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Redemption Cemetery: The Island of the Lost Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips

Redemption Cemetery: The Island of the Lost Walkthrough

Redemption Cemetery: The Island of the Lost Walkthrough

Welcome to the Redemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost Walkthrough

You crash-land on an island populated by ghosts. Like them, are you trapped here forever?

Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

This document contains a complete Redemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!

We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.

Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!

This walkthrough was created by Erin Bell, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.

General Tips

  • This is the official guide for Redemption Cemetery: The Island of the Lost!
  • This guide will not mention each time you have to zoom into a location; the screenshots will show each zoom scene.
  • Hidden-object puzzles are referred to as HOPS. This guide will not show screenshots of the HOPS, however, it will mention when an HOP is available and the inventory item you’ll collect from it.
  • This guide will give step-by-step solutions for all puzzles which are not random. Please read the instructions in the game for each puzzle.

Chapter 1: Cemetery

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Touch (A) twice.
  • Take the CHALK (B).
  • Open (C); touch (D); take the LIGHTER (E); touch (F).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Exit (G).
  • Touch (H); use the LIGHTER (I).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Touch (J) three times; take the KNIFE HANDLE (K).
  • Walk forward (L).
  • Talk (M); take the SKULL KEY (N).
  • Take the FISHING LINE (O).
  • Use the KNIFE HANDLE (P); receive the KNIFE.
  • Walk down.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the KNIFE (Q) to trigger a HOP.
  • Play the HOP (R); receive the FISHING ROD.
  • Combine the FISHING LINE and FISHING ROD (inventory); receive the FISHING ROD WITH HOOK.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the SKULL KEY (T); touch (U).
  • Touch (V); open (W).
  • Take the FISHERMAN’S LOCKET (X).
  • Walk forward.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Give the FISHERMAN’S LOCKET (Y); take the BONE (Z).
  • Place the BONE (A); take the RAVEN HEAD (B).
  • Walk down.
  • Place the RAVEN HEAD (C) to trigger a mini-game.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost
Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Solution: (D-E-F-G-H).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Take (I); remove (J); take the SKELETAL HAND (K).
  • Walk forward.
  • Place the SKELETAL HAND (L).
  • Walk forward.
  • Touch anywhere.
  • Touch (M).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Talk (N).
  • Enter (O).
  • Take the SHOVEL (P).
  • Use the LIGHTER (Q); take the TOKEN 1/3 (R).
  • Walk down.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Talk (S); take the PHOTO (T).
  • Touch (U).
  • Use the SHOVEL (V).
  • Take the SHAWL (W) and TOKEN 2/3 (X).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the Raven (Y); take the TOKEN 3/3 (Z).
  • Use the KNIFE (A) three times.
  • Place the TOKENS (B) and PHOTO (C) to trigger a mini-game.
  • Solution: E-M-I-L-Y. Letter placements are randomized.
  • Receive EMILY’S PLATE.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Enter (D).
  • Place EMILY’S PLATE (E).
  • Talk (F).
  • Touch (G) to trigger a mini-game.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Solution (H).

