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How to get more 'Borderlands 2' Golden Keys!

borderlands 2 salvador concept art (1)

Those who preordered Borderlands 2 from GameStop or signed up for the new SHiFT feature may have noticed some Golden Keys sitting in their inventory. These keys can be used to open the golden chest which resides in Sanctuary near the fast travel station. Each of the keys will give you one shot at the loot inside. What’s inside? We haven’t used any of our codes to find out, but the general consensus is that it contains rares.

It’s worth noting that the rewards scale to your level, meaning you probably don’t want to use any of your keys until you hit the level cap at level 50. Doing so earlier will mean that you’ll outrank your rare weapon and it will become useless.

How do I get more, you ask? Currently the only way that you can snag yourself more of these keys is through , where Gearbox Software President, Randy Pitchford is currently running the system through it’s paces.

For example, today they gave away 101 keys with each redemption netting you ten keys, yesterday, he gave away 1100 keys with each redemption only snagging you one. Rather than post hundreds of different codes, he’s been posting a single code which is only valid for a certain amount of redemption. This means that the keys go away a lot quicker. Rather than having to scavenge through a big list of codes to find a single one that works, everyone knows exactly which one to use.

Missed out on the action? No worries, there will be plenty of codes to go around in the coming days.


Have you redeemed any of your keys yet? If so, let us know what you snagged!