Detective Agency 2: Banker's Wife Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Detective Agency 2: Banker’s Wife Walkthrough
Welcome to the Detective Agency 2: Banker’s Wife Walkthrough!
Carter Burton’s wife has gone missing! Desperate to find the love of his life, Carter enlists the help of Detective James Kasey!
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete Detective Agency 2: Banker’s Wife game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by Robin, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.
General Tips

- This is a Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game.
- There is no timer.
- The game autosaves automatically.
- Click on the NOTEBOOK ICON (A) to view the Find List.
- Click on the BRIEFCASE ICON (B) to view the inventory tray.
- Use one of the 4 HINT button (C) for a Hint.
- If you click on the name of an item on the Find List, its silhouette will show up in the PDA (D). This does not cost a hint.
- To put an item back into the inventory tray, right-click on the slot you took it out of.
- A Magnifying Glass is a place where you can zoom in.
- Click on the red ? in the upper left corner of the zoom scene for mini-game instructions.
- Skip a mini-game by clicking the SKIP button once it has recharged.
- If you do not skip a mini-game, you will see a message about any inventory items you just earned. You will need to click one more time on the message to clear it.
- If you skip a mini-game you will not see the message about inventory items. You have to look in your inventory tray to see what’s new.
1: James’ Office

- This is a tutorial level. You must do things in a specific order.
- Collect the BRIEFCASE (1). Click on it whenever you want to view the items in your inventory.
- Zoom in on the Safe (2).
- Set the 3 light switches to the color code that will open the safe. Each switch will be circled in green when it is the right color.
- Your solution may be different than ours.
- Once the switches are all circled in green, click on the safe handle (3) to open the Safe.
- Collect the PDA (4). Now you can view the silhouette of items on the Find List.
- Follow the instructions and collect the Scissors (5).
- Collect the remaining items on the Find List. The KEYS will go into your inventory.
- Try to open the Door (7). It’s locked.
- Click on the BRIEFCASE icon to see your inventory. Use the KEYS on the Door (7).
2: the Banker’s House

- James says he’s not sure he’s at the correct address.
- Click on the Briefcase Icon to see your inventory.
- Put the NOTE on the Address Sign (A) to trigger a mini-game.
- Collect the missing letters one at a time and drag each to its place on the sign. Match the spelling to the NOTE.
- Click on the NOTEBOOK Icon to switch back to the Find List.
- Before you can collect anything else, you have to find the HANDLE.

- Collect the HANDLE (1) and put it on the Door (2).
- Talk to the Maid.
- Collect the remaining items on the Find List. The LADDER (4) and the CROWBAR (3) will go into your inventory.
- Use the CROWBAR on the Power Box (5). .
- Zoom in on the Power Box (5). Flip the blue Power Switch (6). This turns off power to the Porch Light.
- Put the LADDER on the Porch Light (5).
- Zoom in on the Porch Light. The LIGHT BULB is still too hot to touch.
- Enter the House.

- Collect the items on the Find List including the GLOVE (1) and the PHOTO (2).
- Zoom in on the Dresser (3) to trigger a mini-game.

- Put three KEYS in the correct sequence in any one row of the Dresser to open it.
- You can try once for each row, then the puzzle will reset to a new random solution.
- Test the KEYS by filling in one row. Any KEY placed correctly will be circled in green.
- Any KEY that is not in the solution will be circled in red.
- Any KEY which does belong in the solution but in a different column will be circled in yellow.
- Your solution may be different than ours, but the method will be the same.
- The Dresser will open so you can read the NOTE. You find out that the wife was last seen in the Greenhouse (5).
- You can try going to the Greenhouse, but it’s dark.
- Go out the Front Door (4).
- Use the GLOVE on the Porch Light to collect the LIGHT BULB.
- Go back in the house and then out to the Greenhouse (5).

- Put the LIGHT BULB in the Ceiling Lamp (A).
- Return to the Hall (B), then out to the front of the House.
- Zoom in on the Power Box and complete the mini-game.

- Connect the Greenhouse (1) with both the Hall (2) and the Power Source (3).
- You can ignore the other two rooms for now.
- The pipes that only go half-way across are end caps.
- Your circuit can use end caps, but you must have no open ends or breaks between the three locations.
- When your circuit is correct, the red circle will light up and the Detective will say you can turn on the power.
- Flip the blue Power Switch (4).
- Return to the Greenhouse.

