Star Wars: Battlefront List of all the Vehicles

Vehicles in Star Wars: Battlefront Beta are amazingly good. In fact, each vehicle has its own abilities to attack and defend. This list even includes the walkers and the starships which are majorly used in battle. So here are the List of all the Star Wars: Battlefront Beta Vehicles.

Star Wars Battlefront Beta

The List of Vehicles is divided into sections according to the enemies and abilities. These vehicles have not yet seems to have any upgrades in Beta, but once the game is out we add them in our guide list.

Walkers Vehicles


This Giant walker can be used as the gunner in Walker Assault mission. If you're lucky enough to get this pickup, then it can do a massive damage in the battle. The rate of fire is slow and moves on rails with longer cooldowns.


Small Laser Connon
Mounted on the Left side of the head and best at targeting enemies quicker.

Big Laser Cannon
The Laser is mounted below the head and best with tough targets

Orbital Strike
Used for total destruction and is know as the top ability.



This smaller walker can be used as the gunner in Walker Assault mission. Unlike the AT-ATs, the AT-STs are pretty resilient to the blaster fire and a powerful shot blasters.


Concussion Grenade Launcher
Launches 3 grenades at a time.
CoolDown: 5 Seconds

Homing Missiles
Launches a Projectile at a time.
CoolDown: 10 Seconds


Rebels Vehicles (Hangers)


A-Wings are very useful during the Fighters Squadron and Walker Assault battle. They have blasters, missiles and not to forget the special shield power-up which can avoid certain amount damage.


Provides you with temporary shield
Cooldown: 15 Seconds

Concussion Missiles
Locks your target and then fire.
Cooldown: 20 Seconds



X-Wings are also very useful during the Fighters Squadron and Walker Assault battle like the A-Wing. The abilities are same such as the blasters, missiles and not to forget the special shield power-up which can avoid certain amount damage as the A-Wing does.


Provides you with temporary shield
CoolDown: 15 Seconds

Proton Torpedoes
Locks your target and then fire.
CoolDown: 20 Seconds


T-17 Airspeeder/Snowspeeder:

A Rare power-up in Walker Assault mission you can hunt for. If you're with rebels and you have this power-up then you can use the special ability of snow speeder to towline takedown on the AT-ATs.


Speed Boost
Temporary Boost the speed to max.
CoolDown: 15 Seconds

Sensor Jammer
Temporarily Makes you invisible on enemies radar by jamming nearby Sensors
CoolDown: 15 Seconds

A Rear weapon used to take down AT-AT
CoolDown: N/A


Millennium Falcon:

Millennium Falcon is a limited timer vehicle but very destructive by nature - the Hero Starfighter for the Rebels in Fighter Squadron mode.


Provides you with temporary shield
Cooldown: 15 Seconds

Concussion Missiles
A Rocket that locks the target and then deploy the explosive.
CoolDown: 5 Seconds

Speed Boost
Temporary Boost the speed to max and let you get away from the situation.
CoolDown: 15 Seconds


Empire Vehicles

TIE Fighter:

An uncertain shaped vehicle, TIE Fighter can be used in Walker Assault and the Fighter Squadron. The Cockpit view is nasty due to its shape, but talking about the power it has a blaster and heavy weapon with a speed boost power-up.


Speed Boost
Temporary Boost the speed to max from ion engines.
CoolDown: 15 Seconds

Ion Cannon
A powerful Weapons used to provide critical damage.
CoolDown: 20 Seconds


TIE Interceptor:

Similar to the TIE Fighter with an uncertain shape vehicle, TIE Interceptor can be used in Walker Assault and the Fighter Squadron. The powers are same as the Fighter, it has a blaster and heavy weapon with a speed boost power-up.


Speed Boost
Temporary Boost the speed to max from ion engines.
CoolDown: 15 Seconds

Ion Cannon
A powerful Weapons used to provide critical damage.
CoolDown: 20 Seconds


Slave 1:

Like the Millennium Falcon for Rebels, Slave 1 is also a limited timer vehicle but very destructive by nature - the Hero Starfighter for the Empires in Fighter Squadron mode.


Proton Torpedoes
A Powerful Projectile that locks your target and then fire.
CoolDown: 5 Seconds

Ion Cannon
Ion  weapon used against the enemies
CoolDown: 20 Seconds

Sensor Jammer
Temporarily Makes you invisible on enemies radar by jamming nearby Sensors
CoolDown: 15 Seconds


Below is the List of vehicles which are a vital part of the game, but cannot be driven.


The Y-Wing appears as an AI to help Rebels in Walker Assault. They keep bombarding the AT-ATs leaving a huge amount of damage also lower their shield.


Imperial Shuttle:

During Fighter Squadron, there is an objective to either defend or attack the Imperial Shuttle. 


Also, have a Look at our Complete List of All Turrets and Power-Ups Guide.