Chapter 2: School

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Talk (I); take the SCHOOL KEY (J).
  • Enter (K).
  • Touch anywhere to trigger a cutscene.
  • Use the SHAWL (L); receive the GLASS SHARD.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Open (N); take the LOCK PART (O).
  • Touch (P).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the Raven (Q); take the PUZZLE PIECE (R).
  • Place the LOCK PART (S).
  • Touch (T); take the RAVEN’S HEAD (U).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Place the RAVEN’S HEAD (V).
  • Use the SCHOOL KEY (W); touch (X).
  • Enter (Y).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Touch anywhere to trigger a cutscene.
  • Take the SNAKE HANDLE (Z).
  • Open (A); take the PENCIL KEY (B).
  • Walk down.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the PENCIL KEY (C); take the PAPER CLIP (D).
  • Use the PAPER CLIP (E); take the PUZZLE PIECE (F).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Place the SNAKE HANDLE (G).
  • Touch (H).
  • Enter (I).
  • Take the GLUE (J).
  • Combine the BROKEN CLOCK WEIGHT and GLUE (inventory); receive the CLOCK WEIGHT.
  • Walk down then left.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the CLOCK WEIGHT (K); take the GEM (L).
  • Use the PAPERCLIP (M).
  • Touch (N).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Take the KNOB (O).
  • Touch (P); place the GEM (Q); take the PUZZLE PIECE (R).
  • Touch anywhere to trigger a cutscene.
  • Place the PUZZLE PIECES (S) to trigger a mini-game.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Solution (T): B-B-B-D-A-A-A-D-E-B-B-A-A-D-E-B-C-C-E.
  • Walk forward.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Touch anywhere to trigger a cutscene.
  • Touch (U) then (V).
  • Use the SHOVEL (W); touch (X); take the PHOTO (Y).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Take the PLANKS (Z).
  • Use the Raven (A); take the GLOBE PART (B).
  • Enter (C).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Take the STATUE (D).
  • Place the PHOTO (E).
  • Place the GLOBE PART (F); take the SILVER KEY (G).
  • Use the GLASS SHARD (H); take the SAND BUCKET (I).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the CHALK (J) to trigger a mini-game.
  • Solution is random.
  • Play the HOP (K); take the CHIMERA DISK (L).
  • Walk down; place the CHIMERA DISK (M); walk down.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the SAND BUCKET (O); take the PINCERS and GOLDEN KEY (N).
  • Walk down.
  • Use the PINCERS (P); receive the BIRD.
  • Walk up then left.
  • Play the HOP (Q); take the CRYSTAL MUSHROOM (R).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Place the BIRD (R1); take the SCHOOL SHIELD (S).
  • Walk down, down, down, right.
  • Place the CRYSTAL MUSHROOM (T); take the COPPER KEY (U).
  • Walk down, up, up.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Place the GOLDEN KEY (V), SILVER KEY (W), and COPPER KEY (X).
  • Enter (Y).
  • Place the STATUE (Z) to trigger a HOP.
  • Play the HOP; receive the STUFFED BIRD.
  • Walk down three times, then right.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Place the STUFFED BIRD (A); take the HAMMER (B).
  • Use the HAMMER (C-D); take the NAILS (E) and SUN GEM (F).
  • Walk down, up, up, up.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the PLANKS, NAILS, and HAMMER (G); take the LADDER (H).
  • Walk down.
  • Place the SCHOOL SHIELD (I) to trigger a mini-game.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Solution (J): C-D-E-F-G-H-A-B.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the LADDER (K).
  • Take the DOLL’S ARM (L).
  • Walk up, forward.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Play the HOP (M); receive the VALVE.
  • Use the DOLL’S ARM (N); take the NEEDLE (O).
  • Walk down.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the NEEDLE (P); receive the EMERALD EYE.
  • Climb down (Q).
  • Use the VALVE (R); touch (S) to trigger a HOP.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Play the HOP (T); receive the RUBY EYE.
  • Walk up, forward.
  • Use the KNOB (U); take the SAPPHIRE EYE (V).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Place the EMERALD EYE (W), RUBY EYE (X) and SAPPHIRE EYE (Y).
  • Take the KNIGHT FIGURINE (Z), ANGEL (A) and STONE WEDGE 1/3 (B).
  • Walk down; climb down (C).
  • Use the ANGEL (D).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Touch (E) to trigger a mini-game.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Solution (F-G-H).
  • Walk forward.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Place the SUN GEM (I); take the TONGS (J).
  • Press (K); take the INSIGNIA (L).
  • Walk down.
  • Use the TONGS (M); receive the GHOST FIGURINE.
  • Walk forward.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Take the CADUCEUS (P) and STONE WEDGE 2/3 (Q).
  • Walk down.
  • Play the HOP (R); receive the SCISSORS.
  • Climb up; walk down, down, right.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the CADUCEUS (S).
  • Take the MEDICINE (T).
  • Use the SCISSORS (U); receive the BANDAGE.
  • Walk down, up, up, up.
  • Place the INSIGNIA (V); touch (W); take the STONE WEDGE 3/3 (X).
  • Walk down.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Climb down (Y).
  • Place the STONE WEDGE (Z); take the CHIMERA KEY (A).
  • Walk forward.
  • Use the CHIMERA KEY (B).
  • Talk (C).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the MEDICINE and BANDAGE (D).
  • Take the ANCIENT AMULET (E).
  • Enter (F).

