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Mass Effect 3s Obsession With Celebrity Talent
2015-12-11 12:04:28
Top 10 WTF Mods For Skyrim
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The Best Gaming Podcast Ever: Episode 23
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In Defense of Heavy Rain
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Memorial Service: Remembering Alan Wake
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A World Without Borders
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BioWare Brainstorming: How Jessica Chobot Joined the Cast of Mass Effect 3
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Majami Hirozs Five Amazing 8-Bit Video Game Demakes
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Samsung Delivers Hybrid Action with the Galaxy Flash Note
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Living in a Post-Genre World: Why Gaming Needs Better Categories
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Winter Isnt Coming: Why I Dont Believe Skyrim Is Cold
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Top 5 Best MMORPGs of 2012
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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Gets Rave Reviews
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Its More Than Just the Dragons
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The Best Gaming Podcast Ever: Episode 24
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Time Ducks: A Little Praise for a Little Game
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The Beauty of the Best Graphics Engines of 2011
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Absolute Zero - The Freezing Point of Games
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Where Are We Headed, and Why?
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Are You People Insane? Addressing The Double Fine Kickstarter Controversy
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Double Fines Kickstarter Effect: What Happens Next?
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The Princess and the Knight: Companion Games and Missed Opportunities
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How Talkies Killed Good Storytelling
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Top 25 Holy Shit Gaming Glitches of All Time
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10 Fantastic Soul Calibur 5 Character Creations
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Top 10 Hottest Guys in Gaming
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Videogames: Hostile Environmental Conditions
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Immunity: The Fairest Super Power of Them All
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The Killer is Behind the Door!
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Meaningless Choices: Skyrim and Intrinsic Motivation
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How to Scare People and Lose Friends - With Horror Game Design
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Top 5 Settings Wed Like to See in Assassins Creed III
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Three Cute Pets Playing Videogames
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Scores Kill Jobs: Why Game Criticism Needs a Change
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A Story by any Other Means - Storytelling in LA Noire
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5 Final Fantasy Characters Who Really Deserved Their Own Spin-Off Game
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Collective Denial: Mass Effect Jumped the Shark
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Top 5 Twisted Metal Fails
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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - An Odd, But Beautiful Beast
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Blockbuster Fatigue: Why AAA Games Could Be Better
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The Hard Way: A Lesson for Hepler
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Mass Effect 3 Demo: A Bad First Impression
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Unacceptable: Mass Effect 3 Strips Core Content for Paid DLC
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Nip and Tuck: Because Even Our Avatars Could be Better Looking
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A Little Praise for a Little Game: ZiGGURAT
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Top 5 Best PS Vita Launch Games
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The Silver Screen Treatment - Why Fans and Producers Should Rethink Demand for Videogame Movies
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Rage Quit and Try Again
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Mass Effect 3: Extended Demo Impressions
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Alan Wakes American Nightmare: Is It Worth It?
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