrogation reveals that Garnier isn't the most sensitive person in the city and the best time to get close to him is when he's "caring" for his patients.
4.Pickpocket . Knights guard the place where you need to get in to perform your noble act. The first option is to kill them, the second is to climb the roof, kill the guards there and go inside through the hole. Eventually you will learn that Garnier is connected with Tamir and some other person.
5. Archer stealth assassination. Informer will reveal that candelabrums which are being replaced in the Hospitaller's castle.
6.Informer - Flags Challenge This informer will give you what you need if you find 20 flags in 3 minutes. Below, you can find step-by-step instructions on how to do it.
You cannot get inside the Hospitaliers' castle just like that. Save the citizen near and use scholars' help.
After the assassination run away and go to the Bureau. In Masyaf you will get the ability to throw knives and to tackle enemies. Now it's time for Talal of Jerusalem.
It's the last time when you have to travel to the next city by horse. Next time you can use the menu and choose where you want to go.
At the first crossroads turn left as you would when going to Damascus. When you reach the village continue on the road winding down.
Go to the east and at the crossroads turn to the southeast. Synchronize on the tower and continue travelling.
You should reach the tower and it's not far from here to Jerusalem. Use the scholar trick to get inside the city.
Status:0/6 Investigations Complete. 2 Investigations are needed to access Assassination Memory. Climb view point to locate them.
Climb the bell-tower on the church near the city gate, synchronize and go to the Bureau.
1.Eavesdropping.To get inside the place marked on your map, you need to pass the guards on the gate. Save the citizen nearby to get scholars' help. Eavesdroping will reveal that Talal is a proficient archer.
2.Informer. Two guards need to be eliminated in order for you to get some info from this masked man. You will receive information that Talal is a slave trader and is hiding somewhere to the north.
3.Interrogation You victim will reveal that Talal's slaves are imprisoned in the werehouse.
4. Informer - Flags Challenge. 20 flags in 3 minutes for the information.
The rest of the tasks:
5. Informer Escort. A map reveals the place where Talal runs away to.
6. Pickpocket A stolen map will reveal positions of Talal's guards.
The way to Talal's warehouse is guarded so you will need to use the scholar trick. Inside, his guards will surround you. Kill them, climb the ladder, kill the archer and go outside on the roof. Prepare the hidden blade and chase your victim. When you find yourself close enough, assassinate him.
You're in the lab again. Go to sleep and in the morning move close to the doctor and take an item from his pocket. Go back to your work.
You will receive two new skills. The first one is the ability to grab ledges when you're falling. The second is the grab break technique. Leave and go to Damascus.
Use the scholar trick to get inside the city, speak with the resident in the Bureau and go to the Rich District which is now available.
Climb the tower near the temple and you will get the rest of the towers to perform synchronization on.
Status:0/6 Investigations Complete. 3 Investigations are needed to access Assassination Memory. Climb view point to locate them.
1.Merchant stand destruction challenge. Your Informer reveals that you can reach private chambers of Nuquod by climbing the scaffolding.
2. Eavesdropping. You will find out that Nuquod is preparing a big feast.
3. Informer - Assassination Challenge. In exchange for assassination of two targets the informer will reveal positions of the guards in Nuquod palace.
4. Pickpocket. A stolen letter contains a secret about a feast in the palace.
5. Interrogation. Interrogated person will tell you that the best moment to attack Nuqoud should be during his speech.
6. Informer - Flags Challenge. 20 flags in 3 minutes in exchange for information about the fountain you can climb onto.
After a visit in the Bureau, go to the palace and wait for a start of the feast.
Return to your master to receive new skills - improved attack and dodge. Leave and go to Acre.
Speak with a resident in the Bureau, go to the Rich District and climb onto the highest tower of the big cathedral.
Status:0/6 Investigations Complete. 3 Investigations are needed to access Assassination Memory. Climb view point to locate them.
1. Merchant stand destruction challenge. In the letter you will find some mysterious information about Wilhelm.
2. Informer - Assassination Challenge. Two people must be eliminated to complete this task.
3. Pickpocket. In the letter you will find a plan of the inner fortress where William stays.
4. Interrogation. You victim reveals that King Richard is meeting with Wilhelm.
5. Archer stealth assassination. You'll receive a plan with marked positions of archers guarding Wilhelm.
6. Informer. 20 flags in 3 minutes for information about guarded part of the fortress.
After completing tasks, speak with the resident in the Bureau and go to the fortress where Willhem meets King Richard.
Return to your master to receive more throwing knives and go to Jerusalem.
Speak with the resident in the Bureau and go to the Poor District.
Find a tower, you can synchronize on. Complete at least 3 tasks.
Status:0/6 Investigations Complete. 3 Investigations are needed to access Assassination Memory. Climb view point to locate them.
1. Informer. Two targets must be eliminated. In exchange, you will receive information about scholars often visiting execution place.
2. Pickpocket A stolen letter reveals the place where the next execution is to be performed.
3. Informer Escort. A letter contains a map with marked guard positions.
4. Eavesdropping. You will hear about the execution planned by Addin today.
5. Interrogation You will receive information that Addin rules Jerusalem by fear.
6. Archer stealth assassination. He wants from you to eliminate three targets. In exchange he reveals that during the speech Addin has a habit of turning his back to the prisoner.