Chapter 3: Cemetery-Part 2

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Walk down.
  • Talk (G).
  • Take the BAG (H).
  • Use the SCISSORS (I).
  • Take the EMPTY CANISTER (J) and STONE SKULL (K).
  • Walk down twice.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Play the HOP (L); receive the ENCRUSTED KEY.
  • Use the BAG (N); receive the BAG WITH SEEDS.
  • Use the EMPTY CANISTER (M); receive the CANISTER WITH WATER.
  • Walk up twice.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the STONE SKULL (O).
  • Use the ENCRUSTED KEY (P); take the AMBER (Q).
  • Use the SCISSORS (S); receive the FLOWER.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Place the AMBER (T) and FLOWER (U).
  • Take the PORTRAIT (V).
  • Place the PORTRAIT (W) to trigger a mini-game.
  • Solution: E-D-W-A-R-D. Letter placements are randomized.
  • Talk (X); take the LETTER FOR LIANNAH (Y).
  • Enter (Z).

Chapter 4: Castle

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Talk (A).
  • Give the LETTER FOR LIANNAH (B).
  • Use the Raven (C); take the WHITE FLOWER (D).
  • Take the PERFUME BOTTLE CAP (E).
  • Walk up (F).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Talk (G); take the TORN CLOAK (H) and GUARD INSIGNIA (I).
  • Take the TOY WHEEL (J) and NEEDLE (K).
  • Combine the TORN CLOAK and NEEDLE (inventory); receive the CLOAK.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the TOY WHEEL (L); take the PERFUME BOTTLE CAP (M).
  • Walk down then right.
  • Use the CLOAK anywhere.
  • Walk down, up.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Place the PERFUME BOTTLE CAPS (Q-R-S).
  • Touch (T-U).
  • Play the HOP (V); receive the RIBBON.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the BUTTERFLY TOKEN (W); take the SHIELD GEM (X).
  • Walk down.
  • Use the SHIELD GEM (Y); take the SWORD (Z).
  • Walk right, forward.
  • Place the SWORD (A) to trigger a mini-game.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Solution (B).
  • Walk forward.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Talk (C).
  • Give the RIBBON (D); take the PENDANT (E).
  • Take the STONE LEAF (F); place the TORCH (G).
  • Take the FRAGMENT (H) and TOY HAMMER (I).
  • Walk down.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Observe (J).
  • Walk up; talk to Edward.
  • Walk down; take the CAULDRON EMBLEM HALF (K).
  • Return to Liannah’s chambers.
  • Give the PENDANT (L); take the CAULDRON EMBLEM HALF (M).
  • Walk down.
  • Use the CAULDRON EMBLEM (N); Enter (O).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Talk (P).
  • Use the GUARD INSIGNIA (Q); take the ORDER (R).
  • Take the KNIFE (S) and COLANDER (T).
  • Walk down then right.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the KNIFE (U); receive the LEAF.
  • Walk down then up the stairs.
  • Give the ORDER (V).
  • Play the HOP (W); receive the SICKLE.
  • Walk down then right.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Touch (X).
  • Use the STONE LEAF (Y); take the BOTTLE (Z).
  • Use the SICKLE (A).
  • Walk right (B).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Take the BUTTONS (C).
  • Walk down, up.
  • Use the BUTTONS (D); take the SHELL (E).
  • Walk down, down, forward.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the COLANDER (F); receive the BEAR TOOTH.
  • Walk down, right, right.
  • Use the BEAR TOOTH (G); take the RECIPE PART (H).
  • Open (I).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Place the RECIPE PART (J) to trigger a mini-game.
  • Solution (K).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Take the ANTIDOTE RECIPE (L).
  • Walk down, down, up.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost
Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use (N-O-P-Q).
  • Use (R-S).
  • Take the ANTIDOTE (T).
  • Walk down, right, up.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Give the ANTIDOTE (V); take the GOLD (W).
  • Walk down.
  • Place the TOY HAMMER and the GOLD (X).
  • Take the KEY (Y).
  • Walk up.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the KEY (Z); touch (A); take the RAT SKULL (B).
  • Walk down, right.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the RAT SKULL (C); touch (D); take the PRISONERS DIARY (E).
  • Talk (F).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Take the RAG (G), MATTOCK (H), BAND (I) and BROKEN BROOM (J).
  • Combine the BAND and BROKEN BROOM (inventory); receive the BROOM.
  • Use the BROOM (K) to trigger a HOP.
  • Play the HOP (L); receive the KEYS.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Place the KEYS (M) to trigger a mini-game.
  • Solution (N).
  • Walk forward.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Talk (O).
  • Use the MATTOCK (P); take the PATTERN PLATE (Q).
  • Walk down.
  • Play the HOP (R); receive the CROWBAR.
  • Walk up.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the CROWBAR (S).
  • Take the EYE (T).
  • Walk down.
  • Place the EYE (U); take the PATTERN PLATE (V).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Take the STAR CREST (X).
  • Walk forward.
  • Place the STAR CREST (Y).
  • Walk forward.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Talk (Z); give the PRISONER’S DIARY (A).
  • Take the AMULET GEMS (B).
  • Enter (C).

