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How to find the 'Minecraft' level in 'Borderlands 2'

In case you’ve been hiding in a cave somewhere far away from civilization, you should know that Borderlands 2 is now available.  Last night, an easter egg was discovered for the game that showcased a Minecraft-style level available within the game.

You may be asking yourself how exactly you access that level, and we’re here to tell you.  YouTube user bK2iNsAn3x has put together an awesome guide showcasing step-by-step how to access the secret spot.

Before accessing this portion of the game, you’ll need to make sure that you’re a decent level and have completed a good bit of missions.  We’d personally recommend that you’re at least a level 20 before attempting this mission.

What do you think about the hidden Minecraft level in the game?  What other cool easter eggs have you discovered?  Be sure to let us know what you think by leaving us a comment below, or discuss Borderlands 2 in our forums.