- Collect the items on the Find List, including the POT (4) and the BUTTERFLY NET (2).
- ‘Serpentine’ is a coil of ribbon on the left wicker chair.
- Zoom in on the Yellow Pot (1) and complete the mini-game to collect the MATCHES.
- The solution is shown at the top of the screenshot.
- Move the horizontal match halfway across to the right.
- Move the left vertical match up to the right to complete the puzzle.
- Use the BUTTERFLY NET (2) to catch the Butterfly (3).
- Return to the Hall (5).
- Use the BUTTERFLY from the Greenhouse on the Cat and it will move, revealing a Notebook.
- Zoom in on the Notebook that was under the Cat to trigger a mini-game.

- Drag the NUMBERS from the right to the circles so that the sum of the numbers on each straight line = 12.
- The colored lines on the right page show the current total for each line.
- See the Screenshot for one solution.
- Collect the BUSINESS CARD.
3: the Hotel

- The Concierge won’t let you pick up anything.
- Click on the Smoke Alarm (A). You need something to set it off.
- Put the MATCHES on the Smoke Alarm (A). It will go off and the Concierge will run outside.
- Collect everything you can from the Find List.
- The Cassette is a VCR tape.
- Zoom in to the space (B) next to the VCR tape and you will trigger a mini-game.

- Enter the sequence in one horizontal row.
- Green shows a correct position, yellow is a correct symbol but in the wrong position, and red means the symbol is not in the solution.
- Your solution may be different than ours, but the method will be the same.
- When you enter the correct code, you will find a name badge for Naira Burton, the missing woman.
- Zoom in on the back of the desk. If you knew her room number, you could get her key. Her room number is on the name card.
- Put the CARD (not the BUSINESS CARD) on the back of the desk (C).

- This will trigger a mini-game. In order to check the keys, you need to put them in order from 1 to 8 with one empty space on the far right.
- You can only move a KEY into an empty space, following the etched lines.
- When you click on a KEY, any space you can move to will be outlined in cyan.
- If you click on the gold button in the lower left, the puzzle will reset.
- There are many possible solutions.
- On the first move you have the choice of moving from H to I or from F to I. No other moves are possible.
- In our sample solution numbers refer to the numbers on the Keys, letters refer to the slots as shown in the screenshot.
- 3 to I; 2 to H; 8 to E; 7 to D;
- 5 to A; 6 to B; 1 to C; 3 to F;
- 2 to I; 8 to H; 3 to E; 2 to F;
- 8 to I; 4 to H; 7 to G; 5 to D;
- 6 to A; 1 to B; 2 to C; 3 to F;
- 4 to E; 7 to H; 5 to G; 6 to D;1 to A; 2 to B; 3 to C; 8 to F;
- 7 to I; 4 to H; 6 to E; 5 to D;
- 4 to G; 7 to H: 8 to I; 6 to F
- 5 to E; 4 to D; 7 to G; 8 to H;
- When you complete the puzzle, you will receive the SPONGE and you will be told the Key you need is missing.
4: Liron Gallery
- Talk to the Curator. He says Naira did not come to work today.

- Collect as many items as you can from the Find List.
- When an item has the number ’2′ after it, it means it’s the second occurrence of that item. So ‘Cat’ is the first cat, and ‘Cat 2′ is the second cat.
- ‘Sconce’ is on the Find List twice. The first one is a sconce on the wall on the left. The second is a large candleholder standing on the floor towards the back wall.
- The Ink is the box of inks on the chair on the left.
- Put the EMPTY POT with the Pots on the floor (A). This will trigger a mini-game.

- Arrange the pots so no two of the same type are on the same line horizontally, vertically, or main diagonal lines. There are many possible solutions.
- When you are done, you will receive the SPRAY.
- Click on the painting of the woman. It is Naira.
- Put the PHOTO on the painting of the woman. This will trigger a mini-game.

- Reassemble the portrait using the photo as a guide.
- Use the SPRAY (1) on the completed picture.
- Use the SPONGE (2) on the completed picture to reveal a new picture.
- Zoom in on the new picture. Naira used to be called ‘Nancy Brock’.
5: James’Office
- Return to James’office. Talk to the reporter.