Chapter 5: Cemetery-Part 3

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Talk (D). Take the AWL (E).
  • Use the AWL (F); receive the DIRTY PHOTO.
  • Combine the RAG and DIRTY PHOTO (inventory); receive the OLD PHOTO.
  • Place the OLD PHOTO (G) to trigger a mini-game.
  • Solution: R-I-C-K. Letter placements are randomized.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Talk (H). Take the BULB (I).
  • Enter (J).

Chapter 6: Tower

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Touch anywhere to trigger a cutscene.
  • Touch (K); take the SHARP METAL FISH (L).
  • Open (M).
  • Walk forward.
  • Touch (N).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Take the TELESCOPE TUBE (O).
  • Use the BULB (P) to trigger a HOP.
  • Play the HOP (Q); receive the BANDAGE.
  • Use the BANDAGE (R).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Take the CORKSCREW HANDLE (S).
  • Move (T).
  • Take the SOLVENT (U).
  • Move (V).
  • Climb up (W).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Take the NET (X).
  • Use the SHARP METAL FISH (Y); receive the STICK.
  • Walk down.
  • Use the Raven (Z); take the METAL SNIPS (A).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the NET (B); receive the EGG.
  • Use the STICK (C); take the DIRTY LENS (D).
  • Combine the SOLVENT and DIRTY LENS (inventory); receive the LENS.
  • Place the EGG (E).
  • Use the CORKSCREW HANDLE (F); take the CORKSCREW (G).
  • Walk forward.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Place the TELESCOPE TUBE (H) and LENS (I) to trigger a mini-game.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost
Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost
Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Solution (J-K-L).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Take the CLOCK BELL (M).
  • Climb down (N).
  • Play the HOP (O); receive the CLOCK FACE.
  • Use the METAL SNIPS (P).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the CORKSCREW (S); receive the CLOCK HANDS.
  • Walk up.
  • Place the CLOCK FACE (T), CLOCK BELL (U), and CLOCK HANDS (V).
  • Take the PAPER (W) and LATCH (X).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Climb down (Y).
  • Move (Z).
  • Use the LATCH (A).
  • Walk left (B).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Use the Raven (C); take the PISTIL (D).
  • Take the RAG (E).
  • Place the PISTIL (F); take the STONE and GEAR (G).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Place the CHAIN LINK (H); take the TUBE (I) and PENCIL (J).
  • Combine the PAPER and PENCIL (inventory); receive the WRITING TOOLS.
  • Use the RAG (K).
  • Use the WRITING TOOLS (L); receive the CODE.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Combine the INCOMPLETE FIRE EXTINGUISHER and TUBE (inventory); receive the FIRE EXTINGUISHER.
  • Take the PICTURE FRAGMENT (N).
  • Place the CODE (O).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Solution (P).
  • Walk forward.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Touch (Q) to trigger a HOP.
  • Play the HOP (R); receive the METAL FLOWER.
  • Place the GEAR (S); touch the key.
  • Enter (T).

