The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Boat Speed Guide: Controls For How To Activate Boat's Fast and Max Speed

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Boat Speed Guide: Controls For How To Activate Fast and Max Speed Revealed On PS4, Xbox One and PC. I am sure not many of you are aware of the fact that in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt players have two fast speeds options available when piloting a boat. This two fast speeds options is very similar to how Roach has two sprint speeds "Canter and Full-on" Sprint.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Now here's how to use Two Fast Speeds on Boat in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (as discovered by Reddit user frankenbean). Hold "Sprint" (this means "X" on PS4's DualShock 4 controller, A on Xbox One controller and Shift or Alt on PC Keyboard) to go regular fast speed, or you can double tap to go max speed.

Here is what "frankenbean" posted on Reddit:

"It seems like you have two fast speeds available when piloting a boat, similar to how Roach has two sprint speeds (canter and full-on sprint). Hold "sprint" (X on my Dual Shock, probably A on XBOX controller, maybe Shift or Alt on keyboard) to go regular fast speed, or double tap to go max speed."

Try this out and let us know in the comment section how this worked for you.

Source: Reddit