- Time to call the Banker. Pick up the PHONE (A). It is disconnected.
- Zoom in on the Safe (B). It will open.
- Collect the CABLE (C) from inside the Safe.
- Put the CABLE on the PHONE.
- Put the BUSINESS CARD on the PHONE. This will trigger a mini-game.
- Drag the numbers to the circles so each line of the triangle adds up to 17. The small numbers next to each line give its current total.
- There are many possible solutions. The screenshot shows one (D).
6: the Banker’s House

- Knock on the front door (A). You need to use the Doorbell instead.
- The Doorbell (C) is missing the PUSH BUTTON (B). Collect it and put it on the Doorbell.
- Ring the Doorbell (C). The Maid will come talk to you.
- Enter the House.
- The items you need are under the Gray Cat. Go back out to the front of the House.
- Collect the NET (D). You will need to click on its left side to pick it up.
- Put the NET on the BAT (E). This time you may need to click a little to the right of the BAT.
- Go back inside the House.

- Put the BAT on the Cat (F) and it will move.
- Zoom in to read the Note that was revealed when the Cat moved.
- Talk to the Maid.
- Zoom in on the Globe (G). This will trigger a mini-game.

- Find the correct code sequence to open the Globe.
- Begin by clicking the ENTER button (H). If any of the Continents are correct, they will be circled in green.
- Use the red arrows to change any Continents that are incorrect. When you have your next guess, click the ENTER button again.
- You must have a different Continent in each circle.
- Your solution may be different than ours, but the method will be the same..
- The Maid told you to collect a Locksmith’s Receipt, but the Find List and the Inventory Tray will label this item as ‘CHECK’ Collect it.
7: Liron Gallery
- Give the CHECK to the Curator.

- Collect the PAINT BRUSH (A).
- Use the PAINTBRUSH on the Easel (B). This will trigger a mini-game.

- Find the correct horizontal sequence.
- Fill one row. If you want to use the same color more than once, you will have to dip your brush each time.
- Check the results. A green check means the correct color is in the correct column. A yellow star means the color is correct, but it’s in the wrong column. A red mark means that color is not used in the solution.
- Try again until you have all 5 correct colors in the correct order.
- Your solution may be different than ours, but the method will be the same..
- You will receive the ERASER.
- Put the ERASER on the Notebook (C) on the left table. This will trigger a zoom scene.
- Drag the ERASER over the pencil marks in the zoom scene until the address is completely revealed. Note that the name is the name the banker’s wife used in the old painting, ‘Nancy Brock’.
8: Train

- Collect the items from the Find List.
- The only Book that counts is the blue book on the right seat.
- The only Light Bulb that counts is a small clear bulb on the left seat.
- The ‘Handkerchief’ is the blue and yellow scarf on the right seat.
9: Garage
- Talk to Arthur Brock. He is Naira’s ex-husband. He says she received a package there today and came and collected it.

- Collect as many items from the Find List as you can.
- The Wrench is not the wrench in the box on the right. It’s the L-shaped lug nut wrench (A).
- Zoom in on the box (B) and read the Note.
- Collect the 5 BOLTS (marked in pink) and the WHEEL (C).
- Put the WHEEL on the Car (D).
- Put the BOLTS on the WHEEL.
- Use the WRENCH on the WHEEL.
- Click on the Car Door (E). This will trigger a mini-game.

- Clear the path for the Car as shown.

- Zoom in on the stack of Tires revealed when the Car moves. This will trigger a Towers of Hanoi mini-game.
- We have labeled the Tires A, B, C, D, E from smallest to largest.

- Each screenshot shows two tire moves.

- There are many possible solutions.

- The screenshots show one example.

- When you solve the mini-game you will receive the OIL CAN.
10: 4 Rowk Street

- Put the NOTE on the Address Sign (A). This will trigger a mini-game.
- Collect the missing letters and put them on the sign, matching the note.

- Collect the BONE (B) and give it to the Dog (C).
- Collect as many items as you can on the Find List.
- Use the OIL CAN on the Door. This will trigger a mini-game.

- You can either jump one key or move into an empty space.

- Black KEYS can only move to the right.

- Silver KEYS can only move to the left.
- If you need to reset and try again, click on the large gold button below the KEYS.

- There are several possible solutions.
- The screenshots show one example.
- Enter the House.