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Place the PICTURE FRAGMENT (U); take the LEVER (V).
  • Place the METAL FLOWER (W); take the LIGHTBULB 1/3 (X).
  • Use the STONE (Y); take the VALVE (Z).
  • Walk down.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Play the HOP (A); receive the GLASS CUTTER.
  • Place the VALVE (B) and LEVER (C).
  • Touch (D-E).
  • Walk down.
  • Use the GLASS CUTTER (F); receive the GLASS.

Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

  • Walk forward, up.
  • Place the GLASS (G); take the GEM 1/6 (H).
  • Move (I-J).
  • Walk up (K).
  • Talk (M).
  • Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

    • Take the LIGHTBULB 2/3 (O) and LIGHTBULB 3/3 (P).
    • Walk down twice.
    • Place the LIGHTBULBS to trigger a mini-game (Q).

    Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

    • Solution (Q1).
    • Walk forward.

    Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

    • Touch anywhere to trigger dialogue.
    • Play the HOP (R); receive the ELECTRICAL STEM.
    • Walk down, up.

    Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

    • Place the STATUE BELT (V); take the CODE (W).
    • Place the CODE (X).
    • Press (Y) 2-5-0-7.
    • Take the GEM 2/6 (Z).
    • Climb up.

    Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

    • Pour the LIQUID (A); take the KNOB (B).
    • Walk down, down, forward.
    • Play the HOP (C); receive the WOODEN FLOWER.
    • Use the KNOB (D); take the GEM 3/6 (E) and WRENCH (F).
    • Walk down.

    Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

    • Place the WOODEN FLOWER (G); take the CUBE PART (H).
    • Return to rooftop.
    • Place the CUBE PART (I); take the GLASS BULB (J).

    Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

    • Use the WRENCH (K-L-M-N); touch (O).
    • Use the INSULATING TAPE (P).
    • Take the GAUGE BACKGROUND (Q).
    • Walk down, down, forward.

    Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

    • Use the GAUGE BACKGROND (R); take the GEM 4/6 (S).
    • Combine the ELECTRICAL STEM and GLASS BULB (inventory); receive the INCANDESCENT BULB.
    • Place the INCANDESCENT BULB (T); take the GEM 5/6 (U) and GEM 6/6 (V).
    • Return to rooftop.

    Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

    • Place the GEM 6/6 (W) to trigger a mini-game.

    Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

    • Solution (X): B-C-5-3-C-B-B-C-2-6-C-A-A-C-B-B-C-2.
    • 4-C-A-A-C-5-1-C-B-B-B-C-2-4-C-A-A-A.
    • C-5-3-C-B-C-2-6-C-A-C-5-3-C-B-B-C-A-A.
    • A-C-5-A-C-B-B-B-C-A-A-A-4-C-A-C-5-B-B-A.

    Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

    • Select anywhere to talk.
    • Talk (Y); take the AMULET GEM (Z).
    • Combine the ANCIENT AMULET and AMULET GEMS (inventory); receive the INCOMPLETE AMULET.
    • Combine the INCOMPLETE AMULET and AMULET GEM (inventory); receive the COMPLETED AMULET.
    • Talk (A).
    • Use the COMPLETED AMULET (B).

    Redemption Cemetery: Island of the LostRedemption Cemetery: Island of the Lost

    • Talk (C).
    • Enter (D).
    • Talk (E).
    • Congratulations! You’ve completed Redemption Cemetery: The Island of the Lost!