The Absolute Worst SSD Myth That You Shouldn't Believe

Solid State Drives (SSDs) are great, but there are still too many people who aren’t willing to pick them over more familiar Hard Disk Drives (HDDs). That’s because there are several myths surrounding SSDs, and one in particular that’s notorious: the myth that SSDs aren’t durable.

While it’s true that SSDs can handle only a finite number of writes, there are several other factors at play in deciding how far the life of an SSD will stretch. To understand SSDs better, the people at The Tech Report conducted a hardcore comparison of six SSDs of various brands. Each SSD responded differently to the tests, but all of them led to the same conclusion:

Yes, SSDs do die, but by the end, they all write several terabytes of data minimum. That’s more data than average consumers like you and I could realistically need.

The bottom line is that you’ll still need to be serious about backing up data on a SSD. But you can let go of the fear that SSDs aren’t durable and take advantage of the increased speed and performance they offer. You can even increase the lifespan of SSDs with tools and optimization tricks.

Don’t let the myths floating around stop you from making the transition, but do consider these five things before you buy an SSD.

What was the worst myth that you believed about SSDs? We’d love to hear about it in the comments!

Image Credit: Hands holding fast flash SSD by Hadrian via Shutterstock