Xbox 360 Slim System Error and Power Button Red light Fix

Getting a System Error on to your Xbox 360 Slim and want to know the solution for it? Then read the guide below which gives you a detailed explanation regarding the cause of the problem and many possible solutions for the same.

Symptoms of the problem:

On switching ON the Xbox 360 Slim it displays a message in many different languages "System Error. Contact Xbox Customer Support." In addition to this a red light on the center of power button is illuminated (No blinking and flashing).

Cause of the problem:

On most occassions this error is caused due to poor connection of Xbox 360 Slim and the accessories connected. It is also caused if there is some problem with the console itself.

Solution 1: Disconnecting the Accessories

  • Disconnect all the accessories connected to the Xbox 360 Slim even the power supply. After disconnecting everthing from the console wait for sometime and reconnect them.
  • After reconnecting switch ON the console, if the power light is green than it indicates that previously one of the accessory were not working or were not connected properly. To figure out the accessory which caused this problem turn OFF your console and add each accessory to the console one at a time. Switching the console ON and back OFF after each connection of accessory.
  • Suppose you connected a specific accessory switched ON your console and power light is Red, it implies that the accessory is faulty and requires a replacement.

Solution 2: Remove Hard Disk Drive:

Switch off your Xbox 360 Slim and remove your hard disk drive, then again switch your console ON. If your console now flashes a green light then it implies that your hard disk requires a replacement, if it still shows red light then switch to solution 3.


Solution 3: Request a repair

If all the above solutions do not work for your Xbox 360 Slim than it needs a repairing at the Microsoft Service Center.