- Collect as many items as you can from the Find List.
- The COVER (E) is a wicker basket cover.
- Collect the BUSINESS CARD (F).
- The HORN (G) is a Flute.
- Zoom in on the Wooden Box (H). This will trigger a mini-game.

- Find the correct code sequence to open the Box.
- Begin by clicking the ENTER button (J). If any of the Dice are correct, they will be circled in green.
- Change any Dice that are incorrect. When you have your next guess, click the ENTER button again.
- You must have a different number in each square.
- Your solution may be different than ours, but the method will be the same.
- Collect the KEYS.

- Use the HORN from your inventory on the Snake (K).
- The Snake will jump into the Basket, revealing the Passport.
- Put the COVER on the Basket (L).
- Zoom in on the Passport to read it.
11: Antique Shop

- Begin by clicking on the Parrot (A).
- The shop owner will tell you he can’t hear you because the Parrot is too noisy.
- Collect the FODDER (C) and the CLOTH (B).
- Put the FODDER on top of the Cage (D). Only the top of the Cage will work.
- The Parrot will go into the Cage.
- Put the CLOTH on the Cage (D). It also has to go on the top.
- Talk to the man.
- Give him the BUSINESS CARD . He will tell you more about Martin Low.

- Collect the items from the Find List including the COIN (E).
- Collect the LIST (F) from the Piano.
12: Train

- Zoom in on the Route Map (A). This will trigger a mini-game.
- Connect all the dots without crossing any lines.
- There are many possible solutions. The screenshot shows an example.
13: James’Office

- Read the newspaper article on the Desk.
- Use the phone.
14: the Accident

- Collect as many of the items on the Find List as you can.
- The ‘Packthread’ is a rope.
- The Sparrow is a very small bird high on the left.
- When you have collected everything you can, go inside the Car through the open left door (A).

- Collect the items on the Find List including the FLOWER (C).
- The CAR KEY (B) is in the ignition.
- Open the Glove Compartment (D).
- Collect the red HOTEL KEY (E) even though it is not on the Find List.
- The other item in the Glove Compartment is the Bandage.
- Exit the Car by using the right door (F).

- Use the CAR KEY from your inventory to open the back door of the Car (G).
- There are 3 items in the back of the car: the GEARSHIFT, the MOUSETRAP and the CHEESE.
- Enter the Car through the left Door (H) again.

- Put the GEARSHIFT in place (J).
- Put the CAR KEY back in the ignition (K).
- Turn the CAR KEY.
- Zoom in on the top of the GEAR SHIFT to examine it.
- Exit through the right door (L).

- Put the MOUSETRAP just below the Hole (M).
- Put the CHEESE on the MOUSETRAP.
- The MOUSE will come out of the Hole. Click on it to collect it.
15: the Hotel Suite

- Zoom in on the Floor Plan (A). This will trigger a mini game.
- Your position is shown by the Peg (B). You must move through the Maze to the green Exit.
- Move by clicking where you want the Peg to go.
- Complete the Maze. Your solution may be different than ours.
- Exit through the door on the left behind the Reception Desk.

- You are in Martin Low’s Hotel Suite.
- Collect as many items from the Find List as you can.
- Zoom in on the Suitcase (C) in the lower left. This will trigger a mini-game.

- Find the correct code sequence to open the Suitcase.
- Begin by clicking the ENTER button (D). If any of the Planets are correct, they will be circled in green.
- Click to change any Planets that are incorrect. When you have your next guess, click the ENTER button again.
- You must have a different Planet in each square.
- Your solution may be different than ours, but the method will be the same.
16: the Flower Shop

- Collect as many items as you can on the FIND LIST.
- Put the HANDLE (A) on the Pump (B).
- Put the WATERING CAN (C) on the center of the Pump..
- Click on the HANDLE to fill the WATERING CAN.
- Examine the Branch with white flowers (D).
- Use the WATERING CAN WITH WATER on that branch and it will blossom.
- Put the FLOWER from your inventory on the Branch (D) to trigger a mini-game.

- This is a pairs matching game. Your solution may be different than ours.

- Zoom in on the Visitor’s Book (E). This will trigger a mini-game.
- Exchange the positions of two sets of pots in 7 moves.
- If you cannot complete the solution in 7 moves, the game will reset to the same starting position.
- There are several possible solutions. This is the one we used.
- Move the pot in 7 to square 8.
- Move the pot in 3 to square 7.
- Move the pot in 5 to square 3.