After the visit in the Bureau go to the execution place.
You're in the lab again. After the talk go back to your room and immediately go outside. Log in to the doctor's computer using the key you stole. Read as much you want and go to sleep.
Knights of Acre guard docks very strictly so when you're close to the marching regiment, you're in danger. Tasks like interrogations or assassinations could be much harder to perform.
Speak with a resident, then find a synchronization point in the Middle District. You need at least 3 tasks completed.
Status:0/6 Investigations Complete. 3 Investigations are needed to access Assassination Memory. Climb view point to locate them.
1. Eavesdropping. You will learn that Sibrand is hiding in the docks in fear of assassination.
2. Informer Escort. You will receive a map showing positions of guards in docks.
3. Informer - Assassination Challenge. In exchange for killing 3 targets, you will receive a map with positions of drunkards in docks.
4. Interrogation. Interrogated man will reveal that Sibrand wants to create a blockade to cut King Richard out from supplies and reinforcements.
5. Pickpocket. Stolen document contains information about northern part of the docks which are not guarded.
6. Rooftop Race Challenge. A letter contains a message revealing that Sibrand will return to his ship soon.
Sibrand alone is not very dangerous. The problem is getting close to him, as he's hiding on his ship. Altair can't swim (yes - he can't), so be very careful when jumping onto poles.
Return to your master and after that go to Damascus.
As in Acre, the Middle District is strictly guarded, and performing assassinations and interrogations among so many enemies can be hard.
Speak with the resident and find a synchronization point in the Middle District. Complete at least 3 tasks.
Status:0/6 Investigations Complete. 3 Investigations are needed to access Assassination Memory. Climb view point to locate them.
1. Eavesdropping. You will find out that Jubair meets with his people in madrasah every day.
2. Pickpocket Stolen letter reveals that Jubair is in the garden in madrasah.
3. Interrogation. You will learn that in the whole city books are being burned.
4. Informer - Assassination Challenge. In exchange for eliminating all targets you will receive a map of the place where Jubair is going to be.
5. Rooftop Race Challenge. Informer will tell you that Jubair is in madrasah.
6. Merchant stand destruction challenge. You need to kill 3 targets to receive information about Jubair's garment which distinguishes him from other scholars.
The biggest problem with elimination of this maniac is recognizing him. The best way is to use eagle vision where your target is yellow and his servants are marked red.
Speak with the resident and find a synchronization point in the Middle District of Jerusalem. Complete at least 3 tasks.
Status:0/6 Investigations Complete. 3 Investigations are needed to access Assassination Memory. Climb view point to locate them.
1. Pickpocket. Your target is in the little fortress in the northern part of the district and you will have to eliminate the guards to pickpocket. You will learn the positions of guards during the burial ceremony.
2. Informer - Assassination Challenge. In exchange for eliminating 5 targets you will learn that servants of Robert are very skillful and prepared.
3. Rooftop Race Challenge. Informer will tell you about a place where Robert will be staying during the ceremony.
4. Interrogation. Thanks to the interrogation you will learn that Robert wants peace and that's the reason he is participating in the ceremony.
5. Archer stealth assassination. In exchange for killing five targets, you will receive a piece of advice: you are able to get close to Robert using scholars.
6. Eavesdropping. Eavesdropping will reveal what you already know: crusaders will be participating in the ceremony.
You will quickly understand why Robert isn't shouting like a real male knight with a pot on his head. Whoever he is you need to kill his servants first. You can fight at the graveyard where you will constantly get hit by arrows or you can run and defend yourself on the rooftops. Both ways are dangerous but you should win eventually. Use counter attacks as much as possible.
Update: If you are low on health and almost close to dieing withdraw from the fight and run in circles in the graveyard, it is 90% chance that the enemies will follow you in a circle and won't act smart and try to cut you off. It gives you some time to recharge your health (Atleast get a few health bars back) and then enter the fight again and try to slash as much as possible and when you are low on health try that again. This gives you also the chance that the archers won't hit you. Even when you fight in the graveyard they are poor shots and tend to miss you or hit your enemies (friendly fire :) ). In my oppinion DO NOT try to run into the streets and roofs, because in the graveyard you'll only facing knights, but in streets and roofs's you'll get seriously outnumbered, because everyone thinks that you are a good way to practice fights :P. And also you can fall from roofs and loose lives. So stick with the gravaeyard (I actually found this out after dieing like 5th time).
(submitted by: zupzu)
You need to go to Arsuf, which is near Acre (you can teleport there from menu).
Go to the castle and kill your former companions. Go to the fortress and to the backyard.
The old man has, like almost every other boss in the electronic entertainment world, three forms.
The first form
The old man will change into all bosses you met before. Kill them with counter attacks.
The second form
The second form is more dangerous. The old man will clone himself, but you can recognize the real one using eagle vision.
The third form
He got smarter now. When you hit him he disappears leaving you with one block of energy. Search the garden and when you spot him target him and throw a knife. Hit him with the sword. Rinse and repeat.
Go to your room and use eagle vision on the wall above the bed.
Below you will find all maps needed to localize flags and Templars. Flags are marked with red numbers and Templars with purple X.