Altered Beast Walkthrough Level 1

This is a very short level just keep moving right and fighting untill you reach the boss

There will be demons and flying demons if you see a wolf kill it to upgrade

At the end is boss battle number one

This boss will throw five to seven heads at you, the best way to counter this threat is to stay in one place and go into the gaps between the heads

When the heads stop falling, hit the boss a couple of times and repeat the process the level will end
Altered Beast Walkthrough Level 2

"You will be going through the swamps on this level.

A big hazard are the frogs, rapidly move the joystick left and right to shake them off.

There are also snakes in this level you have to hit either their rattle or head to kill them

Keep moving untill you get to the boss at the end

"The boss transforms into a giant plant with eyes.

He will launch ten eyes, which will slowly movd toward your character. You must destroy all of these eyes to get to the boss himself.

It takes about 20 hits to kill the boss
Altered Beast Walkthrough Level 3

You are now entering the caves. Make sure you keep to the ledges and avoid falling or getting knocked off of them.

Theres a few different enemies in this level Insect Warriors, Demons, Turtles, Birds, Wolves

A good tactic for all the enemies is to let them follow you. Then jump over a crevice and they will fall in.

This battle is a little harder. You will have to move around a bit

To hurt this boss, you'll have to push the cauldron all the way back to the wall until the dragon's head is sticking straight out.

After 25 hits you'll defeat the boss.
Altered Beast Walkthrough Level 4

You have entered what appears to be a city.

You have already dealt with most of these enemies. Just use the tactics you used from the first level to take care of them.

The flying demons are sort of difficult, The best way to deal with them is to get them to attack then hit them when they are rising up again.

This time the boss takes the form of a blue dragon's

You must hit this boss from underneath to damage him, he moves in a circle so you have to time your jumps

He spits out a stream of fireballs. You can duck under most of them. For the ones you can't, just jump toward the boss.

He may also launch one or two small dragons to attack you, you can kill them with normal attacks.

After 30 hits, you'll clear the boss
Altered Beast Walkthrough Level 5

The final level takes you to some ruins.

The Goat Warriors are fast, they come in for a quick strike and go back

There are also Unicorn Warriors, Bull Warriors and Spiked Balls.

They can all be defeated with normal attacks but watch out because there are a lot of them at a time

The final boss is the toughest boss.

The first stage is just you hitting him untill he changes forms

The second is a charge and steam coming out of the rhino's nostrils.

You will have to constantly move around to avoid this bosses attacks. You can stop his charge by hitting him as he charges.

After three stages of 30 hits you will take him out and finish the game

The End