- Move the pot in 2 to square 5.
- Move the pot in 6 to square 2.
- Move the pot in 4 to square 6.
- Move the pot in 8 to square 4.
17: the Banker’s House

- Ring the Doorbell (A).
- Talk to the Maid.
- Enter the House.
- Read the Letter (B) on the Dresser.
- Go to the Greenhouse (C).
- Examine the Suitcase (D).
- Find the correct code sequence to open the Suitcase.
- Begin by clicking the ENTER button (E). If any of the Suits are correct, they will be circled in green.
- Click the arrows to change any Suits that are incorrect. When you have your next guess, click the ENTER button again.
- You must have a different Suit in each square.
- Your solution may be different than ours, but the method will be the same.
- Collect the CLAY from inside the Suitcase.
- Return to the Hall (F).
- Give the MOUSE to the Gray Cat (G). The Cat will leave.
- Zoom in on the Globe.
- Read the Newspaper Clipping.
- Click on the Locksmith’s number (H) to finish the Level.
18: the Locksmith

- Give the CLAY from your inventory to the Locksmith.
- Collect all the items you can from the Find List.
- The Soap is red.

- There is a small Mold (A) sparkling on the counter.
- Pick up the KEYS from your inventory and click them just to the right of the Mold. You may have to click around a little to find the correct spot. This will trigger a mini-game.

- Put the KEYS into their impressions.
- The KEYS will automatically rotate themselves when you click on the matching impression.
19: James’ Office

- Talk to the Reporter.
- Read the Newspaper on the Desk.
- Use the Phone.
20: Train
- Zoom in on the Route Map on the wall. This will trigger a mini-game.

- To make the train go forward, find the next place on the tracks in the direction you want to go where a yellow bar appears. Click on the yellow bar to move the train to that location.
- You can only change direction where there is an appropriate arrow.
- Your solution may be different than ours, but the method is the same.
21: Daus Residence

- Put the GREETING CARD on the Address sign (A). This will trigger a mini-game.

- Find the differences as shown.

- Collect the items on the Find List.
- Enter the house (B).
- Talk to Naira’s mother.

- Collect as many items as you can on the Find List.
- Zoom in on the stack of Dishes (C) by the window. This will trigger a mini-game.

- Turn the plate on the far left (1).
- Turn the plate on the far right (2).
- Examine the Coins on the wall (D).
- Put the COIN from your inventory on the Coins on the Wall to trigger a mini-game.

- There are many possible solutions; the screenshot shows one example.
22: Train
- Zoom in on the transit map to trigger a mini-game.

- Start with the station marked ’0′.
- Your goal each time is to click on the previous station in the route, the one whose directions will reach the station you just clicked on.
- There is only one possible answer each time.
- W = West (left), E = East (right), N = North (up) and S = South (down).
- So 3E means move 3 spaces right. 1S means move 1 space down.
- Each button can only be used once. When a button is used, it gets a red ring around it.
- You must use all the buttons.
- The solution for the grid as shown is:
- E4, E3, E5, B5, B3,
- B2, E2, E1, D1, A1,
- B1, B4, C4, C5, D5,
- D3, D4, A4, A3, C3,
- C1, C2, D2, A2, A5.
23: James’ Office
- Read the letters on the desk.
24: Police Station

- Collect the items on the Find List.
- The ‘Flask’ is a glass of milk on the right side.
- The ‘Milk’ is the carton on the copy machine.
- The ‘Trinket’ is the small brown item next to the knife on the desk.
25: Bob’s House

- Collect the items on the Find List.
- Read the DOCUMENT (A) on the right table.
- Put the LIST on the MONEY (B) on the bed. They match!
- After you have collected everything, exit to the Garden (C). This will trigger a mini-game.

- This game is a variation of Fox and Hounds.
- Your men can only move forward. The villain can move in any direction.
- The instructions say you have to ‘surround’ the villain, but as long as they have no remaining moves, you win.
- The screenshot shows a typical winning method.
- There are many ways to win. There is no one solution because the villain gets to choose their moves each time.
- Use the RESET button if you want to start over.
- When the mini-game is over, you will see the police up ahead. Click anywhere to start the final dialogue.
- Congratulations! You have completed Detective Agency 2: Banker’s Wife!