Transformers Devastation How to unlock Wheeljack and Grimlock

Transformers Devastation Features five playable Autobots Character: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Wheeljack, and Grimlock respectively. The First three are available by default, but you need to unlock Grimlock and Wheeljack to make them Playable in the game. This Transformers Devastation Guide will provide you details on how to unlock characters in the game.

Transformers Devastation

A lot of Transformers fans are going to crack Grimlock and Wheeljack which are part of the 5 powerful playable characters in the game. So if you want to hands on Grimlock and Wheeljack you need to follow the steps given below.

How to Unlock Wheeljack

To unlock Wheeljack, you need to complete First Chapter with any difficulty. Completing the Chapter One also includes the every mission and make sure to avoid making the mistake of skipping any mission. One you begin with Chapter Two you'll have Wheeljack unlocked and can be selected from the Arc.


How to Unlock Grimlock

To unlock Grimlock, you need to complete Second Chapter with any difficulty. Completing the Chapter One also includes the every mission and make sure to avoid making the mistake of skipping any mission or else the Chapter will be incomplete. 


Once you successfully completed the First 2 Chapters, you'll open the Arc and in the Arc Menu you'll see equip weapon and tech, weapon synthesis and switch character, select Switch Character and there is how you can select Grimlock or Wheeljack or any other Character.